
Winrina = Jiminjeong

Kim Minjeong and Yoo Jimin were friends since high school and only got the chance to finally get together once they finished their high school. Only their close friends know about their relationship as Jimin want to keep it a secret at first. 

Jimin, Aeri, Yeji, Yuna and Chaeryeong went to the same university which is JYP University. While Minjeong and Ningning went to the other university, SM. They actually wanted to attend the same university but they have to choose where they can grow more with their talent and the course that they will be taking as both universities have different specialties.

A year into university life was good for everyone. They enjoyed making new friends and getting accustomed with their studies.

Jimin managed to be the captain for female dance team with Yeji as her assistant. Yuna and Chaeryeong were in the dance club too. Aeri is the university's vice president there while she's also in the dance team. 

Where as Minjeong is the grade A student in her university and she joined the music club with Ningning. Ningning even became a student council committee.

So, sometimes they all tends to get busy with their own tasks and they rarely get to hangout during their second year.

They usually have a study group at their favourite library cafe in town but as times goes by, one by one started to get busier. Jimin however, would always make sure to accompany Minjeong eventhough it was just the two of them until one time, when Jimin started to cancel the plan last minute due to dance practice for her upcoming competition.






Minjeong sighs as she looks outside, it's dark and late already. She packed her stuff and tidy up the table before leaving the cafe. She put on her earphone as she hums to the song while she walked that she failed to notice a stranger have been following her.

Only when her song suddenly stopped for few seconds, she heard the footsteps behind her. She glanced behind and noticed a guy walking not too far from her and is looking suspicious.

She frowned and tried to hurry. She gulped when she's passing by a dark hallway now, she cursed internally for being careless. She was about to turn around to use a long way to avoid the dark hallway only to get stopped by the stranger.

"Where do you think you're going?" He asked with his gritted teeth.

"Yah. Let me go!" Minjeong hissed and tried to pull her hand but nonetheless, the guy was stronger.

"Shut up and follow me!" He growled and started to drag Minjeong with him.

"Ack! Help!!" Minjeong yelled and kept slapping his arm harder.

"Let her go!"

Minjeong closed her eyes when something was thrown towards their direction but she didn't feel anything. She heard the stranger groaned in pain.

When she opened her eyes, she saw a girl had beat him up already. The girl then took out her phone and called the cops before taking off her shoelaces and tied him up with it.

"Hey. You okay- Kim Minjeong?"

Minjeong looks scared and confused.

"Uh, who..."

"Oh. I'm Ryujin, Shin Ryujin. We went to the same university."

Minjeong widened her eyes. Ryujin, of course. She's the favourite student there. She has alot of admirers too. She's the university's representative for boxing competition last year and won first place, becomes the university's pride.

"Are you hurt somewhere?" Ryujin asked her in concerned and tried to check if she got any injury.

"I-I'm fine..." Minjeong mumbled softly but hugged her body, still shocked with what had just happened.

"The police will be here soon. Don't worry."

Ryujin takes off her jacket and gives it to Minjeong.

"It's okay-"

"Please, just wear it. You're cold."

"Uh thanks."

After few minutes, the polices came and asked them few questions before they finally arrested the guy. Ryujin sighed in relief then offered to walk Minjeong home.

"You shouldn't be out alone this late again. It's not safe." Ryujin said.

"I know. I guess, I lost track of time. I usually have my friends to remind me if it's going to be late already but everyone is just... Busy nowadays." Minjeong said sadly.

Ryujin looks at her and smiles seeing Minjeong's cute pout.

"I understand. But be careful next time, okay?"

"Yeah, okay. Umm sorry to bother you tonight."

"Nah. I offered, remember? Is this your home?" Ryujin asked when Minjeong stopped in front of a white building. 

"Yeah, I live at this apartment."

"Okay, go inside. Goodnight, Minjeong."

"Thank you again, Ryujin. Night."

Minjeong bowed politely at her before going in. Ryujin made sure that she's inside before she left.



Minjeong slumped onto her bed and caressed her chest as she finally let out a relief breath. She honestly was scared earlier and she's lucky that Ryujin just happened to be there. She grabbed her phone, wanted to call Jimin to tell her about what happened and wanting her to give her comfort. 

Ring ring

Ring ring

Ring ring

Minjeong frowned and looked at her phone's screen. Jimin's not picking up. So she just texted her to call her once she's free. Minjeong looked at her wrist, she hissed in pain when she holds her wrist. She didn't realise the guy grabbed her too hard earlier. 

It's going to leave a bruise. 

Minjeong went to freshen up before she settled down in her bed already. She checked her phone once again and saw no notification. She sighed and put it away, decided to just sleep as she has early morning class tomorrow. 






Minjeong, I'm sorry I came home late last night. I didn't call because I'm afraid to disturb your sleep. I hope you slept well. Text me okay.     7:16am.


Minjeong replied with just an okay before she gets ready for her class. 


"Did you go to the cafe yesterday?"


"Really? I thought you'll just skip since none of us can go."

Minjeong just smiled when Ningning said that. They are at their lockers now.

"You know, I regretted joining the student council. Why did I join again?" Ning asked.

"Because it'll be great for your certificate." Minjeong giggled.

"Right. Ugh, can I back out now?"

"No, you can't."

"Anyways, what are you going to sing for the music club later?"


 "Kim Minjeong!"

Both Minjeong and Ningning turned to see Ryujin running lightly towards them.

"Hey, hi. Morning." Ryujin grinned.

"That's a lot of greetings but... Since when did you two become friends?" Ning asked.

"Ah..." Minjeong scratches her head.

"Since last night." Ryujin answered for her.

"Last night?" Ning raised her eyebrows. 

"Yeah and I'm here to give Minjeong this actually." Ryujin pulled out a small white box from her bag and gives it to Minjeong.

"What's this?"

"i bought some aid kit for you especially for your wrist."

"Oh. But you don't have to."

"It's fine. Can I see it?" Ryujin asked.

Minjeong only lifted up her hand and let Ryujin hold her arm gently before she pulled Minjeong's long sleeve higher. Ningning gasped and gets closer seeing the bruise on Minjeong's wrist.

"What happened?!"

"It's umm... I got attacked last night." Minjeong smiled tightly.

"Why didn't you tell me? Oh my god, does Jimin know?"

"No I... She didn't pick up my call last night."

Ryujin noticed Minjeong's sad tone but she pretended to not hear it.

"You should get this checked. Is it okay if I bring Minjeong to the nurse?" Ryujin asked Ningning who's still looking worried.

"Oh. Well, yeah. Hey..." Ning grabbed Minjeong's shoulder.

"Update me everything later okay? Everything."

"I will."

"Good. Now go and please get some treatment."

"See you after class, Ning."

Ryujin accompanied Minjeong to see the university's nurse and the nurse put on a bandage on her wrist after applying some ointment, asking Minjeong not to work using her right wrist for the time being to avoid further injury.

"But I need to play the piano later."


"I'm in music club, I am usually in charge for the introduction. Playing a song before we start our activity."

"I thought you will just sing."

"I can do both."

"Wow. You must be amazing."

"Eh? I'm not... There are more amazing people out there."

Ryujin only chuckled at Minjeong's humbleness.






Minjeong was scrolling her Instagram and saw Jimin's new post. It was a dance practice from yesterday, she seems to have so much fun with her team. There were Aeri and the rest too. Then she checked on Jimin's stories. 

Most of them were just a reposted story. But one repost caught Minjeong's attention, its a photo of a guy sitting down a little closer with Jimin on the floor while they laughed and were looking at each other. Minjeong read the caption. 

Our captains' chemistry is the bomb! 


Then Minjeong remembered Aeri mentioned that the male dance team's captain is popular in their university, Kai.

Minjeong then stopped looking and put down her phone. Honestly, she misses Jimin so much. She understands that Jimin's busy with practice and studies. She tries to not let it affects her but it still does. Especially when she knows there are people out there who might try to hit on her girlfriend, maybe that Kai person too.


Minjeong looks up to see a smiling Ryujin.


"What are you doing here alone?"

"I'm just waiting until its time for the music club."

"I see. Say, do you have a solution for what you're going to do later? You know, the piano."

"Ah, I think I'll have to ask someone else."

"To play?"


"Can it be someone from other club?"


"I mean, if you don't mind, I can play it for you."

"You can play the piano?"

"I can."

"I thought you only know how to do boxing."

"Trust me, there's a lot of things I can do. So? Want to check and maybe evaluate my skill?" Ryujin grinned.

And that's the reason why the two of them at the music room an hour before the club session starts.

"This is my first time here. It's nice." Ryujin commented as she looks around.

"Yeah. Hey, this is the song I'm going to sing."


Ryujin went towards Minjeong and checked the music sheet, she smiles seeing the song's title.

"Kim Taeyeon. Oh I love all of her songs. What do we have here? Hm. One of her OSTs, All about you. You're going to sing this song?"


"Shall we practice now?"


Ryujin then took a seat and pats the space beside her for Minjeong to sit. 

"I'll start now." Ryujin said.

Minjeong closed her eyes and smiles listening to the piano. She starts singing and her voice now blended with Ryujin's piano melody. They both were too engrossed in the music that they forgot about their surrounding.

Ryujin glanced at Minjeong's calm face and smiles. Slowly, Minjeong opened her eyes and met Ryujin's eyes.

"You sounds amazing." Ryujin whispered.

"Ah. Thank you." Minjeong blushed.

"You did great too. I didn't know you can play the piano well." Minjeong said.

"Well. I learned it for fun when I was still a kid." Ryujin laughed.


"Yeah because I saw this movie and I'm amazed by how lovely the piano sounds like and..."

Minjeong listened attentively to Ryujin's story and surprisingly, she's comfortable already with Ryujin though she was a shy person actually.

Unknown to them, a video and picture of them singing and talking were taken secretly by few students who were watching secretly through the slightly opened door.






"I'm sorry." 

"Jimin, you promised." 

"I know I know but- our captain said we can't waste our time and keep practicing." 

"I thought you're the captain." 

"Hahaha I mean, the other captain." 


"Mhm. The girls will be there too. All of us." 

"So you can't accompany me study for this Tuesday?" 

"Sorry Baby, I can't. Won't Ning be there?" 

"She has something to do with the student council..." 

"I see. Then you just go home straight and rest, okay? I'll try to go with you the next week." 

"You said that few times already." 

"Right. I'm really sorry. Do you want me to buy you anything?" 

"No, it's okay. Just... Update me." 

"I will!" 

After talking more for a while, Jimin decided to hang up as she has to finish her assignment. Minjeong sighed. These days, she feels like Jimin is slowly slipping off from her. Jimin rarely replied her on time, sometimes she replied the next day saying she was tired and all. 

Jimin hung out a lot with the dance team that she doesn't have time for her anymore. And again, Minjeong tries her best to understand. Jimin wants to have fun too and she can't control her for wanting to have fun. 

But sometimes, well sometimes, Minjeong's patience can hit a limit too. 






"Minjeong ah. Have you checked our groupchat? The girls were asking to meet this Saturday."

"Really? I didn't know." Minjeong said while munching her food.

"Yeah." Ningning tilted her head. It's not like Minjeong not to check her phone. Minjeong is always alert whenever she got a notification.

"I'm sorry that I've been busy with the council duty. How's it going anyways?" Ning asked.

"No worries. I'm all good." Minjeong smiled.


"Yah. You almost make me choke on my food." Minjeong scolded Ryujin who suddenly appeared out of nowhere and sits beside her.

"Sorry. Guess what? I'm going to join the next competition soon." Ryujin said.

"Really?" Minjeong's eyes widened.

"Yes! I have two months to prepare. Do you want to watch me practice? I will get bored practicing alone."

"Is that allowed?"

"Of course." Ryujin chuckled

"Oh ya, how's your wrist?" Ryujin asked and caressed Minjeong's wrist gently.

"I think it's getting better now." Minjeong said.

"You both are really close now." Ning mentioned.

"Yeah. Ryujin is the only one who's free to accompany me when you're busy." Minjeong replied.

"I hope you won't forget me when Ning here isn't busy anymore." Ryujin squinted her eyes at Minjeong.

"Hahaha I won't." Minjeong laughed and bumped Ryujin's shoulder with her shoulder.

"Well, thanks Ryujin for accompanying Minjeong. I was worried actually, since she gets shy around new people." Ningning teased Minjeong.

"Yaaah. You don't expose your friend in front of someone else."

"But she isn't someone else. It's safe to say that Ryujin is our new friend now, right Ryujin?"

"I'm always free to be anyone's friend. Ryujin at your service here." Ryujin bowed her head playfully causing Minjeong and Ningning to laugh at her.






"Oh. Minjeong?"

Jimin and the others looked at Yuna who's busy playing with her phone while they ate lunch at their cafeteria.

"Why why? What's with Minjeong?" Chaeryeong asked and peeked on her phone before she went quiet.

"That's... A lot of photos of them." Chaeryeong slowly mumbled.

"Can you guys please share? What's happening?" Yeji asked.

"I followed this girl on Instagram, she's one of the student at SM too. Turned out she's kind of a gossip girl there and well, she made a lot of rumours about Minjeong and this... Ryujin girl." Yuna explained before giving them her phone since Yeji, Aeri and Jimin were sitting together in front of her and Chaeryeong.

Jimin and Aeri scooted closer to take a look.

There's this one post where this student posted a picture of the environment there and she purposely zoomed in on Minjeong who was sitting beside Ryujin, the picture showed Minjeong's laughing with her head on Ryujin's shoulder and there's Ningning looking angry in front of them. Another picture was Ryujin feeding Minjeong, the third one was Ryujin holding Minjeong's wrist.

Then Yeji clicked on the older post. The picture was seemed to be taken secretly from behind the door. It was when Minjeong was with Ryujin at the music club. The second picture was when Ryujin's head turned towards Minjeong. The caption isn't helping either.

AAA found a new ship at SM! 

"I don't think they ever mentioned about this Ryujin girl. Have Minjeong said anything to you, Jimin?" Aeri asked. 

"No." Jimin frowned.

"Let's call them, bet they're having lunch too."

Aeri called Ningning and put it on loudspeaker.


Aeri rolled her eyes at Ning's annoying cute voice. 

"Sup. Are you with Minjeong?"

"Hehehe. Yes. We're eating right now." 

"You're on loudspeaker, where's Minjeong?" 

"Oh. I'll put you on loudspeaker too. Min-" 

"Hahahaha look at you. You look cute like this." 

"Shin Ryujin! I swear, you- ugh! Wipe it offffff." 

"Hahaha Okay okay. Come here."

"Seriously, you guys act like a child." 

"It's not me. Ryujin here keeps teasing me. As if handling you isn't enough. Sigh." 



Aeri raised her eyebrows seeing the three voices bickering. 

"Okay we should stop annoying our Minjeongie here. There there. Want a kiss too?" 

"No thanks. Go away, Ryujin." 

"Hahahaha oh! I forgot. Hello? Aeri?" 

"Ahem. Hello Ning. Are you still there?" 

"Oh? Aeri? Hi!" 

"Hi Minjeong. How are you?" 

"I'm fine. How about you?" 

"Who's that?" 

"It's our friend, Aeri."

"Are you guys coming this Saturday?" Aeri asked quickly to change the topic and she can sense that Jimin is very quiet already. 

"Saturday? Maybe. Why?" 

Minjeong's the one who answered. 

"We misses you both." Aeri said.

"I'll update you again, Aeri. But I need to go now. Ryujin, my bag." 

"I'll carry it for you. You have to rest that hand. Come on." 

Jimin's frown got deeper when she heard that. 

"Ning, are you still there?" Aeri asked.

"Yeah. Sorry. Minjeong just left with Ryujin. I'm coming this Saturday, don't worry." 

"Okay, good. See you, Ning."

Jimin then finished her drinks and grabbed her stuff.

"I'll get going first." Jimin said.

"Do I smell jealousy just now?" Yeji asked.

"I think so." Aeri said.



Jimin is trying to call Minjeong but this time, Minjeong's the one who's not picking up. Jimin then sent a text to Minjeong, asking if she will be at home later. She waited for her reply until she's in her class already.

Where are you? 






"No wonder you're really strong."

"I know. Don't you feel lucky to have me as your knight in shining armour?"

"No? You're not my knight or whatever."

"But I saved you."

"Okay, thank you then, hero."

"Hero sounds good too."

Minjeong laughed at Ryujin's silly proud face. When Minjeong looked at the front, she was surprised to see Jimin standing in front of her apartment building.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Ryujin asked before she looks at where Minjeong's looking at.


Minjeong immediately approached her and Jimin smiled softly at her.

"Hi. I've been waiting for you." Jimin said then glanced at Ryujin who's still not leaving.

"Ah. You should've told me, I would've come home sooner."

"It's fine. I wanted to surprise you." Jimin said then reached a hand towards Ryujin.

"I believe that's Minjeong's bag." Jimin said.

"Oh ya. Sorry. Here." Ryujin then gave Minjeong's bag to Jimin.

"Jimin, its Ryujin. Ryujin, this is Jimin." Minjeong introduced them.

"Hi, I'm Ryujin." Ryujin waved at Jimin.

"Hm. Jimin. Her girlfriend." Jimin said.

"I see. Didn't know Minjeongie here got herself a girlfriend already." Ryujin chuckled. 

"Hahaha I think you can go home now Ryujin. Thanks for walking me home." Minjeong smiled nervously seeing Jimin's cold expression.

"Of course. Wouldn't want anything to happen to you again. I'll let you know once I'm home okay. And nice to meet you, Jimin sshi." Ryujin smiled before bowing then take her leave.

"Um are you coming in with me?" Minjeong asked Jimin.



Jimin put her hand around Minjeong's shoulder.

"Where did you go after class?" Jimin asked.

"I went to watch Ryujin practice."


"Yeah, for her boxing competition."

"Oh. How was it?"

"It's fun! But it's scary, but yeah, it's fun. Ryujin is really good."

Jimin looks at how happy Minjeong looks while talking about it.

"You seemed close with her."

"Mhm. We are."

Minjeong switched on all her lights and gestured Jimin to sit while she went to get her some water.

"Ryujin is a good person. Don't worry. She's not harmful."

"Does she have a lover?"

"Huh? No? I don't think so. I never really ask."

"Okay, now come and sit with me."

When Minjeong settled beside Jimin, Jimin took her hand and folded her sleeve carefully. Jimin sighed seeing the faded bruise on Minjeong's wrist.

"I heard from Aeri, Ning told her about what happened. Why didn't you tell me?" Jimin asked.

"I was about to but you didn't answer my call at that time and after that I forgot to mention about it to you." Minjeong said.

Jimin knew about everything. Aeri warned her for not paying attention properly to Minjeong and only then she noticed that she's been such a bad girlfriend. She's been ignorant.

"Does it hurt?" Jimin asked and gives a soft kiss on Minjeong's wrist.

"No. Not anymore." Minjeong smiles at her.

My god. I didn't know I miss to see her smile until now. 

"I'm sorry. For neglecting you." Jimin sighed and pulled her into a hug. 

"I hurt your feelings, didn't I?" Jimin asked.

"It's okay. You're here now."

Jimin closed her eyes. That's who Minjeong is, very forgiving. She cursed herself silently for taking her for granted.

"You'll join us this Saturday, right?"

"Ah about that, I actually promised to accompany Ryujin for her practice again." Minjeong said.

Jimin pulled away and frowned at her.

"Why do you need to accompany her?"

"I thought you heard everything from Aeri and Ning? She helped me, remember? And she's the one who always accompanied me to study too. I'm just returning the favour."

"But the girls want to meet you."

"Well, maybe I can join but I'll be a little late."

"Can I ask you something?"

"What is it?"

"Should I be worried about Ryujin and you?"

"Seriously?" Minjeong scoffed and shakes her head.

"What? You two seems really close and she's always with you."

"It has just been few days. We're friends. She's only taking care of me knowing that I'm always alone."

"So she always send you home now?"

"She insisted and it's only when I go back home late or after studying at our usual place. I should ask you the same thing too, should I be worried about you and Kai?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well you've been spending lots of time with your dance team and Kai is always there. I saw your reposted stories too. There's a lot of photos of you and him being close together."

"We're captains, Minjeong. We lead the team together. Of course we're always together."

"Yeah? Because he seems like having this heart eyes on him whenever he looks at you."

"What? Heart eyes?"

"Yes! I saw it. I know okay, because that's just how I usually look at you."

Jimin raised her eyebrows and now Minjeong's glaring at her already before crossing her arms and looked away. Jimin chuckled and pulled Minjeong on her lap.

"Did I make my baby jealous?" Jimin asked, her hands holding Minjeong's hips.

"No. Just, you've been distant and I thought... You'll get bored of me somehow and realised there's much better person out there for you." Minjeong said and Jimin's heart breaks hearing that. She didn't know that Minjeong was thinking like that.

"I'm sorry that I made you think that way but there ain't no way I'll get bored of you. I don't even look for someone else."

"Yeah but I can't help it you know. You're Yoo Jimin, you're just... Well, you."

"I am Yoo Jimin, and I am yours." Jimin said and kissed Minjeong's lips.


"Yes. Yours."

That night, Jimin spent time assuring Minjeong that she's the only one she wants and that Minjeong shouldn't worry about someone else because Jimin's still very much in love with her. Minjeong, after a long time, finally get to sleep with ease, with Jimin holding her close through the night.






Saturday comes. The girls gathered at 2pm as planned except for Minjeong who's still on her way. Jimin saved a seat next to her for Minjeong and she texted her about it.

"It's been a long time, isn't it? We've been too busy to hang out, its so sad." Yuna said.

"Right. The only person who isn't busy is Minjeong but oh well, I heard she got lots of stuff going on now. She's making mew friends with the boxing club members too. I'm proud of her." Ningning clapped her hands.

"Speaking of... There she is." Aeri mentioned and waved her hand at Minjeong who has just entered the cafe. The girls smiled at her but were surprised to see Ryujin tagging along.

"Hi! Sorry for being late." Minjeong apologised and Jimin immediately pulled out the chair for her but glanced at Ryujin who came with her.

"And guys, this is Ryujin. Ryujin, they are my friends."

"Hi everyone. I just came here because I'm carrying Jeongie's bag."

"You take your role too seriously as Minjeong's helper." Ningning teased Ryujin.

"I get to share her snacks with me so all good." Ryujin whispered but still loud enough for everyone to hear. Ning and Minjeong just laughed at her.

"I'll get going now. Have fun guys."

"Why don't you join us? I mean, we would like to get to know Minjeong's and Ningning's new friend." Aeri asked.

"Oh. Well, I don't mind if yall..." Ryujin looks at everyone and her eyes blinked.

"Yes! The more the merrier!" Ningning immediately agreed.

"Sure, just take a seat. Ryujin... Do we call you that?" Yeji asked.

"Yeah. That's my name." Ryujin smiled and sits beside Minjeong. Then Yeji tells her name followed by the others. Jimin sighs and put her one arm around Minjeong's chair.

Ryujin saw Jimin's hand and scoffed. She then scooted closer to Minjeong. Jimin saw that and pulled Minjeong's chair closer to her and makes sure to put some distance between her and Ryujin. Jimin makes sure to glare at Ryujin. Ryujin only shrugged off her shoulders before pretending like nothing happen. 

"You know, it's not me that you should be worried of." Ryujin told Jimin when Minjeong went to the restroom. 

"Because she told me from the start that she has someone already though I didn't know it was you at first." Ryujin said. 

"However, your girl is a lovely one. She got many admirers out there too including one of the boys in her music club. Right, Ning?" 

"Well... Yeah." Ning said and nodded slowly. 

"It doesn't help too that people thought she's single. I'm telling you this because one guy have been asking me about Minjeong a lot and he's showing interest in her." Ryujin said. 

"Wait, who?" Ning asked. 


"Woah. Him? I thought he won't ever make a move. Damn, Minjeong got herself a great admirer." Ningning said before she gasped and covered with her palm, looking slowly at Jimin who were raising her eyebrows at her. 

"How come you never tell us about this guy in Minjeong's music club?" Jimin asked. 

"Well, because he never try anything and Minjeong doesn't even entertain him." Ningning said. 

"But I thought I mentioned about it once. No? I still remembered you said it's nothing and Minjeong won't even bother about someone else other than you." Ning said again.

"But that boy doesn't seem to give up. He is still staring at Minjeong anytime he gets the chance to." Ryujin said. 

They stopped talking about the topic when Minjeong's back from the restroom and Ryujin once again reminds Jimin that she's not her rival at all and also because she got her eyes on someone else while subtly glancing at Yeji. 






After a week of thinking and observing, Jimin notices how some people tries to get her attention and Minjeong's too. But just like her, Minjeong did not entertain anyone. 

Jimin knows that Minjeong is loyal and she shouldn't worry about anything but it irks her during her date with Minjeong, there's a guy asking to take her out some other time. He's even a student at Minjeong's university.


"Oh. Sorry, I don't think I can." Minjeong told him directly. 

"It'll just be for a while. I mean, I really want to get to know you. You're not seeing anyone too, right?" 

Minjeong cleared and scratches her non itchy head before smiling apologetically at the guy. 

"I'm... Not seeing anyone but really, I can't. I hope you understand." 


Jimin still remembers how dejected the guy looks when Minjeong still said no but she didn't miss the positive looks on him after that. He even said he will try again next time, saying there might be a chance someday as long as Minjeong's still single. 

No. She can't let people think they will have a chance with her girl. So she is going to do something about it. 

"Jimin ah!" 

Jimin looks up and saw Minjeong's cheerful face while skipping happily towards her. 

"Don't you have a class?" Minjeong asked. 

It has been few days since she always dropped by to see Minjeong at her university and to pick her up after her class. She's been ditching her dance practice to do this too and she doesn't care. 

"Mine ended an hour ago." Jimin said and reached out her hand to quickly pull Minjeong into her arms. 

"I told you we can just meet at the cafe." Minjeong muttered against her shoulder while hugging her tightly. 

"I know, baby." 

Minjeong then pulls away to look around. 

"Careful of your words." Minjeong giggled, thinking that Jimin forgot how people don't know about their relationship. 

"Hi Minjeong." 

"Oh. Hi."

Jimin looks at the guy who just greeted Minjeong. It's him, the one that Ryujin told her about. Jaemin. The student who has a serious crush on Minjeong. 

"Going home already?" He asked, still smiling at Minjeong. 


"Your friend?" He asked and gestured at Jimin. 


"Yoo Jimin." Jimin beats Minjeong to it and stands up straight. 

"Pardon?" Jaemin was surprised when Jimin suddenly told her name. 

"That's my name, Yoo Jimin. Minjeong's girlfriend." Jimin introduced herself properly. 



Both Jaemin and Minjeong was shocked. Some nearby students also were taken aback when they heard it. 

"Right, baby?" Jimin asked, smiling sweetly at Minjeong while side hugging her. 

"Yah. I thought you wanted to keep it a secret?" Minjeong whispered. 

"What if I don't want to hide our relationship anymore?" 

"Are you being serious right now?" 

"I am." 

Jaemin fake a cough before biting his bottom lip. 

"I didn't know Minjeong is with someone already." He said. 

"Well, now you know. And we have to go." Jimin said then opened her car's door for Minjeong. 

"Yaaaahh. What was that? Are you for real? What change your mind?" Minjeong bombarded Jimin with questions as soon as Jimin entered the car too. 

Jimin only chuckles and put on the seat belt on Minjeong first before she pinched Minjeong's nose playfully causing Minjeong to whine and slaps her hand softly. 

"I love you, baby." Jimin said and pecks her nose. 

"I don't think I like the idea of someone else thinking of flirting with you just because they thought you're single." Jimin explained. 

"So from now on, I'll make sure everyone knows that Kim Minjeong is in a relationship with Yoo Jimin." 

"You are mine, baby. And I'm not going to take you for granted anymore. And I will make sure too, that people know that you're the only one in my heart."

"Is that okay with you, baby?" 

Minjeong giggled and nodded her head cutely. 

"Okay." She said softly. 

"Good. Now, I'll bring you to the dance practice." 

"Huh? Why?" 

"I have to introduce my girlfriend of course." 

Jimin smiles and kisses Minjeong's lips, earning a sweet and fond smile from Minjeong. 

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719 streak 0 points #1
Chapter 146: ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
1186 streak 0 points #2
Chapter 146: 🥳
278 streak 0 points #3
Chapter 146: Can't wait authornim! Thank youuu 🥰 i have a blast reading this. I can perfectly imagine those scenes and that's because you wrote/put the words well 😌

Ps. I thought the flashback was in here after i read your reply lol but that's okay. I'm happy there's more chapter..s(?) to come 🤭
winteobluu 0 points #4
Chapter 146: i had a really fun time imagining all of the scenarios!! that was great and thank you for the update
0 points #5
Chapter 146: Yeeess!! Now that the war is over, more fluffy time for jmj!!
1726 streak 0 points #6
Chapter 146: that was so good omg
taenggo09 0 points #7
Chapter 146: this is a great one
thank you for writing such a beautiful story
dpphppy 0 points #8
Chapter 146: i alwaysssss get a goosebumps while reading this vampire fiction
Psykotato 23 streak 0 points #9
Chapter 146: Chapter 146: I'm happy that the story didn't end with Minjeong being a wuss😭, also 9/10 for the brutality it was good asf
ps. This is the story with the most various idols appearance
jin9885 0 points #10
Chapter 146: You amaze me all the time ❤️