Mini Leader


Ryujin, eyes still closed, furrowed her eyebrows. There was some sort of weight on her stomach and she wondered if she’d gotten pranked again while asleep. Rubbing here eyes, slowly she came to her senses and looked down, heart immediately melting at the sight she was met with.


It was Yeji, who was still a baby, sleeping peacefully. Her cheek was slightly smooshed against Ryujin’s chest but that made her even more cuter as well as the little snores that were leaving her. 


Due to Ryujin moving, Yeji stirred, whining and gripping onto Ryujin’s pyjamas. It was then Yuna came downstairs, cooing at the two of them.


“Should I pick her up? So you can move” she asked. Ryujin nodded, as much as she wanted to stay in her current position for eternity, she really had to use the bathroom. Slowly, Yuna lifted the baby off of her, resting her on her hip.


Yeji whined some more before waking up, her slightly dazed state tugging at Yuna’s heartstrings. She brought her hand up to rub and her eyes but Yuna quickly stopped her, whispering that she shouldn’t rub her eyes.


“But why?”


“Because it’ll hurt and I don’t want you hurt, Yeji-ah” the toddler pouted but listened regardless. Looking at her messy ponytail, the older girl suggested they go and brush it out, Yeji nodded, nuzzling into Yuna’s neck as she was carried upstairs.


The small girl decided she wanted pigtails which made Yuna giddy as she ciuld already tell Yeji would look ridiculously cute with said hairstyle. She was right, of course, and didn’t hesitate to snap a photo, sending it to Itzy’s groupchat a minute later.



A nice surprise came for little Yeji later that day, it was something like Santa Claus but also not. Lia and Chaeryeong with bags filled with toys is close enough to that, right? Either way the toddler was absolutely ecstatic when she peeked inside the bags, shrieking and giggling while holding her new presents while also running around the living room.


“Here let me help you open them” Ryujin said, noticing that the toys were still in their packaging.


“No, mine!” Yeji huffed, moving the toy and backing away from Ryujin. 


“Yejinnie, I’m not going to take them from you, unnie just wants to open them so you can play” Ryujin explained, inwardly cringing at the fact that she referred to herself as unnie to her unnie…well, mini unnie. 


The clogs seemed to turn in the little one’s brain as she handed them over, patiently watching Ryujin snip and tear away at the packaging cross legged. 


“Done?” Yeji asked, excited when Ryujin handed over her fresh out of the box stuffed cat. 


“Tank you ‘yujin” Yeji beamed, ruffling Ryujin’s hair somewhat softly.


The rest of the members settled for discussing their next activities, each of them taking turns on keeping an eye on their mini leader.


There was a point where all 4 of them were deep in discussion, not noticing the twin tail having toddler had snuck off to the kitchen. Yeji couldn’t help it, she was hungry and nobody said she couldn’t have snacks, right? Maybe Ryujin told her not to wander off too far but she didn’t say no snacks so technically she was safe.


Yeji didn’t realise how disadvantaged she was until she made it to the kitchen, unable to see over the counters yet alone reach them. The cabinets were way too high and so was the fridge and nothing yummy was ever stored in the lower cabinets. She stood in the middle of the kitchen pouting, placing her small hands on her hips, what’s one snack that was easily accessible and tasted good?


Oh! Yeji knows!


Ice cream!


The freezer took almost all the toddler’s strength to open, the small girl falling on her once she managed to open it. Despite Yeji letting out an “oomph” she managed to go by unnoticed by her unnie’s who were still engrossed in whatever they were talking about.


It seemed to be the little girl’s lucky day, the ice cream she was looking for happened to be in the bottom drawer which she opened in no time. She giggled to herself and the cool air washed over her, tickling her skin, it was like she was on a snowy mountain except there was no mountain nor snow but it was really cold and she could see cold air blowing from the freezer.


Yeji tried to open the box nicely but her younger state of mind made her more impatient so she ended up ripping the box instead. She didn’t dwell over it too much, Ice cream in hand she ripped off the last layer of packaging and began to eat, smiling to herself thinking of her mission accomplished.


“Guys? Where’s Yeji?” Chaeryeong pointed out. She’d zoned out, staring at where the toddler was previously sitting only to zone back in and notice she was no longer there. Panic settled in as the rest of the members began looking for the child.



Eventually they found their way to the kitchen, all trying their best not to burst out in laughter at the sight.


There sat Yeji, hands behind her back looking guilty as ever. Her eyes looked everywhere and anywhere but the members and was surrounded by a ring of what seemed to be chocolate. Not to mention the open freezer door and drawer, ripped ice cream box missing one cone and ice cream wrapper left forgotten next to the small girl’s leg.


“Yejinnie…” Ryujin started.


“Did you have some ice cream?” Chaeryeong asked. Blood quickly rushed to the toddler’s cheeks and ear as she quickly shook her head.


“No!” The 4 girls eyed Yeji in silence, knowing it’d only taker her 30 seconds to give in.


Thirty seconds pass.


“…Yes…” Yeji admitted, looking down in shame.


“Next time you should ask us to get it for you, okay? It’s not nice to sneak behind unnie’s backs, right Yeji-ah?” Yeji pouted and nodded.


“Yeji’s sorry unnie’s” she sniffled.


“It’s alright Yeji-ah, go with Ryujin unnie to clean up okay?” Yuna said. Yeji nodded, taking Ryujin’s hand to be led upstairs.


The 3 girls dealt with the mess in the kitchen, giggling about the situation once the toddler was out of earshot.


Ryujin grunted as she lifted Yeji atop the sink, gently wiping her face with a wipe. She then moved to her hands which were also sticky with ice cream. 


“Was the ice cream yummy, Yejinnie?” Ryujin asked, Yeji’s face lit up, happy that Ryujin didn’t seem to be angry at her.




“Aww, that’s good, maybe next time we’ll take you out for ice cream instead” Ryujin whispered, kissing both the giddy toddler’s cheeks.


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Jeindall777 #1
Chapter 1: Why did Lia call Ryujin unnie, isn't she older than her
1201 streak #2
Chapter 1: It's so cute 😭😭