
Catch Me First

A/N: Hello everyone! I sincerely apologize for not updating regularly. I am always here to read but never update. I have had a really busy semester but since that has ended, I hope to be updating quite a lot more and hopefully, finish this for you all. I have probably lost readers/subscribers and I understand. So I would just like to thank those who have been with me from the beginning and are still putting up with me. Let's see through the end, neh?


As time passed, Dara could not help but feel anxious, constantly looking around.


Minho could not help but notice, "Dara, are you waiting for someone? Someone special perhaps?" 


Dara looked like she was a deer caught in headlights. "Of course not. I am so sorry, I am not very good company, am I?" 


"You are the absolute worst." Minho replied as Dara playfully punched him in the arm. Dara could feel that Minho would be a great addition to the gang. She may have just met him but she definitely feels comfortable with him. 



'I really hope he likes the rest of our friends. It would be nice to have a fresh face...


And damn good looking eye candy' Dara thought



Unknown to the two, the rest of the gang that just arrived in the park witness Dara and Minho's moment. 


"Hey Bom! Who is that with Dara? I know he is definitely not from here." Minzy asked.


"Minzy, your guess is just as good as mine but wherever she met him, I want to know where because that guy is --"


"That guy is what Bom?" She turned around and saw Top staring her down with questioning eyes. Bom is in love with this guy and all but she still squirms at his very intimidating eyes. 


"Nice! I was going to say that he seems nice" Bom met Top's eyes and see that he is still questioning her, "Stop with the staring. It is giving me the creeps!" Top just laughed in response. 


The gang proceeded to walk where Chaerin was sitting. "Hey Chaecat! Who is that with Dara?" Seungri asked. 


"Oh, that is my cousin," and without thinking Chaerin said "His name is Minho. I brought him along to help Dara be distracted." 


"Distracted from what?" Jiyong asked. Chaerin looked up from the salad she was mixing and saw the whole gang staring at her with curious faces. She quickly straightened up and said, "Forget I said anything. It does not matter anyways." Especially to you Jiyong. If you have not gotten yourself a stupid girlfriend, I would not have brought him here and my bestfriend did not have to suffer a heartbreak. 


Bom and Minzy looked at each other knowingly. There is definitely a much needed girls night. They feel guilty for not having made plans with her or Chaerin every since their mini getaway at the cabin. When they have arrived in the park and saw Jiyong's arm draped over another girl's shoulder, they knew that this was not just another picnic but after seeing Dara with Chaerin's cousin definitely eased their mind. Before they knew it, they were tackled to the ground by the girl they were worried for. 


"Where have you two been? You have been cancelling on Chae and I since way back when!" Dara said as she gave them her puppy dog eyes that can probably make the most dangerous man alive bow down to her feet. 


Just kidding, it does NOT work on anyone.


"Yah! Dara Park! How many times do I have to tell you to not do that useless puppy dog eyes!" Bom scolded her. 


Dara ran behind Minho and said, "It worked on Minho so I thought I got better at it." Dara at the moment was the cutest sight ever. She looked like a little kid who got their most favorite toy taken away. 


Minho on the other hand looked at the gang and shook his head as if saying that the puppy dog eyes did not work at all. 


Dara walked away, acting lke she's mad and stopped by the swings. She lodged herself in one of the seats and let her mind wonder on its own.



'This is not fair! 


How come I always get picked on. 


Hmm. Jiyong's girl... She's pretty. 


She has long hair... but so do I. 


She has a petite body... but so do I. 


No, Dara. 


Do not compare yourself. 


You have not met her yet, who knows... 


You might like her and like Minho, could be a great addition to the group. 


If Jiyong is mean to be with her then great..


That just means that there is someone else that is meant for you.' 



Dara was so lost in her own thoughts and did not notice a girl took the swing next to hers. 


"Hi, you must be Dara! My name is Sohee. I thought  I would introduce myself to you, since you are the only on left I have yet to formally meet. Jiyong talked a lot about you, well about all of you actually."



'Well at least he talks about me' Dara thought 



Dara reached out her hand which Sohee shook while slightly bowing her head. 


"Well as you know already, my name is Dara. It is nice to have another girl in the group. The guy and girl ratio is way off. Anyways, I cannot wait to get to know you better and I guess, welcome to the group?" Dara sincerely smiled at her. She really meant what she said. 


"That's nice. Okay Dara, now all the formality is done I can say this. Do not even think about getting close to JIyong than you already are. Maybe you two are just friends but friendships can grow into more and I cannot have that at all. I see how girls stare at MY Jiyong and you are probably one of them. If you are not, then good. Stay that way. I have to get back to MY Jiyong." 


As Sohee walked away, Dara could not help but think... 



'What the heck just happened? 


Did that really happen? 


Did that girl just...




Okay, Dara. 


This is not yours to deal with. 


Who cares if she acts like an overprotective girlfriend? 


Who wouldn't be if their boyfriend is Jiyong?


But sheesh that girl really just did that. 


If she said that to me then that must mean she sees me as a threat.


I wonder why... 


That was really awkward. 

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Chapter 20: O-M-G!!! Don't tell me they got in a accident? Oh why now when Dara going 2 tell her feeling 2 Jiyong.

Thank-you soooo much 4 the update (^з^)-☆ HENGSHO (⌒‐⌒)
chuuubbbyyy #2
Chapter 19: Wow dara will confess about her feeling to jiyong ??????
Chapter 19: Kyyyyyaaaaaa!!! Can't wait 4 the next chapter !!!
Chapter 18: Jiyong u are going 2 realize now how much Dara important 2 u and especial 2 u!!! Oh Minho and Dara is cuuttee (^^)
sujukat #5
Chapter 17: oh... alert..damn! well, im excited with dara-minho thingy..hahaha...
daramaegon #6
Chapter 16: sohee strike again in this story!i wish jiyong will get jealous on minho, dara having a difficulty on his unrequitted love to ji while minho we never know what do his feelings for dara?pls update soon:)
Chapter 16: Sohee u are evil u didn't deserve Jiyong!!! I'm Happy dat Minho is here, so Dara can stay away from being hurt.
Chapter 14: Poor Dara I wish there will be a guy 4 her. Dara don't cry.
Chapter 14: maybe a new love interest for Dara would be good, since Jiyong has his and it might shake Jiyong's head on what he truly feels for Dara. hehehe. Waiting for the next update authornim! :)
lalalala_mEe #10
Chapter 13: aigooo.. i wish Dara would have the guts to tell him how she feels already.. but i kinda have a feeling Ji knows something?? kekekeke~ maybe he's just hiding his feelings?? i hope.. kekekeke~