20 – Hwang-Jung Technology

The Crash



“Dad will be here in 20. How are you feeling?”, Sooyoung asks



They are currently having lunch before they go to the company for the big reveal. Sooyoung notices that Tiffany looks anxious as she barely touches her food.



“I’m okay”,



“If you are thinking about the company, don’t worry about it because we will guide you in every process of it. You got this, Fany”,



“I know that but- This will be a big responsibility to me. What if they don’t approve of me? What if they won’t trust me to lead them. What if they will question my credentials?”,



“Relax. Breathe. Calm down, Tiffany”, Sooyoung quickly stops her as she notices her breathing is becoming heavy. “Stop doubting yourself. You will do just fine. You have what it takes to be a good leader besides you have Taeyeon and Yuri there to help you out especially Taeyeon, he knows a lot about the company and how it works”,



Tiffany places her utensils down when Taeyeon’s name was mentioned. She became sad all of a sudden. “That is why I am having this kind of doubt. Taeyeon and I fought last night over the phone. It was a simple thing that started it that leads to him hanging up on me. If we are to work together, I don’t think we can have a good working relationship”, she explains



“Then talk to him. Explain it to him that work is work and that you two should separate your private lives when both of your are at work. I suggest to keep your relationship away from everyone until you secure your place at the company”,



She knows that Sooyoung is right. They need to balance things out once the secret is revealed. But she is not sure how Taeyeon will take it knowing how clingy he is towards her whenever they are together.



Right after lunch, Tiffany and her team went to the Jung Technology to reclaim what was stolen from her and to fight for the last memory that she has of her parents. Mr.Choi and Mr.Park are both waiting for them already at the company.


All the board members and other higher ups are all anxiously waiting for the arrival of the daughter of their late Chairman Hwang. Everyone inside that room are divided some stayed on Chairman Hwang’s side and some sided to Mr.Jung.



“Does anyone of you already knows the identity of his daughter?”,



“It is still a mystery who Chairman Hwang’s daughter is. Her team won’t give any information about her. I think everyone knows who she is in LA but no one wants to say anything about her”,



“Why is it important for them not to say something? It’s not like she is a criminal or something”, Mr.Jung says clearly not happy with what is happening.



Mr.Yoo and his friends look at each other with a big smile on their place. “Why is it important? Simple. That is what you called loyalty and respect”,



Outside of the conference room, employees are also anticipating the mysterious woman that many has been talking about. A lot of hearsay has been circulating about her. They just can’t wait to have a new boss.



“Yul, did you already sign the proposal that asked you to sign?”,



“Ah, yeah. Here. You know what, you don’t have to exert so much efforts making those proposals. We’re leaving soon, bro:”, Yuri tells him



“As long as we are still employed here, we must still do our job properly until on the last day of our contract. Do me a favor, get your out of your chair and bring this document to Mr.Ong for the review”,



Taeyeon is not in the mood to joke around with his best friend not after what he did to his girlfriend last night. He is still waiting for her to call but since the morning he hasn’t receive anything from her. He also tried calling her but it will be either her line is busy or it will just keep on ringing.



He stayed at his office all day long and haven’t eaten anything yet that he didn’t know what is happening outside.

Doing what he was told, Yuri went out and to his surprise almost all the employees are outside of their cubicles and lining up outside that leads up to the conference room. Yuri being a nosy person, he sneaks out to take a look to where they are all looking at.



 “What is going on here? Are we expecting some celebrities today?”, he jokes



“You didn’t read the announcement, don’t you? Our new boss is coming today”, one of his buddy from the other department informs him



He admits that he hasn’t open his email in days as he was doing nothing inside his office. He will just work if Taeyeon will ask him to do something, other than that he will just play the whole day.



Yuri just shrugged and he is not interested to know their new boss. So, he decided to continue with his business. Mr.Ong’s office is on the other floor, he went to the elevator only to be surprise again.





“Oh, hi there Yuri” she greeted him as she walks out of the elevator with their legal team. “Good to see you here”



“What- Why are you here? You didn’t tell me that you’re here already”,



Sooyoung is too busy to explain everything to him. She just drags him as she follows their team. “Come with me and you will know why I am here today. Where’s Taeyeon?”,



“At his office. Wait- I can’t go inside. I am not part of that group”, Yuri stops after seeing where they are heading to. All eyes are on them because they caught their attention thinking that Sooyoung is their new boss.



“Not anymore. Come on, it’s about time”,



Sooyoung receives a message telling to start the big revelation. Their legal team open up the door for them and Yuri carefully sneak in inside.


Everyone inside the room including Mr.Jung look at her and stops whatever they are doing. “Hi, everyone. Good to see you all today”, she greeted them with a big smile.



“Good to see you, Ms.Hwang. How have you been?”, Mr.Jung pretends to be welcoming her but little did he know is that she is not what they thought she is.



“I am doing great. Thank you for asking”, Sooyoung replies making Yuri so confuse.



Yuri knew she is not a Hwang and second of all he doesn’t know why she is speaking in front of all his bosses. Their eyes met and he was silently asking her what is going on but she just wink at him.



Sooyoung then continue. “As you all know that up until this very moment, the late Chairman Hwang still owns 55% of this company’s total share which technically means that this company is still owns by the Hwang Family”,



“And he gave me a special power of attorney making me his co-chairman. Basically, I own it now plus my 2% shares before making me have 57%, am I right?”, Mr.Jung says before looking at those who are on his side



“That’s a good point, Mr.Jung. Allow me to elaborate that and have all of us a little refresher. Chairman Hwang build this company for his daughter. He created this company with the visions from her own daughter”,



Some of Mr.Jung’s people starting murmuring while Sooyoung is talking. “Sorry to interrupt you, if you are his daughter, why do you keep referring your dad as Chairman Hwang?”,



“Good point, but we will discuss that later on. Back to the topic, Hwang-Jung Technology is not just a simple company that aims to earn a lot but it is something very personally for the Hwang Family. It’s foundation is built with the love that they have for their daughter”,



“The company is quick to raise up and be one of the best in the field. It happens because of the joint effort of everyone who dedicate their full effort. And especially, they understand why Mr.Hwang is doing all that work. On this case, this company is for his daughter and not meant to be given to anyone”,



Sooyoung can see Mr.Jung is getting nervous and agitated with what she is telling them and that their main objective. The part of the gang gave each other a signal and Mr.Kang clears his throat.



“If this company is meant for his daughter, why did he just literally gave Mr.Jung authority lead us all?”, Mr.Kang asks even though he knows the truth.



“Good question, sir. Let’s all go back from 5 years ago. On the day of the accident and when it is confirmed that no survivors on the plane crash, and when everyone is in distress and grieving someone took advantage of that. Someone went inside Chairman Hwang’s office”,



They all gasps before looking at Mr.Jung who is looking at Sooyoung very intensely. He is so mad and didn’t like the fact that they knew about that.



Sooyoung can tell that Mr.Jung is not in very good position. “I think I’m already done with the introduction and a quick recap of our agenda for today. Before I end this, I want to introduce myself. I am Choi Sooyoung. That’s all that you need to know about me because I am not the main character today. So, without further ado. Let me introduce to all of you the daughter of Hwang Jung Min, the heir to the throne”,



With great anticipation, the door suddenly opens and the mystery daughter now has a face on her identity. Those who already knew her had goosebumps because she is a replica of her mother.



“The rightful owner of this company, the chairman. Tiffany Hwang!”,



Tiffany gracefully makes her way to the centre stage and thank Sooyoung. She slowly look them one by one and she smile at those she recognize as his dad’s friends.



Her eyes darted to Mr.Jung. “Good day, everyone. I may be 5 years late; it took me that long but I am here now. I am finally home. I am now to continue what my dad started. I am Tiffany Hwang the only daughter of Hwang Jung Min and Stella Jung”,



Mr.Jung scoffs, “Let’s say that you are really their daughter, isn’t it a bit too much for you to suddenly appears in front of all us and reclaim what you think is yours? This is not like a candy that you can get whenever you want!”,

“And isn’t it too much for you to be here when in reality you shouldn’t be?”, Tiffany challenge him



The emotions are getting high and tensions are building up but Tiffany and her team are all relax. Yuri then realizes that Taeyeon should be there instead of him. It should be him seeing how different his girl now.



Mr.Jung slams both of his hand on the table before pointing a finger to Tiffany. “How dare you say that to me? You should be thanking me for keeping this company from collapsing! It is weren’t for me, this company is long gone and forgotten!”,



“Is it really because of you, Mr.Jung? I have with me the list of investors for the last 3 years. You didn’t realize the connections between all of them? Those investors are my dad’s friends! They are secretly making this company works because of your incompetence as a leader”,



Tiffany is getting tired of seeing his face and talking to him. She just wants to end everything at that very moment. “Let’s make this quick. I want you to closely watch the CCTV footage inside my dad’s office. It is taken on the day of the accident and a week after”,



“As you can see in the first clip, someone is trying to access his computer. We have records of the multiple attempts taken that day. You can also see, when he can’t get through it, he open dad’s drawer where his stamps and seal are kept”,



“A week after, that same man enters his office again with a piece of paper on his hand and he put it to where dad kept all of his important documents. It is very clearly that the man on the video knows my dad’s stuffs”, she added.



A lot of whispering emerged. Many guesses are made of who could it be not until Tiffany finally dropped the bomb. Everyone is taken aback with the 3rd clip.



“I think Mr.Jung forgot that this is a technology company. High end security features are our main brand. A lot of you didn’t know that dad has his own CCTV. Even though Mr.Jung tampered with the company’s own surveillance that day, what he didn’t know is that he is still being recorded my dad’s own cameras. Up until this second, that camera is still recording”,



“My legal team will handle everything from now on regarding this matter. And Mr.Jung, I expect you to step down now to save your name and face or we will do it the hard way”,



Half of the board who are in favor of Mr.Jung are getting nervous for themselves knowing that they are also part if that lies that Mr.Jung has been carrying and hiding from everyone.



“Before we end, I just want to thank Mr.Choi, Mr.Park, Mr.Kang, Mr.Yoo and Mr.Bae for all the support that you have given this company. Thank you, uncle. I’m sure mom and dad are smiling at us right now”,



Mr.Yoo gave her a thumbs up. “You’re welcome, Miyoung-ie. We know that you will be a great leader because you are born to be one”,



Tiffany is touch by that. She then look at where Sooyoung is standing and that’s the only time that she notice that Yuri is there looking at her like a lost boy and it reminded her of Taeyeon.



“Now that I am here now. I will make sure that everyone will be treated fairly with respect no matter what positions they are. I will also make sure that everyone will feel that this is not only a place just to work but also a place where they can fell that this is their second home”,



A loud applause echoes throughout the room and all of them are on their feet except for Mr.Jung who still couldn’t accept everything.



“That is all for now. I will excuse myself first because there is someone very important that I need to see right now”. Tiffany ended



She quickly walks towards Yuri who has his mouth still wide open. “Hey, where’s Taeyeon?



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The ending and epilogue will be delayed. I accidentally deleted the ending chapter 😭


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NekoLS #1
Chapter 35: Such a beautiful love story
No matter what challenges you face as long as you trust each other its okayyy you will make it
this is so beautiful i love it thank you! 💖
1122 streak #3
Oh I just found this and I'm gonna begin reading later cause I still have work 😁😁😁
Chapter 35: Thank you for the epilogue! I love all of your story. Looking forward to your new stories or any one shot or two shot hehehehe
Chapter 35: Happy ending . Such a good story 👍👏👏 thank you for your hard work . Looking forward to your future stories . Have a great weekend
Chapter 34: No worries. Take your time :)
Chapter 33: Happy ending . Thank you for your hard work .
Chapter 33: this was a great read. thank you for the story.
Chapter 32: Now they can be official in public :)
Chapter 33: Nice ending! Thanks for this amazing story