Your Blood Awaken Me - Part 4

Winrina = Jiminjeong

"You call for me, father?"

Mr Yoo looked at his daughter.

Tall, strong, cold, heartless, and reliable. That's what Jimin is as his daughter. He raised her well. Jimin had gone through a lot, and she was the best daughter for him. She was different than her cousins, and all of the other Yoo's.

However, Jimin remind him of their late greatest grandmother. She was a warrior, never bow down to anyone. She always fights like it was her last breath. She was the cruelest of them all, she put family first before anything else. A single touch to her beloved, and she'll make you disappear from the earth instantly. She was relentless, and she keeps climbing up to the top, no one was able to stop her.

Seeing how Jimin is now, she definitely almost like her. Except that Jimin can be more ferocious.

"My daughter, how's Kim Minjeong?"

"I'm taking care of her, father."

"Good. I expect nothing less from you. Your mother have been asking to meet her."

"I will bring her when it's time." Jimin said firmly. Mr Yoo nodded, he knows not to go against his daughter. Jimin always knows what she's doing. After all, she's the future queen.

"It has been a while. Hunt with us, only for a night." Mr Yoo said.

"Monday. We'll hunt together on Monday night. I'm busy any other nights."

Mr Yoo raised his eyebrows, but never question it. He agreed, and Jimin excused herself.

"You know that I'm not going to let them see another day if I found them. So, don't bother to hide anything from me." Jimin said, before she disappeared from her father's room.

Mr Yoo sighed, he had his own people to track all of the other witches. He made sure not to share any information with Jimin, as he wanted to avoid what had happened before. He was trying to protect his daughter at all cost. He didn't want Jimin to get cursed again. But, it seems like nothing he can hide from his own daughter.










"What are you doing here alone?"

Minjeong almost dropped her phone when suddenly Jimin appeared behind her.


Jimin smiled, and Minjeong pouted.

"Why I didn't hear you? You scare me."

"I thought the last time we talked about this, you said you are not scared of me anymore." Jimin said, tilting her head.

Minjeong chuckled, and put her phone inside her pocket.

"I meant to say, that I was surprised that you are here as I didn't hear you coming." 

Jimin chuckled as well, she reached out a hand. Minjeong looked at it, before taking it. She lets Jimin pulled her close. One thing about Jimin now is that she does not like space, not when she's with Minjeong. Two months, it took Minjeong two months to get to see this side of Jimin. She was smiling all the time when they were both alone, she speaks so softly only with her, her eyes hold a loving stare, and Minjeong often finds herself gets drown in it.

"It's dangerous to be out in this dark alley alone." Jimin told her.

"No one really comes here. Ms Lee have her own CCTV installed too." Minjeong said.

Jimin glanced at the CCTV before looking back at Minjeong. Right, and Aeri has access to it. 

"Are you going to bring me out tonight? Or, are we staying in?" Minjeong asked.

"Why? Do you, perhaps, look forward for our night walk?" Jimin asked.

She smiled at the sight of Minjeong's sparkling eyes at the mentioned of the night walk. A faint blush appeared on her soft cheeks as she nodded her head at Jimin.

"Then, I shall take you out for the night walk."






"Here you go, I hope you'll find food for tomorrow too."

Jimin watched as Minjeong feed a stray cat some cat food, after buying it from the store earlier. Minjeong scratched the cat's belly, before standing up. She skipped towards Jimin, and smiled happily. Oh, Jimin swears she'll make sure she will see that smile forever.

"I'm back." Minjeong said, and Jimin hold her hand right away.

"Why are you scared of cats?" Minjeong asked, because Jimin stands a little far as she waited for Minjeong to feed the cat earlier.

"I am not." 

"Then why do you stand this far?" Minjeong asked, squinting her eyes at Jimin. Because then, they will get scared instead.

"Now, why do you ask so many questions?" Jimin asked back.

"You are annoying." Minjeong pouted, Jimin chuckled.

They continued their night walk peacefully after that. 










Jimin watched with her dark red eyes from the private room, as someone was being too close to Minjeong. The guy even made her laugh, Jimin sighed heavily as she took off her tie. It has been a long day for Jimin, someone dared to send a letter with a threat in it, saying that they know about their identity as the vampires, and will bring them down. The letter was sent to the hospital, Taeyong was the one who spread the information to the Yoo's. Their members were busy going for a hunt now, everyone spread out to find a lead.

Now, watching the scene in front of her eyes, boiled her even more.

"Humans are really such a nuisance." Jimin growled.


While downstairs, Minjeong rolled her eyes at what her friend had just told her.

"Come on, Minjeong. Help a friend out!"

"Sunghoon. I can't."

"Oh, please. Just for this one time."


Minjeong giggled when Sunghoon whined at her. He has been asking her to be his plus one for his family's big event. It's not that Minjeong does not want to help her friend, but she does not want any misunderstanding. The last time she agreed to be his plus one, people thought they were together. So, when his friends saw her, they called her as Sunghoon's girlfriend.

Another thing is that she knew Sunghoon has feelings for her, she does not want to entertain him. She does not want to give him a false hope. She just wants to be a good friend.

"But, there will be Ice cream!"

Minjeong pouted, wanted to argue with him how it's not fair to use Ice cream to make her give in. But didn't get to, when she saw Jimin staring at her from upstairs. Minjeong smiled, waving at her. Jimin smiled back, but changed to her straight face as soon as Sunghoon turned around to look at her. Sunghoon frowned.

"Who's that?" Sunghoon asked, and Minjeong looked at him.

"That's-" Minjeong tilted her head, Jimin wasn't there anymore.

"Where did she go?" Minjeong mumbled. She then excused herself, she went upstairs to check, but no sign of Jimin. She walked downstairs, heading towards the back exit, going out to the back alley. There, she saw them.


Jimin and Aeri were talking in a hush voice. Aeri looked at her first, she gave her a small smile before bowing her head.

"I'll go first." Aeri said, then left them there alone.

Jimin turned around, and remains calm in front of Minjeong.

"Minjeong." Jimin called her name softly.

Minjeong approached her, Jimin put her hand on her waist as she holds her.

"Is something wrong?" Minjeong asked.

"Just, business." Jimin said.


Jimin never said anything about her work, she had just told Minjeong that she has her own business. Minjeong didn't ask further, because she wants Jimin to be the one to tell her without her asking. She only knows that Jimin is rich, well judging by the way she dresses and her car, it's confirmed that Jimin is indeed rich. 

"You didn't call me to accompany you upstairs." Minjeong said.

Jimin smiled as she heard Minjeong's thought. Minjeong kind of miss her, but too shy to admit it. She always looks forward to spend time with Jimin now, and she likes being around Jimin.

"Were you waiting?" Jimin asked, hands raising up to caress Minjeong's hair.

"Yeah." Minjeong whispered.

"I didn't see you yesterday." She added, as she played with Jimin's coat button now. And I really miss you.

Jimin's smile widened.

"It's Monday." Jimin said.

"I know, but- you can still see me on Monday if you want."


"Yeah, you- uhm, you can come to my apartment." Minjeong said shyly.

Jimin hummed, this is the first time Minjeong is making the first move, moreover asking her to come to her. It's always Jimin who calls for her, not Minjeong.



Minjeong was startled that she almost stumbled to her feet, but Jimin was fast to step forward and wrapped an arm around her waist.

"O-Oh." Minjeong blinked, she can feel Jimin's arm wrapped tightly around her.


Minjeong looked at the confused Sunghoon, he was observing Jimin from head to toe with his watching eyes. Jimin kept quiet, but hold a cold gaze as she looked back at him sharply.

"Sunghoon. Why are you here?" Minjeong asked.

"Well, why are you here?" Sunghoon asked back. He frowned seeing Jimin, he could feel her dark aura. His eyes then glanced at her arm that's circling around Minjeong's waist. 

"I'm just here talking to Jimin."

"Yeah? Jimin?" He raised his eyebrows.

"I never heard of her." He said.

"You got a problem with me?" Jimin asked, slightly growling.

Minjeong cleared , she knows Jimin is not friendly with strangers. Jimin once told her that she hates people, which Minjeong thought she was joking.

"Sunghoon! I'll talk to you inside."

"I'm not leaving you with her. Who is she?" Sunghoon asked.

Jimin was about to move, but Minjeong gripped her coat tight.

"Jimin ah. He's my friend. He was just worried about me." Minjeong told her. Jimin frowned this time.

"Sunghoon? Please, I'll talk to you inside." Minjeong pleaded.

"Fine." Sunghoon glared at Jimin, before he went inside.

Jimin slowly pushed Minjeong against the wall after that. She put her palms on the wall, right on each side of Minjeong's head.

"I don't like him." Jimin hissed.

Minjeong sighed. She used to find Jimin scary when she's in this kind of mood, but not anymore. Jimin won't ever hurt her. She put her palms on Jimin's cheek, and Jimin's eyebrows furrowed.

"You don't like anyone, Jimin ah." Minjeong teased, and smiled when Jimin closed her eyes. She knows Jimin would never get mad for so long when she's with her.

"He's always like that. He was only worried about me." Minjeong said.


Minjeong grinned, and Jimin melted at her cuteness. Minjeong is really so soft, and it's because of her kind heart. She wants it. She wants Minjeong's heart, all for her. 

"I don't like that he sounds jealous earlier." Jimin said, her right hand now moved to hold Minjeong's shoulder.

"He's not allowed to get jealous." Jimin said again, she slides her hand downwards before pointing a forefinger on Minjeong's chest, where her heart was located.

"You are not his, for him to get jealous." Jimin whispered.

"I am not." Minjeong said, gulping as Jimin was giving her a deep stare.

"You are not."


Jimin hummed, leaning her face closer. She put her forefinger below Minjeong's chin this time. She stares into Minjeong's eyes, all while hearing her thoughts. Minjeong was saying that she was hers in her mind. Jimin almost let out a satisfied growl upon knowing that.

"Tell me."


"Whatever that is in your mind."


Jimin leaned closer, until their noses touched. She cupped Minjeong's jaw.

"Tell me, Minjeong. I want to hear it from your mouth." Minjeong gulped, she was confused. 

"You're thinking of it. I know you're thinking of it. So, tell me." Jimin said, her other hand is squeezing her waist, and Minjeong gasped.

Minjeong's hands automatically reached out to hold Jimin's shoulders.


"I'm... yours." Minjeong whispered, slowly. Her heart was pounding out loud, Jimin's ear tingling as she listened to the beautiful loud beating of Minjeong's heart. 

"Again. Say it again." Jimin whispered, lips almost touching.

Minjeong's eyes looked at Jimin's red lips, she gripped Jimin's shoulders tight.

"I am yours, Jimin."

"Damn right, you are." Jimin sighed in content.

"Be mine forever, and I'll love you right." Jimin said.

"A-Are you asking me to be your girlfriend?" Minjeong asked.

"Yes." Jimin said firmly.

Minjeong smiled, nodding her head.


Jimin's dark blue eyes glow, and Minjeong got lost in it. Jimin smiled, rubbing her thumb on Minjeong's jaw.

"Can I kiss my girlfriend now?" Jimin asked.

Minjeong glanced at Jimin's lips once again, before she let out a low "yes."

Jimin took a deep breath, before leaning in, her eyes were searching for Minjeong's. When Minjeong smiled at her, she took that as a sign to continue. She slowly leans in again, and finally...

Minjeong closed her eyes as soon as she felt Jimin's lips on hers. It was just a peck, but oh girl, she got it bad.

While as for Jimin, her whole body feels like on the cloud. She couldn't get over it, Minjeong's soft lips. She wanted to just hold her tight, take her away, far away, kiss the hell out of her, and to claim her properly.

However, Jimin knows, she can't act rashly. Patience. She needs to be patient if she wants to have all of her, or she will lose her instead.

"Minjeong. You are now officially mine."

"Yes, Jimin." Minjeong whispered.

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0 points #1
Chapter 146: I really love your stories author-nim ( ˘ ³˘)♥
0 points #2
Chapter 115: I LOVE THIS SO MUCH 😭
ForeverLuvie 0 points #3
Chapter 18: Won't there be a bonus chap for Chances? I am really curious if Jimin won Minjeong's heart in the end 😭😭😭
Psykotato 26 streak 0 points #4
Authorrrrr birthday ko bukas baka naman
Chapter 146: I am speechless. You story always left me in awe. That's so amazing. Despite the vhaos happening, I can use my imagination to visualize. But funny thing I imagined Lady Winter is like Elsa in Frozen 😂 the one who can make everything.
Btw thanks again for the amazing story
Ash-LaoSiow #6
Chapter 146: Omggggg
Chapter 44: This is one of my favorite stories of your I really love your winrina fluff stories author-nim♡(> ਊ <)♡
Chapter 146: 🫶🫶🫶🫶
725 streak #9
Chapter 146: ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
1192 streak #10
Chapter 146: 🥳