Wish you were here

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Author’s POV


Loosing someone you love in just a blink of an eye will kill you inside, it may take time to sink in that the same person that promised you that will stay by your side no matter what is now gone, it may take time for them to move on from that person, especially when the only thing that inform you about it is a piece of paper. It hurts a lot but what can you do about it? What can you do to fight for the love that you cherished when the person didn’t give a chance to fight for it. You just need to accept the fact that they are gone now. maybe you can do something in the future but for now you need to choose yourself.



Sakura is in shock when he read the letter that came from Eunbi, he didn’t believe in it and called her, but no one is answering the phone, he also went to her apartment and all of her things are there except for her clothes and shoes. So, the next thing she do is to call someone that is also close to his girlfriend. “Hello Kkura why are you calling this early my shift starts at 9.”


“Is Yujin with you right now.” His voice is notably shaken and his friend noticed it.


“Yes why? is there any problem” Xiaoting asked in a worried tone.


“Can I talk to her first this is very important.”


“Babe Kkura needs to talk to you.”


“Hello Kkura what can I do for you.”


“Does Eunbi tell you something yesterday?”


“Nothing weird but she told me that I should lead the team while she is out. Oh, she left early yesterday and seems in rush I thought that you are sick again that’s why she is rushing. Why did you ask?”


“She left.” Yujin chuckled on what Sakura said to her.


“Sakura it is too early for pranks, why would she even leave.” she sounds so irritated.


“No, she really left, she left me a letter and all of her clothes are not here.”


“What? Wait I’ll call her.” she then hung up, and Sakura as walking back in fort in his apartment still not sure what to do. After a few more minutes Sakura received a call from ting. “She’s not answering.”


“Yes, I tried calling her. what should we do?”


It takes a few moments before Yujin answered. “Okay let’s go to work first we can’t just stand here and wait for her all day and since she leaves you a letter we can’t report her to the police for a missing person, I’ll call Hyewon if she knows anything I will update ting from time to time.” Yujin suggested.


“But be careful on asking her she is pregnant it is not good for her if she got stressed.”


“Okay, please Sakura don’t do something dumb we are here for you we will solve it together okay?”


Sakura came to work in a rush to get his stocks for the day, he is running late. When he arrived Chaeyeon is already there and getting the stocks from Mr. Kim, after they paid they are already at the storage already fixing some stuffs and preparing for the day. He is already preparing the ingredients but that's not that important to him right now, his mind is still cluttered with Eunbi. He is worried sick on what happened, just last night his cuddling with his girlfriend and now he doesn't know where she is.



"What's bothering you? You are not yourself right now." The clueless friend asked.


"Eunbi left and went back to France."


Chaeyeon frowned. "What? Why? What happened." His attention where shifted to Sakura who's "focusing" on what he is doing.


"I don't know she just left me a letter, I already called her and she didn't answer to us I already asked Yujin about it and she just said that Eunbi is rushing yesterday." It takes time for Chaeyeon to absorb everything.


"But Hyewon didn't tell anything about it."


"Maybe she didn't know. She just left without telling anyone on why she left just told me that there's a personal thing that she will do in France and don't expect that she will comeback nor will contact us because it is useless." His statement is emotionless there's no hint of any emotion, he is overwhelmed right now.



"What the is happening."


"I don't know, you can go now Hyewon is waiting for you. I already something for her last night just re heat it. It is on the fridge."


"Are you sure you're okay?"


Sakura finally looked at his friend and give him a forced smile. "Yes don't worry about me Hyewon needs to eat just go."


Chaeyeon sighed and didn't want to go but Hyewon is waiting for him to come home and eat. Sakura understands that although he needs someone to lean on right now he knows that the pregnant lady is a priority, well he also know that Xiaoting will be there soon. When Xiaoting arrive she tried to comfort Sakura on what happened but he just instructed her to start working and just talk after work.


After their work the group of friend have decided to go to Sakura’s place to talk there, they are with their partners to know what really happened to their friend. Sakura explained and showed his friends the letter that Eunbi left him. They read it and they are really confused on what is happening.


“This doesn’t make sense I already called the main office if there is a problem there but they said that everything is fine.” Yujin told them on what she have gathered earlier.


“But it said that it is some personal matter so maybe they have a family problem.” Hyewon suggested.


“I agree with you but this is bull. I understand that this is an emergency but she can’t tell anyone about it? Even her boyfriend? What kind of person does that, she is my best friend but I don’t tolerate this kind of action!” Everyone inside the room was in shock this is the first time that they saw Yujin get mad.


“Babe calm down.” Ting tried to calm her girlfriend down.


“I am sorry maybe I am just stressed.” Yujin covered her face due to frustration.


“Let’s just hope that everything is fine with Eunbi and let’s hope that she will comeback soon.” The whole time that they are there this is the first time in a while that they heard Sakura. He is just sitting there quietly and observing everything.


Few more hours has passed Sakura’s friend finally left. They tried to comfort him but he is not in his right state right now. he’s just quiet he’s not thinking, his mind is blank as of the moment.


Days and weeks has

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1753 streak #1
Chapter 35: oh so good!!!!!!! i'm happy with the ending, this was a big rollercoaster of emotion!!
1753 streak #2
Chapter 34: oh my goodness!!! so many things happened! but i'm happy for everyone!
1753 streak #3
Chapter 33: woah! mr. kwon my opinion might've changed about you!

and and and what's going on!!?!?!???
yeonniestan94 #4
Chapter 33: A lot going on...
But Mr. Kwon was this strict father who didn't allow Eunbi to own even a phone before Kkura came back, and now he's all supportive? Why did he supposedly deny Eunbi so much?
I don't know if i miss some things but Mr Kwon and Eunbi's relationship needs more work
1753 streak #5
Chapter 32: oh wow wow!! so many things happened so fast!!!
1753 streak #6
Chapter 31: ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

and mr. kwon!!!!! i don't know what to think!!!
1753 streak #7
Chapter 30: O.M.G!!!!!!!!!!!!! He knows! He knows! Sort of lol can’t wait to see/read his reaction!
Chapter 30: OH MY GOD!
so much is happening! I'm excited
I wasnt expecting for that slap from ting lol
thanks for the update
1753 streak #9
Chapter 29: oh boy a backstory for sakura!!! and side story!?!?!?! oh right!!!
Chapter 28: OMG