So Much Thoughts

Catch Me First

"Hey Dara! Would you mind getting ice cream with me?" Minho asked. "I have the keys to Chae's car!" He said as he jingled the keys in front of Dara's face. 




I do not know you well enough but I know something is bothering you.


And I bet it has something to do with that guy.


What was his name again? 


Oh yeah, Jiyong. 


Since he has that girl then he should not be interested in someone else. 


Something is definitely off with that girl, I swear. 


But hmm.. 


So no one would mind if I chose to pursue Dara, right?


Dara then realized that she was spacing out again but without hesitation she replied, "Of course! You did not steal her keys, did you?"


Minho clutch his chest as if he were hurt, "Are you accusing me Dara Park? Hmm? Do you really think I would steal my own cousin's keys? How dare you! that hurts, that really hurts!"


At this point, Dara was trying to hold in her fits of laughter, "YAH! Did not know you were such a drama queen! Let's go now!" 




This guy.


We are definitely going to be good friends.


Minho really has some great timing. 


I could not sit here any longer watching all the couples act all couple-y. 


Well... just one. 


While Dara and Minho were having their little scene, the group took a break from their couple-y selves and watched what was happening in front of them. 


The girls minus Sohee looked at each other and smiled. At the moment, they all thought the same thing. 


If not Jiyong, 


Then it is definitely Minho. 


The guys on the other hand just found the scene amusing except for one guy. 


I do not know if this is the first time Dara and Minho met but it seems they have been knowing each other for a while.


Is there somehting between them?


Should I even care? 


I should..


As her friend. 


because I am her friend. 


Why am I even thinking about this? 


Do I have feelings for Dara? 














I already have Sohee. 

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Chapter 20: O-M-G!!! Don't tell me they got in a accident? Oh why now when Dara going 2 tell her feeling 2 Jiyong.

Thank-you soooo much 4 the update (^з^)-☆ HENGSHO (⌒‐⌒)
chuuubbbyyy #2
Chapter 19: Wow dara will confess about her feeling to jiyong ??????
Chapter 19: Kyyyyyaaaaaa!!! Can't wait 4 the next chapter !!!
Chapter 18: Jiyong u are going 2 realize now how much Dara important 2 u and especial 2 u!!! Oh Minho and Dara is cuuttee (^^)
sujukat #5
Chapter 17: oh... alert..damn! well, im excited with dara-minho thingy..hahaha...
daramaegon #6
Chapter 16: sohee strike again in this story!i wish jiyong will get jealous on minho, dara having a difficulty on his unrequitted love to ji while minho we never know what do his feelings for dara?pls update soon:)
Chapter 16: Sohee u are evil u didn't deserve Jiyong!!! I'm Happy dat Minho is here, so Dara can stay away from being hurt.
Chapter 14: Poor Dara I wish there will be a guy 4 her. Dara don't cry.
Chapter 14: maybe a new love interest for Dara would be good, since Jiyong has his and it might shake Jiyong's head on what he truly feels for Dara. hehehe. Waiting for the next update authornim! :)
lalalala_mEe #10
Chapter 13: aigooo.. i wish Dara would have the guts to tell him how she feels already.. but i kinda have a feeling Ji knows something?? kekekeke~ maybe he's just hiding his feelings?? i hope.. kekekeke~