Chapter 06.

Prospect Academy of the Skilled

A/N: some of you were reacting that Myungsoo and Misun are in the same room, but it's not like that. it's a large room where all the beds are lined up. so technically they're in the same room with like 20 other people. it's not just a room with them two. their beds are just next to each other. hope that cleared up some stuff!



I walked out of the shower and I wasn't sure if we still had to wear our uniform or not so just to be safe, I put on my skirt and just the white cardigan. I sighed in relief when I saw that the other students still had their uniforms on as well and just took off their jackets like me.

I walked to the water fountain and noticed that Sungjong hadn't arrived yet. I sat down and waited. The boys around me started whispering to each other and steal glances at me.

I turned to look at them. “What?”

They just glared at me for a second before turning around to continue their conversations. Most of them were carrying basketballs with them.

“Well, well, well. Look who's here at the fountain. You can't sit here,” someone said to me.

I looked up and Hoya was standing in front of me with wet hair, wearing a wife beater and his uniform pants.

“Says who?”

“Society. Now go away.”

“I don't want to,” I said and crossed my legs.

“You little...” Hoya walked up to me and I stood up glaring at him. His friends were all behind him giving me a look.

“If I were you I wouldn't mess with me. You can't even use your powers yet. Don't act like you're better than all of us,” Hoya said.

“Wait until the day that I do get my powers, you'll regret it.”

Hoya walked closer, eyes looking as menacing as ever.


Suddenly, a green power line surrounded me on the ground by my feet and a wall was put in between Hoya and I. The wall pushed me away from him. It was happening so fast I could barely keep my balance on my feet. Hoya was looking in my direction with a glare but not at me, more like the person behind me. I fell backwards into the arms of the protector and looked up.


“Are you okay? You shouldn't go to the fountain if you don't want to get beat up.”

I stood up and gained my posture. “Uh, I'm fine. I appreciate you worrying about me, but I think I can handle him.”

“You're new here and you don't know what he's capable of. He's ruthless. Just be careful, okay?”

The laughter in his voice that I've always heard was completely gone. He was dead serious.

I nodded.

He gave me a small wave and left towards the cafeteria with his hands in his pockets. I glared in Hoya's direction and he was laughing with his friends about something.


“Misun-ah! I'm sorry! I wasn't even thinking! Why did I say to meet me here? I'm so dumb,” Sungjong hugged me.

I patted his back. “It's okay...”

“Let's go eat!” he linked arms with me and skipped to the cafeteria.

We entered it and there were barely any students inside yet. We found Somi waving us over to a table.

“Steak?!” I exclaimed staring at the beautiful plate of food in front of me.

“Yeah. It's a tradition. We always have steak on Mondays. I don't know why but it's always been like that,” Somi explained.

I continued to stare at the plate of food. There were side dishes along with it. It was styled very western like. I was just so used to eating rice and kimchi.


I took a bite and it practically melted in my mouth.

“Oh my God. This is amazing!”

Woohyun sat down at our table with a smirk. “Hey, y legs. I'm glad you like the food. How was your first day?”

I just stared at him while Somi stared at me for my answer. I looked around for his fangirls but they weren't around. I guess they need a break sometimes too.

“It was alright.”

“You weren't impressed by my awesome targeting skills?!” he asked, appalled.

“It was cool, I guess...”

Woohyun dramatically sighed in disbelief. “She hasn't fallen for me is this possible?” he asked himself.

I raised an eyebrow.

He leaned across the table so his face was in front of mine. I stood my ground and narrowed my eyes at him.

“You will be mine,” he whispered and got up.

“I'm so jealous of you...” Somi muttered and picked at her food.

“Don't be. I'd much rather be in the Medicals then be in a class full of those guys.”

“I guess it might get troublesome.”

Sungjong just ate his food quietly. It seemed like his favorite school meal is steak.


After we ate, we decided to go sit under the tree by the library to watch the stars.

We laid down in the grass and sighed in content. It was definitely the perfect night for this.

“Hey,” someone said.

We sat up and it was Sungyeol.

Somi automatically started to fix her hair.

“Sungjong-ah, did we have any homework today?” he asked.

Sungjong shrugged. “I'm not sure.”

“Misun?” Sungyeol turned to me.

I suddenly sneezed.

Sungyeol smiled and knelt down in front of me. “Bless you.”

“Thank you. Anyways, if we did, then I didn't do it.”

Sungyeol nodded and glanced at Somi. She blushed and tried to hide her face.

“I guess I'll see you two tomorrow then...”

Sungjong and I nodded.


Before Sungyeol stood up he pointed to my shirt. “You have a stain right there...”

I gasped and looked down but then he hit my nose with his finger.

I glared at him.

He started laughing and walked away while muttering, “Cute...”

Somi shook my arm. “Did you see that?! He looked at me!”

I smiled at her cuteness.

“Let's head back now. I'm starting to get tired,” Sungjong said.

“But it's only 8...” Somi frowned.

“I need my beauty sleep now let's go!”


I walked back to my dorm and it looked like everyone was in their beds, or at least in the room. I grabbed some sweatpants and a shirt and changed in the bathroom. I walked to my bed and Myungsoo was in his bed reading a book with shorts and a wife beater.

I ignored his presence and laid down. I sighed in content as I sunk into the mattress. Even the beds are amazing.

“You better not snore, newbie,” Myungsoo said to me as he placed his book on the bedside table and turned off the light.

“Worry about yourself,” I muttered back.

He didn't say anything and I started to drift off to sleep. Suddenly I heard snores coming from behind me. I sat up and scoffed.

“And he warns me not to snore.”

I threw the pillow that I wasn't using at him and his snores stopped.

I grinned and finally fell asleep, anticipating tomorrow.



For those that have been with me for awhile now, you know that one of my previous stories, "Letters From a Fangirl' was once featured.

I just recently got plagiarized by someone on Facebook in EXO's Phillipines page. She changed the names of the Infinite members to EXO members. If any of you are part of that page, please ask her to take it down! Please! She didn't even credit me properly.

This makes me upset and loses my motivation to write. So if any of you could help me, I'd really appreciate it. Thank you!

Here's the link:


EDIT: Proper credits were put in, but it still doesn't change the fact she used my story without my permission. I'm not as mad anymore but it still irks me.

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Chapter 23: i somehow knew and had a feeling? that she will ended up with dongwoo bcs well she always ended up with dongwoo and she kind like dongwoo's color the most ...anyways all of them was so sweet and kind to her and i feel bad if i had to choose side so i just told myself I'll support whoever you pick as her lover so i dont have to choose side hahahaaa anyway good job author-nim ♡(◡‿◡✿)
Chapter 19: Yeah my reaction was also "what the ?" I didn't see that coming
Chapter 18: Myungsoooo kyahhhhh (థฺˇ౪ˇథ) but you then i remember you mentioned something about betrayal isnt? And now i feel uneasy and worried pls pls pls dont let any of them become a betrayer (╥﹏╥)
Chapter 16: Ahhshshshs what a luckily girl (╯‵□′)╯︵┴─┴
Chapter 14: Stress woohyun makes me stress too hurts so much even though its only a ff woohyun ahh T ︵T
Chapter 12: I knew it! I mean isnt kind of obvious that misun have an eye on dongwoo? and out of all them she like dongwoo's color the most ヽ(●´ε`●)ノ
Chapter 11: Why i think its dongwoo? Hahahaha
Chapter 3: I really like somi's character >_< don't we all have that one friend that knows everything about boys in our school? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) in my case, its my bff..its like her job to describe every boys that i don't know in my school while im doing my things..ahh i miss those times (ಥ_ಥ)
Chapter 1: wth? I also want a principal like tablo ヾ(*´∀`*)ノ i almost screamed when his personality suddenly changed and was like whattttt??? O_O
Iminthezone #10
Chapter 23: The ending was a little rushed