Your Blood Awaken Me - Part 1

Winrina = Jiminjeong

Yoo Clan was known as the Royal Vampire Clan or The Pureblood. They were the only vampires who can rule the vampire world, as a King or a Queen. None of the other vampire clan will be able to fight against them as they were the most powerful vampires to ever exist.

However, they never have an issue against any other clan as all of the vampire clans look at them with utmost respect. The only enemies Yoo Clan have against them from the start were either the humans or the witches. Well, mostly the witches.

For centuries, there were wars between Vampires and Witches. The vampires wanted to stop the war, but the witches refused to settle their rivalry at all as they wanted to be the only creatures to be powerful and strong. The witches captured and tortured some of the weak vampires, killed them to use their blood for their own experiment.

Thus, Yoo Clan declared that the witches were their enemy, and they shall kill them for killing their kind.

However, a decade ago, when Yoo Clan managed to capture one of the witches' leaders, she managed to send a strong curse against them.

The curse was directed to Yoo's youngest, and last born, Yoo Jimin. She was cursed to sleep forever, until someone with a pure feeling of love would find her, someone who will be able to accept her for who she is, and it's someone who must be a human.

But it was not that easy too. The person must be at least within a five metre radius from Jimin, and when the person's blood scent able to enter Jimin's senses, only then... Jimin will finally awake, though she will not wake up completely. Jimin would still need the person's blood to at least touch any part of her skin for her to be awake.






Aeri sighed as she put her book on top of the coffee table. She took off her glasses, and put it there as well. She stood up and approached her best friend that was lying peacefully on the hospital bed. Yes, The Yoo owned a hospital near the forest where their castle was hidden.

"It has been a decade, Jimin." Aeri mumbled, she frowned as life has been lonely without her best friend.

"I'm sorry that I can't find your person yet." Aeri looked down in guilt.

She was about to sit back on the couch when she saw Jimin's fingers twitches. Aeri's eyes widened as she got closer and looked at Jimin closely.

"Jimin!" Aeri gasped as the fingers twitched again.

"Remember, Aeri. You must stay beside her all the time. When she finally makes a little movement, just anything, you need to find out whoever was nearby. The person might be near when that happens." 

Aeri recalled back what Jimin's father told her when she was asked to take care of Jimin. She quickly left the room, looking right and left. She closed her eyes as she tried to track who had just passed by.

Aeri has the ability to see a past vision of what happened at the place where she was standing. She opened her eyes when she finally saw the faces of two girls who was right outside Jimin's ward room, walking past by it. Aeri closed the door and dashed towards the elevator.

"They must be downstairs." Aeri whispered, so she disappeared in a flash, before reappeared downstairs at the emergency stairs. She made sure no one saw her, before she went out through the door. She scanned the lobby as she walked towards the entrance, looking for the two girls that were in her vision just now.

"It's sad to see Jaemin like that."

"I know right, he can't even play soccer for a month now."

Aeri turned her head and squinted her eyes. She fastened her pace as she approached the girls, and stopped right in front of them causing them to flinch, and looked at her in confusion.

"Uh, do you need anything Miss?" The girl with a long black wavy hair asked, while the brown hair girl only stared.

"Yes." Aeri answered with no hesitation.

"Okay, are you lost? Or you need to find-"

"Yes, please help me find my friend." Aeri lied, she needs to see which one of these two girls that made Jimin's fingers twitched.

"Please, I heard she had been admitted to one of the private rooms. I don't know where to go." Aeri lied again.

"Oh! It's actually on the eleventh floor." The brown hair said.

"There were only six private rooms there." She added.

"Um, is it okay if you two can accompany me?"

"Uh, sure." The black hair said this time.

So, the three of them went up together. Aeri pretended to look around while the two girls chatted. Jimin's room was the second last near the corner room, which was near the elevator as well. So, it was only right to go to Jimin's room right away.

"Should we knock?" The black hair asked.

"I don't think there's someone inside, I hear nothing." The brown hair said.


Aeri pretended to check if anyone's inside as she opened the door. She entered and walked slowly, allowing the two girls to finish their thinking, before joining her.

"Did you-"

"It's my friend." Aeri speaks. She turned around, and smiled.

"Thank you. I found her." Aeri said.

"Oh, we're glad then." The brown hair said.

While the two girls were saying that they should go already, Aeri was busy with thinking how should she get their blood. Just then, the black hair girl's phone was ringing. So, she quickly apologised and went out to answer the call.

"Um, can you help me move the bed?" Aeri asked randomly.


"My friend... She doesn't like her bed near the window."

"Oh, but-"

"Please." Aeri looked at her sharply while trying to still smile at her.

"Uh, okay."

"I think, we just need to push a little towards there."


Aeri secretly glanced at the girl as they stood next to each other to push the bed away from the window. As they started pushing, the girl yelped when she felt a cold hand on her wrist. 

She looked at Jimin who still having her eyes closed, then back to her wrist that was being held by her. 

"Can you wait here? I think I need to call the doctor. Please don't leave."


Aeri ignored her as she went out, she didn't see the black hair girl anywhere nearby. She now confirmed that the brown hair girl was the one, she just needs her blood to check if it's really her. Now, what should she do?

While inside, the girl only stares at Jimin's face. She stood closer, bending down as she observed Jimin.

"You are... very beautiful." She whispered in awe. She then looked down at Jimin's fingers that started to twitch again.

"Have you been in a coma?" She asked in curiosity to no one.

"I hope you will be able to wake up soon. Your friend seems worried about you." She then put her hand softly on top of Jimin's hand, and patted her carefully.

When Aeri came back, she stood up straight and looked at her.

"Hey, thank you for staying." Aeri thanked her.

"No problem."

Then, someone else entered the room. It was the doctor.

"I should go-"


The girl stopped when Aeri suddenly yelled. She apologised before she offered a handshake.

"Thank you again." Aeri said.

"Oh. Yeah, you're welcome." The girl accepted the handshake, and winced when she felt something sharp scratched her palm.

"Oh no! I am so sorry. It must be my nail." Aeri apologised once again, she pretended to be clumsy and tried to wipe off her blood, while secretly pulling her near Jimin.

"I- It's okay-"

Suddenly, the room felt colder. The girl shivered as she felt goosebumps. 

"I need to check the patient." The doctor said in a hurry. Aeri glanced at the girl's blood dropped on Jimin's arm. She nodded, pulling the girl outside.










The ground under the Yoo's castle started to shake, startling the members inside. Dark cloud started to cover the sky as rumbling of thunders could be heard.

Just then, a lightning strike the roof of the YJ Hospital. A figure could be seen appearing near the window of the highest room of the castle as he oversees what's happening outside.

He hummed lowly, before turning around and appeared downstairs in the living room where everyone has gathered already. He stepped into the middle as he reached out his hand to the beautiful woman there. 

"Honey. Is she-"


He smiled and kissed the woman's cheek, before he looked at all the members there. 

"The future queen has awakened. You know what to do."

Gasps and murmurs filled the living room now, everyone's showing relief and excitement. 

"Make sure to secure the hospital's parameter at all time, and alert me if there's any suspicious activity or presence of the witches."

"Yes, sir!"

He dismissed everyone as he paid attention to his woman now. 

"Let's go, we are going to bring our daughter back here now that she's awake."

"I can't wait to see her."

"Me too, my love."






Aeri and the doctor watched how Jimin slowly fluttered her eyes open. She didn't get up right away, but continued to stare at the ceiling. Jimin raised her arm as she looked at a few drops of blood on her skin. She brings her arm closer and took a sniff of the blood scent.

She hummed in delight, closing her eyes as she could smell the sweet scent. She the blood off her skin, and took a deep breathe.

When she opened her eyes again, there's a little glow on her eyes. She snapped her head towards Aeri, and before Aeri could utter a word, Jimin was already on her feet and in front of her. 

"Where. Is. She?" Jimin asked, slightly growling.

"We had to let her go. We can't let her see how you wake up. But you don't have to worry, Ning is following her." Aeri answered.

"Jimin, you need to drink some blood. It has been a decade-"

Jimin raised her palm, and slowly looked at the doctor. 

"Taeyong." She called his name, and he bowed immediately.

"A decade?"

"Yes, Jimin. We only found your person after a decade." Aeri explained.

Jimin tilted her head, rolling her eyes as she stretched her neck. She let out a low chuckle and both her friends could feel the darkness and coldness from her aura.

"A decade huh."

Jimin's eyes glowed in red as she looked up at her friends.










The sound of the metal gate being unlocked was heard. A slow and clicks of heel stepping down the stairs echoes after that. The weak prisoner moved from the corner of the small room to look who came to visit her.

"If you were trying to ask me to wake your precious youngest Yoo, my answer is still the same. I would rather die. I would never take back my curse." The prisoner said. 

She laughed, provoking the visitors like she usually did. That was the only thing she could do to hurt the vampires back.

She had been tortured enough, she can't use her power in the Yoo's dungeon. The Yoo's greatest grandmother managed to steal a curse from the witches' great grandmother in the past, she put a barrier surrounding their castle that no witches are able to use their power when they step within the barrier of Yoo castle, no matter if they will be up high in the sky or deep down underground.

"You can torture me all you want, it's not going to hurt me. I'm not going to beg for your forgiveness." The witch said. 

A low hum was heard along the corridor. The witch frowned as she tried to squint her eyes, trying to see who was behind the dark figure in front of her. There was not enough light to help her to look. They left her in the dungeon, living in the dark for a decade as a payback for her curse against the Youngest Yoo. 

"Don't beg. I hate it when people are begging like a fool after what they did. But I must say..." The unfamiliar voice paused before she continued her sentence. 

"I am glad that they decided not to kill you yet. Because your life is mine to take." 

Right after, a faint glow from the visitor's eyes shocked the witch. 


"Stella. I will show you the consequence of daring to spell a curse on me."

"Y-Yoo Jimin?!" The witch's eyes widened in disbelief. 

"No. Impossible. My curse! No human is crazy enough to like a devil like your kind! Especially not someone with a pure and kind heart! I gave you a curse that is impossible to break!" 

"Hmm. I'm going to keep you alive, and let you watch how your own curse will give me a benefit instead now. After all, I feel more stronger just with a few drops of blood from my human. Can you imagine if I am able to drink more of her blood?" 


"I'm here to tell you personally, the human has awakened me with her presence just like what you said in your curse. And her blood, oh her blood awakened all of my senses. I've never felt this alive before." Jimin chuckled darkly as she enjoyed seeing how the witch looked terrified with how her curse has turned out now. 










Jimin dropped the bear's body to the ground after drinking the blood from it. She had been hunting for the whole night to quench her thirst after not drinking blood for a decade. 

She sighed with joy, wiping off the blood of her lips. She turned around to see Aeri just watching her quietly. 

"Feeling better?" Aeri asked. 

"Enough. For now." Jimin answered. 

She raised her hand and realised that she's really coming back and awakened. 

"I'm going to go and see her tomorrow." 

"Okay, Jimin." 

A subtle smile appeared on Jimin's face. She can't wait to see the human who became the reason for her awakening. She's going to make sure that her human will be hers, and hers only. 

"And I'm going to taint her. Her beautiful, kind heart should be reserved only for me, just for me." Jimin said, voice filled with possessiveness. 










Hi, guys!

So, yes, we are going to start with the first chapter of YBAM now. I hope you enjoy this. Next chapter is still in the process. Please look forward to their first meeting next! Stay safe, everyone.



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0 points #1
Chapter 146: I really love your stories author-nim ( ˘ ³˘)♥
0 points #2
Chapter 115: I LOVE THIS SO MUCH 😭
ForeverLuvie 0 points #3
Chapter 18: Won't there be a bonus chap for Chances? I am really curious if Jimin won Minjeong's heart in the end 😭😭😭
Psykotato 26 streak #4
Authorrrrr birthday ko bukas baka naman
Chapter 146: I am speechless. You story always left me in awe. That's so amazing. Despite the vhaos happening, I can use my imagination to visualize. But funny thing I imagined Lady Winter is like Elsa in Frozen 😂 the one who can make everything.
Btw thanks again for the amazing story
Ash-LaoSiow #6
Chapter 146: Omggggg
Chapter 44: This is one of my favorite stories of your I really love your winrina fluff stories author-nim♡(> ਊ <)♡
Chapter 146: 🫶🫶🫶🫶
725 streak #9
Chapter 146: ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
1192 streak #10
Chapter 146: 🥳