Happy anniversary..

Happy anniversary..

Your POV

You started your light make up then began curling your hair. Once you were finished, you slipped on a simple blue dress with no sleeves. Despite the simple and outgoing dress, it had intricate designs. The chest area had sewed on sapphire coloured diamonds with lace at the bottom of the dress.

One reason you were so dressed up was because you were getting ready to meet Myungsoo. Today was your special day. Today marked the 365 days mark between you two. And it meant that today would be the day that he proposes to you. Oh well you thought he would since you found a diamond ring in his blazer when you were packing his clothes. You pretended to not know anything and thought that you should let the man do the job.

You glanced at the clock.

“Done and with 30 minutes to spare.” You said proudly.

You took your black purse and took your present for Myungsoo.

Days before, you decided to buy him a rolex watch since he was always late to your dates. And you bought him a plaid shirt since he loved those the best.

You carefully wrapped your home made chocolate, careful to not add peanuts since he hated them and placed it into a presentable bag.

You locked the door on the way out and caught a taxi.

As you were sitting on the taxi, you nervously texted Myungsoo.

“Jagi, I hope you come today!”


“Neh jagi, can’t wait to see you.” You smiled at the text and excited the door and arrived at the restautrant.

You hesitantly opened the door and was greeted by a waitress.

“A table for two please.”

She led the way and asked for your orders.

You declined and decided to wait for Myungsoo.

You waited for 10 minutes and decided that Myungsoo was probably caught on traffic so you ordered a cappuccino to keep you awake.

Myungsoo’s POV

As I texted back Kim Hee, I felt the sudden rush of guilt wash over me. I was doing the wrong thing for wanting to break it off with her . Not only that, he’s spending this day with another woman. It isn’t easy to break off with someone that you’ve known for over a year, but feelings fade. I hope she understands.

As Woori was begging me to feed her, I saw Hee Hee walk in. She’s early isn’t she?

Woori kept rubbing my thigh, trying to take my attention, but I couldn’t help but to stare at Hee Hee, she was so beautiful, just like the first time I met her.


While I was on my holidays at Jeju Island, I heard,

“help help help!!!” someone screamed.

Oh dear, who’s that? I thought. I ran to the swimming pool and saw a vulnerable girl struggling in the water.

Immediately, I dived into the water and pulled her out. I pumped her chest and did mouth-to-mouth to wake her. While doing mouth-to-mouth, her eyes opened and realised the situation. Taking advantaged, she kissed me and blushed before letting go. She ran to her room and cleaned herself up.

That night, I went downstairs for the buffet when I saw the girl sitting by herself. She saw me and motioned me to come over.

We got to know eachother and found out that we both were doing the same course in Uni. And I realised how beautiful she is.

She invited me to go around the city.

We walked through the city with the moonlight hitting her smooth skin.

I slipped my hand into hers and it was as if our hands were made for eachother. We walked around hand in hand the whole night until we arrived at the hotel.

We exchanged numbers and I asked her out. Pretty fast for a first timer huh? And that’s how our love began.


But feelings change and mine did. It wasn’t easy to accept it, but life is life.

Your POV

You were sitting at your table waiting for Myungsoo. You finished your second cup of coffee now, well he is a CEO, not abnormal that he is busy right?

You decided to order some food and gracefully ate it.

You waited for half an hour. Still no Myungsoo.

One hour, still no sign of him.

You turned around to call the waitress when you saw it. You saw Myungsoo feeding his “girlfriend.”

You decided to call him and to see what he would see.

“Yobeosaeyo?” he called sweetly.

“Hey Jagi, how come you’re not here yet?” you asked innocently.

“Oh, I’m coming home late from work, I’m sorry, how about we spend tonight at home alright? Just go home first?” he said hurriedly. Oh this , how dare he do this.

“Oh alright.” You said and walked towards their direction as if you didn’t know he was there.

“Don’t go that way?” he replied.

“Huh?” you asked and hung up.

You pretended to be shock, but deep down, you were heartbroken.

He stood up and tried to explain, but you just pushed him away and you also pushed his limit.

“Alright , look, I’m here to break up with you. I don’t even love you anymore. Can you just leave?” he screamed as the everyone looked at you.

People murmured things while you could not control your tears any longer.

You threw a cup of water on his face

“Here you go bastard. Your present for our anniversary. There’s a watch in there. Use it so next time you won’t be so late.”

You cried and ran out of there to get some fresh air. You kept running and running until you were crossing a road, but before you could see what’s going on, a bright light hit your face and you were immediately knocked out.

Myungsoo’s POV

I heard a scream and ran outside. There, on the floor, was what was left of Hee Hee’s bloody body. I kneeled next to my ex and cried my heart out. I wish I could’ve told her that everything was fine. But it’s not, I just broke her heart and made her run into the road and got run over. I wish, I just wish everything was back to the way it was.


a/n: lol wrote this in school REBEL ;D

anyways plpease comment and like please please please!!! i really want to hear from you  :'(

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Chapter 1: dasfsdahfkjdasf. Myungsoooooooo!! Arrrgh. Please do a sequel unnie (:
xuanying #2
Chapter 1: This story is so touching T.T btw new readers^^
so very sad 。・゚゚・(>д<)・゚゚・。
;A; so sad
and it got sadder cuz i was listening to a sad song LOL
;______; myungsoo ~~ why didcha have to be so rude ;___;
Anyways, good story <3
Good job ^^;;
bliss- #6
oh. my. god. this. is. so. sad.
Awwww. Sad oneshot! :(
exotickaiyeol #8
Omg, i tot they will just broke nothing more TT___TT
this is sooooooooooo sad !