Four - Day 3

The Crash

Chapter 4

Day 3

Tiffany and Taeyeon decided to spend the afternoon enjoying the calm water and the sun is out, perfect for an afternoon swim. 

"Taeyeon come on. The water is so warm!" she yell while testing the water.


Taeyeon is preparing their change clothes and also foods. He is like a caring husband to his wife but they aren't. 

He's walking towards her but he stops on his track when Tiffany started undressing. 

She took off her flannel shirt and pants that she's been wearing from the day of the accident. Growing up in the states, she's not bothered showing off her skin. 

Wearing only her underwear she happily run to the shallow water and splash water to her body. 

Not aware that Taeyeon is in huge trouble. He is not used to see women be that unbothered especially around a guy in a deserted island. 

He knows that it wasn't polite to stare at someone's body but he seems can't take his eyes off Tiffany's. 

"Taeyeon come on!" Tiffany calls him again. 

"This woman will be the death of me!" Taeyeon tells himself before running to Tiffany. 

"What took you so long? Let's go. The water is warm"

Taeyeon tested the water and it was indeed warm perfect to wash their body. "Hey don't go too far we don't know what's below" 

"But why are you there?" she ask when she notice that Taeyeon is kind of avoiding her. She swim to where he is. "What's wrong?" 

"Huh? Nothing" he laugh nervously as he scratch his not so itchy head. 

"Take your clothes off. You can't wash your body if you're wearing your sweat shirts and pants" 

"Is that okay with you? You know it's not appropriate to just strip" 

Tiffany catches what he's trying to tell her. So, she just smile at him. "Totally fine with me. I grew up in the states and this is normal. But if it bothers you, I will put back my clothes" 

She swim back to the shallow part of the water and about to walk to where she place her clothing when Taeyeon stops her by grabbing her wrist. "It's fine. Just making sure. You know back in Korea we have a very conservative culture" 

"I know that. But we are on our own world, no culture, no rules just us"

"Alright" Taeyeon took of his shirt and Tiffany instantly regretted telling him that it's okay with her when she saw the 8 pack abs hiding behind that oversized sweat shirt. And her eyes went wide when he took off his pants now only with his boxers. 

Tiffany quickly look away, thankfully Taeyeon wouldn't notice her face turning red due to sun is coming out. "I think there's something below. Want to check it out?" she diverted the topic. 

Taeyeon is more than willing. He run and left her and quickly swim to the deep part of the ocean. She followed him and dive in. 

They were amazed with what they saw. Below the water is God's beautiful creatures. Beautiful corals. Fishes that they only saw in pictures. 

At one point they even swim with a big turtle. It was a rare experience. Playing with the army of fish underwater is also something that they never imagined doing. It was just a dream for them. 

"Wow! We should do that again. It was so fun" said Tiffany after they went back to the shore after. 

"I cannot argue with that"

They lay on the sand just letting the sun kissed their bodies listening to sound of the water that was so calming. "Taeyeon?" 


"Do you think they will ever find us?" 

Taeyeon didn't know how to answer that because he doesn't know either but he is still trying to be optimistic that one, hopefully one someone will come and rescue them. "They will. I know they will. God won't let us die right here. God is good we should trust him"

"I hope they will soon because I am starting to love this place... Come on let's eat and get change" 

They got up and something caught their eyes. "Taeyeon do you see what I am seeing right over there?"she point her finger. 

"God is indeed so good. Stay here, I'll go get it"

"No. Let's go get it" 

It wasn't because Tiffany doesn't want to be alone but because she doesn't want to be a burden to him. Taeyeon has been doing everything for her, providing everything from her foods up to making sure she's comfortable with their shelter. 

At night Taeyeon always checks on her if she's sleeping okay or if she's freezing cold. He will let her sleep first before he join her just to make sure that she's safe. Tiffany knew all about it and she was so thankful for that. 

"You still good?" they stopped for awhile to rest because Taeyeon is so concern that she might drown if she's exhausted already. 

"How many times do I have to tell you that I am fine. Come on, I know my body. Let's just get to that before it went even further" she replies with a very annoyed tone. She knows that Taeyeon doesn't mean to annoy her but instead he is just concern for her but then what she! doesn't like is that he's treating her like a girl that cannot do anything. 

All her life everyone is underestimating her and she has to work double the effort just to prove them that she can and she's not a weak person. 

"I'm sorry. I-I was just..."Taeyeon sigh because Tiffany didn't even let him finish as she swim away. 

An hour later, they just let the luggage to dry and continue with their own stuffs. She grab the clothes that Taeyeon prepares for her and walk back to the shore again to wash some sand off her body. 

Taeyeon he has no idea what makes her pissed. He's questioning himself if caring too much is not a good gesture or only her. 

He grab a towel that they got from the previous luggage and walk to where Tiffany is washing her body. Taeyeon is not the type of a person that will let a misunderstanding to last longer. He always makes sure that whatever that is, it should be resolve on the same day too. 

"Here let me help you. There's still a lot on your back that you can't reach" he offers and Tiffany just let him and continue dusting her body. "I'm sorry" he started while wiping her back. "I don't know what makes you angry at me like this but if it is because of me asking you all the time if you're okay then I'm really sorry. That's just who I am. Before I only care about my family and work that one time the woman that I really like back then ask me to show her that I care for her"

"But it's her not me. We are all different. I don't want to be asked over and over again because it reminds me of those who betrayed me. They are trying to tell me that I am weak, they want to let everyone knows that I can't without my parents. All this time I've been trying to prove myself. I'm sorry for reacting that way. It's just... 

Taeyeon back hugged her which makes Tiffany unable to move with the sudden move "You don't have to be sorry. It's not your fault but thank you for telling me that. Now I know. I promise I will try not do be like that to you but just a heads up that won't be easy for me" 

Tiffany chuckles. She lean her back on him as he continues giving her a back hug. She tilt her head and was surprise on how close their face. She can feel her cheeks are burning. "Y-you're a clingy type guy huh" 

"Oh I'm sorry..." Taeyeon realizes what he's been doing. He quickly remove his arms around Tiffany "I-I didn't to offend you or something. I-I...." 

Tiffany grab his hands and put it back on her "I don't know but you're the first guy who I let to hold me like that. Dad used to hug me like this. With his arms it feels home, I felt so safe and loved. And with you, you make me feel that too. And I'm scared"

Taeyeon tightens his hold on her waist and lean his chin on her shoulder "I know. It's only been 3 days since we met. So, I understand why you are scared. It's just you and me here, alone somewhere only we know. If you will let me, I want you to trust me that I won't hurt you and that I will not go without you. I promise"

Tiffany move around to face him and look at him straight in the eyes. "Please don't make me regret trusting you because I don't know what to do if you will... So, please don't" 

"I will" after he said that Tiffany just grab him by the back of his neck and kiss him on lips sealing the trust that she has put on him with the hope that he's really worthy of her trust. 

Standing on the shore with the only the sounds of the waves and winds hitting their bodies, the two continues kissing each other. Both seems not wanting to break the kiss. 

They are both smiling when they are fighting who gets to kiss more. Taeyeon pull her closer to his body getting carried away with the kiss but quickly end the heated kiss when he realizes that Tiffany is still not wearing anything aside from her underwear. 

"Let's go before you get sick..." he said and offer his hand to her which she gladly take. They walk hand in hand with a smile on their faces. 

"It's cold..." Tiffany whine as she's starts shivering when the wind suddenly gets cold. 

Taeyeon walks in front of her and grin "That's what you get for taking your clothes off" he but Tiffany pull the reverse card on him. 

She walks to him with a seductive look. She then hold his chin up "Eyes up here, Mr.Kim. I know you're enjoying the view but move your and go start a fire because it's getting cold" 

Back in Korea

"Yuri give me an update!" Mr. Jung has been a pain in his ever since the accident. He's getting pissed as days goes by because it was always about the programs. He never even ask about any news regarding Taeyeon. 

"Still the same, Sir. Taeyeon really put on a security that only him knows how to bypass it. I'm only let with 15 tries and I am still thinking of any password that he might put in" 


Mr. Jung groan in frustration because his investors is already on his neck to produce the programs that only Taeyeon has. "! I should have order him to surrender the program when he's already 90 % done with it! Just keep trying Yuri. We only have 3 weeks to present that or else pack all your things!" 

"Yes sir" 

Mr.Jung left his office and slam his door that echoes in his ears. " you!" Yuri cussed. 

Little did he knows, Yuri and Taeyeon has been planning on leaving his company for his poor treatment with all of his employees. For him, the only important thing is them to produce a good prototype that will be a hit with their target consumer. 

"You won't have the program until I track his location. No Taeyeon, No program" Yuri said to himself. While looking on his computer where he is cracking the prototype watch that he is so sure that he is still wearing. 

He is so focused on finding him when his door burst open again. He thought he might not be so mad when Mr.Jung but seeing her daughter makes all his blood to boil. 

"What the are you doing here?!" 

"Any news about Taeyeon? Did you already verify if Taeyeon was really on that flight?" 

That makes Yuri to laugh and glare at her. "Don't pretend that you're concerned with him, Jessica. If you can fool anyone then I'm sorry but whatever charm you gave them won't work on me. Get out of my room!" 

"Yuri come on. I am not here to fight with you. I'm here for Taeyeon. As soon as I heard about the crash, I left everything in New York" Jessica explains. She is indeed concerned about Taeyeon and was praying so hard that he is still out there safe and waiting to be rescued. 

"You're here for Taeyeon? You left everything New York? Don't make me laugh Jessica. You were never there for him before. He treated you like a queen. But you treated him like a trash"

"That was in the past already Yuri! And that has nothing to do with the current situation!" 

"It does. The moment you put him on shame on the day he proposed to you, you lost every right about him. So, get the hell out of here and go back to New York" Yuri raises his voice as he can't stand having the person who hurt his best friend after everything he did for her. 

"You don't know anything about us. It's between me and him. If you don't want to cooperate with me then I'll do it myself" 

" off Jessica. I am warning you, don't you dare do anything stupid again that will hurt Taeyeon because I swear I really won't hold back to what I am going to do with you" 

Jessica left without saying anything. She doesn't seem bothered by his threats. All that she could think about is finding Taeyeon and start again whatever they both had before.



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The ending and epilogue will be delayed. I accidentally deleted the ending chapter 😭


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NekoLS #1
Chapter 35: Such a beautiful love story
No matter what challenges you face as long as you trust each other its okayyy you will make it
this is so beautiful i love it thank you! 💖
1121 streak #3
Oh I just found this and I'm gonna begin reading later cause I still have work 😁😁😁
Chapter 35: Thank you for the epilogue! I love all of your story. Looking forward to your new stories or any one shot or two shot hehehehe
Chapter 35: Happy ending . Such a good story 👍👏👏 thank you for your hard work . Looking forward to your future stories . Have a great weekend
Chapter 34: No worries. Take your time :)
Chapter 33: Happy ending . Thank you for your hard work .
Chapter 33: this was a great read. thank you for the story.
Chapter 32: Now they can be official in public :)
Chapter 33: Nice ending! Thanks for this amazing story