The Crash


5 years later…


“Frost! Come back here!”, Winter loudly calls out her brother who is being grumpy again.


“What’s going on here?”,


Winter looks at her mommy who just came down wearing her pastel pink dress followed by her dad who is wearing his black tuxedo because they will be attending a very important awarding.



“Uh-oh”, that is all Taeyeon can say making his wife to look at the mess in the dining table.



It’s a mess. Foods are on the floor. Water is dripping down from the top of the table there’s even a broken plate on the floor and Tiffany knew who did it. “Frost Ocean Hwang-Kim! Show yourself now. Don’t make me call your name twice”,



Frost shivers upon hearing his full name as he comes out of the bathroom with his head low and they can tell that he is quietly sobbing as he started cleaning up his mess. As he is doing that, Winter went to the bathroom to check what he did inside.



Taeyeon removes his coat and rolls his suit before helping his little boy. While doing so, Winter calls out her mom. “Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!”,


Hearing her frantic call, Tiffany immediately runs to where she is. “What’s wrong, honey?”,



Instead of answering, Winter pointed inside the tub making her mom’s eyes widen. “Oh my God’, she quickly cleans it up. Frost threw up again and it was not a good sign.


After making sure that it’s all clean, she rushes to her son who is still cleaning with the help of his dad. She immediately spoons him up and touches his face. “Baby, are how are you feeling? You’re burning. Why didn’t you tell us?”,


“Fever?”, Taeyeon asks while touching his forehead too making his son to snuggle to his mommy. “Buddy, what happened?”,



Checking their son, suddenly a car honking outside echoes throughout the house. Taeyeon and Tiffany who are married for 4 years already looks at each other with a questioning look. “Go ahead, love. I’m staying. Frost needs me here and you knew how grumpy he is whenever he’s sick”,



“But- No, Fany-ah. I can’t leave you here alone not when our son is sick again”,



“Are you sure? Love, this awarding is very important to you. It’s okay. I can handle this. I will call you if something happens, I promise. Just go now, you worked hard for this award”, his wife encourages him. She saw how happy he was when they inform him that he was chosen amongst thousand.


Taeyeon is being awarded as the most outstanding new creator for technology after the massive success of his smartwatch series that saves thousands of lives because of its unique features.


“Our son is more important than that award. Hold on, I will call Yuri to asks him if can substitute for me. Be right back”,

That’s him, that is the new Kim Taeyeon. He will drop everything for his family. Even when he is at the middle of an important meeting, he will pause for awhile especially if he receives a call from his daughter Winter.


Even during a busy day at work, Taeyeon will always see to it that he will be able to have some time with his children. Weekends is for his family and so is Tiffany.


For Tiffany, she is a mother before she is a Chairwoman of a big company. Tiffany’s priority is her family too. Her company is doing really well now and has already established its position in the industry. They are now competing with a much bigger corporation and everything is going smooth especially with the help of her husband.



“Mommy, sorry. Frost is bad because I spilled my foods”, the little boy didn’t forget to apologize even though he didn’t mean to do it intentionally. His mom is tacking him to bed to rest. “Tummy hurts, mommy. Head hurt too that’s why I accidentally knocked them”, he explains



Tiffany kisses the top of his head. “It’s okay baby. Mommy is not mad. But please, next time tell me or dad or even your sister if you feel unwell. I know you’re a big boy now, but you’re still our baby”,


Frost always ends up getting food poisoning or severe stomachache that they didn’t know at first that it was more serious than it looks like, but was later checked as Celiac Disease which is often diagnosed as somewhat like digestive issues.



“Mommy, tummy hurts”,


Tiffany rubs his tummy after giving him some medicines. She is observing his condition. She is still wearing her dress for the awarding as she watches her son slowly falling asleep. She checks his body temperature before kissing his forehead again. “I love you, baby. You’ll feel better when you wake up later”,



She went back to their bedroom to get change and that’s when she heard the angry voice of Taeyeon that she hasn’t heard since forever. “I don’t ing care! The hell I care if you will give it to someone else! My son is sick and you expect me to still show up tonight? I don’t care. Do whatever you want! My family is more important that you!”,


“Love, who’s that? Calm down”, she steps inside the room and rub his back to calm him


“The organizer is demanding me to show up tonight and they won’t allow Yuri as my proxy. that award”,



“Relax. Just let him be”,



Taeyeon pinches the bridge of his nose showing how frustrated and mad he was. “I can’t. He needs to understand that I am not like those businessmen who loves their money and fame more than their family. My boy is sick, end of discussion”,



How to make Kim Taeyeon angry?

Do something inappropriate towards him? No.

Mess up with some workloads? No.


Taeyeon is known to be one of the most patient people at work and or outside work. He is not the type to get easily mad except if it is about his family.



Tiffany knew him well. Family is his bottom line. She saw him break deals just because he can’t be away with his family for a very long time which she is very understanding about.



Kim Taeyeon is the best husband and father that she can ask for and no one can argue with her about that. “Calm down. Don’t let them ruin your day. Frost is okay now. Just don’t answer any calls from them anymore”,


“No-“, he was about to say something but was cut off when a pair of soft sweet lips captures his.



Tiffany pulls him closer and kisses him after not successful calming down. The warmth that both of them gives each other really do help them to find a way to cool down which  has been proven from time to time already.



The next day, Taeyeon woke up extra early to prepare breakfast for his whole family. It was a beautiful Sunday morning. A sunny day perfect for a family day out.


He was humming while cooking that he didn’t notice that his wife is already awake and has been watching him. She is smiling so brightly while looking at her loving husband.


She tip-toed and hug him from behind and peak on his side to see what he is cooking for their breakfast. “Good morning, daddy. What’s for breakfast today?”,



“You really love to creep me out… I woke up at around 5:30, I think”, he replies before kissing the crown of his wife. “It’s almost done. Go wake them up so that we can eat all together while it’s hot”,


Instead of going up to their kids’ room, Tiffany tightens her hold on his husband’s waist and waits until he turned off the stove. “What is it that you want, Mrs.Kim?”, he asks with a grin


“I was thinking if we can go and have our long-forgotten honeymoon. We can now take a long deserving break from work, don’t you think? Besides, Sooyoung has been asking me when will the kids will have a sleepover at their house”,


Taeyeon sigh. It has been a crazy, tough 5 years for all of them. After Tiffany gave birth to Frost, his family suddenly puts all the blame on him when their company fell apart and was forced to shutdown.


Mr.Kim’s company collapses after Hwang-Jung Corporation pulls out all their shares and cancelled all of their contracts which causes all of the investors to follow too leaving them with nothing.


Kyung Tae also wouldn’t stop harassing and threatening Taeyeon because his royalty lifestyle is gone. He doesn’t have anything at his name but tons of loans from a lot of people. He doesn’t have a job either and worst, Jessica filed a divorce. His life is over and he’s blaming Taeyeon for that.


Yes, he lost everything while Taeyeon gained everything that he’s been wanting in his life a high paying job, a wife, kids and happy family.


“I’m sorry, Fany-ah. This is all my fault for dragging you with my problems. The past few years has been not so good especially for you too”, Taeyeon looked down feeling so guilty


“I already told you that we’re in this together. You don’t have to apologize to me and you don’t have to bear it all alone. Your mom and even Jessica already explained everything, right?”,



After Jessica and Kyung Tae got divorced, Mrs.Kim also filed a divorce on her husband which angers the father and son duo. It turns out that Mrs.Kim owns almost all of their assets that she inherited from her wealthy family.


It was that moment that Mrs.Kim realizes that everything that she believes and made her believe are all a big lie. She immediately put an end to it, to every lie that her husband has been feeding her for decades.


Jessica and Mrs.Kim left and decided to live together in one of her properties which happens to be near where Taeyeon’s. Mrs.Kim couldn’t live Jessica alone after finding out that she is pregnant and Kyung Tae has no idea about it. The two of them also filed a restraining order against the father and son duo who all of a sudden became madman.



Then Tiffany also filed a restraining order against them after the two kept on lingering around their house and even sending photos of their kids demanding her to give them money in exchange of the giving it to reports.


“They’re driving me crazy. And at the same time, it’s sad to see them both end up like that, behind bars”, Taeyeon will always a be a good man despite all those circumstances.


Since the two were locked inside that prison cell, their lives slowly went back to normal without having those fears that one of them will get hurt by them. It’s been a very peaceful year for all them.

“But we’re okay now. We are all safe and together. Love, you need to enjoy your life now. Our kids are growing up so fast for you to let them affect you and be unable to watch our kids grow up. Let it go now. No one’s gonna hurt you, us and our family now”, Tiffany thought she needed to tell him that again.



Taeyeon finally smiles and nodded. “Alright. Call them and let’s have dinner tonight. But for now, go get those cute little bosses before our breakfast gets cold, my lovely wife”, he tells her before kissing her on the forehead.



Later that day, all of their friends gathered in their house. It ‘s been awhile since the last time that all of them sits down and have meals together. All of them are busy with their own work and family.


“Hey,Taeng! What’s with the sudden invitation?”, Yuri suspiciously asks his best friend when he places the bowl of baked macaroni on the table.


“About that…Tiffany and I would like to ask you all for a favor”, Taeyeon begins that easily caught the attention of everyone. “Fany-ah and I will be out for a week”,



“I thought something bad happens. They can stay with me. I don’t mind”, Yuri volunteers


Sooyoung and Jessica laugh at him knowing how bad he is in babysitting. “You can’t even last an hour with Frost alone and yet you’re volunteering to babysit them for a week?”, Jessica teases him. “They can stay with me and Sooyoung. Will take 3 days each with them. What do you think, Soo?”,


“Not a problem. Young Jae and Young Soo misses them so, a 3 days sleepover is really a good idea for them. Besides, Kyung Ho plans to bring the twins to the zoo”, Sooyoung replies while munching the baked macaroni that Taeyeon cooked.


Yuri suddenly pouted while playing with his food. He is jealous because all of his friends have their own family and kids already. He really wanted to have his own kids.


Tiffany saw his reaction and thought of exposing him. “So,Yul and Jessie how’s thing going on between the two of you?”,



“W-what? I mean why are you asking us that?”, Yuri and Jessica almost chokes when she suddenly asks them that out of nowhere.


The two briefly locks eyes before shyly avoiding everyone’s playful look. Sooyoung and Tiffany already knew that the two has been dating already for months already all because of Jeno ; Jessica’s 4 year old son.


Yuri and Jeno are inseparable. Surprisingly, Jeno really loves Yuri and not a single day will pass by without them talking to each other or seeing each other.



Yuri and Yoona decided that it is better if they will return to being friends and not force themselves in a relationship that is not working for them. Yuri quickly moved on from the breakup all because of the little boy who occupied all of his free time.


“Wait a minute! Yul! You’re dating Jessica? Woah! I just realize it by now. Everything that you’ve been telling be about that woman is her! Oh my God! What happen to ‘I will never date her ever even if she’s the last girl on earth’, Taeyeon is so clueless and it never cross his mind that the two will eventually stops fighting


Taeyeon is so amaze how the two suddenly started having feelings for each other aside from their long lasting cat and mouse fights.


“People change. Feelings do certainly change. I can’t say no to her cute little boy. I fell in love with him before I realize that his mom captures my heart too”, Yuri shyly confesses without looking at them


“I’m getting goosebumps and I am not joking! This is the first time that I saw him like this. His eyes are glowing and he wasn’t like this with Yoong before. The more you hate, the more you love indeed. Oh gosh! Bro, let’s go to the bar. We need to celebrate this milestone of yours!”, Taeyeon is so excited with the dating news of his best friend that he forgot something.



With the sudden mentioned of the word ‘bar’, Taeyeon immediately realizes his mistake and got scared of his life when a deadly glare went through him. A deadly glare from Tiffany and Jessica are like a venom that will paralyze you once it pierces through your body.


Ever since the beating at the bar happens, Tiffany forbids him from going to any bar even if Yuri is with him. The only time he will be allowed to step foot on that place is when Tiffany will tag along him.


“That was a joke…You know how we are… Yeah. T-that was how we uh..”

“Taeyeon looks like a scared puppy!”, Sooyoung laugh at him


Meanwhile, Tiffany and Jessica exchange glances upon seeing the two suddenly kept quiet and forcing themselves to finish their foods. “Okay. You two can go out tonight”, Tiffany informs them


Taeyeon thinks that she is only testing them. “No, it’s okay. We can stay here. Right, Yul?”,


“Yup, definitely not a problem. We can enjoy a can of beer together”,



Jessica touches his arm and smiles at him lovingly. “Go and have fun tonight. You two haven’t really been hanging out lately because of work and we know how much you misses your time just the two of you”,



“Jessie is right”, Tiffany backs her up. “Even though you two wouldn’t tell us, we knew for a fact how much you miss each other. So, go out and have fun tonight. Just don’t drink that much, love”,


“Bring Kyung Ho with you too! And we will have a girls night out too here with the kiddos”, Sooyoung happily informs them which the two other girls agrees with.



As they continue their eating and catching up, Tiffany went back to the kitchen to get the dessert from the fridge and she didn’t know that her husband followed her.


He bear hug her from the back and rested his chin on her shoulder. “Are you really sure we can out tonight? We can join you here if you want, we don’t mind”,


“It’s fine. You deserve some time alone with your friends too. Just enjoy and don’t worry about me and our kids”,



Taeyeon snuggles closer to her. “Thank you. I don’t really know what I did to deserve someone like you, love. You’re my angel, my everything that I’ve been praying for all my life. I love you, Mrs.Kim”,


“You’re welcome, love. And you’re my answered prayer too… I love you so much, daddy. Go now, they must be waiting for you. We will pick you all up later just ring any of us”,


The best feeling in life is to find the peace and happiness.

Everyone has it’s own problems to solve but all of us are given different ways to solve it, to fight for it.


Sometime the best way to solve it is by finding some who will stand by you and someone who will constantly nags you that it’s going to be okay if you put your heart and mind to it.


I believe love is the most silent powerful tool of them all next to faith because love can change a lot of things, people can be changed through love.


Love can give you a whole lot of reason to continue trying to be a better version of yourself every day.


-the end-


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The ending and epilogue will be delayed. I accidentally deleted the ending chapter 😭


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NekoLS #1
Chapter 35: Such a beautiful love story
No matter what challenges you face as long as you trust each other its okayyy you will make it
this is so beautiful i love it thank you! 💖
1123 streak #3
Oh I just found this and I'm gonna begin reading later cause I still have work 😁😁😁
Chapter 35: Thank you for the epilogue! I love all of your story. Looking forward to your new stories or any one shot or two shot hehehehe
Chapter 35: Happy ending . Such a good story 👍👏👏 thank you for your hard work . Looking forward to your future stories . Have a great weekend
Chapter 34: No worries. Take your time :)
Chapter 33: Happy ending . Thank you for your hard work .
Chapter 33: this was a great read. thank you for the story.
Chapter 32: Now they can be official in public :)
Chapter 33: Nice ending! Thanks for this amazing story