Breath out

We are breathing river water (loona x hxh au)

Ride back to the land was a quiet affair. The guide told there would be an airship waiting for them at the hore - it will take them to their last phase.

While the atmosphere wasn’t even half as tense as it was on the trip to the island, it felt much milder. Most of them just sat quietly, the exception being only the group of boys plus HyunJin and HeeJin. They shared their experiences and looked quite jovial.

Their voices and tone mixed quite nicely with the waves. Choerry stretched, feeling content.

This Exam was so nice! So fun, and the contestants are really promising.

“Don’t you think so?” she asked approaching Chuu.

That made her pause. “Huh?”

“Contestants this year,” she explained, “hold quite a promise.”

Chuu hummed thoughtfully. “You are right.” She glanced at the remaining examinees. “All of them would be quite the hunters.”

“Ready for the last phase?” slanted an eye at the redhead Choerry. “Chairman Netero usually decides rules for the last phase,” easily said Choerry, returning her gaze to the endless expanse of  water. “Better to brace ourselves for the unknown.”

“He does act like a weirdo,” huffed Chuu, leaning on the railing next to her. “Crazy elders and their disregard of common sense.”

“Exactly. My friends said that their tries were messy two out of three. TheSea Hunter had to complete a series of menial tasks - it sounds better than iit was, it took her ten nine hours to complete. She was already a nen user back then.” Choerry held a pause to let it sink. “The other one was a breath-holding contest, out of all things.”

Kim Lip and JinSoul told her that they celebrated until they out back when the Crime Hunter passed her exam. JinSoul, with her first reflex, would’ve surely lost.

Chuu slowly straightened out with an unreadable expression. In a minute, her head tilted, expression shifting from an empty to a confused one.

Choerry giggled. “I know! So there is really no way of guessing what the future will hold.” She shrugged. “Brace for the unknown and have fun. Moreover, you have no chances to fail!” 

She elbowed Chuu to her side. The redhead half-heartedly swatted her away, gaze still bewilderedly staring at the horizon.

Choerry snickered and elbowed her again, and Chuu faced her, regaining focus and rapidly blinking.

“Your friends also took the exam, right? Have you asked them about their experiences?”

“No.” Chuu blinked. “It suddenly seems I have a few calls to make. A few urgent, extremely important calls.” She took out her phone, staring somewhere above Choerry’s shoulder. “If you excuse me.” 

Choerry laughed and waved, leaving Chuu to her own devices, hopping towards the group. Killua and Gon seemed to run off somewhere, leaving just the older boys and the two other girls. It was dodging-questions-about-nature-of-her-inital-target time! And some teasing.

It was a blessing their dialogue was coming to a conclusion naturally - Choerry had yet to sit down and Chuu was already hearing beeps in from the receiver.

Chuu had five marks activated out of her seven total. Three of those were behind her, clearly interpretable and healthy.

The other two were far, distance making the connection murkier, information hazy and not complete. And yet, Chuu clearly felt - one of them just got seriously injured, her heart almost skipped a bit at that moment. A sharp and large, suddenly appearing on a mark on the other side of the world. Not gradual, so not torture. Not dull, so not unconscious. Between the two…

It was Yves, who got injured.

Come on, international connection, country, pick up, Go Won!..

“Relax,” said her phone with a caramel-like voice. “She is fine, nothing life-threatening.”

Chuu’s bubble of worry burst and if she were alone, she’d sag on the floor.

She leaned on the parapet more, instead.

“Oh, I was just making a social call,” she lied in a jovial tone. “How is your holiday?”

“One second,” sighed the receiver. In a few seconds, Go Won returned. “Just so you know, if stitches come uneven and she gets scars - it is your fault for distracting me.”

She will be only hotter for that, sped past her mind a narrow-minded thought.

“As long as she doesn’t forbid it,” said Chuu. “So.”

“Just had a messy post-factum of a mission, nothing serious. Somebody with suicide hatsu, I will look into it later.”

“Oaah, sounds like a story.”

“Our last clientele tried to entangle us in some of their dirty personal business, partially succeeded. We are going to be lowkey on the lookout for the missions against them now.”

Chuu hummed, signaling for Go Won to continue.

“There is nothing more.”

Chuu hummed more pointedly.

“I am ending the call.”

“What are you going to do now while she has a breather?” rolled her eyes Chuu.

“Probably going to look for some search missions, maybe some bodyguarding.”

Chuu liked her lips, feeling salt from the sea mist. She ought to finish the exam and return sooner. Her absence left them a bit more vulnerable than usual, Chuu wasn’t there, so Yves was left without her Emission Spring and couldn’t heal in a matter of hours. Go Won’s stitches were good, but not a perfect solution. 

She bit the inside of her cheek. An unfortunate timing. 

“Stay safe and careful. I will return as soon as I am done here,” she said seriously. “I will call you when I’m done in a few days.” Her voice went higher and louder, lips blooming into a widest smile, “Bye, kiss her for mee~”

Beeps of a hanged phone rang at her instead.

Half a day later, on the Judging Committee airship they previously used during the first phase when they overcrowded it, a radio with a click. An announcement, loud and clear, was heard in every room and hall of the airship.

“Attention! The Chairman is now conducting interviews! Please report to the reception room, deck two, when your number is called. First, number 10! Number 10, please!”

Chuu seated herself in front of Chairman Netero, not hiding her interest. A very bold interest - she scanned both the room and him with eyes blazing with Gyo for any traces of nen.

“See anything interesting, young lady?” gave Netero a good-natured laugh.

“Disappointingly, no. Room just like a room, a senior citizen like any other too,” smiled Chuu childishly. “However, I never saw Japonese design on an airship.”

“I was refusing to have my temporary office any other way,” admitted the old man with the most sincere face she had ever seen. There were years of practice behind that one. “My office in the headquarters is dreadfully dull, so I was desperate to get at least something here.”

He wasn’t even trying to try to make this lie plausible, was he. 

“At least something,” echoed agreeably Chuu, letting the topic slide.

“Now. I wanted to ask you three questions.” Netero twirled a pencil between his fingers, pointedly waiving a notepad in his other hand. “First, what is your reason for taking the exam?”

She stared him dead in the eyes, deciding to be blunt. “I don’t really care about the title of the Hunter,” said Chuu, both certain her lies would be seen through and unsure if her truth would even matter to him. “But the Hunter license provides quite a number of useful benefits.”

Netero was seemingly completely indifferent to her admission, eyes glued to his scribbling in the notepad.

“Mhmm, I see. Second, who caught your eye among the last examinees the most?”

A lot of them, to be honest. Even some who she never spoke to.

But if she had to choose...

“Numbers 243 and 99. All for good reasons.”

“Last question. Who would you like to fight the least?” Netero looked back at her, serenely eyeing her expression.

“In terms of power, self preservation, morals, enjoyment?..” clarified Chuu.


Unhelpful old chairman. Chuu closed her eyes, contemplating.

“Number 44 and… Just number 44.”

If she was forced to fight anyone else, there were two conclusions - she either won and forgot about them altogether or she won and trained them later.

Easy as that.

Illumi was very adamant about Killua-kun, and Hisoka couldn’t help but keep an eye out on him. “Number 99. Though 405 also caught my eye… I’d like to challenge 99 someday.”

Even despite his admission that the best use the license had to him was for a free murder, the Chairman kept the same silly expression as he continued the interview, moving to the last question.

“I would say, the least I want to fight… 405. I feel the same for 99, but the time simply isn’t right to fight 405 yet,” he wouldn’t kill Killua until he wants to fight Illumi and, at the current level, the kid was nothing impressive - killing him would be wasteful, and Gon… Gon needed more training and experience before battling him would be truly exciting.

As Netero dutifully wrote down his answers, Hisoka squinted, feeling borderline physical need to clarify something, his bloodlust seeping in the air, his voice lower, insinuating. ”For the record - I’d very much like to fight you right now.” 

“Okay, thank you,” scratched his head Chairman, not phased in the slightest, looking down at his writing pad. “That will be all.”

Slamming the door behind him, Hisoka couldn’t help but feel annoyed. “That’s one sly fox. My malevolence couldn’t match his indifference.”

“To my eye, 404 seems the most well-rounded.” Said Pokkle with a slight tilt of his head. “I’d avoid 44, though… Wouldn’t stand a chance against him.”

“Hello, hello, come in!” ushered her inside chairman Netero.

Choerry pranced inside, glancing around. The room was close to ten square meters, furnished in traditional Japonese style, with calm yellows and greens everywhere. Chairman Netero himself sat on a pillow on a raised platform that took up half a room. There was a low table in front of him, empty - he was holding both a pencil and notepad.

Choerry carefully closed the door behind her and sat with legs under her in front of him, beaming.

“No need to worry, I just want to ask a couple of questions beforehand. Please answer them truthfully,” he said with a gentle smile. 

Well. It wouldn’t actually change anything if she were to lie about some bits - old powerful people tended to deceive so much in their years, they easily read through the lies of others. She nodded. 

“Why do you want to be a hunter?”

Oh, this one was obvious. “I want to be a Botanical Hunter!”

“Hoooo, already know your specialization?” drawled Netero with curiosity.

Choerry nodded with determination. “I have been training and working as an assistant to some Hunters in preparation. Admittedly, I haven’t worked with any Botany Hunters...”

“I see. Next, who interests you the most from the remaining examinees?” The Chairman scribbled something down on his notepad.

This one required some thought. “Hmmm. numbers 243, 390, 405... and 301,” decided Choerry. She would have included some others too, but those were the ones she had the most questions about. 

Chairman nodded absentmindedly a couple times, his pen continuously moving. “Last question. Whom would you like to fight right now the least?”

“Oh no,” whined Choerry, “there are a lot of people,” causing the Chairman to chuckle.

Choerry traced the pattern on the walls with her eyes as she shrank the list to five people maximum. Netero patiently waited, gauging her reaction.

“Numbers 243, 390, 403… 10 and 44.” She paused, then turned to the Chairman, admitting with a broad smile,  “But if the need arises, I will fight anyone.”

“I guess Gon… I mean, 405. He’s my age, too,” said Killua, smiling. “53 hardly seems worth the time or effort to me.”

“That would be 44. You can’t help but notice him,” mused Bodoro. “405 and 99 are out. I will not fight children.”

“I need a legitimate document and a basic legal protection offered to Hunters,” said HeeJin, staring Chairman right in the eyes. A tight knot in her chest was almost vibrating, sending cold shivers down her back. “All of the benefits are a great addition, but my main goal is a viable document and an ability to be recognised as an autonomous and meaningful entity.”

Chairman smiled, jotting down her words. “Hunter license will be registered on the name you put in your application. If you want to change it, this is the last chance.”

HeeJin got hit with a wave of cold sweat, heart dropping to the floor. Old people and their ways scared her. “No, thank you, I like my current one.”

She already had long hours of consideration before settling on it.

“Good. Next question, who caught your eye the most?”

HeeJin bit her lip. “Numbers 10 and 99. I am both grateful to both, even though I don't know what to make of Killua.”

“I see… Who would you want to fight the least?”

Easy. “Number 10 and 99. I am deeply grateful to them, as I already said. Number 44. I am terrified of him and have no idea how to fight against someone of his caliber.”

“Number 44. He’s the most challenging,” admitted Hanzo, a severe expression on his face, answering both questions. “Number 44. He’s the most dangerous.”

“Number 99,” with loud clicking, (Illumi) Gittarackur turned to the other side. “Number 44” 

HyunJin smiled with a challenge at Netero’s peaceful expression. “Is our agreement still in power?”

He laughed. “If you are able to complete the last phase, that is.”

A glint of cold determination passed through her eyes and HyunJin felt her determination gleam with readiness. “I will do my best.”

“I have no doubts,” agreed Netero. “Now, I have three questions for you. First, why do you want to be a hunter?”

She carefully chose her words. “Something unexplainable happened to me a couple years ago and I couldn’t find the answer of how or why. I want to find the answer with resources that will be available for me as a Hunter.” If she passes the last phase and this old man tells her how he did that trick in the second phase, she will have the best lead she had in years. Or possibly even the answer itself, if she was lucky.

He nodded, eyes crinkling in amusement. “Second question, who caught your eye the most among the remaining examinees?”

“HeeJin and Gon,” she answered immediately, then corrected herself, “Numbers 243 and 405.” HyunJin frowned, and a beat passed. “And, I suppose, number 44? In a bad sense.”

“Good,” wrote her answer Netero. ”And whom would you like to fight the least among the remaining candidates?”

This was also easy. “Number 243.”

A pause stretched, and as Netero realized that that was it, he looked down at his notebook and hummed.

“I see, that would be all.” As HyunJin prepared to stand from her crosslegged position, he added. “But I have  a question that you don’t have to answer.”

She sat back down, expectant.

“You look a lot like Areli Chaim, the Pacifist Hunter.”

“Ah.” While it wasn’t a question, she knew the answer. “Yes, he was my grandfather.”

“I see.” His eyes were no longer laughing, but gently gazing. “That explains a lot. That's all, then.”

“I have a question outside of the interview, too.” Decided HyunJin to get it out while she was listened to by the highest instance within the Hunter Association. “There was a man, my target, who got an infection over the course of the last phase, and the other, whose knives I hid away.” She paused. “Will the first one be tended now and can my observer show where I left my hunter’s weapons to him?”

Gaze friendly but otherwise unreadable, Netero said. “Zevil Island is currently searched for survivors and I will ask for the man to be pointed towards his weapons.”

HyunJin felt content.

“Hisoka, 44, is certainly most on my mind, “ said Gon with a contemplative gaze, before smiling. “And I’d hate to tangle with either 99, 403, 404 or 390.”

“405 and 81 in a positive way… 44 in a negative way,” said Kurapika with closed eyes, his expression growing somewhat somber. “I fight if there is a reason, otherwise I do not. Personality is not a factor.”

Leorio smiled. “Number 405. He’s quite amazing in his way and frankly, I owe him. Those are the same reasons why I wouldn’t want to fight him.”

“Thank you, everyone! We appreciate your patience. Now relax while we travel to the site of the finals!”

Beans turned off the radio behind him, a message to all remaining thirteen participants delivered. This year’s batch was certainly something, all but two - newbies. 

He smiled. What would they think of the final phase?.. After all, during his years of work, Beans rarely saw such promising candidates. He believed Netero thought so too and would come up with the best final test for them. 

But for the next three days, before they get to the Hunter Selection Committee Hotel and decide their fate, they would have peace.

“We wish you success in reaching the rank of Hunters,” offered Beans to the silent office.

Even with three days passing to prepare and rest, she was almost shaking.

Heejin clasped hands in front of her, not unlike a prayer, but with no words of hymn on her mind, slowly inhaling for six seconds.


Exhaling. One. Two. Three…

At six she unclasped them. Then brought them together again to prevent nervous fiddling that her fingers itched to do. 

Breath in…

This struggle for the ownership of her life culminated here. The last phase.

The closeness to the end made her stomach do somersaults and twist a lump of nerves in her lungs. She was barely able to force in a single apple during breakfast.

This (breath out) was apparent to everyone around her, HeeJin had no doubt. Anyone in the vicinity could witness her stress, but she couldn’t spare a thought to hide that. Her breathing was more important. Whatever anyone else thought didn’t matter. Whatever they saw - her nerves or her magenta eyes - had no weight. (Hold.) HeeJin could only try not to let her fingers twitch, because that was too much, she needed control over something .

She escaped to her room, waiting for the landing, as they were informed, in half an hour. Judging by the time they spent on the airship, they were somewhere deep in the north of Kukan’yu Kingdom or even either Paravagy or Uruvagy by now.

Breathe out.


Breathe in. 

Lord, if there was any pity for her left in you.


Don’t let her fail. 

Breathe out.

hey lined up in a light room, around four hundred and eighty square meters, with the ceiling reaching six meters - it was huge, to be concise.

As they arrived at the Hunter Selection Committee Hotel after three restful days of travel, and were immediately ushered to this hall made of beige stone.

Behind them, a door creaked slightly and Chuu frowned. Now he was just messing around.

“Here I am,” cheerfully announced Netero, walking inside, pushing in front of him a large presentation board, covered with a sheet. “My apologies, it took some time! There are quite a lot more contestants this year, had a lot to take into account.”

He rolled the board in front of them and they immediately moved to group in an uneven semi-line in front of it.

 “Without further adieu,” croaked Netero, throwing the sheet off, revealing what looked like a sparring tree, but a very…

“Are you sure this is correct?” asked HyunJin, pointing at the board. “It looks extremely odd.” 

Netero laughed. “I am quite sure, young HyunJin.”

“Does it mean only one gets to become a Hunter?” prompted Kurapika, interested in an explanation.

“No,” said Netero. “One,” he lifted his finger forcefully, “one win is all you need to pass.”

Everyone looked back at the brackets with a new point of view. The losers would move up and fight in more matches. Which meant…

“Hey, old man,” spoke up Killua. “How come some have more tries than the others?”

“The brackets were formed based on your score and trying to accommodate your preferences,” patiently explained Netero. “Some of you showed yourself better during the whole exam and thus have more chances.”


“Yes, score,” repeated Netero, being purposely difficult. He was having fun. Chuu was less interested in his fun and more about rules behind this phase.

“How was the score calculated, then?” asked an irritated Killua directly.

Netero closed his eyes, looking deep in thought then sharply leaned forward, bulging his eyes out and opening his mouth widely, rapidly swinging his head from side to side. “It’s a seeecret!” Choerry couldn’t help but laugh at his antics, while Killua looked angry. “But I can tell you roughly what scores where based on.”

He held out three fingers. “First, your physique. Your stamina, agility, strength, combat abilities, etc. Second, your mental capability. Your analytical skills, tactics, decisions you made. And third, all that couldn’t be included in the previous two. Mostly, how good we think you would be of a hunter, our impressions of you and, most importantly, your potential. Now, listen for the most important part - the rule is to win by any means except killing your opponent. Once you win, you have passed the Hunter Exam.” 

Chuu saw in the corner of her eye how Killua clenched his fists. She looked at the brackets. There were four people with six attempts, which was a hell of a lot.

“Any other questions?” Receiving only silence in return, Netero took the end of a white cover tape and tugged it. ”Here are your brackets.”

Silence fell on the room as everyone took in their placements and opponents.

Half of contestants glanced or not-so-subtly turned, concernedly, to HyunJin.

The first match was between Gon and Chuu. Next one between Hanzo and Choerry, after that between HyunJin and Hisoka, Pokkle and Kurapika and, finally, between HeeJin and Leorio.

Second round of matches was between winners of the first two and fourth one and Bodoro.

Then, whoever won in the second round on the right branch, got to go against Hisoka or HyunJin. Whoever won in the other branch, went against either HeeJin or Leorio - that was it for the left branch.

In the right branch then proceeded fights between the previous winner and Killua and then Gittarackur. After that, the branches merged in a final fight and that was the end of the Exam.

Chuu held her unease in a steel grip, but there was a tightness in the line of her lips.

This was no joke. The best way this could end was if HIsoka would deem HyunJin unworthy and… probably, hopefully , go easy on her, with just symbolic beating. He wouldn’t kill her. He wouldn’t kill her, kept persuading herself Chuu.

She spared a glance at Hisoka, making eye contact for one tense moment. She let her face darken. HyunJin was hers . But that only earned her a slight upturn of his lips and squinting as he turned back to the board.

Chuu had no idea how to interpret that. A heavy feeling settled in her stomach.

“First match,” announced loudly one of the men in suits, who, apparently, was their referee. “405 against 10! Please step forward!”


Visual bracket information

I don’t know when the next update would be, as this is the last of already posted chapters and I’m currently in an, uh, unhealthy mental place as a Ukrainian. I’m hoping to, at the worst, post it before April ends lol

Stay safe and pogful, folks

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Note: all loonas will get to be main characters at some point, there are plotlines for each of them


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Chapter 1: i just started watching hxh a few days ago and i found your work, it's really good!!
This sounds so nice, cant wait to read after work!