My Love

My Love


As she stood in the white blanket of snow, her long, soft, brown hair danced in the chilly wind. She put her delicate hands in the pockets of her white jacket. Her lips, so red and precious. Her face, so flawless and beautiful. She must be the symbol of an angel, must she?


As I walked to her perfect figure, I shake with nervousness and cold. She doesn’t move. She just smiles out at the soft flakes of snow dancing in the wind. Her eyes, they seem to be the symbol of the sun. Even though it is the winter and everything is cold, she is warm. She is the sun. The one who lights up the world as if the world is dark and she is the one who will light it up.


She is breath taking. My heart beats fast and hard when I am near her. How can someone be so beautiful?


“~~~~~~~~.” I say in a low, soft voice. I don’t want to disturb the angel in front of me.


“I am praying.” She whispers and clasps her hands together and hangs her head. Her eyelashes cascade down her eyes. She looks like an angel sent down from heaven on this cold winters night. After a while she opens she big, blue eyes, which are like the ocean. So mysterious yet so beautiful at the same time. She unclasps her hands and looks at me with soft eyes. “Yes Leeteuk?” She says in her sweet, soft voice.


“It’s cold out here. Come inside.” I hold out my white-gloved hand to her and she chuckles.


“You are so caring Leeteuk.” I look up at her smiling face. I smile too. “Thank you.” She says with a slight laugh. “But I think I might stay out here for a while.” She turned back to face the dark, night sky. The only thing lighting up this night is the blanket of snow and her, all dressed in white. “Which is your favourite season?” She asked, her eyes still on the night sky.


“Winter.” I say and stand next to her. I slowly move closer and closer to her until she laughs.


“What are you trying to do Leeteuk?” She turned to me with a smile. Her smile made my heart jump. I smile in nervousness and rub the back of my neck. “You are so gorgeous.” She says and I perk up.


“You think I’m gorgeous?” I ask and she nods.


“You act all shy when you get caught out. It’s gorgeous.” I smiled even bigger at her. “I have something for you.” She whispered and took something out of her jacket pocket. It was some sort of trinket. It was gold and looked old. It had a gold rose on the front and the trinket was attached to a long gold chain. “Take good care of it.” She said and took my right hand. “Wear it always.” She put it in my gloved hand and curled my fingers over it. Her touch, it was so warm and inviting. I wanted to take her and hug her tight. She was so sweet and beautiful.


“I will.” I whispered with big, curious eyes. I waned to know who she was. I only knew her name yet she made me want to know her more and she made me feel safe.


“Now I must go.” She said softly and my smiled turned into a pleading look.


“Why?” I asked in a hurry. I don’t want her to go. She is beautiful. She is mine, is she not?


“I have other duties I must attend to.” She wrapped her white-gloved hands over my hand with the trinket in it. “I will always be watching.” She whispered and slowly turned into snowflakes. Her grip on my hand slowly disappeared and she disappeared in the wind.


“I love you.” I whispered and longing looked into the dark, snowflake covered sky and felt a warm tear slide down my rosy cheek. “My angel.” I whispered and closed my eyes and clutched onto the trinket. “Mine….”

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chocolat_hyuk #1
This is just so sweet~ <333
Leeteuk~ <333
Oh my gosh i love this it was so greatly detailed and gosh there are no words :} Awesome job
OMIGOSH~! I love Leeteuk! Looking forward to this oneshot! Hwaiting! ^^