You Belong With Me

You Belong With Me[One-Shot]

It was an average night with me studying in my room for an exam I had the next day. I turn to see through my nieghbor's window. Niel paced in his room with an annoyed look on his face. I assumed he had had yet, another, useless argument with his girlfriend. I wrote on the huge sketchpad that usually used to communicate with each other.
"You ok?"
"Tired of drama" he replied with a sad smile.
"Sorry :("
He shrugged in response
With my heart beating frantically I wrote "I love you" only to hold it up and see he had closed the curtain to sleep. I sighed, once again annoyed with myself never having the real courage to tell him, tracing those three words.

The next day I sat out on the bench, reading one of my favorite novels. I saw Niel walk out of his house and he came to sit down next to me.
"Hey, what's up?"
"Nothing much," I said. "Reading."
"Ha! You're such a nerd," He joked. I laughed along.
He stopped to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear. I looked at him as he turned away and began talking about something else. He finished what he was saying and I saw a red car pull up. His girlfriend. He stood up as she slowed and stopped and got in.
"Later," he said to me and turned as his girlfriend gave him a kiss(well more like eating his face) and I saw her glare at me. I rolled my eyes.
What does he see in her? I may prefer t-shirts over skirts or sneakers over high heels, but at least I have the decency to be polite.
I stood up as they drove away wondering all this to myself.
Remembering how at ease I felt with him, how his smile could light up the whole town.
How bright it lit up my heart.

There was a game that night and, with me on the bleachers in my band uniform and his girlfriend in her uniform cheering the football team on, I felt the huge difference hit me once again. But when the game came to an end, our time winning, he had gone to meet her and found her flirting with another player.
"What's up with this?" I could see his mouth move as his hands gestured to the two of them.
I'm sure she had said something unimportant as he walked away saying "Okay, okay."
I shook my head in disgust as he continued to walk, rubbing his head in frustration.

Sadly that night was prom night.
As I sat in my room, planning not to go, I glanced to see Niel writing a note.
"You going tonight?"
I reached down and grabbed my notebook, "no, studying."
"Wish you were." He answered, a corner of his mouth pulling down.
I laughed and saw Niel stand up, swing his jacket over his shoulder and  walk out his room.
I reached down to see the note I had written a few days ago.
"You belong with me..."I whispered to myself.

I arrived at prom feeling uncomfortable with the glances and astonished stares I was getting. I laughed inside knowing they were probably surprised seeing me take off my glasses and nerdy attire for once.
I was dressed in a white short dress with platform shoes, my long brown hair flipped to my side.
I felt a little awkward. Scratch that,  really awkward. I was beginning to regret coming here, thoughts ran around my head, Maybe they got back together...
My eyes began to burn threatening to create tears, but found a familiar face.
I looked around pretending not to have seen him as he made his way to me.
I blushed as he walked towards me. He suddenly stopped-or was stopped- by a girl in a red dress, his girlfriend.
"Looking hot." She said with a grin.
I didn't know what to say, but Niel had quickly shook her off leaving her gaping at him.
She stared at me, surprised as I felt.
Niel came and stood in front of me.
I blushed and held up the note.
"I Love You"
I glanced at him as he reached in his jacket pocket,pulling out something.
A piece of paper.

"I Love You."

We smiled and I felt happiness spread out through my body. A warmth I had never before felt.

He leaned in and kissed me deeply.
He pulled back a few seconds later, our foreheads still touching.

"I love you," He whispered out loud, grinning.
"I love you, too," I whispered back, smiling shyly.
We continued like this, oblivious to the others, who I suspected to be shocked at what had just happened.
The most popular girl being dumped for the first time in her life.
But it didn't matter, in this moment I was happy.
We were.

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so cute ~ <3 X3
Awh this is so sweet~ Too sweet in fact! =) Awesome idea~ Gr8 plot~ Love it totally! ^_^
I love it
Thank you :D
This is so cute :3 I like how it ressembles the video X)

Good job :)