Chapter 08.

Prospect Academy of the Skilled

Tablo's voice rang through the speakers again to wake us all up. I woke up without any problems. I looked over and Myungsoo had his covers over his head. I hit him with my pillow and he looked at me with a glare. There were dark circles under his eyes. It looked like he hadn't slept a wink.

“What's wrong?” I asked.

He stood up and left without a word.

“Okay...Mr. Grumpy ...” I muttered and got ready for school.


I walked out of my dorm and casually walked to class while munching on a granola bar placed in front of the dorm rooms for breakfast. I walked passed the fountain minding my own business when a group of 10 students surrounded me.

“You! You're the other spy aren't you?!” one of them yelled at me.

“What?” I glared at him.

“Yeah! You're the only girl in this sector. It just screams suspicious!” another said.

“You dirty Loen creature! Go back to your country!”

They started grabbing onto my bag and uniform.

I screamed in pain when someone pulled my hair.

“Stop it! I'm not a ing spy!” I started throwing punches and kicks to fight back but there were too many students.

Soon, I started to see their hands lit up with white spirals. I panicked.


“YAH!” someone screamed.

“Misun? Misun!” I heard Sungjong's girly voice.

“Oh hell no! Not my girl!”

A red force made all the guys be pushed to the right. I fell to the ground with a thud.

“Ah...” I rubbed my head.

Sunggyu started running to me. “What the hell is going on?!”

“Prez! She's the spy. She has to be!” one of the students yelled.

“Get her!” another screamed and they charged for me. My eyes widened and I tried to hide behind Sunggyu's legs.

A green shield surrounded us and the guys crashed into it.


“Get to class, you morons!” Tablo said, as he walked to us with hands in his pockets.

The students glared at me but wouldn't move.

“What's going on?” Hoya walked over with a lollipop in his mouth and uniform jacket slung over his shoulder. “Come on guys...class doesn't start until about 30 minutes. Let's go shoot some hoops...”

The boys started to leave one by one and followed Hoya.

“Lee Howon! Put on your uniform,” Sunggyu ordered.

“Yes sir.”

So they're all basketball players...


Sunggyu bent down and offered a hand. I took it and stood up with a groan.

“I'm sorry. I wanted to do something but student council representatives can't engage in violence with other students,” he said.

“It's okay. Thanks anyways. Are other students allowed?”

“It's actually encouraged to use powers when dealing with conflicts. But not for bullying. That's just cruel.”

Tablo walked over to us but was stopped by Dongwoo's shield.

“You can lower this now Dongwoo-ah.”

“Sorry...” I heard from somewhere. My head was still pounding from the fall.

“Are you okay? The basketball kids can get a little worked up...”

“I'm okay...for the most part...” I rubbed my head.

Tablo nodded. “Nam Woohyun!” he yelled.


Woohyun walked over as he fiddled with his hands. “Hyung! I'm sorry. I know honors students can't use our powers on another student since we're so much stronger but-”

“Nice force field dude!” Tablo said and high-fived him.

Woohyun looked at him with a shocked face but muttered a “thanks” anyways.

“I think I'm gonna take that rule off for you guys anyways. What's the point of having a different power line color when you can't use it, right?”

“Does that mean I can too?!” Sunggyu asked.

“No. You're the class Prez.”


“Thanks Woohyun. Really,” I said.

He smiled and pinched my cheeks. “It's no problem! Anything for my cuppy cake. Omo! You're bleeding!”

I felt blood run down my nostrils and onto my lips.


Sungjong walked over with Dongwoo.

“Misun-ah! I'll take you to the nurse! Come on!” Sungjong said and grabbed my hand.

“It's not out of the ordinary for someone to get hurt here, Sungjong. Just let her go. She'll have to get used to it,” Sunggyu said.

It was only the third day and I never realized it until now but there were actually a lot of students with bandages and casts on already.

“I'll be fine...” I said.

“But she doesn't have her powers out yet...” he muttered and watched me go.


I walked through the dark tunnel that led to the main building and entered the nurses office. Now I knew why there were so many nurses needed for this school.

“What happened?” the nurse asked me. She was in her twenties, maybe early thirties.


“Why do I feel like there's a lot more to the story?” she led me to a bed so I could sit.

“There is...but I don't want to talk about it.”

“I understand.”

She gave me a tissue and I started wiping my nose as she took out a box.

“Which color?” she asked, referring to the band aids.

I smiled. “Green.”

“Green it is.”


As she was applying the ointment on my nose, she said, “So I heard you're the only girl on the Fighters wing? You must be like fresh meat to those boys.”

“You have no idea...”

She chuckled. “You'll do great. I know it.”

“Thank you.”

She put on the band aid and smiled. “All done!”

I bowed. “Thank you!”

“No problem! Come here any time when you need to talk about some girl stuff. Principal Tablo isn't exactly the one you should go to for.”

I nodded and smiled.


I walked back to class and sat down in my usual seat.

Hoya snorted. “Nice band aid, newbie.”

“Nice face, fugly .”

“Ohh~” Sungyeol cooed from the back of the room.

Hoya glared at me and plugged his headphones in.

Dongwoo leaned over. “But seriously, nice band aid.” He winked and snapped a green spark in the air.

I smiled. “Thank you for earlier.”

“It's not a problem. How could they gang up on you like that? You don't even have your powers yet!”

I was extremely happy that he didn't point out the fact that I was a girl.


Myungsoo walked in and he did a double take at me before his poker face was put into place again. His eyes didn't seem as tired anymore. He probably took a nap somewhere.

My mind wandered as I waited for the teacher to come in. I suddenly thought of Somi.

“So hey sweetie pie-” Woohyun started.

I wasn't paying attention and stood up to go to Sungyeol.

Woohyun pouted.



“Uh, Sungyeol oppa.”

“Yes? How can I help you?”

I sat down next to him.

I lowered my voice so that no one could hear what I was about to say.

“You know Somi?” I asked.

“Oh yeah! That girl you sit at lunch with?”

I nodded. “Do you by any chance think she's cute or attractive?”

“She's pretty attractive I guess...I don't see where you're going with this.”

“Do you have a girlfriend?”


I clapped my hands together. “Perfect! You two should totally-”

“Oh I get it,” he cut me off. “I would love to help you out with your friend but I already have my eye on someone else.”

I frowned. “Oh...okay...”

“Do you have a boyfriend?” he asked.


“Do you find me, or anyone in this classroom attractive?”


He smirked. “You do?”

“I mean no...well...”

He chuckled and eyed the glass wall. “Go back to your seat Misun. Our teacher is coming.”


I sat back at my seat and was totally dreading lunch. How the heck was I supposed to tell Somi that he already has eyes from someone else?

I could keep it to myself and she doesn't have to know right? But that would be cruel...

I ruffled my hair in frustration and Hoya kicked my chair and muttered, “Weirdo...”

When the teacher was marking roll call on the paper, I gave him the finger.

That shut him up.


May 15th Inspirits.....May 15th....

13 more days..well technically 12...but....

OMG OMG OMG. i'm so excited!

prepare your ovaries everyone. (if you have any left. LOL.)

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Chapter 23: i somehow knew and had a feeling? that she will ended up with dongwoo bcs well she always ended up with dongwoo and she kind like dongwoo's color the most ...anyways all of them was so sweet and kind to her and i feel bad if i had to choose side so i just told myself I'll support whoever you pick as her lover so i dont have to choose side hahahaaa anyway good job author-nim ♡(◡‿◡✿)
Chapter 19: Yeah my reaction was also "what the ?" I didn't see that coming
Chapter 18: Myungsoooo kyahhhhh (థฺˇ౪ˇథ) but you then i remember you mentioned something about betrayal isnt? And now i feel uneasy and worried pls pls pls dont let any of them become a betrayer (╥﹏╥)
Chapter 16: Ahhshshshs what a luckily girl (╯‵□′)╯︵┴─┴
Chapter 14: Stress woohyun makes me stress too hurts so much even though its only a ff woohyun ahh T ︵T
Chapter 12: I knew it! I mean isnt kind of obvious that misun have an eye on dongwoo? and out of all them she like dongwoo's color the most ヽ(●´ε`●)ノ
Chapter 11: Why i think its dongwoo? Hahahaha
Chapter 3: I really like somi's character >_< don't we all have that one friend that knows everything about boys in our school? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) in my case, its my bff..its like her job to describe every boys that i don't know in my school while im doing my things..ahh i miss those times (ಥ_ಥ)
Chapter 1: wth? I also want a principal like tablo ヾ(*´∀`*)ノ i almost screamed when his personality suddenly changed and was like whattttt??? O_O
Iminthezone #10
Chapter 23: The ending was a little rushed