Hello Stranger

My Paradise


That was so woohyun to be late you thought. You were at the parking lot waiting for him. You had just got back from England and the amount of taxi drivers that asked you if you were in need of taxi was annoying you. Even after refusing them politely some of them came to hover around you as if you were their prey. You were kind off pissed at your oppa for being late. As they kept asking you unnecessary questions like where you lived and if you knew ‘this guy or that guy’ from that area, trying to make some petty conversations.  

“Chogiyo, why don’t you leave her alone? Didn’t she already tell you for like five times that someone is going to pick her up? Stop bothering her.“

You were glad some gentlemen like him still did exist.  You sighed off relief after they finally left you.  Your knight in shining armor was loading his baggage into a car with his friend, he even insisted to give you company to wait for woohyun.  You smiled at him thankfully and were about to start a conversation. 

Right then woohyun arrived; he seriously had the perfect timing you thought sarcastically. You turned around to see your oppa running towards you calling your name with a big bouquet of at least fifty red roses.  You were caught off guard and before you could process what was happening he pulled you into a bear hug whispering “Welcome back!” 

You could feel the heat in your cheeks and turned around quickly towards the nice stranger who was smiling at you. He bowed you and woohyun goodbye before you could even ask him anything.  You bowed down feeling confused.

You were sure you have seen him before somewhere but you really could not figure it out. You kept tapping your fingers on your lips trying to assemble the fuzzy memories. It was really strange; you felt a sudden pang of déjà vu when he smiled at you. 

“Oppa doesn’t that guy reminds you of Pikachu (your hamster)” you said giggling to woohyun whose mind seemed to be lost somewhere else or maybe he was just concentrating on driving.



“Hasn’t it already been decided who was going to stay by her side forever?’’ Woohyun said grabbing sunggyu’s collar angrily. Sunggyu pushed him off and brushed his shirt replying calmly “I just wanted to see her, you were late and there were people bothering her.”

Woohyun huffed sarcastically at his lame excuse rolling his eyes. “Don’t forget she is mine.” Woohyun said pointing at Sungyu’s chest and glaring at him. 

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limbookt #1
shaluu..i cnt wait for the next chapter..:)
Omg whatttt,... is this done???? Its so gooddd ;-;
limbookt #3
omg!!! this is so good..its like the [erfect birthday gift...thank yu so much<3