
Clumsy Hearts

Author's Note: Hello, I'm back! A sincere thank you to those who have returned to keep reading ♡ Let's get right into it, shall we?


Despite the blatant affection that happened behind closed doors (or, their closed door), things remained regular between them in the real world. Well, besides the way Taemin’s heart felt like exploding every time he saw Jongin now, knowing that was his boyfriend. But they acted normal at school, on the street, even at home – Taemin was too shy to risk the smallest of kisses even in the bathroom. Their relationship existed mostly within the four walls of their room, but that was okay. It would expand in time.

On the following Saturday, one of Jongin’s friends was holding a little party at their place, so Jongin had invited Taemin along. Taemin fretted about what to wear – he’d had his roots touched up finally that morning, so he wanted to look nice to match the fresh look, but also… It was their first event together. As a couple. Taemin wasn’t sure why but it felt like a big deal to him. He wanted to ask Jongin for help – maybe they could match – but he worried Jongin might think it was silly or too couple-y.

Jongin knew him well though, knew that Taemin never bothered as much with fashion as he suddenly was that Saturday, and had to ask. “What are you thinking about? It’s just a casual thing, you know.”

As Jongin sidled up beside him in front of the closet, Taemin could only look down shyly. “I just… want to make a good impression. I know no one knows about us, but still… It’s our – our debut as a… unit.”

His reasoning made Jongin laugh out loud. “Are you afraid to say the word ‘couple’?” he asked teasingly, arm moving around Taemin’s shoulders and giving one a squeeze. “Also, I didn’t realize you were so cheesy.”

Taemin couldn’t look him in the eye, because he was right. He couldn’t say couple, couldn’t say boyfriend, couldn’t say any of those things yet. Just thinking about it made him blush. But he gave a pout as Jongin dubbed him cheesy. Was that a bad thing? It sort of sounded like a bad thing. Maybe Taemin needed to be cooler, not sweeter.

Suddenly, he remembered Jongin’s old girlfriend. She had been very cool, a (in Jongin’s words), not very affectionate. That was probably what Jongin liked more.

So Taemin tried to channel that. “Well we should look good together,” he said, trying to make his voice as firm and cool as possible. “It’s our first time going out as a couple, we don’t want to look stupid.”

For a moment, Jongin stared at him, head tilted as confusion ran through his mind. Then he barked out a laugh. “Why are you acting so strange? Where’s my Taemin?”

Taemin deflated in an instant. “I don’t want you to think I’m being cheesy,” he mumbled with a sigh, reaching out for another shirt to try. “I want to be cool…”

As he grabbed at a shirt sleeve, Jongin reached up to take his wrist, catching Taemin’s attention and drawing his eyes to the younger, who had a burning look of amusement and fondness in his own. “You are cool, just by yourself,” Jongin told him sincerely. “I much prefer you the way you are. If I wanted snarky comments, I have a dozen different friends I can go to for them.” He shot Taemin a playful grin, then leaned in to kiss his cheek. “Don’t worry about trying to impress anyone else, they don’t matter. Or me – you’ve already done that.”

Oh? How had someone like him possibly impressed Jongin? And did Jongin really think he was cool? It had to be a lie. But the look in Jongin’s eyes was so genuine, his smile hiding no secrets. Taemin felt so shy he wanted to shrink himself and hide in a shoe. And he said I’m cheesy…

Releasing Taemin’s arm, Jongin looked over his closet. “Let’s coordinate then, if you want. I’ll help,” he offered, both of them knowing who the expert was when it came to clothing. In no time, the two of them had something to wear, both finishing up getting ready to go.

When they were getting their shoes on at the door, Jongin’s mother came over. She fixed Jongin’s shirt while he grumbled, then asked, “Will you boys be home tonight?”

“Probably,” Jongin hummed as he straightened up, letting the woman hug him. Then she went to hug Taemin. “Unless we drink too much.”

His mother laughed. “Well, try and remember to message me if you’re planning on staying. And your hair looks very nice, Taemin,” she added lightly, making him duck his head. “Very handsome boys. Don’t be getting into any trouble.”

“Yes, mom.”

“Yes, Ms. Cho.”

The woman patted both their cheeks and waved them away. Then they were off.

The party was being hosted by one of the boys who had been at Jongin’s party, though Taemin admittedly didn’t remember him very well. When they arrived however, the door was answered by none other than Baekhyun, who looked thrilled to see Taemin there.

“You came! Come in, welcome to my humble abode,” he added in a dramatic voice.

Behind him, another boy was instantly shouting at him from another room. “You do not live here!” Baekhyun merely winked and ushered them inside.

“I told Chanyeol to make sure you were invited too,” he went on cheerfully to Taemin, practically ignoring Jongin. This was part of his tactic to make Jongin jealous – unbeknownst to him that this was now unnecessary. Taemin hadn’t mentioned the change in his relationship status yet, but he decided to keep quiet for now. Too many ears around. “I needed someone my own size to pick on,” Baekhyun added with another wink.

“No picking on him,” Jongin interjected, frowning a little. Then, to Taemin’s surprise, he added under his breath, “And no kissing this time either.”

Baekhyun raised a challenging eyebrow, face lighting up with a wicked grin. “Oh, you heard about that, huh? And what if I do?”

At this, Jongin leaned in and said something in Baekhyun’s ear – not loud enough for Taemin to hear. Still, his skin was tingling from Jongin being a little… dare he say possessive? Taemin definitely had no intention of kissing Baekhyun, of course, but he liked the idea of Jongin being bothered by it. He wants me all to himself. I’m still dreaming…

“Ooh, ,” Baekhyun said when Jongin pulled away, the younger scowling and giving him a shove. Baekhyun just winked once more, then waved them towards the kitchen. “Come get some food and drinks. You must be weary after your long journey.” Again, he spoke theatrically, making Taemin giggle and Jongin shake his head. But they both moved at the mention of food, grabbing some things to eat and finding a place to sit on Chanyeol’s couch.

This wasn’t hard, as the couch was massive – L-shaped and taking up half the living room; even with ten people on it, they weren’t cramped. Taemin and Jongin sat comfortably close – though not too close, not needing to raise any questions – and ate together as Jongin introduced (and reintroduced) Taemin to his friends. Mostly, Taemin gave a few shy hellos and sipped at his drink, watching as a round of video games started.

Then the doorbell rang again, and Taemin wasn’t sure why but it made him feel oddly nervous. He’d expected that they were the last guests, but there were more? How big was this party going to be?

As Baekhyun went to answer the door, he gave a groan. Something about this didn’t make Taemin feel any better. “Why are they here?” Baekhyun said, annoyance not hidden in his voice. When he answered the buzzer, he added. “Go away.”

“Baekhyun, let them in!” Chanyeol ordered from where he was playing a game on the couch. There was a huff, and then the door downstairs was unlocked.

“Who is it?” Jongin wondered, curious as to who it was that Baekhyun didn’t like, considering how friendly he was with everyone.

The answer came soon enough, as a group of girls shuffled into the apartment. A couple glances were exchanged, and then people were shifting to make room on the couch – either cramming themselves between their guy friends, or making more space for the girls to sit beside them. Jongin put an arm around Taemin’s shoulders casually – what likely appeared as a friendly gesture, but was really a protective one. No one will separate us today.

Taemin was quite alright with this.

Fortunately, the girls didn’t pay them much attention. Baekhyun took the spot on Taemin’s other side, and as the group seemed intent on ignoring him, they hardly looked in his (and by extension, Taemin and Jongin’s) direction. Instead they sat by the guys they seemed to know, Chanyeol and a couple others. Taemin just watched curiously, trying to see what it was about them that Baekhyun seemed to dislike so much.

It didn’t take long.

Two of the girls had gone off to get food first, and when they came over to the couch, there was only one spot available for them – beside Baekhyun. It wasn’t a very big spot, though, and for both of them to squish in would be pushing it (and pushing Baekhyun’s boundaries, for sure). So, as any reasonable human would do, one of them simply barked at him to ‘Move!’

Astonished, Taemin gaped. There was no way he had heard that right, right? He glanced over at Baekhyun, but the other had become practically unrecognizable from his usual cheery self. Black clouds seemed to roll off Baekhyun, and in a moment he was getting up and stomping out of the room. The girls rolled their eyes, taking his place without hesitation.

Taemin had no idea what to say – or think – as the words were shocked out of his mind. But, deciding it wasn’t his place to address it, he turned to Jongin and gently asked if he wanted another drink, admittedly desperate to get away from the girls to clear his own head.

“I’ll take a refill,” Jongin hummed as Chanyeol passed his remote to another friend and went off after Baekhyun. “Careful,” he added, just loud enough for Taemin to hear. Taemin gave a nod, getting to his feet and reluctantly moving in the same direction as them.

If they’re in the kitchen. I’m just going to turn around and come back later.

Taemin cautiously peeked in the kitchen, finding it empty and making his way in gratefully. However, it was only seconds before he heard voices – in the next room over, it sounded like, but loud enough for him to hear.

“-talking to me like that in your ing house, and you want to defend them?!”

Oh, Baekhyun was angry. And rightfully, Taemin thought, as the way that girl had spoken to him had been completely unreasonable. Part of Taemin had wanted to tell her off himself, but he didn’t even know her, and it wasn’t his guest, so he’d kept his mouth shut. (Though honestly, he’d been too surprised to respond anyway. Even as he thought it over again, he couldn’t believe how rude she had been.)

Whatever Chanyeol said, it was much quieter and harder for Taemin to hear. He tried not to listen, not wanting to eavesdrop, but Baekhyun’s voice was inescapable.

“I put up with from them ALL the time and you never defend me!”

This time, Taemin could hear Chanyeol’s response. “Do you need me to?” He sounded exasperated, as though this weren’t the first time they’d had this conversation. (Judging by the way Baekhyun was reacting, Taemin suspected it wasn’t.)

“Yes! You don't hesitate to defend them!

Alright, just get your drinks and get out of here. This is their private conversation, you shouldn’t be so nosy. Taemin moved to grab a beer can from the fridge, pouring it into his cup and then Jongin’s, doing his best to not hear.

Then the voices got louder – they were in the entranceway of the room next door now, obviously at the end of the conversation.

“If they say one more ing word to me tonight, I do not care if they're girls, I will hit them.”

“Baekhyun, don't be threatening violence-”

Shut the up, Chanyeol! God, you're so far up their asses!”

Taemin nearly spilled Jongin’s drink as Baekhyun nearly yelled again, sounding like he was right behind him. Now he was wondering what to do. Did he risk leaving and possibly being seen, being suspected of snooping? Or did he stay where he was until they passed? What if they saw him anyway?

I should have just waited for them to be done…

“Look, just don't be violent okay?” Chanyeol was saying. “If they cause anymore problems, I'll call them out on it. But you be good too…”

“I might if they will…”

A few seconds later, their footsteps passed by the kitchen entrance. Taemin stayed very still, holding his breath until they were gone. Fortunately, he went unnoticed, and after a long moment he made his cautious return to the living room.

By the time Taemin returned, Baekhyun was sitting on Jongin’s opposite side, away from the girls who had taken the space by them. And though he still had some frown lines worrying his brow,  Baekhyun smiled when he saw Taemin. “Was wondering where you went!”

Jongin glowered just the tiniest bit at him, but Taemin was hardly paying attention. He had a new issue. With Baekhyun back, there now wasn’t enough space for him to sit. He could try to squeeze in beside the girls, but he’d rather not. Seeming to realize his problem, Jongin glanced around himself and evidently came to the same conclusion, as he was soon patting his own lap.

Oh gosh… Even Baekhyun raised an eyebrow at the silent suggestion, but Taemin really wasn’t against it. He was just – so shy to be sitting in Jongin’s lap like that. Taemin had never even done such a thing at home.

“C’mere, it’s fine,” Jongin reassured him casually, reaching for his drink to free Taemin’s hand. Taemin was sure he heard Baekhyun mutter Is it? under his breath, but Jongin ignored it, and so Taemin cautiously took a seat in his lap. Don’t be too close. Just act normal, like you usually are when you sit in a friend’s lap… (Something he never did.) Sensing his awkwardness – Taemin was painfully tense – Jongin chuckled and leaned forward to whisper in his ear. “Thought we were debuting as a unit.”

Taemin had said that. But that had been then, in the safety of their room. Alone.

“Hey, no secrets,” Baekhyun pouted from beside them. “Are you talking about me?”

There was no doubt that he knew they weren’t talking about him, but Jongin played along nonetheless. “Yeah, I said he’d crush you if he sat on your tiny .”

“Um, I’m pretty sure Taemin’s smaller than me.”

“You’re the same size.”

“But are we where it counts?”

Baekhyun winked. Jongin rolled his eyes. “Why is everything ual for you? Also, I don’t know and I don’t ever want to.”

For a moment, Taemin was giggling. But then Baekhyun was asking, “Haven’t you ever seen Taemin fully evolved?” Suddenly, it wasn’t so funny. Another second and Taemin’s cheeks were bright pink.

Why is he talking about that like it’s some sort of Pokémon? Only Baekhyun could be so casual about such a topic.

No, I haven’t. God, you’re traumatizing…” As he spoke, Taemin felt the pressure of Jongin’s hand on his hip, holding him – as if to say, I’ll protect you from this trauma. Or maybe that was just what Taemin wanted to believe. (Regardless, it did help him feel a little better.)

“What? Me and Chanyeol have done jerk circles before,” Baekhyun countered, and Taemin was in awe at the way he didn’t change even a shade admitting this. His own face was only feeling hotter by the second. “And Sehun told me that you’ve done one with him before, so don’t even act innocent.”

Oh? This was news. Taemin did wonder about the type of things Jongin got up to with his other friends, but… Let’s not think about it. He was pretty sure he might be alight soon if he grew any more flustered by this conversation. Not to mention the way Jongin was gently rubbing his side, which wasn’t helping in the slightest. (Though this much at least was unnoticed by Baekhyun, thankfully.)

“Shut up!

Jongin looked like he wanted to swat Baekhyun, but he had his drink in hand (and Taemin in the other), so instead he just glared as Baekhyun laughed wickedly. “How drunk would you have to be to do one tonight?” the older asked teasingly. “For comparison purposes only, of course.”

“Taemin, would you get up for a minute so I can punch him?” Jongin grumbled, though Taemin didn’t move. If Baekhyun was going to say something else in response, his chance was cut off though as someone loudly whined that they were bored, suggesting they play a game – besides the ongoing video game.

“Ooh,” Baekhyun hummed. “Let’s play-”

“Don’t say truth or dare,” Chanyeol interrupted him immediately. Baekhyun’s lips jutted out as he was called out, absolutely about to propose it. “You always want to play. Literally no one else in the world wants to!”

“What about spin the bottle?” someone else put in, earning a somewhat more favourable response. Taemin sank down in his seat a little – then remembered that his seat was Jongin and turned to look at him nervously. Jongin’s head gave a tiny shake – we don’t have to play. But wouldn’t it be weird if they opted out?

“Spin the bottle but for seven minutes in heaven,” another friend added, and this quickly had the general consensus. “We can do something else while we wait for whoever’s in the closet.”

Everyone was single and tipsy enough to agree, except for Taemin and Jongin – and Baekhyun. “Right,” he said when it was decided. “I’d rather die than play with these girls, so I’ll just be the closet monitor.”

“You’re just trying to on the action,” Chanyeol muttered in response.

“I’m not gonna be in the closet,” Baekhyun retorted. “I’ll set a timer and go back and forth. I wanna play whatever we’re doing here.”

After a moment of debate about whether or not they should make a circle for bottle spinning (it was decided not, as no one wanted to sit on the floor), Baekhyun was declared honorary spinner. Then he told Taemin to take his place, since he probably would be running around a lot now and it wouldn’t work having Taemin on top of Jongin for the spinning. Then the games began.

For the first few rounds, the group went through a variety of games in the living room while pairs were sent off. Typical drinking games, rhythm games (which Taemin was pretty good at), and other simple things that were family-friendly (which was to say, Taemin-friendly). Not to mention, the bottle missed their end of the couch every time, so Taemin was able to relax.

Slowly, though, more alcohol was consumed. And this made people want to have more fun.

“Let’s do never have I ever,” Baekhyun whined as he returned from his latest closet run. “No basic . Adult stuff only.”

No one took issue with the rule, everyone soon holding up five fingers. Chanyeol took the first chance. “Since I’m the host… Never have I ever slept with a guy.”

All of the girls put down a finger. So did Baekhyun. Then he looked around at every other guy’s hand and sulked. “Hate het parties,” he muttered. “That was a targeted attack. Also homophobic.” Chanyeol simply snorted, and the guy beside him took his turn.

“Never had a .”

A couple fingers went down.

“Taemin almost did,” Jongin piped up, nudging Taemin playfully. Nose scrunching, Taemin was about to ask when, when he remembered those two girls at Jongin’s graduation party.

“I did not!” he hastily defended himself as a few people looked at him. Most of them didn’t know him well (if at all), and had the impression of him being quiet and unobtrusive. (And he didn’t need them thinking he was the type to have a .) “I was never going to…”

“Sounds like a story I need to hear later,” Baekhyun announced before the game carried on.

By the time it got to Jongin, some people were already out, most with two or three fingers left at most. Except Taemin, who still had his whole hand up. Jongin squinted at it, and Taemin could practically hear his thoughts. What can I do to get Taemin down? Finally, his face lit up, and Taemin bit his lip nervously.

“Never have I ever had someone ,” Jongin said with an innocent grin.

It was a bit of a low blow, and Taemin could feel his heart pumping in his head, somewhat anxious as he slowly lowered a finger. How could Jongin expose him like that?

“Wow, I really thought you were winning with five,” Chanyeol said with a laugh. “There’s still hope for us, boys.” A couple others chuckled. No one seemed remotely bothered by what Taemin had done. His heart gradually calmed down, realizing it wasn’t as big of a deal as he’d thought – it wasn’t like Jongin had mentioned who had done that to him; and at any rate, he wasn’t the only one to put a finger down either. It was normal for them.

This is just regular college stuff. It’s not a big deal…

Taemin relaxed a little, but then he realized it was his turn.

What hadn’t he done? There were so many things. But… something inappropriate? That list was long too. He should be strategic though – what would take down the most people?

“I… I never… have had ,” he admitted weakly.

Everyone stared.

“That’s a joke, right?” someone asked him. Suddenly there was a lot of pressure on him. Judgement; they were judging him. He was a loser, going on twenty, who had never had before. Maybe he shouldn’t have said that.

It doesn’t matter what they think. I’m doing the right thing… The only one who could judge him was God, Taemin reminded himself. Everyone else was welcome to think whatever they wanted.

“No, it’s not. I haven’t had . Is that a problem?” he asked calmly. Well, he sounded calm, though internally he was shaking like a leaf.

“No, that’s cool man,” Baekhyun put in from the doorway before anyone else could comment. “Is there a reason?” This was out of genuine curiosity, but also to give Taemin a chance to speak for himself.

Taemin shrugged. “I’m Catholic.”

This had Baekhyun nodding. “Good for you.” Then Chanyeol nodded too, putting down a finger.

“I respect it,” he agreed. “You have some damn good willpower.” The rest slowly lowered a finger too, and then Chanyeol added, “Baekhyun, you better drop that finger right now.”

Baekhyun, who only had one finger left, sulked. He switched to his middle, flipping Chanyeol off and then checking the timer on his phone. “Oh – gotta go anyway, almost time…” Then he was disappearing once again to go retrieve the two unfortunate boys who’d ended up in the closet together.

By the time he came back, Taemin had (to no one’s surprise) won the game. Someone pointed an accusing finger and said Taemin wasn’t allowed to play anymore, making Taemin giggle. Seeing as he’d already won, he didn’t really mind. Before they could play again though, they needed to see who was next in the closet.

“If I spin two boys again, you’re obligated to become gay,” Baekhyun announced as the bottle began to turn. Someone snorted. Four of the five pairings had been boys now, which had just led to random conversations in the closet and whining about it not being a girl. The girls just watched, seeming to have accepted that it would never be them (which Taemin felt too, and didn’t mind in the least). Then the bottle stopped.

On Jongin.

There was some playful jeering at him as his eyes widened, and then he was ordered to spin to get his partner – though he wasn’t allowed to stay to see who it landed on. He would be blindfolded – by a random scarf Baekhyun had found in the closet – so the second person could stay a surprise.


Jongin glanced to Taemin, who was doing his best not to give any reaction. It’s fine, he tried to communicate with his eyes. (Except it wasn’t. It wasn’t. It wasn’t.) Then Jongin got to his feet, trying to look as nonchalant as possible as he crossed to the bottle and gave it a twist. As Taemin watched his back, he suddenly changed his mind. The bottle wasn’t allowed to choose anyone else. It had to be him.

Everyone watched as the bottle slowed, only Baekhyun gone to lead Jongin’s way and blindfold him. He made it back just in time to catch it stopping. Creeping towards Taemin’s side, slower, slower. It just needed a little bit more…

It froze.

On the girl beside Taemin.

No one else noticed his inner turmoil, too busy quietly reacting to the new pairing. They had to whisper so Jongin wouldn’t hear, but they were all buzzing. Finally, a real pairing. Except for Baekhyun, who gave a soft hey to Taemin and then shook his head gently, as if to say no worries.

But it was worries. It was all worries.

Jongin would be alone, with a pretty blonde girl (not that he could see, but what was stopping him from taking off the blindfold?), for seven minutes. And the way she practically jumped up off the couch, it was obvious she wasn’t reluctant to go. What if he forgot about Taemin? What if he realized how much he liked girls and didn’t like Taemin? What if, what if…

He took a tiny sip of his drink, but couldn’t even swallow it. Did he really not trust Jongin? No, it’s not that… No, Taemin just didn’t believe in himself. What did he even have that made Jongin like him anyway?

Like he would do anything with her, after how rude she was to Baekhyun earlier…

That was true. But what if he didn’t take off the blindfold? What if they just kissed and Jongin just went along with it?

Oh no, Taemin was feeling nauseous. There was no way to object either – because why would he? What problem would he possibly have with his best friend going off like this? Except that Jongin wasn’t just his best friend – but the others didn’t know that. Couldn’t know that.

You’re being silly, he told himself as anxiety threatened to overtake him. Realizing he needed to get away before someone did notice how off he was being, Taemin got up and headed to the kitchen, using the excuse to refill his and Jongin’s cups again. He was so caught in his own thoughts that he didn’t even see Baekhyun coming back down the hallway, though Baekhyun didn’t miss him.

“Hey,” Baekhyun said again as he peeked into the kitchen. Taemin jumped slightly and looked around. “You okay?”

Something about him asking made Taemin feel like crying. Though he held back from this, he merely shook his head, shoulders slumped as he grabbed a new can of beer from the fridge and took it over to the counter.

“Because of them? In the closet?” Baekhyun wondered. This time, Taemin gave the tiniest nod, earning Baekhyun’s sympathy. The older stepped over, throwing an arm around his shoulders as Taemin filled their glasses. “Nothing’s gonna happen. Do you honestly think his standards are that low?”

Standards? He’s taken!

Not that he could say this. But then, as he thought it, Taemin realized how silly he was being. He was overreacting; maybe it was the alcohol. (This didn’t stop him from adding some soju to their cups.) Jongin was his boyfriend, and that meant they were exclusive. He should be able to trust Jongin not to be doing anything inappropriate with someone else, right?

Giving a small sniff, Taemin nodded. “You’re right…” He needed to have faith in Jongin; otherwise, what kind of boyfriend was he? (Still, it was hard to get the image of Jongin and that girl out of his mind… But no, he was the only blond in Jongin’s life now.)

Baekhyun gave his shoulder a squeeze, but couldn’t say anything else as a voice interrupted.

“What the ?”


Author's Note: So we got our official Taekai unit debut~ 😅 And drama? Is a party really a party without drama? What is Jongin gonna do in that closet? And who walked in on Baekhyun and Taemin's little moment? (Also, Taemin is so green and so pure sometimes. I know he's my character but I really adore him 😢) Stay tuned for more coming next week! ♡

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Hi all! I swear I haven't abandoned you 😭 I'm in the middle of moving and it's taking up all my time (and energy). I promise to come back as soon as I can, and sorry for keeping you waiting ♡


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741 streak #1
Chapter 33: Knowing Jonghyun, I don’t think his reaction was strong at all. He considers himself a guardian of sorts to Taemin, plus he saw firsthand the sad and pitiful state he was in when he showed up at his door. He also knows more than anyone else how Taemin has felt about Jongin for all those years.

It’s a bit harsh for me to say Jongin was trivializing their relationship but he needs to try to understand things from Taemin’s perspective and not be quite so selfish. Taemin’s fear is very real and rightfully so, given the fact that his brother has resorted to threats and violence. Where Jongin’s concerns are normal, their situation is nowhere near ordinary. Far from it.

Sorry to write a book, but this chapter was both frustrating and thought provoking. Happy New Year to you as well and have a good break. Take care and see you soon!
Chapter 33: I'm glad Chanyeol caught Baeks hands but idk about the after.....
Jonghyun gave every bit of what Nini deserves. I get it, but he didn't consider Taemin at all. Just himself.
741 streak #3
Chapter 32: Chanyeol’s personality leaves a lot to be desired, he just doesn’t know when to stop. I honestly don’t see what Baekhyun sees in that big oaf.🙄 At least there weren’t any negative reactions to the kiss the boys shared. I’m also glad it was Kyungsoo who saw them in the bathroom and not anyone else. It’s actually good that Baekhyun was not there, I think he would have protested the shabby treatment of his friends.

I’m answer to your question though, I think it’s only a matter of time until their relationship goes public, especially with Jongin being well, Jongin. I’m just still worried about interference from Taemin’s family, but at this point I think he has already made his choice.
Chapter 32: I promise. Just one punch for Chanyeol. I beg.
741 streak #5
Chapter 31: I like Taemin’s plans for them, and it was so cute that he even found a ring he liked. Looks like another trip will be in the works, maybe to the US.

This chapter was so sweet and I always love the boys interacting with Jongin’s mom. All the gifts were perfect and so appreciated. It was still a little bittersweet though, thinking about Taemin’s family. I’m just happy that he’s found a second family, and still hopeful that his will be supportive one day.
Chapter 31: 🥰🥰🥰
Chapter 30: I think Baek needs to punch Chanyeol in the face. Then go on a date with Jonghyun. Or a certain other member who had not appeared yet 😏. *Team Baekhyunwillbeloved*
741 streak #8
Chapter 30: Thank you for the Baekhyun update, and the Kyungsoo and Sehun cameos. I feel so sorry for him, especially since he’s been relegated to hook ups. I am keeping my fingers crossed that we will have another update at some point and find out that he’s met someone special - maybe Jonghyun?🤔 I think Chanyeol is being cruel to an extent, but short of completely severing ties with each other there is no easy way to resolve things. I was hoping against hope that Chanyeol might have just been in denial.
741 streak #9
Chapter 29: I must admit that I was a bit surprised that it was Jongin and not Taemin, who went to Baekhyun for advice this time. Speaking of Baekhyun, I hope we get an update about his relationship with Chanyeol at some point - even thought they aren’t technically secondary characters at this point.

I’m glad Jongin was able to speak up about his needs to Taemin. Part of being in a loving relationship is to be their for each other in the capacity that they need. They have indeed grown up.

Lastly, I was proud of my boys for taking on Taesun, but I realize it won’t be that easy. He will pop up again at some point, more’s the pity.😔
741 streak #10
Chapter 28: This chapter practically had me in tears along with Taem.🥹 I need a Jongin in my life.😁 Their time together has been so beautiful, I’m sorry to see it come to an end. I also wanted to hug the sadness away when Jongin had to switch his ring over to the right hand. You can’t blame Taemin for being a little paranoid though, Taesun has done a number on his psyche. I know he’s really scared to give others the wrong (right) idea.

They definitely need their own place and more privacy. It is the least Daddy Dearest could do for his abandoned child.🙄