18 - not anymore

The Crash

Tiffany is having a peaceful night alone at her house in LA. She is packing her clothes for her trip the day after tomorrow. Sooyoung and Mr.Choi just left after having dinner.

Her quiet were interrupted when her door bell suddenly started ringing non-stop and she thought that it might have been Sooyoung who left something but she remembers that she knows the code of her house.

She first look at it on the security monitor for safety purpose before opening the door. “Excuse me, can I help you?”,

“Oh, hi Ms.Hwang. We are the legal team from your dad’s company and we are currently looking for some documents that the company needed. So, please if you let us in, this will not take that long. We only need that nothing else”,

Tiffany has no idea what he was saying. She is not aware that her dad has another company other than the one that was taken away from her. 


While watching at them through the monitor, Tiffany decided to call Sooyoung and she explain the situation to her. They told her not to open the door and wait for them to return.


Looking at the monitor again, Tiffany saw one of them  to someone on the phone and the other one is looking outside her house like he is trying to find another way in.

If she was like before she would probably freaked out already and started to cry. But she is not, she is so much better than who she is years before.

“You said that you are looking for a document for my dad’s company, right? May I know what company is that? You know just to be sure that you are telling me the truth and not trying to scam or rob me”, she asks them trying to get more information about it

“It is the Jung Technology which he founded back in Korea. If you will just let us in, we will not be troubling you to find it because we will be the one to search for it for you”, the man outside replies 

They didn’t know that they are just filing in informations to Tiffany who has zero knowledge that another company of he dad exists.


Jung Technology. It’s a familiar name but she can’t figure it out where she hear that because she can’t think of anything other than keeping herself safe from them.


2mins later she saw some cops pulling out on her driveway followed by Sooyoung and her dad. Tiffany can finally be at ease seeing them knowing that she is already safe.  


She went out of the door and Sooyoung approach her immediately but the two of were asked to go inside the house as Mr.Choi will take care of the situation.


Back inside the house.

“Are you okay, fany? Did they do something to you?”,

“No, I’m fine. They are talking about something very weird. I don’t know if they are just scammers or what”,

“Why? What did they tell you?”,


Tiffany look at the monitor again and she can see that the cops are already escorting the two men away. “Did you know that my dad owns another company other than the one here? They told me that dad owns a company in Korea”,


“Not that I know of. You’re dad is a very busy man and so is your mom it might be possible but we already got every documents of their property”,


“I know, they are both very busy with work that I didn’t even dafe asking them about it. And now, someone randomly came here tonight telling me they are looking for a document for dad’s company that I  don’t even exists”, Tiffany says while rubbing her forehead


“What company?”, Sooyoung asks


“Jung Technology”,


Sooyoung eyes widen hearing the name of the company. She quickly fetch her phone from her bag and search on her conversation with Yuri. She cannot believe it. “Oh.my.god”


Tiffany were startled with her high pitch voice. She was about to ask her what is it but Mr.Choi suddenly walks in to the door. He sigh while looking at Tiffany.


“Tiffany dear. I think it’s about time for you to know your dad’s secret. The company that he established in Korea”, he started


“So it’s true. You also knew about it. Why didn’t you tell me that there is another company, uncle?”,


“I’m sorry. We decided to hide it from you because we want to protect your from those people who are after your wealth. We saw how your relatives took everything away from you and we don’t want them to know about that company”,


Mr.Choi an Mr.Park promised to their late friend that they will look after his daughter. They also promised him that they will make sure that she will be able to stand on her own and be a great leader of that company.


“Dad, is it true that Uncle James owns Jung Technology?”, Sooyoung asks her dad.


“That’s true. Jung Min still owns 55% shares in that company. It was Hwang-Jung Technology before that greedy old man changed it after they passed away. He has been using a fake special power of attorney that makes him the acting chairman”, Mr.Choi explains


He can still clearly remember that day Mr.Jung suddenly took over the company despite many having doubts about the authenticity of the document but still in the end he managed to convince the other board member.


Since then, Mr.Choi and Mr.Park are closely monitoring the company even thought they are also busy with their own companies. When the news of the company going on the verge of bankruptcy, they finally made their move to save it not because of Mr.Jung but because they wanted to keep their promise to their friend.


Together with some of their friends, they invested on the company. Mr.Park personally invested to the company to keep a closer look on the inside.


“But why dad never mention that before?”, Tiffany asks as many questions are clouding her


“He should be the one to tell you this-“, Mr.Choi voice cracks. “That is supposed to be his surprise for you. Your mom and sad has been traveling a lot to Korea before the accident because of the company”,


Mr.Choi sat beside Tiffany and hold both of her hands and smile at her sadly. “Your dad knows that you are being pressured by so many people because of them. They are expecting you to be how great they are. But they don’t want that for you. They wanted you to choose the path that you want on your own without having to follow their footsteps because of the pressure from the society. So, one day your mom suggested why not create a space where you can be who you are, she suggested to build a tech company because she saw your interest on that field and she can see that you have passion on that field”,


“Me and you Uncle Philip is keeping a close eye on that just to make sure that it will not fall down because of that old man. We are waiting for you to come around and be ready. We know that you will be a great leader Tiffany”,


Tiffany is feeling emotional again thinking about how her parents are willing to do everything for her to be happy and enjoying life with out being affected with what the society wants her to be. 


“Uncle, they are looking for a document. I don’t know what that is because I already went through all of his documents here”,


“I know what they are looking for. It’s not here tho. The one that they are looking for is in Korea. I think you already know about the house there. That house is built for you. The document is your dad’s will, other part of his that is still missing that some of your relatives are so furious about. It’s in a vault hidden in your room there. Girls, pack your things and we will be flying to Korea now. We can’t waste anymore time because that old man is desperate”,


Sooyoung look at her friend because she finds it weird that Tiffany seems to be unaware of that company. “Fany, it’s Jung Techno we are talking about here”,


“Yes, I know that already. Why?”, Tiffany still cannot find the connection Sooyoung is looking at her like ‘are you sure’


“Jung Technology. Kim Taeyeon. Kwon Yuri. Now, does it ring s bell?”,


Tiffany look at her utterly shock. “Oh my- I knew it. That’s why it sounds so familiar that I can’t remember where I hear that before. Gosh, why didn’t I realize it immediately. Wait- they are about to discuss their new contract that Mr.Jung is forcing them to sign”,


Mr.Choi didn’t feel good about the contract that suddenly comes after some of the investors backs out of the deal. “I suggest you should talk to them now and tell them not to sign anything just yet until we sort everything out. Call them now. I will come pick you up later. Sooyoung let’s go now”,


Tiffany didn’t waste any time as she quickly dials Taeyeon’s number and so is Sooyoung to Yuri. She just called her just in time before he goes inside of that meeting room. She is in a hurry while explaining to him. No time to answer everything, she just clearly stated for him not sign anything.


It was so sudden but Tiffany knows that she is ready now to take over and get back what is rightfully hers. She is not mentally unstable like before and she is stronger than ever now.


Everything happens so fast that the next thing she knows is they are already inside the private plane bound to Korea. The trauma is still there but strangely, she is not that nervous or scared like what they expected her to be. 


“Hey, are you okay? Do you want me to get your meds?”, Sooyoung has been checking in her from time to time because she afraid that suddenly she will have an episode.


Tiffany just smile at her. “I’m fine, I think. Don’t worry about me. I’ve got my meds here with me”, she then showed her Taeyeon’s photo who has a big smile on his face that makes her so calm.


“You’re crazy in love. Anyways, did you tell him that we’re on the way now there?”,


“Not yet. We are in a hurry, Soo. If I tell him that we are actually going now, he will be so excited that he will call me non-stop. Besides, I want to focus on the company and get back the last memory that I have of my parents”,


Sooyoung nodded as she understands how important that is to her best friend. “You’re right. You know what, I am actually excited to see his face when you walk inside that company as their new boss. That’s going to be epic”,


“Me too but I can also imagine how he will throw tantrums when I did let him know about it first. The amount of whining I have to endure”, Tiffany chuckles

“Oh, come on. Like you don’t know how to stop him. Just take it easy, my dear friend. I am not yet ready to be an auntie”, Sooyoung jokes before going back to her seat to sleep again


Tiffany’s face turn red with what she just said. The topic of her being pregnant and be a mother actually makes her happy and excited knowing that she have a great support system and she knows that Taeyeon will be a great husband and father in the near future. Before going back to sleep, she place her hand on her stomach. “One day”

On the other hand at the Jung Technology a big problem arises. Mr.Jung and the other board members and directors receives a memo from Chairman Hwang’s legal team informing them about an emergency meeting that will be held the day after tomorrow.

“Search all his propertied! We need to get that document as soon as possible!”, Mr.Jung instructed all of his people.


“But sir, all of Chairman Hwang’s property are now under their relatives name. The only one that is left under his name is that house that are people already tried entering. I think the daughter has no idea that this company really exist based on how she talks to us”,


“Get everything that I need to know about that woman! She might be pretending not to know anything. Find anything that we can use against her in case the worst happens”, Mr.Jung instructed his team

He is on a desperate measure and he will do everything just to keep the company that he dedicated his life with. He can’t take another shame when the truth unfolds in front of everyone.

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The ending and epilogue will be delayed. I accidentally deleted the ending chapter 😭


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NekoLS #1
Chapter 35: Such a beautiful love story
No matter what challenges you face as long as you trust each other its okayyy you will make it
this is so beautiful i love it thank you! 💖
1121 streak #3
Oh I just found this and I'm gonna begin reading later cause I still have work 😁😁😁
Chapter 35: Thank you for the epilogue! I love all of your story. Looking forward to your new stories or any one shot or two shot hehehehe
Chapter 35: Happy ending . Such a good story 👍👏👏 thank you for your hard work . Looking forward to your future stories . Have a great weekend
Chapter 34: No worries. Take your time :)
Chapter 33: Happy ending . Thank you for your hard work .
Chapter 33: this was a great read. thank you for the story.
Chapter 32: Now they can be official in public :)
Chapter 33: Nice ending! Thanks for this amazing story