Two - Day 1

The Crash


Day 1.

The water is much more calmer than it was the previous night.

Taeyeon open his eyes. 

He panicked seeing the rope that was binding him and Tiffany is gone. 

"Tiffany!!!" he repeated calls her name. 

He's been looking around trying to see anything that is floating above the water. 

"Oh God! Tiffany where are you??" he cries out loud. 

He swim around. 

He's not giving up. Not when he promise her that he won't leave her. 

Finally after 2 hours of swimming around. He saw something floating from afar. 

Taeyeon swim as fast as he can to reach the floating object the he saw. 

He almost cry seeing that it was the unconscious body of the girl that he's been looking for. 

"Tiffany wake up. Can you hear me? Open your eyes please... Tiffany!" he's slapping her face to wake her up. 

Taeyeon will not give her up. He tries everything that he can. 

But Tiffany still won't open her eyes. 

He can still feel her weak pulse. 

It was impossible but he still try to give her a CPR. 

More air. More pressing on her chest that was so hard as he is trying to keep afloat. 

One last blow and Tiffany finally spit out water from and gasp for air. 

"Tiffany. Thank God you're alive!" Taeyeon felt so relieved to see her breathing. 

"Where are they?" she ask him reffering to the other survivor but she saw him look at down fearing for the worst. 

Taeyeon sigh "I don't know. When I woke up there's no one. We are in the middle of nowhere. I just hope that they all survived" 

Tiffany look around and she can't see anything too. Not even a small island. 

"What are we going to do, Taeyeon?" she's scared that another natural disaster will occur again. 

"Let's try to find an island where we can stay while waiting for someone to look for as" 

The swim and swim for how long that they don't even know but they are still in the middle of the ocean. 

"Are you tired?" Taeyeon ask seeing that she's swimming a bit slowly. 

Tiffany just nodded and too weak to even speak. 

"Okay lay back and keep yourself floating. I'll push you forward" 


It's getting dark. They can see the sunset but there is still no sign of any land.

Taeyeon saw his watch that he didn't realize that he is still wearing it.

"Yes!" he suddenly shouts, startling Tiffany.

"What is it?"

Taeyeon showed her his watch, confusing Tiffany "You see here. This is the watch that I recently developed and soon will be on the market. I program a map on this even without wifi it will still work. I just hope it still works"

They can see a glimpse of hope when the maps works.

"Tiffany there's a small island in less than a hundred miles. Can you still swim? Or want to rest for a while?"

Tiffany is getting worried for him already as he was really taking care of her without even thinking of himself.

"I should be the one asking you that. You go rest and I'll push as forward. You've been doing all the works, I don't want you be sick"

Taeyeon didn't argue with her because he can feel his fatigue kicking in. He slowly lay back like what Tiffany did.

When he's settled in, Tiffany slowly swim forward. She doesn't want to exert more energy as they are not on a time limit.

Tiffany is looking at him as she can see how tired he is already after everything that he did for her and the others.

She's thinking about how will she be able to survive without him.

The light coming from the moon is enough to make her see where they are going.

She can't remember how long she's been swimming around. She's getting tired but she choose to let Taeyeon rest for a little bit longer.

Tiffany remember swimming when the sun came down and now it was already rising.

She's tired already and sleepy. She rested her head on Taeyeon's stomach with a small rope tied on their best.

And rest her tired body. 

The sun is shining directly to them. 

Taeyeon is the first one to wake up and almost blinded by the light of the sun. 

He didn't know how long has he'd been sleeping because he can feel his body back in shape but not his stomach. 

It's been 2 days since the last time they had something to eat. 

Taeyeon realizes that Tiffany is sleeping, hugging him securely. 

He look at her and see her peaceful face with a glimpse of fear. 

He checked his watch trying to look at the map. He got excited when he saw that they are near in a land. 

Taeyeon forgot that Tiffany was still sleeping, he twisted his body to check where they are making Tiffany startled. 

"Oh my God!" Tiffany wake up when she lost her hold to him. 

Taeyeon beamed a sorry smile "It's okay. I'm sorry to wake you up this sudden. Look, I can see some greens now. We can have a place to go now" 

Tiffany look to where he is pointing out and she can't help to tear up seeing a hope. "Taeyeon" 

"Lay down, I'll push you"

"Thank you, Taeyeon. For everything" Tiffany touch his face as she tell him that. 

Taeyeon just smile at her and help her out. They continue to swim to the shore for almost 2 hours. 

The sun is about to go down when they reach the shore. Taeyeon is so exhausted but he doesn't have a single complaint about it.

"Taeyeon let's go build our shelter. It's freezing cold in here" Tiffany is shivering upon getting out of the water.

The wind is so cold and blowing hard and another thunderstorm is approaching.

They hurriedly went into the woods to find something they they can use to build their temporary shelter.

Tiffany being an architect knows what to do that makes it a lot more easier for Taeyeon.

As Taeyeon is gathering more woods, Tiffany is cleaning where they will build their shelter. 

It's not that far from the shore and not that far into the woods. A perfect place for the two of them. 

"Tiffany do you think we need more?" Taeyeon ask returning with a pile of branches on his shoulders. 

"Uhm. I think that's enough already. We need to start now coz it's getting dark" 

Taeyeon is fascinated with how Tiffany works. With all the resources that they found, she was able to build a small hut. 

It wasn't that big, but it's enough to fit the two of them inside. 

Taeyeon clap his hand after they finished setting it up. 

"It feels so good to have an architect at this point" Taeyeon tease. 

"Let's pray that it can withstand the storm that is coming" 

"Rest inside. I'll try to find us something to eat" Taeyeon says. 

Tiffany is hesitant to be left alone but she's scared of going back into the woods that was so dark. 

She held on to his hand "Just be quick. I don't wanna be alone here" 

"I'll be quick. Don't think too much" 

Taeyeon then went back into the woods leaving Tiffany alone. 


There is nothing for her to do aside from waiting for him. 

It's getting really cold. She remember something from the movie that saw before, it's how to make a fire with just sticks. 


She copied it. She dig a hole in front of their hut. Cut some branches from the leftover, then form it like a bonfire with some leaves underneath. 

It was harder that she thought it was. Her palm is hurting trying to create a friction that will ignite fire. 

Tiffany rejoins when finally there's a smoke coming in to the woods. She continue rubbing it with the sticks while blowing some air. 

Then finally, it light up. She quickly put it into the bonfire that she made and waited until it creates a large fire that is enough to give them warmth. 


Taeyeon returns afterwards with a bunch of bananas, coconut and banana leaves. 

"Wow! How do you do that? I am really impressed with your survival skills" Taeyeon praises him. 

She smile at him "Watching a lot of movies really do help... Where did you find those?" 

Taeyeon put it down in front of her "I saw a lot of banana trees and there's a lot of fruits. I think we can survive by now. We can grill it coz they are still ripped" 

"I also got some leaves, we can use this as a blanket to cover the floor of our tiny house" Taeyeon jokes trying to ease their worries. 

He doesn't have any idea as to how long they are going to be there or if they will be ever be found. 

They are both sitting in front of the bonfire with the stick of banana. "Taeyeon do you think they all survive like us? 

Tiffany is really concern about the other Survivors, there our some kids and elderly people. 

" I hope so. I really hope that somehow they manage to stay alive and stay together "


They are lost in their own thoughts as they continue to stare at the bonfire. They are worried on how they will be able to survive being stranded somewhere they don't know. 


Back in Korea 

Taeyeon's family is at the airport ready to fly to LA. They were so devasted upon learning the tragic event that they feared about their son. 

Mrs. Kim was so devasted and she cannot accept that his son is among the passengers of flight 0805 bound to Korea. 

Her son didn't inform them about his early flight, wanting to spend Christmas with their family. 

But there's a glimpse of hope when the Survivors mentions that he and another woman is responsible for their survival. 

The Survivors told the press about how Taeyeon and the woman Tiffany help them out of the plane. They also mention how persistent the two to rescue as many as the can. 

All of them are able to survive the strong storm that hit them when the two bind them all together but sadly the two are not with them. 

Taeyeon and Tiffany are their hero. If it wasn't for their bravery none of them will be able to see another day. 

"Honey, relax. I know he is safe. Taeyeon trained for survival. He will find his way out of danger" Mr. Kim is trying to be calm as much as possible 

"How can I relax when our only son is still missing? We don't even know if he is still alive. I will never forgive myself if something bad will happen to him" Mrs.Kim cries on her husband shoulder thinking of all the what ifs. 

Some of them wanted some closure if something bad happened to them. 

And some will do everything just find them and bring them back to their families. 

Back In LA

"Are you sure Tiffany is in that flight?" ask Sooyoung. Tiffany's bestfriend and the only person who didn't turn her back to her.

"Affirmative. It's all over the news and also the Survivors gave her name as the one who helped them"

Sooyoung slumped down on her chair and tears starts flowing on her pale face thinking if her only friend is still alive or not. 

She is greatly affected by the fact that Tiffany might have been through the same fate as her parents and that is so hard for her to accept.

Seeing the downfall of Tiffany is already hard for her but the possibility of losing the friend that she have is beyond unimaginable.

"Form a rescue team. I don't care about the expenses. I want you to bring her to me...even if she's not alive" the last words almost unaudible. 

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The ending and epilogue will be delayed. I accidentally deleted the ending chapter 😭


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NekoLS #1
Chapter 35: Such a beautiful love story
No matter what challenges you face as long as you trust each other its okayyy you will make it
this is so beautiful i love it thank you! 💖
1121 streak #3
Oh I just found this and I'm gonna begin reading later cause I still have work 😁😁😁
Chapter 35: Thank you for the epilogue! I love all of your story. Looking forward to your new stories or any one shot or two shot hehehehe
Chapter 35: Happy ending . Such a good story 👍👏👏 thank you for your hard work . Looking forward to your future stories . Have a great weekend
Chapter 34: No worries. Take your time :)
Chapter 33: Happy ending . Thank you for your hard work .
Chapter 33: this was a great read. thank you for the story.
Chapter 32: Now they can be official in public :)
Chapter 33: Nice ending! Thanks for this amazing story