Strange encounter..

My Paradise



Woohyun has been acting weird since your arrival. You could feel his overprotective hands wrapped tightly around yours as if he was scared you were going to leave him. You squeezed his hands back hoping he would get the message of assurance that you love him. Love him? You were not sure what kind of love you felt towards him though, you loved his company and as long as you remember he has always been there for you but you were not sure if he completed you. Don’t get me wrong he was the perfect boyfriend one could ask for but you couldn’t lie to yourself about the emptiness that crept inside your heart at times even when he was right next to you.


You were just enjoying the warm, sunny day at the park. You thought it was such a waste that you had to spend it alone since woohyun was busy with his work.  Suddenly you found a familiar figure staring at you. He gave you the kind of stare that made you feel as if he was mad at you for something. He was the friend of that helpful stranger at the airport, you greeted him cheerfully.

“Ah we saw each other at the airport.” You said bowing at him.

He bowed back with the same intense gaze. You could feel the awkwardness in the air and tried to light up the atmosphere by asking “Do you live around here?”

He smirked ignoring your question “Aren’t you going to ask me about him?” 

You were surprised by his question, you felt as if he could read through your eyes. You did want to ask about his friend, you have been thinking about him a lot lately trying to dismantle the weird feeling you felt every time you remember his smile.

You were lost in your thoughts and before you could ask him about his friend; he replied “Sometimes all you have to do is look back.”

You were confused by his answer.

 He left bowing at you saying; “Oh and to answer your question I don’t live around here.”

“Could it be that you came to see me? “The question blurted out of your mouth suddenly at his silhouette back.

He smirked at your question without facing you and left.

The strange encounter with the stranger made your heart shiver. The feeling of discomfort hit you; it was a strange icy feeling running through your veins. Confusion and curiosity were mixed together making you panic a little. “How did he know I was going to be here?” 

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limbookt #1
shaluu..i cnt wait for the next chapter..:)
Omg whatttt,... is this done???? Its so gooddd ;-;
limbookt #3
omg!!! this is so good..its like the [erfect birthday gift...thank yu so much<3