Chapter 12

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December 2022,


It is already December now. I was in my 3rd year of residency since November, Shinee was busy with the preparations of their year-end shows and concerts. I was dating the busiest man in my busiest time of life.

It has been one year and six months now since we confessed to each other.

We did go on a few dates for few months, but then soon I had my 2nd year exams for my post-graduation, so I had very little time managing the hospital schedules and my study-time to specially take out days for us to meet. 

But we had managed to meet on the times when we both were free, which was ofcourse rare.

Oppa was always busy, Shinee being more popular since taemin oppa was back from the military too now.

It seemed like they were growing in the reverse direction, their faces looking younger day by day. All 5 of them were getting crazier and cuter with days passing. It was difficult to say that I was the youngest among us.

I think friendship turned into love has its own perks.

I was realizing it now that I was experiencing some of it.

Oppa and I had gotten closer than ever before. When I was his friend we shared a lot of things even then, but now I have gotten to know the deeper side of him as a person who loves me. He wants to tell me the things, maybe he was not sure what to share when we were friends. But now a lot of things had changed as we were more than friends.

Until we hadn’t confessed our love, we both had an invisible line for each other very unconsciously drawn by ourselves, but it seemed like, now we had been so across each other’s mind so many times that it almost made us a lot similar to each other.

When we talked about each other or the world around us, we both always happened to be on one side even when we had different opinions about things, because we were good at communicating & talking to each other, even if it led to a small argument sometimes.

The person who knew me for 10 years turning into my love with the time we spent together, was the most beautiful thing happening to me right now.

We were aware of each other's flaws & strengths, and were careful for former & encouraging for latter. So, many things were not even said & were resolved internally.

Maybe because I didn’t have any other experience of love before this, I didn’t know the difference as such, but as long as I have oppa by my side, I knew this feeling was not going to fade away.

In these 10 years, I’ve always known him as a responsible person who takes his feelings really seriously and always wants to be honest to others. So trusting him was not my concern ever, and if I consider how it started, I had always been more careful about hurting him since our old days. He was a sensitive person and I wanted to protect all the love he was giving me. I always knew that it is me who has to be careful towards him and his feelings. I wanted to be strong enough to protect every part of his feelings now.

I was making myself prepared for the ocean of love he had, where I wanted to remain for long and maybe forever.

My phone was ringing, while I walked out of the ward, I had my 2 junior-residents behind me. I instructed them about the work to be finished and took out my phone to receive the call.

“Where are you?"

"You coming right?” he asked. It was jjong oppa.

“Yes! Leaving in 10 mins.” I said taking fast steps as I walked to the doctor's room.

“I think I’ll be late though. I’m really sorry.” I continued. It was 7.30 pm and I was late due to an emergency patient admission at 6 pm.

I was supposed to be at the venue at 7 pm. It was the Christmas night of the year and shinee had a special fanmeet in Seoul for shawols. And hence, boys asked me to be there if I got free in time.

“It’s fine. Take your time.” He said after listening to my answer.

“Are you going to drive yourself?” he asked.

“Yes.” I replied before unlocking the doctor’s room.

“Drive safe then. You’ll still have half of the concert to watch so don’t hurry.” He said in his instructing voice.

“Okay, I will be there in a while. See you soon.” I said before hanging up as I took my spare clothes to change from the locker.

I changed my clothes after taking shower and left the hospital in the next 20 mins after doing some basic makeup and hair.

I reached the venue at 8.50 pm as it took me 40 mins to drive to the venue from my hospital.

Only the last 40 mins of the show were remaining now as it was about to end around 9.30pm.

Only 2 shinee performances and 1 or 2 game sections were remaining that I could watch now, as I saw the photo of the sequence of events on my screen oppa sent me while entering the hall.

I had my ticket so I went straight to my seat in 4th row from front, all five of them were near the Christmas tree now, some empty transparent tins of various shapes in their hands and they were trying to decorate them with different decorations placed in a big tray, I guess those were the gifts to shawols for Christmas.

Onew oppa was sitting on the floor with lots of decoration trays around him, trying to add whatever he found pretty to his eyes there to the heart shaped tin he held in his hand.

Key oppa was drawing something on a square shaped tin by a blue marker, as he had already filled small confetti and multi-color stars and pearls to the tin very prettily.

Jjong oppa had a star shaped tin which he was trying to close properly but as he overloaded the contents inside, everything was coming out already, so he kept on removing some of the decoration and tried closing the tin again & again. And I couldn't stop laughing at the sight.

Minho oppa had a round-ball like tin which was filled with all kinds of decoration very equally and he was picking another heart shaped one to fill already.

And then I came across Taemin oppa who was strolling around the table with a diamond shaped tin in his hand, which had some stickers stuck over it and nothing inside yet. While taking some decoration’s tray, he slipped another tray from the table, which resulted in all the decorations in that tray falling on stage.

He’s famous for his magic hand so nothing stays for long in his hand, and as known by fans, staff and friends, everyone was laughing as he made a cute pouty face sitting down to fill the decoration in the tray again.

They were supposed to decorate 2 tin each so 30 minutes were spent to decorate 2 tin.

As taemin oppa was still struggling with the tin while closing the 2nd one, minho oppa went to help him with it. They kept all the 10 tins in one tray after everyone was done with it, which was taken away by the staff later.

The stage was being cleared for the performance section next as 5 of them went to change their outfits.

In a short while, Shinee came on stage to perform 2 of their songs, Hello & Colorful as the encore performance.

Onew oppa & key oppa were wearing santa red coat over half sleeved t-shirt and cap on their head but minho oppa, jjong oppa & taemin oppa were without any t-shirt and just the red coat on displaying their exposed abs were killing so many ladies in the stadium at the moment.

See ! This is why I get jealous at times!

Because he never fails to flex his beauty in front of ladies and then every girl can't help but drool over him.

It's not the ladies' fault of course, nor his, if we consider the fair situation.

But how can I ignore it happening in front of my eyes?

Anyway, he has a y body, what can anyone do about it?

I found myself giggling at my perplexed flow of thoughts.

I distracted myself by singing along to Hello and Colorful, accepting the fact that I didn't have many rights to love him by myself.

I could hear the girls screaming his name right behind me, and a chuckle left out of my mouth, revisiting the ache in my heart now.

The songs were my favorites so I had the lyrics printed in my mind top to bottom.

So it was better to concentrate on their music for the while.

All of us were singing along with them and the party ended in the next 15 mins after a short “Merry Christmas” and “Happy New Year” wishes & final greetings from 5 of them before saying goodbye and leaving the stage.

Along with all other fans, I was walking out of the venue hall when my eyes caught a familiar person at the exit gate.

Euisoo oppa, shinee’s manager, was standing there.

He handed me a bag of drinks and snacks which they were distributing commonly to all the audiences coming out.

He smiled more than just wide, which now seemed like some signal. He was rarely free to distribute snacks after events & today seeing him there was something weird.

That's why I had to check what the bag contained?

As I got out, I opened the bag and there were oppa’s car keys inside alongside the snacks & drinks.

I thought they came in company’s car as usual, so I brought my car to drive him home later after we hung out together but I guess oppa has his own plans today.

I took the keys and headed to the parking lot. I found his car parked very near to Shinee's car. So they came together.

(Yes! The same Lamborghini, if you're wondering which car?)

But if oppa has something planned? I'm excited now!

I rarely attended shinee’s public events, mostly due to my work and even when I attended them, we never met right after the show, for many fans would notice then.

It happened a few times when some fans saw us together when we were on dates. But shawols, being very considerate & kind, didn't happen to break into news or cause dating scandals, luckily.

Some even knew me as their friend for all these years, so half of them were just oblivious to the fact then..

It was kind of an absurd benefit we got for dating in public sometimes. We didn't have to go on secret dates.

Secret Dating was not kind of big issue ever for me, as we would have our maximum dates at lonely places as both of us loved that atmosphere more instead of the public places, so it was quite convenient to keep it secret till oppa wanted, after all his decision was more important in this matter as he was a popular figure & for me everyone I was able to tell the ones I cared about so I was happy anyway. 

I got into the car and messaged oppa, 'I’m in the car.'

After a few minutes I got a reply saying '10 mins more. I’ll be there.'

So I opened my photo gallery to see the photos I took of Shinee today during their performances.

Some got badly blurred because I couldn’t control myself dancing at the moment lol, so I deleted the really bad ones.

“Did I make you wait for a long time?” I heard him as I looked towards the opening door of the car.

“It’s fine. I’m just a little more hungry now.” I said grinning at him.

“Oh! Okay, I got it.” He said settling in the car.

“What’s up with this car date today?” I was already filled with the excitement of that surprise.

“Not particularly a car-date!” His mischievous smile was raising with my curiosity.

“Is there more?” I asked, looking at him who was busy fixing his seatbelt.

“Get your seat-belt first?” he observed the unfastened seat belt on my side.

“Is it a surprise? Are we going on a trip again?” I continued asking as I got more excited now ignoring what he said.

He reached to get my seatbelt, pulled it out and

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I just divided the fourth chapter into 3 different chapters as it was exceptionally long... !! It was something I didn't realized when I published it earlier. I haven't changed anything from the story, so those who have already read the story, it's the same ...except for addition in no of chapters.


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2114 streak #1
Chapter 13: The story ended? And wait, there's a sequel? Is it also focused on Ryujin and Jjong? And more than anything, I'm curious of the next door neighbour of Jinki. Wonder if she has replied yet and so on. LoL... Anyway, bottom-line, I had fun reading this story ^^
2114 streak #2
Chapter 12: This chapter was sweet. I'm not sure what else to comment except that I can't believe there's only one more chapter left to read. Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2114 streak #3
Chapter 11: Ooh... They finally confessed? Nice... His sister is cool... Wonder how things would go from here in. Also, his sister purposely left her place because she has planned this with Jjong right? Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
2114 streak #4
Chapter 10: Awww Changmin is the sweetest, isn't he? Hehe excuse my biased a**. Jokes apart, I really hope he gets a happy ending too. And wonder how things would go for the main characters. I enjoyed their teasing a lot. Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
2114 streak #5
Chapter 9: Hahaha Jinki's mom not beating around the bush, not even to a stranger was funny. Ok, so Changmin knows about her feelings. Although I wonder how, still in hoping he wouldn't choose to go down the heartbreak path. Excuse my biased a**. LoL... Anyway, can't wait to see how they would all react when she comes back after sending Changmin off. Will be back later to read more ^^
2114 streak #6
Chapter 6: Somehow I was confused for a while at the beginning of the chapter. Don't ask me why. I don't even know. Anyway, this chapter was nice. And I can't believe that it was just a dream of hers. You are such a tease. LoL... Also, I forgot about her friends at the hospital. For some reason, my brain kept assuming Seokha to be a boy. Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2114 streak #7
Chapter 5: Poor her! With all her struggles and worries regarding her feelings and the fear of future. I can't wait to see how things would go from here. So I'll be back later to read more ^^
2114 streak #8
Chapter 4: Yunho the bartender! I cracked up hard the moment he was introduced. Inspired by the Champagne MV or something? Just curious... Jokes aside, the chapter was nice. Had fun reading it. But gotta ask something out of curiosity, is it a Shawol authors' thing to write long a** chapters with 8k or over? Anyway, can't wait to read more. But I'll be back later to do so ^^
2114 streak #9
Chapter 3: Hahaha their friendship was something. Especially how her parents got along with them. Although much hasn't happened in this chapter, I'm looking forward to reading how this story develops further. Will be back later to read more ^^
2114 streak #10
Chapter 2: Ah, so that was how they met? It was nice to see how they positively motivated her. I think you were referring to them from Lucifer era but as you described them by their look, I was confused for a while. My poor brain couldn't handle it. So eventually I gave up imagining who was speaking which sentences. LoL XD anyway, jokes apart, I'll be back later to read more and find out how this story will develop further ^^