Ladies Night

Winter Meadow (A WenRene Collection)
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“Yeah, so before we found out she just lost her phone, I for real thought she got kidnapped.” 

Irene squints. “Wha– Yeri? What, why would you—”

“No, yeah and I was seriously about to call the cops on her uncle.” Yeri dips her spoon into the sugary buttercream of their shared vanilla slice. “I mean he’s really nice, but y’know… just statistically.”

A disgruntled huff sounds from Yeri as her criminal intellect is blatantly ignored yet again because her unnie is too busy turning her head to the cashier for what the younger girl swears is the millionth time today. So she addresses the elephant in the room with a mouthful of cake. “Yah, unnie, if you really want to hit her up that bad just use your legs and go.”

“Hit— hit her up? What are you even talking about?” Joohyun whips round and glares daggers at a blasé Yeri, who just leans back and regards her with a brow raised. 

“Am I wrong, though?” 

Furious peonies blush in Irene’s cheeks as she scrambles to defend herself. “Aish, did you have to say it like that? You look at me like I just want to bed her or something.”

The effect is instant. Yeri chokes on her cake which has Irene hurriedly reaching over to pat her back to life. “Unnie, unnie,” she begs, finally clearing , “please promise never to say that again. You’re trying to flirt with her, not make her think you’re two spicy mayo dips away from the geriatric ward.” 

Yeri artfully dodges a back-of-the-head smack from a dumbfounded Irene for that one. The latter scorns the cheeky grin still plastered on her dongsaeng’s smug face. “I’m leaving you to choke and die next time, Yeri-ah.”

“Ooh, scawwy! Pwease, someone, help!” The most punchable expression pairs with Yeri’s annoying aegyo. And Irene probably would’ve punched her too, if not for an attention-grabbing interaction taking place at the cash register.

“Shh, hang on, hang on,” Irene shushes, eyes tunnelled in on a certain pair of pink lips and bright eyes, “what do you think’s going on between her and that customer?”

Yeri pauses the dramatics and glances over before shrugging. “Uh, I dunno. Looks like she’s helping some woman decide what dessert to get. So like, she’s doing her jo—”

“Yeah, but that customer was just laughing,” Irene interrupts with furrowed brows. A few obscuring strands of hair come

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i'm sorry ok. unnie kink. but i'm not functioning as i should normally so can u blame me???


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Riscark #1
Chapter 1: Just yeri opening up all joohyun's cards there 🤣
Chapter 2: The drunk Seungwan is so adorable
Chapter 3: Woah
WluvsBaetokki #4
Chapter 3: xiiiiiiiiiiii
Chapter 2: so cute!!!
Chapter 1: Uhmm Joohyun? hahaha you fell hard for Seungwan huh
Chapter 3: Woh
Riscark #8
Chapter 3: 😳😳😳 I mean Joohyun is a whole baby whenever she's acting around Seungwan irl too, so honestly if Seungwan is the older one, I bet she'd worse than Sooyoung being clingy to Seungwan
Chapter 3: hot af
aglaonema #10
Chapter 3: Oh wow