
Bow Wow!

The Home

The kid blinked his eyes uncontrollably when he suddenly woke up from his sleep. He glanced at the strange room surround him: the small apartment room barely fitted for famiy, so he guessed the owner was single; not much furniture only boring coffee table, sofa and some electronic hardwares.

He rolled himself down to the floor, making loud thump noise. Nobody came to scold him. He stood up, scratching his perm blonde hair, noticing he’s left alone inside an unknown apartment of anonymous owner. He walked to the front door, but it’s locked.

There’s no way that place was owned by the mafias who were chasing him last night. that place was too neat. He remembered the last room he escaped from was full with ciggaretes and whisky’s bottles. Those ahjussis only knew how to get drunk not how to feed him. So last night he decided to run away. Stupid decision, but he relieved he did that.

But still, being locked up didn’t feel nice at all.


The Studio

“Woo Ji Ho, wake up,” Park Kyung poked the guy’s arm who was sleeping on the couch.

Zico startled by the sudden attack. He covered his eyes when Kyung suddenly the light, it his pupils. Zico moaned as the sign of annoyance toward Kyung’s act. He managed to put himself together a minute later, after Kyung started making noises to annoy him.

“You slept in the studio again,” Kyung grabbed the closest plastic bag on the table. He collected all the garbage together and threw them all to the bin. “How long you’ve been here?”

“Three, four hours,” Zico rubbed his eyes, cleaning up his boogers. He forced himself to sit on the couch although he didn’t want to. “I just slept around an hour ago.”

“Yah, get yourself together. It’s almost noon already,” Kyung threw himself beside Zico. “The kids were so worried bout you lately cause you’ve left the dorm and live in your own apartment. We couldn’t reach you for days. We left notes on your phone but you barely replied it. You finished the track?”

“You sound like the track is more important than me,” Zico complained.

“Of course,” Kyung joked. “Kidding. It’s because we count on you so much. You haven’t showed us much bout the new track.”

“I’m working on it, don’t worry.”

Kyung noticed the old friend was trying to grab his cigar box on the table. since he’s more sober, Kyung grabbed the box and threw it to the basket bin like a pro player. “You’ve said it since last two weeks. You’re not progressing.”

“Why’d you do that?! Damn it, Kyung! If you come this early just to nag about my work, you better leave now!” Zico stood up and walked to the bin. He’s going to unload the garbage, but stop after seeing some unknon liquid inside it.

“Dude, I said this because I care about you.” Kyung continued wisely. “To be honest, you’ve been acting weird lately and it feels like you’ve distanced yourself from us. Cho Boss is worried about you too, I’m tired listening to him complaining bout you all over again.”

“Tell him I’ll finish the track, okay. Don’t worry about a thing and just trust me. I just need more beats and the right sound then it’ll complete.” Since the last hope to calm him down already disappeared inside the bin hole, Zico grabbed the water bottle. The sedative effect was weaker than smoke, but he had to bear with it for a while, Kyung threw the last package.

 “I trust you, Ji Ho, believe me. If you need anything, just tell me okay. Now, first, let’s find something to eat for yourself.” Kyung stood up and walked closer to Zico.

But Zico rejected it. “Next time. Sorry. I want to go home for now.”


“I’m really sorry. I’m just too tired. See you on today’s magazine photoshoot!” He quickly grabbed his jacket from the couch and flew out from the studio.

On his way home, Zico checked his phone’s inbox. No new message.


The Home

“Welcome home.”

Zico was taken aback. The puffy blonde hair addressed him on the front door whe Zico entered his own apartment. He lost words for seconds while his mind recollecting what happened last night. The young kid was still inside his room, sitting on the floor, hugging his knees within his arms. “That surprised me! What are you doing here?!”

“Are you the owner of this place?” the kid asked with his big eyes.

“I am! Why you kiddo’s still here? I thought you already left.”

“I meant to, but you locked the door.”

“It’s open now, you can leave.” Zico moved himself aside and made gesture with his hand to allow the kid go.

“That’s what I’m going to tell you,” He stood up, stretching his arms and legs. Zico noticed the kid was a bit taller than him. “I guess...I wanna stay here for a while.”

Zico dropped his jaw. “Wha—you have no right to decide! This is my house!”

He grabbed the kid’s wrist, pushing him to leave the front door. The young kid was persistent. He held himself back, trying to enter the room again.

“Please!” he started begging. “I’m afraid that those ahjussis are still around looking for me. I don’t want to go back to them! Please~!”

“No way!” Zico pushed his shoulders. He finally could grab the door. He almost slammed th door after kicking the kid lightly, but he’s faster than Zico. His long arms blocking the door to close, his face was close to Zico’s.

“I beg you! I’ll do anything but just let me stay!” the kid finally shoutted.

Zico was ready to give dozens of reason why the kid shouldn’t stay there, but suddenly he heard something. A stomach’s growling. Zico cursed the air.

“How come you’re hungry at time like this?!”

“I haven’t eaten anything since yesterday.” The kid’s voice was so low he almost whispering.

Another growl.


“Are you some kind of idiot or something!?” Zico mocked the kid in front of him who was eating like a wild animal. He only had leftovers, but the perm blonde looked like he didn’t mind as long as he could fill his tummy.

He ate voraciously, making Zico kinda pitty him a little bit. He was so thin, and the face was too innocent, he didn’t wear proper clothes. If he’s left alone out there, he would easily attack by those gangster ahjussis.

Zico didn’t believe he said it, but had no choice either. “Okay, you can stay.”

“Yay!!” He shoutted in mouth full of rice.

“BUT, you have no right to do everything on your own will. You have to obey me and do everything just like I say. Understand?!” Zico pointed his finger close to the kid’s nose.

He frowned. “What?”

“If I tell you todo  this, you have to do it. For example, If I tell you to jump from roof top, you have to do that too.”

“Am I some kind of animal or robot or something—”

Zico could hear the eureka word inside his head. He felt ridiculously genius. “That’s it! You’re my pet.”


“Yes. I’ll feed you, give you space to sleep—but as a pet!”

The kid was in silent for a moment. “Oo...kay...did you bump into something earlier?”





I think I'm gonna update the other fic too^^

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Kirichan #1
Chapter 4: Mrs. Park you xd Zico worried *-* so cute
Chapter 4: - you update soon! Lol. x3
Chapter 4: Aww this is cute! There are seriously not enough ZeloxZico fanfics...
Anyway, I hope
Chapter 4: Such a wonderful fic! I hope you update soon! ^^
I wish I could have a puppy like Zelo, haha! Update soon! God bless!
Thanks to your beautiful cover I started reading and I'm so happy I did! I like your story a lot!
I love the cover art!
boosher #8
That was pretty freaking cute! I hope you update again soon!!!!!!! I really really like this story!
Aww adorable Zico loves his pet already poor lonely Zico :"( updatesoon!