The Tragedy of the Year 2001 (Cont'd)

BaekDo Endgame

1 month later...

Paris CDG Airport: 

Baek Yi Jin

I hurried out the departure gate. I had barely gotten any sleep on the flight, because I was so nervous and worried. Hee Do said she wouldn't be in Korea this month, so I decided I would come and meet her instead. I got news from Ko Yu Rim that she'd be competing at the World Open Championships over at the Grand Palais stadium today, so I flew over directly from New York instead of going back to Seoul. I needed to let her know how important she is to me, I cannot lose her. 

Grand Palais Stadium

Na Hee Do

Focus. I told myself as I inhaled sharply. Sweat drips down my face, and I remove my mask for a moment to breathe. I glance sideways at my opponent. I need to win this, I want to win this. I put on my mask again, and get into postion.

En garde. Pretes. Allez. The referee gave the signal. I charged forward with my sword, the one that Baek Yi Jin painted for me. I believe in him who believes in me. Up against a strong opponent, I must be even stronger. I summon every bit of strength in my body, and lept forward, the tip of my sword just brushing across my opponent's front. Beep! The scoreboard rings. Touche. Attaque. Point. The referee signals that I got the final point. Victory. I lept up in joy. Shortly after, I composed myself. Attention. Salut. I raised my sword to salute my opponent, and then turned to bow to the audience.

Wait, Baek Yi Jin? I squinted my eyes to get a closer look and make sure that I'm not hallucinating. Wasn't he supposed to be in Korea to prepare for his deployment? Why is he here? 

I jumped off the stage and walked towards him with trepidation. I'm still in disbelief that this is real. I thought that I wouldn't be able to see him this summer at all. But he's here. And that makes all the wait and misery fade into the background together with the rest of the audience. My gaze is on him and him alone. He looks good on the tv screen, but wow he looks even better in person. Tears well up in my eyes, as I thought about just how much I have missed him. 

He's walking towards me, his eyes bright with tears as well. Finally, after so long, we are standing face-to-face with each other again.

"Hee Do ah... I missed you." His voice cracked a little.

There is so much that I want to say, but at the same time, I didn't know where to start. 

"I know that I have been a disappointing boyfriend these few months. I should have discussed with you about applying for the position in New York."

I only nodded in response. 

"But I came here today to let you know how important you are to me. You are my starlight, the one who keeps me going through it all. When I was faced with corpses and survivors looking for their missing loved ones in New York, you are my only source of strength. You, just by being in my life, have already comforted me so much, so please don't think that I love you any less just because I haven't been telling you about my days over there." 

That. That was the acknowledgement I needed. It's the same for me too. Just the knowledge that he's rooting for me, gives me more motivation to train even harder. So that I can show myself to him no matter which part of the world he was in. 

"Honestly, the days there are horrible. The society there has fallen to shambles, and there's no end in sight to all this suffering. I don't want to put this burden on you Hee Do, because you are too precious to me. I love you." He whispered as he took one more step towards me, and gathered me in his arms.

I broke. All the anger, disappointment and frustration I had harboured inside of me these past few months flowed out in the form of tears as I sobbed in his arms. 

-- End of Chapter. Stay tuned for more! --

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ILoveHyunee #1
Chapter 1: Looking forward to reading it 🥺
xxkyungie #2
Chapter 1: Hello! Authornim looking forward on your endgame of baekdo couple after the last episode it makes my heartache thinking about the ending of 2521. After episode 14 many of it's viewers already anticipated about the ending but watching it end like that just makes me very sad. Fighting!!!