Money for Sale


The story revolves around 4 filthy rich women. Rich as they may seem, but you don't know what they hide behind their so-called-innocous facade. Until "these" men came crashing in their amicable lives.

A Man Hater! A so-called-innocent NERD. A ? A Techie Genius "sHE".

*This story may contain a LOT of KPOP idol CAMIOs; that would include DBSK, SHINee, Super Junior, BIGBANG, 2NE1, Lee MinHo and even SNSD? as the story dominates the lives of the fictional characters.*



           The .        The Man Hater.       The Nerd.           The sHE.
           22 years old          20 years old         19 years old           23 years old
                   Keiko Yoshioka           Shin Min Rin               Park Yumi            Kim Min Cha / CYON
and THESE men came. . .


NOTE:This may CONTAIN RATED chapters that are NOT suitable for your I-assume-still-innoccent-minds; consider yourself WARNED.





*to be edited soon


A Man Hater! A so-called-NERD. A ? A techie genius. What do you expect?

Four women that are bound by friendship. A friendship that lasted for years. Despite their irreconcibility, the four of them managed to live together, in a house. House that's bought by their own money, shared after they have successfully finished college. Money will never be their problem. They are rich. Some are heirs of the biggest corporation in the market; some are the next generation yakuzas; and others are the next owner of world renowned website.

She who has despised men since then. You would even think she's a deaconess. Who would have thought she has this traumatic past?

The youngest you would always seen beig towered by books, always with her "bestfriends" but who would have thought that this NERD does something abstruse at night? *no sorry, she's not a . :|*

She who would always looks gorgeous, prestine, coated by her branded "bestfriends" widely known as; Louis Vitton, Burberry, D&G, True Religion and more to mention; she would always stand out, pretigious as she may seem, but na-ah, she sleeps with every man that would qualify her taste. *a Yariman I suppose?*

and sHE, that would rather sulk in HIS "world" than socializing with people, maniplulating progams, techies and other jargons a normal human would never undrestand. sHE sleeps with GIRLS. GIRLS are what sHE wants.

Until these men arrived and change their lives.

There are actually 4 chapters in this, and I don't know where they went. ;___; Guess I have to revise.


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people probably just comment to get karma ._.
Congrats on getting featured with the new retarded system aff has!
You're totally going to see this message because you've totally logged on in the past year.

Okay, people who go around commenting on every featured story, seriously go stick your fist up yourself and realize what you're doing with your life. There needs to be more smart people on Earth and none of you are helping.
Sounds good!
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Congratulations on getting featured~ (:
ELFishxeunhae #6
Congrats on the feature ^^
baekyeols #8