I'm In Love With A Criminal - Part 15 (Final)

Winrina = Jiminjeong

The sound of the waves hit her. The wind blows through her face. She also let the wind blow her long red hair as she stares at the ocean. She closed her eyes as the past memories filled her head once again. She took a deep and a shaky breath before opening her eyes. It has been three months. Three months since Karina left her, three months since she officially changed her identity from being a detective to the new leader of Black Mamba, the only underworld's gang standing now. 

No matter how many people she sent and how long everyone tries to search for Karina's body, no one can find her. Minjeong even tried to dive into the ocean to search for Karina's body for a month, yet she fails like everyone else.

It's like Karina has been vanished without a trace, and it's making Minjeong to feel depressed. She wishes that she could at least, bury her properly.

"I'm almost there, Karina. I'm fulfilling what you asked for." Minjeong whispered and smiled sadly.

Johnny stands outside the car, watching Minjeong's back. She had requested to come to the very same cliff where she had lost Karina, and Johnny accompanied her. Johnny sighed internally as he could feel Minjeong's emotion. It had been hard for all of them, especially Minjeong. She fought with no fear, defeating each and every gang leader without giving them a chance to change her mind.

Johnny stands up straight when Minjeong turned around to get to the car.


"Yes, ma'am?"

"Do not stop me."


"Even if you feel like I'm going to die, do not stop me."

Johnny frowned and didn't answer for a few seconds.

"I can't stop, Johnny. I will make them all pay. It's time."

"Then, I'll be right by your side. I won't ever leave you. It's a promise I made with Karina Yoo." Johnny bowed.

"Thank you."






Minjeong hummed softly as she grazed her bottom lip with her forefinger while watching her Ipads' screen. She smirked seeing the lieutenant and sergeant that she was eyeing for a while entered the familiar nightclub.


"Yes, ma'am?"

"We're going to party tonight. Call the others."

"Okay, ma'am."

Minjeong wore a tight leather pants, matched with a simple and plain white tee, tucked into her pants. She let her long red hair falls on her shoulders. She wore her black boots and her leather jacket to complete her appearance. She looked at herself through the mirror, and smiled to herself. She put on her lip ring and cracked her knuckles.

"Karina, I'm going to kill again for you."






Minjeong entered the club casually and went straight to the bar to order a drink. She thanked the barista and brought the glass with her as she ignored every girl and boys who tried to hit on her. She whistled as she focused on her steps, going further inside to look for a certain private room. She grinned once she found the last room and knocked on the door before she opened it without waiting.

"Well, hello everyone." She greeted all of the people inside with a sinister smile.

Both the lieutenant and sergeant that she was looking for was having girls on their lap and their eyes widened seeing Minjeong. Minjeong chuckled and raised her glass.

"It's okay, you guys can continue. I won't be here for long. I'm a busy woman." Minjeong said and gulped down her drink in one go while eyeing her two targets.

Minjeong smirked when she saw how the two of them pushed the girls off their lap. However, she was not in the mood to waste time. So, throwing the glass onto the wall was what she thought of, before she took out two handguns and shoot at their directions causing the girls to scream while ducking their heads as they ran out of the room.

She stopped shooting when she noticed that she managed to shoot the lieutenant on his thigh while the sergeant got shot in his stomach.

"You know, sir, this doesn't have to happen if you don't interfere." Minjeong said.

"Y-You! You are going to jail!" The lieutenant yelled and groaned in pain.

Minjeong ignored him and pulled out her knife this time. She jumped over the table in the middle and sprinted towards him to stab him on his chest three times before she did the same to the sergeant. She stepped back and looked at them dead on the couch.


Minjeong glanced at Johnny over her shoulder with her soulless eyes. Johnny stepped inside to check the pulse and confirmed that they were dead.

"We killed all of their guards as well." Johnny informed Minjeong.

"Good. Let's go to the organization's headquarter now. I'll end it all tonight."






The Police Headquarter was in a state of chaos when Minjeong brought the first batch of Black Mamba with her to kill all of those who got involved in Karina's incident. She went straight to her department area and met with Soobin's new team, who tried to kill her a month ago, knowing that she will be going after Soobin one day.

"Fools." Minjeong mumbled and pounced on them without fear. She avoided every bullet with the help of Johnny who never leaves her side this time. She used her knife well to fight against them, going straight to hit their vital point as she won't give anyone a chance to escape.

"Detective Kim!"

Minjeong just killed another person when she heard her former's teammate's voice. She turned around to see Ten and Taeyong. They were raising their guns, but their eyes looked confused as they finally met Minjeong again after her disappearance from Karina's incident.

"Detective Kim, why?" Ten asked softly.

Johnny distracted the other detectives by fighting them all, so they can't attack Minjeong as she faced her former teammates.

"Leave, and pretend you don't see any of this. We don't want to hurt you both." Ning suddenly appeared and stands behind Minjeong. Mark also entered and stepped forward to make sure Ten and Taeyong won't do anything stupid.

"All of you are together?" Taeyong asked in disbelief.

"Is it true that you betrayed us?" Ten asked.

Minjeong turned around to leave when Taeyong yelled for her to stop.

"We need answers!"

"I didn't betray anyone. I simply choose to leave everything behind to be with the person who owns my heart. I am no longer your detective Kim, so..." Minjeong looked back at Ten and Taeyong.

"So, don't call me that anymore."

"Is it true that you're in a relationship with the Black Mamba's leader?" Taeyong asked.


Ten and Taeyong put down their guns. Ning and Mark sighed in relief.

"Go. Finish what you guys need to do. Let's pretend that we don't know each other." Taeyong said.

Ning looked at them proudly and nodded. After all, they used to be so close and built a great friendship while working together. She knew that Taeyong is smart enough to find out the details about what really happened.






Minjeong went insane and killed every cops that got involved in Karina's death and the ambush from their secret's deal with the underworld gang. She went to the highest floor, where Giselle informed her through the in ears that Soobin had been hiding there with the chief. She couldn't wait for Johnny when she saw him fighting against a dozen of cops, so she went alone first.

When the elevator opened, she saw many cops pointing their guns at her through the hallway. She chuckled and stepped out of the elevator. She counted that there were around twelve of them. She thought of how dumb can they be. Twelve is not enough to stop her.

"Surrender, detective Kim. And we won't shoot you." Said one of the cops.

Minjeong sighed, hating the fact that some of them forgot that she was not longer a detective.

"One advice to succeed in life. Less talking, more action." Minjeong said before she throw her dagger towards the guy in the middle and sprinted forward as she avoids more bullets and jumped as she kicked her feet onto the wall on her left before snatching the gun from the first cop at the front and used his body as a shield while she shoots at the others.

She pushed the cop's now dead body off her and rolled forward, shooting other two cops to death. She throws the gun and grabbed another one from the dead cop as she continued shooting. She stopped when she noticed they ran out of bullets. She took out her favourite pocket knife. Five, there are five of them left.

Minjeong make her final sprint and lunged at them all, she madly and throw many jabs on their vital points, aiming to kill them fast. She was breathing heavily as she killed the last guy. She looked behind and saw all of them has died already. Weak.

She walked lazily towards the chief's office room. She rolled her eyes when it's locked. She simply shot the door and kicked it opened. She was not surprised to find Soobin has his gun ready and aiming at her. The chief was standing behind Soobin, looking scared but tried to hide it by laughing at Minjeong.

"You are really brave for coming over here. Do you think you can get away after this?" The chief scoffed.

Soobin gulped seeing Minjeong's appearance. It's his first time to see Minjeong this way. All of her clothes got bloodstains, her hands are covered with blood as well, which indicates what she did before coming after them.

"Minjeong. We can fix this."

"You take her away from me." Minjeong growled and gripped on her knife tightly.

"She's a criminal, Minjeong!"

"How dare you take her from me." Minjeong ignored him and her eyes turned dark, anger clouding her mind as she remembered Karina.

"She brainwashed you!"

"YOU SHOULDN'T TAKE HER AWAY FROM ME!" Minjeong shouted and springs towards him as she tackles him to the floor and kicked the gun off his hand. The chief used this chance to escape and refused to help Soobin as he cares about his own life instead.

Soobin tried to pin Minjeong down, but she was fast. She slipped out of his grip and throw her legs around his neck before tightening them causing him to trash around wildly.

"She is mine! Mine, Soobin. I just finally got her, after waiting for so long."

"Argh- I- Ack-" Soobin kept on slapping Minjeong's legs as he tried to make her let go of him, but Minjeong does not have an intention to let him go at all.

"But you guys had the nerve to take her away from me. I watched her fall. I- I watched her fall helplessly!!" Minjeong grunted and twisted Soobin's neck using her legs, she only stopped once she heard the cracking sound. She panted as she finally let go. She pushed herself off the floor. Minjeong didn't take a last look on Soobin's dead body as she left the room to go down.

She was limping slightly, but nothing can stop her. She went to the lobby and saw two of the Black Mamba men holding the chief. Johnny, Mark and Ning were there waiting for her. Everyone could hear Giselle and Yunjin through their in ears, they have their men guarding and surrounding the organization's headquarter to make sure no one can come to help the chief.

"You will regret this!!! You-" Minjeong took the knife from Johnny's hand and made her way towards the chief. She grabbed his nape and made him look into her eyes as she penetrated his chest slowly and deeply.

"This is for Karina." Minjeong whispered, pulling out the knife before making a final stab.

She stepped back and let the men released the dead chief lifelessly on the floor. Minjeong looked at his body, dully. 

"You guys leave first, we will clean the mess." Johnny said.

"All of you leave."

Everyone turned and looked at Ten and Taeyong. They got injured slightly, they actually fought against the other detectives when they saw Mark and Ning were struggling earlier. They couldn't let their former close colleague died, so they decided to help.

"We'll take it from here." Taeyong said.

"Let this be the last time this happen and never come back here." Ten said.

Minjeong looked at them. Ten and Taeyong owed her once, and this is their way of thanking her. They couldn't thank her openly, they didn't know how to speak to her. She wasn't the same person. She looks different now. Ten and Taeyong could only bow their heads and hope for the best.

"Let's go." Minjeong mumbled and walked out first with the others following her from behind. Ning paused as she glanced at Ten and Taeyong.

"Are you going to stick by her side?" Taeyong asked.


"Even if we have to go on separate ways now, at least we have our partner with us. That's still our motto, right?" Ten asked.

"Yes. No one leaves anyone behind, remember? I'll be with Minjeong, and you'll be with Taeyong. We don't leave our partner, ever." Ning replied.

Taeyong smiled weakly and saluted at Ning for the last time.

"Take care of her, and I'll take care of Ten. Please be safe, wherever you go."

Ning nodded, feeling sad that Minjeong and she had to leave the team for good now.

"I hope you know what to do next. We've done our part. Until next time." Ning said before she finally left as well.










Six months. Six months after Karina's death. Minjeong had been hiding after the chaos that had happened at the organization's headquarter. No one can find a lead. Ten and Taeyong are now taking over the organization. Minjeong watched the news as Taeyong was announced as the new chief while Ten being his assistant. She smiled seeing how careful and smart his answer were towards all the questions being thrown at them about the incident.

Minjeong knew that she could count on them, they wouldn't risk her safety and will make sure no one is going after her.

"It happened too sudden. We don't have any preparations at all. We almost died as well. Ten and I were just lucky to survive the attack."

Minjeong continued listening to the interview, she smiled hearing Taeyong mentioned of the secret deal the previous chief made with the underworld gang which is illegal to their law. He also mentioned that this attack was done by the gang that made a deal with the previous chief and they were all killed because they betrayed the gang. It was a fake story of course, but at this point, people had to believe it since no one else survived that night at the headquarter except for Taeyong and Ten.

It was fortunate that all of the other innocent detective wasn't there, since Minjeong had planned it out perfectly to attack when all of the enemies only inside, considering Ten and Taeyong not being a threat at all because she believes in them.

Johnny and the rest of the Black Mamba members went back to their normal life, hiding their true identity while living in disguise. Minjeong commanded them to stay low for the time being. Yes, she claimed the Black Mamba's leader position now and the underworld knows that there's only one gang left, that is Black Mamba. Minjeong threatened to kill anyone who tries to create a new gang and going against them. She made herself clear that no one will survive in going against her words.

Minjeong also threatened those who dares to create chaos and problems. So, the underworld had been making their deals in regards to their black market silently and avoiding any issues.

However, she was far from being done.

"Minjeong, the flight is ready. We're going to meet Irene and her team in LA." 

"So, the yakuza gang ran away there."

"Yes, Irene managed to track them."

"Great. Let's not waste any more time, shall we?"

"Yes. I'll be waiting outside with Aeri and Yunjin."

"Okay, Ning."

Minjeong stood up and looked around. She had been living in Karina's mansion, it gets lonely without her, but Minjeong couldn't find it in her heart to leave the place. She feels like she has to take care of the place on behalf of Karina. At least, she wants to live with the last pieces of Karina that she has left. The place reminds her of all of their memories during the short moments they spent together.

She went to Karina's room first and sits down on the bed. Even Karina's room still smells like her, and Minjeong would like to think that Karina was still there with her.

"I'll be back, Karina. Wait for me." Minjeong whispered as she patted the bed.

Stepping out of the mansion, Minjeong saw Ning, Giselle and Yunjin were getting ready. She sighed and looked at Karina's car that has never left the garage anymore. This is her lonely life now. She's doing everything without Karina, but she's grateful that her best friend and Karina's best friends never leave her side. She knew, she wasn't the only one who missed Karina. The girls mourned for her as well, but they had no choice and to stay strong for each other.

Yet, they refused to move on, not until they go through with their revenge for Karina. This will be the final mission, before they are going back to do their own business. Minjeong learned to accept her fate, of being in love with a criminal, of being alone now that Karina wasn't there with her now. She does not regret anything at all. She was happy. In a short span of time with Karina, she was at her happiest. She will remember the memories forever and keep Karina dear in her heart.










Double update and enjoy the final!! - cries -

Writing this story was a challenge to me, but glad that I managed to finish this one. I want to thank everyone for being patient despite of the long time of waiting for the update as I had been busy. 

Happy New Year and Happy Minjeong Day. Lots of love!




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0 points #1
Chapter 146: I really love your stories author-nim ( ˘ ³˘)♥
0 points #2
Chapter 115: I LOVE THIS SO MUCH 😭
ForeverLuvie 0 points #3
Chapter 18: Won't there be a bonus chap for Chances? I am really curious if Jimin won Minjeong's heart in the end 😭😭😭
Psykotato 26 streak #4
Authorrrrr birthday ko bukas baka naman
Chapter 146: I am speechless. You story always left me in awe. That's so amazing. Despite the vhaos happening, I can use my imagination to visualize. But funny thing I imagined Lady Winter is like Elsa in Frozen 😂 the one who can make everything.
Btw thanks again for the amazing story
Ash-LaoSiow #6
Chapter 146: Omggggg
Chapter 44: This is one of my favorite stories of your I really love your winrina fluff stories author-nim♡(> ਊ <)♡
Chapter 146: 🫶🫶🫶🫶
725 streak #9
Chapter 146: ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
1192 streak #10
Chapter 146: 🥳