The Tragedy of the Year 2001

BaekDo Endgame

Baek Yi Jin's POV

"Notice of Transfer: New York Correspondent --> Baek Yi Jin" I stared at the piece of paper in my hands in utter disbelief. I had applied for the position thinking that I probably wouldn't get it since there would more qualified people out there vying for such a position. But then I guess no one wants to stay in New York during this kind of times.

"Congratulations. I'm glad this position will go to someone worthy and reliable." My superior for the past few months said to me with a smile on his face. It feels good to be acknowledged. The past few months I have witnessed how the world can come crashing down in a split second. The second the planes crashed into the building, the entire world was shaken to its core, and it would never be the same again. To be deployed here to New York, the center of all this, at this time... It was living hell at first, but as a reporter I know that this is my duty. I am still in pain myself, relying on sleeping pills or alcohol to put myself to sleep, but maybe this is the process I have to go through to become a real reporter. 

"Why would you apply here? Nobody else wants this position. How about your family at home?" My sunbae asked with a slight tone of concern in his voice. 

The truth is, I don't know. I guess I just still harbour hope that the world can get back on its feet again. My girlfriend once said that I'll lead the world to a better place, and that has kept me going through all of this. I don't want to disappoint her, and I want to return to her as a successful reporter whom she can be proud of. But how would she take this news? Will she cry? Sometimes I feel so bad that my job requires me to sacrifice so much time with her. Turning up late for dates, cancelling on our anniversary trip last minute, and now I won't be able to see her for months on end once I settle down here... The guilt eats me up every time I look at the photo of her on the beach at my bedside table, I miss her so much... But she has always been the one to lead me to a better place. She has always been my rock and my sanctuary, I just hope that she'll support me on this decision.


Na Hee Do's POV

Ring, ring...

I took a glance at my vibrating phone. Incoming call: Baek Yi Jin...

I hesitated for a second before taking a deep breath and flipping my phone open. To be honest, the past few months have been hard on me. I can only anticipate the daily news every day, hoping to catch a glance of my Baek Yi Jin. He looks so tired and lethargic, like he hasn't been getting any sleep. And he has lost so much weight too. But every time he calls, he just tells me that all is fine and asks about how my training has been going, and my upcoming competitions. I know he's going through a tough time, who wouldn't be when they're deployed to the heart of this tragedy? I want to listen to him talk about how difficult it is, I want to shoulder the burden with him, but when he tells me all is fine, all I can say to him is "Hwaiting Baek Yi Jin", which I don't think does much for him at all. Our calls have been getting shorter and shorter, and my memories of all our precious dates has been fading. He told me he'll be back on New Year's Eve, so I've been ticking off the days in my calendar. I can't wait to see him again, to run into his arms again.

"Hee Do, I'll be back in Korea next month..." What! So soon? Is this for real? Did something happen? I can't decide if I was feeling elated that he's coming back early, or being bugged by my premonition that this may not be good news.

"To settle everything before I get deployed to New York." My heart sank, and I could hear his heavy heart over the phone too. My first instinct was anger and frustration. He failed to keep his promise again! I'll be lonely on New Year's Eve again! How could he make this decision without even talking to me?"

"Are you sure about this?" I muttered, trying to hold back my tears. 

"Hee Do... This place is living hell to me, and I feel so lost. But if this is living hell, I want to convey the state of things here accurately to the rest of the world. Then maybe we could prevent it from happening again, and the world could become a better place."

My Baek Yi Jin is always like this. Sacrificing himself for the benefit of others. It's one of the things I love so much about him, but hate so much sometimes too. 

"Why didn't you discuss about this with me beforehand?"

"Hee Do... I'm sorry. I miss you... You are the one who keeps me going every single day."

"Yi Jin ah, I don't want our love to be you feeling sorry for me all the time. And I'll be in Europe next month for back-to-back competitions, so I won't be able to meet you when you come back." With that, I hung up. I needed some time to think. He's always apologising, but the truth is, I know that he feels a sense of duty in whatever he's doing, and I want our relationship to be one which can supplement him with light and happiness in his life just like a rainbow, not one that requires him to apologise to me all the time. What should I do now?


-- Stay Tuned for the next chapter! I'll be updating at least 2-3 times a week so do check back regularly! --

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ILoveHyunee #1
Chapter 1: Looking forward to reading it 🥺
xxkyungie #2
Chapter 1: Hello! Authornim looking forward on your endgame of baekdo couple after the last episode it makes my heartache thinking about the ending of 2521. After episode 14 many of it's viewers already anticipated about the ending but watching it end like that just makes me very sad. Fighting!!!