24- new boss

The Crash



“Tiffany! Faster! We can’t be late today!”, Taeyeon shouted while he is preparing their breakfast that they will be bringing to the office. “Love!”,



Tiffany is running down the stairs while holding her purse and heels. “Will you stop yelling? I need to put on some makeup to cover some of your marks! This is your fault why we are running late”, she glares at him


Knowing that they need to wake up early for work, they still slept very late. As soon as the finished unloading Taeyeon’s stuffs and grocery the two of them did it on the kitchen, on the living room, stairs, bedroom and bathroom making both of them up all night.’



Taeyeon just laughs at her and check what she is wearing. For her first day at work, Tiffany chooses the one the he picked for her at the mall. “You are so beautiful. Stop glaring at me it doesn’t suit you. Love, why is your voice like that? Did you scream all night?”,



“Shut up. This is your fault for not keeping your monster buddy inside your pants. Stop flirting with me, you will not get any from me”,



“Oh, now you finally agree that my buddy right here is a monster, I thought you said that it wasn’t that big and long”, he suddenly hugs her from behind and purposedly pressing his manhood on her. “Is it really small, love?”,



Tiffany closes her eyes while biting her lower lip trying her best not to give in with the temptation that he is giving her. “Stop it, Taeyeon. We will- Uhm. We have to go now you said we can’t be late today. Love, please don’t be like this when we are at the office. We can’t let them know for now about us, our relationship”,



“I know. I am professional when it comes with work. And you will see another side of me. I am very serious and I know that you will fall for me more that you will come begging for me”,



“Shut up!”, she pushes him away. “Please, bring some foods. I am starving”, 



Mr.Lee is already waiting for them outside because he will be driving the Tiffany to the office while they will be dropping Taeyeon a couple of blocks away from the company because they are afraid that someone will see them together. A little sacrifice won’t hurt him is what he told Tiffany.



Inside the car, Tiffany is busy reviewing some documents while talking to her legal team on the phone. Taeyeon is quietly listening to her because he can’t understand some of what they are talking about.



When he was dropped off, Tiffany calls him as he was getting some coffee for himself. “Hey, you miss me already? It hasn’t been 5 minutes, love”,



“No, idiot! Why did you bring my breakfast? I’m really starving and I am not joking”, Tiffany whines while getting out of her car



“Oh, . It’s in my bag. I’m sorry. I will bring it to your office when I get there. Stop whining they might see how cute you are when pouting”,



Taeyeon hang up and start walking fast as he can when Yuri saw him on the side walk. “Taeng! Hop in. Why are you walking?”,



“Lifesaver!”, he said before quickly getting in. “We used Fany’s car and they dropped me off near the coffee shop”,


“Oh, I see. Trying to hide your relationship. That’s good. Tiffany can fit in then and you will be spared of some rumor”, Yuri tells him



Yuri and Sooyoung had a very serious talk about almost everything about them and their best friends. They talked about Tiffany being the Chairman all of a sudden and how concern they are about the two.



Sooyoung is concern that Tiffany’s mental health will be brought up Mr.Jung who is still fighting for his spot at the company. He is able to get some of Tiffany’s medical reports that they are so sure that he will use against her.



And for Yuri, he is concern that when the whole office find out that Taeyeon and Tiffany are dating he is afraid that another rumours against him will spread again just like before. One more things that concerns him is the fact that Jessica is still lingering around his friend who he is sure that she is capable of ruining him again.



“Yul, are you okay? The guard has been telling you to move”, Taeyeon brought him back to reality when suddenly he is in dazed.



“Ah, yeah. Sorry. I’m good, no worries. I think I need a strong coffee”, he said not trying to make it obvious.



Arriving at the company, Taeyeon receives another text from Tiffany asking him where he is. He thought she might be really hungry so, he decided to go straight to her office instead before going directly to his own office.



He forgot that Tiffany is already their new boss and he needs to think of an alibi to be able to go inside her office without being obvious before they are looking at him.



“Taengo, why are you here? Did you transfer here?”,



“Hi, Yoong. Uh- I was told that Fa- Ms.Hwang wants to see me. I think it is about my new proposal that is due today. Yeah, the proposal”, he nervously lie to her. “Are you, her assistant?”,’



“I don’t know yet. They sent me here temporary until Ms.Hwang finds a new one. Anyways, she told me not to let anyone in. Are you really sure she’s expecting you?”,



“Why would I lie? Call her and ask her”, Taeyeon challenge her because he can’t tell her that Tiffany texted him.



Yoona got up from her seat because Tiffany’s telephone is still not yet up. She went inside to confirm it with her boss while Taeyeon waits outside the door. “Ms.Hwang, someone is outside. Mr.Kim said that you want to see him. Should I let him in?”,



“Mr.Kim? You mean Taeyeon?”, Tiffany is still not sure if he is really him that her assistant is referring to.



“Yes, Ms.Hwang. Should I let him in?”,



Tiffany quickly nodded and Yoona let Taeyeon in. He can see something is not okay with her when their eyes met like they are silently talking through their eyes.



Yoona suddenly gets confuse with the way the two are looking at each other. So, she clear to get their attention. “Ah-uh. Thank you, Yoona. You may go now”,



They waited for Yoona to close the door before Taeyeon put down his bag and coffee before going to where she is sitting. “What’s wrong? Why are you like this? You were in a great mood awhile ago”, 



“Here- This is dad’s chair. This is where he spent most of his time trying to build this company for me. I can still smell his scent here and I can feel his presence here while looking at me. I miss him so much, he and mom. Taeyeon, I miss my parents”, 



Tiffany suddenly weeps thinking about her parents who she cannot be able to kiss and hug ever again and wouldn’t be able to see how she will handle the company that they created while thinking of her. 




It breaks Taeyeon’s heart watching her cry for them. Still, the big gap that it left in heart will take a long time before he could be able to fill it completely. 




He wraps his arms around her and soothe her as she is still sitting on the same exact chair of her dad. He can sympathize with what she is feeling right at that very moment because he already felt that before. 




Taeyeon force her to get up and help her sit on the couch. He let her cry for a while rubbing her back. “Love, stop crying now. Your eyes will be swollen remember you have an important meeting later. Please, no more crying. It makes me want to cry seeing you crying”, 



“I thought I can- I thought I am stronger now but I am not. I am so scared that I might fail them. I am afraid that I will not be able to make them proud”, 



Taeyeon sigh and wipe her face with his handkerchief trying not to mess her make up. “The mere fact that you are here right now, I know they are already proud of you to be able to stand up and fight for your place. You are stronger than you think you are. There is nothing that you can’t do. And I want you to prove to everybody that you can and you will bring this company to it’s former glory. Whatever they say about you never, I mean it- never let that affect you. Always remember you are beautiful, smart, kind and a leader. I believe in you and I am proud of you”,



“T-thank you… I am glad that I have you here with me. I don’t know what I will do without you by my side. I don’t want to go back taking meds again. Thank you for making me feel love again, I love you”,



When she finally calm down, Taeyeon took out a small box from his pocket. He showed it to her which makes Tiffany to gasp and cover . “First of all, this is not yet an engagement ring. I realise that I still don’t have enough savings to buy you a beautiful ring. Then, I saw this ring while I was walking here. When I saw this I thought maybe this is the best that I can give you for now after everything that you did for me. This is cheaper than what you already have but know that I love you so much”,



“No, love. You don’t have to give me anything and I will never ask you something in exchange”, Tiffany quickly tells him because she knows how big his debt still.



“I know but I want to. But for now, I want you to wear this ring so that even if I am not with you this ring will reminds you that I am always with you. Look, I ask them to engrave our names outside the ring instead on the inside. Wear this ring and you will always have a piece of me. I love you”, Taeyeon confesses 



Tiffany let him put it on her ring finger and then he shows her his own ring with her name. A simple matching ring that has a differ meaning for them. They happily look at it. “I needed this. There is no way that I will have a nervous breakdown like that again now that I have this ring that will always reminds me of you. I love you”,



She leans in for a kiss that Taeyeon is hesitant at first because they are at the office but eventually cave in. They shared a passionate kiss that makes both of them to calm down from their high emotions especially Tiffany.


“As much as I want to kiss you more right now but we can’t. I have to prepare for my meeting which is actually 30 minutes from now and it makes so turn on. I don’t want to go out having a tent on my pants”,



And that makes Tiffany laugh. She grabs a tissue and wipe his face that has a smudges of her lipstick. “You really know how to make me laugh. Go now. Let’s have lunch together in your office. Use my card. Don’t try using your own money for that. I’m not joking”,


“Yes, boss. Before I forgot”, he opens his bag. “Here is your breakfast. Eat it while it’s still hot. Gotta go! Bye, see you later. Don’t forget to fix your lipstick. Love you”, Taeyeon said while grabbing his bag and coffee but Tiffany stops him and was pointing to his coffee. “I already had a sip of this. I will ask Yoona to get you a new one”,



“Nah-uh. I want what you have. I don’t care if your saliva is in there like we don’t taste each other’s mouth. Please, let me have that and go get yourself a new one”,



Taeyeon can’t say no to her with how cute she is looking at him while asking for his coffee. “Here you go, Boss Hwang. Enjoy your coffee. Gosh! I really want to you right here, right now”,



“Language, Mr.Kim. Those words are off-limits here in the office. Keep it to yourself and inside your pants. Wait til we get home, daddy Taeyeon”, she teases him before going back to her table with her breakfast 



“I hate you! I will make sure that you will lose that voice of yours tonight”,



Tiffany just laugh at him while taking a bite of the sandwich that he prepared. “Try me. Now, get out of my office”,



“I hate you”,


Moments later, the time has come for Tiffany to finally take her company away from the Jung’s. There is no doubt that her heart is pounding so hard as she walks inside the conference room where everyone is already waiting for her.



Board members and some directors are already there. She and Mr.Jung are seated on the opposite end of the table. He looks so confident while looking at Tiffany like he is trying to intimidate her with how intense he is staring at her.



“Are we waiting for one more?”, she asks noticing the empty chair near her.



“No need to wait. We can proceed, he is having an important meeting right now”, Mr.Jung replies. They purposely did not inform that certain person about the meeting because Mr.Jung already knew who he is going to vote for.



The legal team that us helping Tiffany to oust Mr.Mung took the stand to present what they wanted to let everyone to know. “Let’s begin. Good morning, I am Atty.Koh. I am Chairman Hwang’s legal attorney before and now I am Ms.Hwang’s. I guess most of you here are already aware that since Chairman Hwang’s unfortunate death happens this company has no real Chairman only an acting one. Some might not know that Mr.Jung is not supposed to be one leading this big company that our late Chairman founded. Why did no one ever talked about how a newcomer in this company suddenly be able to climbed up to the top just like that?”,



The whispering continues after Atty.Koh dropped that first bomb. Some do agrees with him but some still decided to be on Mr.Jung’s side. “When greed and jealousy combines and clouded your mind you will always go the extra mile. When you saw a great opening and you’re very desperate you will do the unthinkable. You will do the unexpected just like what Mr.Jung did. He fabricated a document to make him be the acting Chairman of this company even though he is not supposed to be”,


It is such a shame that some of really believe on him and took his side despite having those seniors members of this organization clearly telling you all that it was a fabricated one and Chairman Hwang wouldn’t do such thing. At the time of his death, no one knows the existence of their only daughter, the heir to everything that he worked hard for and the heir to this company”,



“Just get to the point. You’ve been accusing me of fabricating that document. It has been 5 years and yet none of can present an evidence supporting your allegations. I know that Jung Min founded this company but it’s me who lead us to where we are right now”, Mr.Jung interrupted Atty.Koh because he is losing his patience already.



The ring that Taeyeon gave her really help her a lot to stay calm and compose despite how nervous she is while facing all of them. Mr.Jung is mocking her and she is just sitting there playing with the ring on her finger.



“Of course, Mr.Jung. You said it right, it has been 5 years already and it’s time for you to step down now. Please take a look at the folder in front of you. That’s the copy of the document written and signed by our late Chairman Hwang. It is dated a year after the company operated. In that document, he specifically mentioned that his friends Mr.Choi and Mr.Park will be and should be taking over the position that he will left in case something happens to him. It is also stated their that they will give back the company to his daughter once she is ready to take over but that didn’t happened”, Atty.Koh stops for a while and intensely look at Mr.Jung



A lot of murmuring and side comments filled the room and Mr.Jung’s face turns red in anger. That’s the document that he’s been looking for because Mr.Hwang mentioned that to him before.



Mr.Jung still continue with his façade and scoffs. “How true and credible this document? Come on, your camp is more capable of fabricating documents those kind of paper”,



“Really, Mr.Jung?”, Tiffany cannot take it anymore. She is getting tired of watching him pretends to be the victim and his lies that he continues to tell everyone. “Isn’t it this s the document that you’ve been looking for all this years? Listen everyone, as you all didn’t know his people went to my house in LA late at night asking me to let them in because they are looking for a document for my dad’s company which is according to them is the Jung’s Technology. I have the surveillance footage of that night and I can positively identify those people because they are currently sitting behind their boss”, she raises an eyebrow like she is telling Mr.Jung that she won’t back down. 



Tiffany is very determined that she can get the company away from him and be able to bring it back to it’s former glory. “I do recognize Mr.Jung’s hard work all this years but everything has it’s own ending. And now is your time, I want my company back that you have stolen from my family. I want you out of here or else I will proceed with the legal process for what you have done”, 



Mr.Jung is on the edge of the ladder and he has nowhere to go. It’s all or nothing for him. He is desperate. “You think that you can order me like that? Who do you think you are. Ms.Hwang, you are not in a power yet. We have process here that you need to honor and follow. So, shall we take effect the voting process in order to end this ridiculous argument. Raise your hand if you do agree before we proceed”, 



Tension arisen. Everyone is taking their time to decide. Tiffany and her team are not expecting that he will propose the voting process. They haven’t really fully establish connections with the higher ups making them in a bad position. 



One by one, they all raised their hands and no one is objecting with the proposed voting. Mr.Jung is confident that he won’t be ousted having more than half of them on his side. 



“So, it’s decided. We will do the voting then and I hope Ms.Hwang will honor whatever the result will be. But before we proceed let me say something. We are all aware that our company is in a bad situation and the deal that I have right now is very crucial to us because it will help us stabilize”, 



“Also, are you going to let someone with a mental health issue to run this company? Are you going to let a weak woman like here to lead you? I hope you will think about this and think about our company. Let’s begin”, 



Tiffany feels like crying with how Mr.Jung casually insulted her and belittle her because she is a woman who had gone through mental health problems. She closes her eyes and she can hear Taeyeon’s voice telling her not to listen to him and she is not like that. 



“For everyone’s information, yes I do have some problems before because of what happened to my parents. Being unable to say goodbye to those you loved the most took a toll on me but if you all want, I can present my medical clearance from my doctors. I am okay now. I am better now. And I am ready to run the company that my parents created for me. My last memory of them”, 



“And lastly, I’d rather have a woman running this company who is more capable and have the credentials than someone who is used to lying, manipulating and stealing from his own company. Folks, mental health problems can be cured but greed, jealousy and being self-righteous cannot be. We are all in this new century what a man can do, a woman can also”, 



They all take their time to carefully weigh in their options because it is crucial especially for the future of their whole organization. Those who are Chaiman Hwang’s loyal friends don’t even have to think about it and so is those in Mr.Jung’s side. 



The most important votes will be from those neutrals. Some of them are new in the company and some are already their during Chairman Hwang’s time. “Let’s begin. Raise your hand if you are in favor of Mr.Jung to ne our new Chairman”, 



Slowly hands are showing up. Mr.Jung is pretty confident that he already won. “Thank you. Now, raise your hand if you are in favor of Ms.Hwang as the new Chairman”, 



Tiffany is quietly praying to have someone voting for her. She can’t look up to see the process. The ring is distracting her and keeping her calm. 



“Deadlocked! It’s 7 vs 7. We need a tie breaker”, one of them announced 



That’s the only time that she realized what is happening. She saw how the smile on Mr.Jung’s face slowly fades. She herself didn’t know what to do and it’s making her anxious thinking that she might really lose it. 



Mr.Yoo, one of the neutral senior board members and respected among his peers speaks. “Call him now. This is more important than whatever meeting he is having right now”, he asks someone while pointing to the empty chair near Tiffany. 



Because everyone is labeled according to their positions, Tiffany has no idea who owns that seat in the company. Mr.Jung looks so defeated like he knew that it’s the end for him already. 



Some of them are looking at their watches because they’ve been wasting time while waiting and then Mr.Yoo’s assistan returns. “He’s here”, 



“Hello, everyone. I’m sorry for being late. I am not informed about this meeting”, 




Tiffany is so surprise to see who owns the chair near her and she feels like crying again upon seeing him their. 



“Now that all of us are here now, Mr.Kim your vote will be the deciding vote or if you will abstain then we will proceed with a much complicated process. Let me fill you in with what we having right now”, Mr.Yoo is the one to explain. “It’s 7vs7. We need your vote. Are you in favor of Ms.Hwang or Mr.Jung to be out new Chairman?”, 



Taeyeon look at the two like he is weighing his options. Tiffany had to look down to hide her face. She grab her and sneak in to send him a quick message. 


To: My Love

- I didn’t know you look so hot when you’re in a work mode



He knew that it was who texted him. He sat down and casually checks his phone but he can’t smile while reading it. “Okay. For me having a real Chairman is what our company badly needed right now. We are in a desperate situation to have a leader that can attract new investors. We need a leader who has the ability to successfully pull us out of the cliff”, 




“Mr.Jung has been our leader for years and to be quite frankly, I believe we need a NEW leader. Let’s be honest, we are losing now because investors don’t trust him enough. So, I am in favor of Ms.Hwang to be our next leader”, 



All those that is in favor of Tiffany celebrated after he casts his vote. They are happy that finally the company is back to the Hwang’s. 



“With the vote of 8vs7, we all came up with a decision. I am pleased to announce that effective right at this very moment, Ms Tiffany Hwang is our newly elected Chairman. Congratulations”, 



It is surreal feelings for Tiffany and it makes her really emotional. Finally, her dreams and what her parents had dreamed for her is slowly coming true. “I don’t know what to say, really. I am so overwhelmed. First of all, I want to thank you all for believing in me and for trusting me. I promise to do everything that I can to fix our major crisis. I will not let this company to go down. But for me to do that, I need all of your cooperation”, 



“We will help this company to go back to where it used to be. Now that I am in command, I want the company to be renamed and go back to it’s original brand, Hwang-Jung Technology. As for Mr.Jung, even with the severity of your crimes to this organization, I am offering you an early retirement instead. Your time here is over now. And please, I want all the financial reports of the company, the projects list tbat we’ve already been executed and those proposed projects. Send it to my office as soon as possible”, Tiffany speaks to them as the Chairman and head of the organization. 




Mr.Jung is the first one to leave the room followed by his peers who can’t accept the result. Tiffany was then greeted by her dad’s friends before leaving the room. 



Taeyeon also greeted her like how other greeted her. He hug her like a friendly hug and whispers to her ear. “Congratulations, boss hwang. Meet this hot man in his office after”, 



After talking to everyone, she went out of the conference room as she wanted to see some parts of the company and also without being obvious that she is going to Taeyeon’s office. The new of her being appointed as their new boss has quickly spreads. 



They are surprise to see her walking around the office with no one accompanying her. Everyone greeted her and she greets them back with a smile and even take some time talking to them. 



Employees are happy with her appointment and they told her that they will be looking forward to a brighter days. She continues walking around until she spotted the one that she’s been looking for. 



Taeyeon is talking to what she thinks is his team members. He look so serious with the way he is talking to them. She didn’t know she’s been staring at him not until someone speaks behind her. 



“He is the most charming employee here. Girls are lining up on him. Stop staring, you’re being obvious”, 



“What the f-“, Tiffany almost jumps when Yuri suddenly appears right behind her. “God, Yuri! Don’t do that again”, 



“Sorry, boss. Anyways, congratulations on your appointment. Let’s go, I’ll walk you there. I know you want to have him by yourself”, Yuri teases her. 




As they are walking closer to where Taeyeon is, Yuri is letting Tiffany be familiar with the office. He introduces her with some of the employees and other part of their team. 




Because Taeyeon is still busy, the two decided not to disturb him and went straight to Yuri’s office which is a connecting office to Taeyeon’s. 



“Fany, I hope now that you are in-charge I wish you could do something about the unreleased bonuses and incentives of all the employees. It’s been 2 years and yet we haven’t received any. Taeyeon, even though he has a position already, he too also didn’t received any”, Yuri didn’t think twice because he sees it as his chance to raise his concern and also to help his co-worker 



Tiffany listens to him and with what he had told her, there is something definitely not right with the management of Mr.Jung and his people. “Thank you for telling me that. I want to ask you a favor, please send me a report with everything that I need to know. I need to clean the company internally if you know what I mean”, 



The two agree to keep it as a secret. It’s almost passed 2 pm and she is already starving and Yuri had to leave for another meeting. She transferred to Taeyeon’s office where their lunch is already set up on the table



She can’t wait any longer for him and decided to eat first. Doing so, she can hear Taeyeon’s voice inside. He is having an argument with someone and she can tell it. The door partially opens. “I don’t want that rubbish! I want the original materials that I asked not the substandard”, he yell before slamming the door



Tiffany got startled seeing him so angry. “What’s wrong?”, 



“Oh, you’re here. When did you get in? I mean how did you get in?”, he calmly asks her before sitting down beside her. 



“I went inside Yuri’s office. Why are you yelling like that? That is not very nice especially while talking to your team”, Tiffany reminds him



“I know. I’m sorry. I got carried away. Mr.Jung ordered to change the materials that I already have them approved months ago. It’s a low quality materials and the price is so high for it’s quality. That old greedy man!”, 




Tiffany can slowly figure out that the cause of the downfall of the company is not because of the products that theh are producing but it because of Mr.Jung. There are a lot of work for her to do. “Do me a favor, love. Make a report about that and send it directly to me. Ask for a postponement of the purchase and I will take care of the rest”, 



“I am so glad that you’re our boss now. Please get rid of that old man because he’s driving me crazy”, 



“Is your door easy to be open from the outside?”, she asks pointing to the door. Taeyeon is confused as he shook his head. 



Knowing that it’s safe, Tiffany pull him by his tie and crashes her lips to his. Ge did not expect her to do that but nonetheless he happily reciprocated her kisses and enjoys it.



The kiss is getting hot and out of hand, both stops at the same time and laugh realizing what they just did. They both wipe each other’s lips that has smudges of lipstick. “Why does it feel like I am having an affair with my boss”, he jokes 



“You wish. No worries, soon they will know about us but for now this will be the first and last time that we are going to do this. I’m going to be super busy starting tomorrow. I’m afraid that I will not have enough time for you”, Tiffany hug him sideways 



Taeyeon wrap his arms around her too. He then kiss the top of her head. “I know that. You have tons to work up if you want to save us all. Just take your time, no need to worry about me. I am also going to be busy as well for the next installment of my watch then I need to help Yuri with his first project that is yet to be submitted”, 



“For our future, love. Let’s work from Monday to Friday only and no work on the weekends except if badly needed. No one is allowed to eat dinner outside except if we are on a date because that’s our alone time together after work”, Tiffany is laying down their rules 



“Sounds good to me. Always update each other with our schedules. The first one to leave work will cook dinner. Cuddle every night. And you will let me have my me time with my games. I can’t last that long without playing”,



Tiffany already expected that from him. She already saw how much he loves his video games. She suddenly straightened up and let him look at her. “Your games or ”, 



The panic in his eyes when she asks him to choose one. “You did not! No. Don’t do this to me”, 



“What? Why can’t you choose? It’s not that hard”, 



“Stop. Let’s eat. You’ve been here for so long. You need to go back your own office”, Taeyeon change the topic 



Taeyeon started stuffing his mouth with foods totally ignoring the teasing look that Tiffany is giving him. She is really looking forward to be working with him side by side. Her heart feels so happy seeing the ring on his finger. 



“Eat slowly. There’s plenty of foods!”, 



“I’m starving. I gave you all our breakfast then I waited for you so that we will eat together”, he told her with his mouth full of different foods. 



Tiffany put his tie away because it’s dipping in to the sauce and soup. She then put some tissue on his chest before wiping the side of his mouth. “Starting tomorrow we will have breakfast at home. Gosh, Taeyeon look at how messy you are. You will stain your polo”, 



“It’s so yummy. Here, try some”, 



Their afternoon is well spend as they discussed their personal lives and work matters to each other. Tiffany didn’t feels like she is his boss because Taeyeon is so smart that she is learning a lot from him about the company. “I love you, Mr.Kim”,


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The ending and epilogue will be delayed. I accidentally deleted the ending chapter 😭


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NekoLS #1
Chapter 35: Such a beautiful love story
No matter what challenges you face as long as you trust each other its okayyy you will make it
this is so beautiful i love it thank you! 💖
1122 streak #3
Oh I just found this and I'm gonna begin reading later cause I still have work 😁😁😁
Chapter 35: Thank you for the epilogue! I love all of your story. Looking forward to your new stories or any one shot or two shot hehehehe
Chapter 35: Happy ending . Such a good story 👍👏👏 thank you for your hard work . Looking forward to your future stories . Have a great weekend
Chapter 34: No worries. Take your time :)
Chapter 33: Happy ending . Thank you for your hard work .
Chapter 33: this was a great read. thank you for the story.
Chapter 32: Now they can be official in public :)
Chapter 33: Nice ending! Thanks for this amazing story