Birthday;Begin the True Story

Unknown Romance of the Past


Jason woke up and immediately threw his blanket off himself. Waking up early for Jason Myungdae Jung was almost a miracle but today was an exception.

Today was his 16th birthday.

"UMMA~~!! APPA!!~~" He shouted and ran around the apartment opening the doors to everyone's room.

Minho came rushing out of his room," EH?! BURGLAR?!"

Jason bunny hopped his way to the sleepy giant," NO IT'S MY BIRTHDAY TODAY~!!"

Minho gave his son a blank look and rolled his eyes," Do you have any idea what time it is?"

"TIME FOR MY BIRTHDAY PARTAYY~" Jason exclaimed, skipping circles around Minho.

"No, it's 3 in the morning Jason. 3AM. " Minho groaned, " Go back to sleep arasso? Everyone else is tired, we'll celebrate today don't worry. Just let us get some sleep." Minho glared at his overly happy son," Or else we just might not celebrate it at all."

Jason pressed his lips together, trying to suppress his happiness," Okay."

~Few Hours Later~


Key walked into Jason's room quietly and gently shook the sleeping Ice Prince's shoulder," Jason~ Wake up birthday boy.~"

Jason immediately flipped over to face his diva appa and threw his blankets off him," IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!!" He screamed.

Key let out a high pitched dolphin yelp and jumped back a few steps," AISH! Don't do that! I could have gotten a heart attack Jason!"

Jason giggled," Sorry sorry appa, but...IT'S MY BIRTHDAY."

Key chuckled," Yes yes we all know," He narrowed his eyes," We all heard you at 3AM this morning."

"Aigo~ Auntie Jin Kyong is coming from America~ School won't be so bad today! Plus," Jason composed himself," I get to know some stuff I've been wondering about today. Care to tell me now Key appa?"

Key walked out the room to let Jason dress," We'll save that for after the party kiddo."


Key rushed over to Kyung who was packing Jason's lunch," Baby girl, how are we gonna tell him?"

"Don't worry about it. I have it all planned out. We're giving him the truth in bits. " Kyung sighed.

"In bits?"

"Well each person wi-"

"UMMA~!! GUESS WHO'S 16 TODAY?!" Jason came out shouting in glee, dressed in his uniform but in a casual matter. Jason grinned and pointed to himself," ME~!" He laughed and cupped his cheeks with his hands.

Kyung laughed at her son's antics," Good morning birthday boy, and tighten your tie, button up your blazer and dress shirt, and take off that PinkFanytasy t-shirt even if it's nice to support Fany Unni. You'll get yelled at."

Jason flipped his hair," Like I care. It's my birthday today."

Jonghyun chuckled from the kitchen counter, swallowing his kimbap, " You're that happy to be 16?"

Jason nodded," But it's mainly because you all promise to tell me something important on this very day. So, I'm very happy that I get to know!"  Everyone in the room besides Kyung and Jason tensed up. Jonghyun got the sudden urge to focus only on his kimbap,Taemin leaned against the fridge sipping on his banana milk while Key whipped out his compact mirror to fix his hair. Jason frowned," Are you all going to stretch it out for another 9 years? I've waited for this day for nine years. Tell me, now." Jason glared at everyone with his trademark Ice Prince glare.

Kyung sighed and handed him his lunch," Would just a few more hours be okay? Because you, Mr.Ice Prince birthday boy, have to go to school."

"Not until I get the truth."

"If you don't go now then one, you'll be late for school. Two, we'll make Onew take you to school instead of Jonghyun. Just you two alone in the car, driving to school and-"

Jason grabbed the back of Jonghyun's cardigan and dragged him out the door," Alrighty Jonghyun appa. Let's go to school!~"


"Woah watch out guys, the Ice Prince is smiling like an idiot." Kai laughed when his best friend came skipping towards them.

Jason jumped on the nearest person which happened to Chen, and pulled his friend into a bear hug," Because I'm 16 now~"

Tao smiled at his friend and did his aegyo, "Bbuing Bbuing Oppa!"

"Aw Tao I love your bbuing bbuing aegyo buddy." Jason cooed and pulled his friend into a hug.

"Oh my gosh where's Kris?" Chanyeol asked," There's only been a  few situations like this where the Ice Prince became some sort of overly happy affectionate boy. Kris is the only person who can stop this."

Jason glanced up briefly and released Tao when he saw Kris, coolly walking over to them, " AYO WADDUP KREEES!" Kris paused and started to slowly back away from the hyper teen," KREEES!! WHERE YOU GOING BRO?" Jason shouted, ignoring all the girl fangirling around him.

Lu Han and Sehun held Jason back," RUN KRIS RUN!! SAVE YOURSELF!"

The rest of the school day was insane, but Jason just couldn't help it. He couldn't help totally ruining his Ice Prince image because he would get the truth he's wanted to know after school.


Kyung closed the oven door right when the doorbell rang," Coming!" She called as she whipped her hands on a nearby towel.

"Yah Unni! Hurry up and open the door, old ajumma." Jin Kyong teased.

Kyung frowned and narrowed her eyes at her cousin when she opened the door but broke out into a smile and hugged her dongsaeng," Jin Kyong! I missed you kiddo."

"I'm only two months younger than you ajumma but 3 inches taller." Jin Kyong snickered as she shut the door behind her. Jin Kyong smiled when Key came into her view," Long time no see Key."

"Sup Jin?" Key grinned at her and continued cooking.

"Came back to Korea for my nephew's birthday." Jin Kyong replied and sat herself at the kitchen counter," Ah honestly.. I can't come back here without feeling down... Ever since..." She paused," Ever since Unni died.." She whispered. Key stopped chopping his veggies and Kyung stopped in midstep to the oven," Unni...oppa... how are we going to tell him? I mean, he can't even remember that day-"

"It was emotionally exhausting for him Jin. He was hidden safely in the closet while it all happened. He  heard everything and then when I took him out," Kyung bit her lip," He saw his mom dead. He screamed and then fainted right on the spot. He was only 6 years old Jin. Six years old when he heard his mother being murdered." Kyung said bitterly.

"Then how are we suppose to break it to him?" Jin Kyong sighed.

"In bits." Key resumed chopping the carrot," Kyung explained it to me. She and Seohyun planned it out after we decided we would tell him on his 16th birthday. It'll be like a scavenger hunt story time for him. He'll go to each one of us and hear us tell a snippet. You know who will be the person to tell the very end."

"Good enough.I'll go pick the Ice Prince up now." Jin Kyong left the apartment without another word.


Jason walked off campus and whipped his head around when he heard a car honking at him. His brown eyes widened and his jaw dropped," AUNTIE JIN KYONG!!~" He sprinted over to the car despite all the girls fangirling over him spazzing out.

His beloved aunt unlocked the door," Get in the car."

Jason threw his backpack in the back and hugged his aunt," Auntie! " He sat down to buckle his seat belt, "Wow~ Auntie got prettier, and you look younger too!"

Jin Kyong pushed up her black designer sunglasses and pulled out her black hair tie, letting her long dark brown her flow around her, " Did I look ugly and old the last time you saw me?" She joked, starting to drive," You don't have to model for Key2YourStyle or PinkFanytasy today?"

"Ani! Key appa and Fany umma wouldn't make me model for their brands on my birthday."


"Umm.. auntie?"


"Do you know what everyone is suppose to tell me today?"

Jin Kyong tightened her grip on the steering wheel, catching Jason's keen eye," Deh, we'll talk about later arasso?"

Jason pouted in his seat but did as he was told. Just a few more hours.


"Saegil chukha hamnida~ Saegil chukha hamnida~ Sarang ha neun Jason shi~ Saeng il chuk ha ham ni da!~" All the adults sang around Jason as he blew out the long awaited 16 candles on his cake.

Jason waited patiently as his ummas cut out a piece of cake for everyone. Once he got his piece Taeyeon glanced at him," Jason go sit in the living room. Then we can start telling you." The birthday boy smiled and did as he was told.

Jason sat down on the ground feeling like a little kid while everyone sat themselves in a circle around him," So.. what's so important for me to know ?"

Seohyun hesitated," Jason... what do you remember about your parents first of all?"

"Hmm.. not much. Not even their faces or names honestly."

"Would you like to know about them?"

Jason's eyes widened and he didn't even hesitate to speak out his answer," Yes." He replied, his voice nearly a whisper," I've wanted to know about them for 10 years. This, this is why I was so happy today, because I knew you all would tell me.

"Think of it like a scavenger hunt kiddo, you'll go to each one of us for a bit of the story and the first person to go is.." Jonghyun explained and everyone turned their head to Tiffany.

Tiffany gulped," I'm starting?"

"We decided the order years ago noona." Key patted her back.

Tiffany took a deep breathe," Jason, we're going to tell you a story and you have to promise no matter what happens, you cannot interrupt , you have to know that this story is important to you, all you get to do is listen and almost no questions you ask will be answered while we're telling this story until the very end," she stuck out her pinky finger," Promise."

Jason grinned and hooked his finger with his pick loving mom," Promise."

Tiffany bit her lip and the aura in the room dropped," One day at SM Academy, 19 years ago..."



A/N Hey everyone! I wrote 100% of this chapter this time lol and  I thought I should explain how this is going to work. So the next chapter will be in 3rd POV even though Tiffany is telling it, and to help you all get a picture in your head easier, here's a list of what hair everyone had in the past:

Gee Era: Tiffany Seohyun

Genie: Jessica, Sooyoung, Sunny

Hoot: Hyoyeon, YoonA, Yuri and Taeyeon.

SHINee have their RDD hair. Kyung has layered a little past the shoulders black hair and Jin Kyong has long brown hair with sidebangs. Ditto with Kyung lol.Oh and school uniform is the same as it is 'now', just watch Attack on the Pin Up Boys to see it lol.

Alrighty, you all ready to see the past? :] Subscribe and comment~ <3 OH DID YOU SEE OUR NEW AWESOME POSTER??` LOL KAY BYE. - pandaKyung

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Glad to say this will be updated soon ;D


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It's interesting. (Onsica FTW!) I hope you'll finish this. :))
Chapter 8: AWWWW. Onew and Jessica are sooo cute! Update soon~
Jason's going to find out that Onew's Jessica's lover :D
update soon!
sound interesting ^^
clumsy jinki, i love it!
update soon!
Whatever he does it's Onew/Jinki condition!~
Update soon!
CHiBiSaUR #8
I. LOVE. IT. Jason kinda annoys me though with his attitude towards Onew, but other then that...I LOOOVEEE IIIIIITTTTT :D
pandaKyung #9
When AFF was down and then put back up, the chapters were put back to hidden. Unhiding them now , and I think some comments went bye bye T-T Subscribers too.