

“Yeji-ah, it’s getting colder so lets go home, okay?” Lia said, the members had been playing at the park with the young girl, the older four finally deciding it was time to go home when the temperatures began to drop. Yeji agreed, probably all tuckered out from playing.


She held Chaeryeong’s hand on the way to the car, almost falling asleep while walking. Seeing this, Chaeryeong decided to carry Yeji instead.


The car ride home was peaceful, quiet music playing in the background which all the members tried their hardest to not fall asleep to. “We’re home” Ryujin says, gently shaking everyone’s shoulders to wake them. The girls groan, stretching as much as they could in the limited space.


Evening came quicker than expected, Lia ushering everyone inside after taking a quick glance at the dark sky.



Yeji was left alone in Chaeryeong’s room, the older girl busy washing up in the bathroom. She made sure to leave the door ajar to keep an eye on Yeji but it was slightly difficult when her face was covered in foam and her clumsy self kept getting product in her eyes. Meanwhile the younger girl was sat on her bed, clad in her cat pyjamas while staring out the window that looked out into the street.


There wasn’t anything particularly interesting happening at 7pm except for a few cars coming and going. Somehow it was still entertaining for the toddler, who was really close to the window. “Yejinnie, don’t dirty the window, okay?”


“Okay~” Yeji answered, backing up from the window. She was about to go and play when something caught her eye. Was it a person? Animal? Whatever it was it moved wuickly and the young girl was not about to let it disappear. She got closer again, squinting to focus on the mysterious moving figure.


It seemed to have a long body…tail…yellow eyes? Pointy ears?


Ahh! A monster!


Yeji ran into the bathroom, shaking Chaeryeong’s leg furiously. This startled the older girl who yelped in response. “What’s wrong Yeji!? Are you okay?” 


“Unnie! There’s monster outside!” Puzzled, Chaeryeong stopped panicking and tilted her head. 


“A monster?”


“Yes! Look!” Yeji cried, tugging her unnie to where she was sat on the bed. Intrigued by whatever Yeji meant by monster, Chaeryeong peered out the window.


Indeed Chaeryeong saw something but it was far from a monster. It was a cat.


“There’s nothing to be scared of Yejinnie, it’s just a little cat, not a monster” Chaeryeong said, looking back at the teary eyed toddler. “Aww you poor thing~ you must’ve been really scared, huh?” Yeji nodded. “Come, it’s your bedtime, why don’t you say goodnight to Mr kitty down there?”



Most of the girls had retreated back into their rooms so nobody noticed that Chaeryeong and Yeji had slipped downstairs to see the mysterious cat. Thankfully the cat stayed in the same spot during the time Chaeryeong and Yeji were making their way down so their efforts didn’t go to waste.


Yeji approached the cat slowly, still cautious of what she’d thought to be a monster.


She shakily raised her small hand, reaching out to pet the small animal. Luckily for them, the cat wasn’t hostile, leaning in and nuzzling the small girl’s hand.


“See? Mr kitty doesn’t want you to be scared of him, Yejinnie” Yeji nodded. She was allowed to pet the cat for a few minutes before they eventually needed to head upstairs for bed.


Yeji cuddled up to Chaeryeong. “Still think kitties are scary?” She whispered.


“No, they’re…fluffy and nice” Yeji said, yawning.


“Goodnight Yejinnie” Yeji replied with a sleepy hum.

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Jeindall777 #1
Chapter 1: Why did Lia call Ryujin unnie, isn't she older than her
1200 streak #2
Chapter 1: It's so cute 😭😭