Pain As Love's Reward


This story will be slightly angsty. The main pairing is JunSeung. I'm not really sure what to put here I guess you'll have to read it ;) 

This is my first one-shot.

I'm a first-time writer. I HOPE YOU ENJOY!  smiley The poster is by me and it :( wanna make me a new one?









I felt tears forming in my eyes as i read the text message.



Are you coming baby? I miss you.

Haven't seen you in 2 days. Call me. I love you.

- Hara


I closed his phone. Every thought in my head nearly vanished in the blink of an eye. I felt dizzy. This man that I loved for so many years, Junhyung, cheated on me. He couldn't. He wouldn't. at least that's what I told myself. I hate him.


I tossed his phone back onto the counter much like I had found it, and went back upstairs to my room. Suddenly the tears stopped falling, and my sight was clear. I looked around the room; it was a mess. Before Junhyung had left this morning he'd forgotten his phone and threw his clothes all over the floor. I didn't even ask myself what he was in a hurry to do. I didn't care. i want him out. Out of my house, and out of my life.




Before I could leave to cool myself off I needed to confront him first. I waited for about 2 hours, feeling sick to my stomach. Wherever he was he would definitely be back to get his phone. He'd never left it before.

I quickly scrolled through channels. I ate. No matter what I did though, I couldn't keep my mind away from it. The thought of him and his ex. Her. Them together. How could I be so stupid?

When he came home I didn't know what I was going to say. I could barely think straight, let alone rehearse my lines. So there I layed on the couch, watching nothing. waiting.

The door finally squeaked. It was him. I peeked over the table and saw taking off his coat. He came in, saw me laying on the couch, and started toward me. He was beautiful; radiant. That i couldn't deny.

he spoke, "Hey babe." He grabbed my hand. I swatted him away. Before I even spoke the waterworks began. I started to ball.

"Hyunseung baby, what's wrong." I sat myself up and got in his face. All of a sudden I felt enraged. angry at the fact that he could still look me in the eyes and call me baby, after what he'd done. Who did he take me for? The anger went from my head to my hand and I slapped him. he stumbled a little, but didn't fall, holding his cheek.

"WHAT THE HELL?!?" He screamed. I cut right to it. "Why did you cheat on me? Huh? Am I nothing to you?" The tears poured so heavily that i couldn't see his face. i promised myself i wouldn't cry again, but I failed. I lost it.

"What are you talking about Seungie? I never cheated on you."

"Oh really?" i tossed him his phone. "Read this."

"You went through my phone?"

" That's beyond the ING point. Why the hell are you still talking to Hara. What, you haven't seen her in 2 days?  You told me it was over between you two and that you haven't seen her in months. You ING LIAR."

He dropped what he was holding and looked at his phone. then he glanced back up at me with a face as to say 'so what?' 

"Hyunseung listen to me. We never did anything. I love you and I don't want to lose you."

"Tell me the truth Junhyung."

He fell silent.

"You know what why am I even giving you a chance you COWARD.  I ING HATE YOU YOU BASTARD. LEAVE RIGHT NOW." 




Who the hell did he think he was.

"GET. OUT. NOW." I pointed to the door. He stared me right in the eyes and replied, 'No. I won't go." He grabbed me around the waist hard. I could barely struggle. He had a very tight grip on me.

"Baby please forgive me."

I hit him again. and again until he finally let go of me and slid his arms down. I saw tears in his eyes. I wasn't falling for that though.

"Leave or I'll call the cops. I mean it. I want you out."

"I'm so sorry. I love you so much. she means nothing." 

Deep down that's what I really wanted to hear. That she meant nothing. However I could never learn to trust him again.

"It's over."

"Fine. I'll leave." He wiped his eyes and turned toward the door. "is this really what you want?" He commented before grabbing his coat and leaving. At that very instant I fell to pieces. My heart physically hurt. As I was on the floor crying  i thought about his last words, " Is this really what you want?"

There i saw it. A bag he left. i opened it and pulled out the contents: tissue paper. More tissue paper. A box. Slowly i opened the box and there it was. a diamond ring. A very beautiful diamond ring.

There was something else too. A card. It read: 



My lovely Hyunseung. I have never felt this way about anyone else. 

I love you more and more each day. You are my sunshine when i wake up and my shining moon when I fall asleep.

I would love to forever be your husband, beacause I love you. so I ask you. Will you marry me?



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b2utyAngel #1
oh.... i wonder if hyunseung make right decision after throw junhyung away....
junnieSeung #2
oh baby u make me crying!
I just read the foreward and I'm crying T.T...! I'm definitely subscribing no doubt about it ^^ *Hides face in handss and cry* I can already tell I'll cry reading this story but that's good <3
JokeRancho #4
OMG i hate Junhara-enough said.