15- long distance

The Crash


3 days after going back to Korea, Taeyeon seems to be different according to some of his colleagues. He used to be a bubbly young man before that accident that even in his busy time at work he can still manages to come along with them for a quick snacks or coffee break.

The moment he arrives at work, he wil stay there all day long except if he will be forced to buy himself some snacks. But they didn't mind it that much thinking that he might be cramming for his deadlines.

But in reality, Taeyeon is staying inside his office not because he is that busy with work but mainly because he is talking to Tiffany on the phone. "Fany-ah, when are you coming here?"

"Oh my God , Taeyeon. Will you stop asking me that again and again? I can't even count how many times you've already asked me that", Tiffany is getting really annoyed with him already because everyday he will ask her that multiple times.

"You don't have anything left to do there. Why don't you come here now?", Taeyeon is getting frustrated of not seeing his girlfriend. He wanted her to be by his side every day.

They've been calling each other, video call most of the day and they will just end it if Tiffany is already asleep or vice versa. The time difference between the two of them really affecting Taeyeon.

Taeyeon didn't respond to Tiffany's questions. She notice how he suddenly went back to his computer to continue his work. Tiffany felt bad. "Love", she call him.

"Are yoy not going to talk to me now? Taeyeon! Hello?!", Tiffany calls him again and again but it seems he is avoiding her already. "Love, what do you want me to do then?"

Hearing that Taeyeon finally look at her. "If you really love me then you will not make excuses to come here. I am only asking you that, Fany"

"Don't use that card on me! What is wrong with you? I thought we talked about this already. It's you who suggested this set up. Can you not be selfish? I have issues thay I need yo settle here. I can't just hop on the plane just like that. You know how traumatic and hard that is to me. I am only asking you to wait for me. Give some time", Tiffany explains her side again to him.

Taeyeon look down and unable to look at her. "I'm sorry. I though I can do this, this long distance set up. I miss you so much. I can't focus with my work because I want to always hear your voice, see your face, hug and kiss you",

"This is not healthy for you, love. We should cut down our video calls. You have yo focus on your work because you have a deadline, remember. You know what, let's talk when you get home. Go get something to eat or get some coffee. I'm going to sleep now. Call me when you get home. Love you",

"You're just making excuses not to talk to me", he whispers to himself without even checking if Tiffany is still there which she is.

Tiffany heard it loud and clear. She didn't like what he just said. "Excuse me. What the heck are you talking about? I am not just making excuses I am actually trying to help you focus on your work because you just told me that talking to me makes you distracted. Look, I love you but I don't like the way you're talking to me. Sort your thoughts out before calling me again. Goodnight", Tiffany is pissed as she ends the call.

Unknown to the both of them, his best friend Yuri heard it all as he is just a thin wall apart from Taeyeon's office. He also couldn't understand what is happening to his friend and why he is behaving like that which is not him.

"Hey, taeng. Let's have a drink at my place after work. We need to talk, like really talk",

Taeyeon agrees with iy because he needed someone to listen to him and someone who he can share his problems. Whatever that was on his mind he needs someone who can clear it for him.

After Yuri left, he grabs his phone

To: Fany-ah

-I'm sorry for being a jerk to you. Good night, I love you. By the way, Yuri and I will be drinking tonight. I might not be able to call you later.

As soon as he pressed the send button and took a deep breath. It didn't take long before he receives a reply.

From : Fany-ah

-It's okay. Don't drink too much. Just sleep at his apartment tonight. I don't want you to drive after drinking. We will be okay, love. Don't worry. I love you and I miss you too

He just lean back after reading what his girlfriend just tells him. He stares at the pictures that Tiffany sent her before. He misses her. He wants her near him but they are half the globe across from each other.

He decided to just continue his work just like what Tiffany wants him to do anyway.

Taeyeon arrives at Yuri's place at around 7pm. He smiles upon seeing how he prepares for their drinking session. The table is full of their favorite snacks and there's a bunch of beer.

Just like what their common interests, they quickly dive and play some video games that the two of them enjoys playing with one another. As they are playing, Yuri decided to casually ask him. "Taeng, how is it going with you and Tiffany?"

"We're fine, I guess", Taeyeon replies before putting down his console and just grab a can of beer. "This whole set up, ! I want her here right now!", 

"It hasn't been that long since the two of you separated. What's wrong? I can see there is something bothering you? You can share it with me, bro", 

Taeyeon suddenly finishes the whole can of beer in one go. He is conflicted with his own thoughts that makes him don't know where to start. "Yul, remember what Jessica did to me before?", 

Yuri just nodded and watch him fidget while he is drinking his own beer. He can tell where this is going but he wants Taeyeon to be the one to tell him that in order for him to let go of whatever that is bothering him. 

"We we're happy before, just like how happy I am right now with Tiffany. But everything changed when she started going frequently abroad. The distance between us became the reason of our sudden end. I'm scared that our distance right now will affect our relationship.  I don't want my story with Tiffany to end like with Jessica", Taeyeon finally let go of what is troubling him about his relationship with her. 

The betrayal and cheating left him a big scar that he was left traumatized with that. He loves Tiffany and that is for sure but the fears of having the past to repeat in his present is scaring the life out of him. 

"Your story with Jessica and with Tiffany has a similar beginning in regards with how you feels. But those two have a different story. Some books may have the same beginning but there are no books that has the same and ending", Yuri says

Yuri took a sip of his beer again before continuing, "The rejection and cheating part is not going to happen because I believe in Tiffany's love for you. Unless it's you who's going to cheat on her" 

"Heck, no! Never. I will never do that", Taeyeon quickly retaliate 

"Exactly! She's not the type to cheat and so do you. Taeyeon, release that fears. Release yourself from what Jessica did to you years ago. Forgive yourself because I know that you've been blaming yourself for what happened to the two of you",

Taeyeon looks like he is absorbing everything that Yuri is telling him so, Yuri just continue. "Jessica and Tiffany are two different person. And Tiffany is so much better that her. With all that she's been through in her life, the last thing that she will do is to hurt someone because she knows how it feels to be hurt by the people that she loves",

"She will do everything and she will not ruin the perfect relationship that she's been waiting and dreaming of. Just trust her and wait for her to be ready. I know you know that it is not that easy to conquer once fear", 

"Trust her and give her the time that she's asking you. Stop being so demanding and selfish. This isn't about you only. This is about her too. She's been through a lot so, don't make this hard for her anymore because who knows that she might get tired of explaining herself to you over and over again. Tiffany loves you, Taeyeon", Yuri finally said his piece. He knows that it will help his friend to think about what he should do. 

Yuri is feeling hopeful that after their talk Taeyeon will finally let go of what's troubling him. He is also hoping that the scar of the past will finally be unrecognizable as he will start to write a new story with Tiffany. 

The two best friends went back to play agian. Taeyeon is feeling light weight after what Yuri tells him. He cannot argue with it because that is what he needed. He is waiting for someone to clear his mind. 

As they are having a great night, they didn't notice that they already finished 2 dozens of beer. 

Meanwhile, Tiffany has just finished her online therapy session with her psychiatrist. She decided to continue with and finish all her remaining sessions just to be totally free from apl her inner fears and doubts on herself. She is actually feeling great as days goes by. 

She can feel a lot of weights hss been lifted from her shoulders. She is more open to talk about those things that is keeping her away from everybody. It may sounds bizarre but she takes credits to the accident that helps her to finally open her eyes to everything. 


The accident makes her see that there is still life after every downfall. She learns that life is too short to refrain herself from making her new memories and she knows that is what her parents what her to do. 

She takes credits too on having the chance to meet someone like Taeyeon who let her see the bright side of life. And for making her feel being love again with waiting anything in return. 

It is already 1pm LA time but she hasn't heard anything from her boyfriend after sending him a text last night. Due to the 16 hours time difference between them, she cannot do anything other than to wait for him to call or text. 

Tiffany is about to to have her lunch when her phone suddenly rings. She thought it was Sooyoung who will ask her about the therapy but to her surprise it was Taeyeon. He never calls her that early before. 

"Taeyeon?", she says because it was so dark when she answers the video call. "Love, why are you up this early?" 

When Taeyeon lift up his phone, he was so drunk that his face are all red even his lips are so red that he can't even barely open his eyes. "H-hel... lo" 

"You're drunk. Where are you right now?" 

"Y-yu... Ri... A-apart... M-ment", Taeyeon can also hardly speak 

Tiffany shakes her head. She already warns Yuri not to let him drink beyond his limit. "Okay. But why did you drink to much?", 

"B-becaus... I- Taeyeon is sad...a-nd scared", 

"Why are you sad? What are you scared of?", 

"Y-you... Tae... Yeon is s-scared of Tippany" 

That is new to her. Taeyeon hasn't mention anything to her about that before. It intrigues her. Tiffany then decided to take advantage of him being drunk. She wants to understand him and know what is on his mind. 

"Okay. You are scared of me. But why? Why are you scared of me, love?", 

Taeyeon finally manages to opem his eyes and there she saw a glimpse of sadness and fears on his drunk eyes. "I'm scared that you will do the same thing that she did tonme... B-but...Y-yuri says... I want to... Sleep. I'm drunk... And sleepy", 

"I don't know what you are talking about. Sleep first and I will talk to you later. Ask Yuri for a medicine for your headache later. Don't be scared, Taeyeon-ah. Who ever she is, we are different. I love you. Sleep well, love", Tiffany tries to make him feel at ease by giving him assurance even though she don't have any idea what he is talking about. 


Tiffany hang up when Taeyeon drops his phone. There is something telling her to look at Taeyeon's past. She is sure that just like her, something had happened to him that makes him scared of something. 

She remembers that she haven't ask him about his past relationship. She only knows vaguely about it. With the way it is still affecting him makes her wonder if Taeyeon really moved on from her. 

Tiffany vigorously shakes her head in hopes to eliminate all those thoughts that is forming on her mind. She learns not to overthink things without knowing the truth. 

"Stop over thinking, Tiffany! That was all in the past now and you are his present now. He loves you. That is what you should think... Okay! I think I need some comfort foods", Tiffany tells herself. 

Having doubts when both of you are far from each other is normal but it shouldn't be the reason to think of negative thoughts. Distance is a way for two people who are in a relationship to build a strong solid foundation that will help them to be able to stand a strong shaking grounds from from their fears. 

Taeyeon is really over Jessica but what he is not over is what she did to him. It wasn't the love that is holding him but the fears that it left him. 

As Tiffany, she is ready to see what is on the other side of that tall thick wall that she build in order to prevent herself from getting hurt all over again. She is strong and braver this time. 


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The ending and epilogue will be delayed. I accidentally deleted the ending chapter 😭


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NekoLS #1
Chapter 35: Such a beautiful love story
No matter what challenges you face as long as you trust each other its okayyy you will make it
this is so beautiful i love it thank you! 💖
1122 streak #3
Oh I just found this and I'm gonna begin reading later cause I still have work 😁😁😁
Chapter 35: Thank you for the epilogue! I love all of your story. Looking forward to your new stories or any one shot or two shot hehehehe
Chapter 35: Happy ending . Such a good story 👍👏👏 thank you for your hard work . Looking forward to your future stories . Have a great weekend
Chapter 34: No worries. Take your time :)
Chapter 33: Happy ending . Thank you for your hard work .
Chapter 33: this was a great read. thank you for the story.
Chapter 32: Now they can be official in public :)
Chapter 33: Nice ending! Thanks for this amazing story