2. COTL Yujin and TUIM Wonyoung (Vicky)

Tangled Outside the Charm of the Panicked Babies

(When someone who likes doing things for other people tries to do something nice for someone who doesn't like being taken care of) 


COTL Yujin (16): 

- Charismatic leader, a nurturer by nature 

- Love Language: acts of service, quality time


TUIM Wonyoung/Vicky Jang (17): 

- Sassy and smart 

Love Language: quality time, words of affirmation 


****just for the sake of this, let’s pretend that Vicky is fluent in Korean




“You good there? Why is your face all scrunched up like that?” 


Vicky narrowed her eyes at Yujin’s class president badge. And every other badge that seemed to be adorning her blazer. 


“These uniforms are so itchy.” Vicky shifted slightly in her tights. “And, your badge is crooked, by the way. It’s kind of annoying me.” 


Yujin peered down at the badge and sure enough, it was slightly higher on one side. She hummed and fixed it up. 


“Quite the perfectionist, I see?” Yujin said. “And, you can take off the blazer if you want.” 


Vicky shook her head. “No, this is the uniform, isn’t it? I have to wear it properly.” 


Yujin stopped walking, one eyebrow raising. 


“What?” Vicky said. 


“Nothing,” Yujin replied, “the school is just used to you not wearing the correct uniform. Like, at all. It’s only once in a blue moon that you’d actually wear the skirt and that was usually to piss off the freshmen who are looking at me.” 


“Cocky much?” Vicky said. “And you’re forgetting, I’m a different person.” 


“Well, yeah. But, you’re still Wonyoung.” 


Vicky. You call me Vicky. Because you’re not my Yujin.” 


“Ooh.” Yujin said. “Feisty. Sorry, Vicky.” 


Vicky glared at her. 


“You’re very impatient, aren’t you?” 


Vicky ignored her, opting to just huff exasperatedly. 


“Just tell me where my class is, class president.” 


“Oh, no need for that.” Yujin smiled to herself, a satisfied smile as if she were patting herself on her back. 


“What’s that look for?” 


“You don’t have to go to any of your classes, you’re welcome.” 


Vicky eyebrows furrowed. “I’m sorry? What did you do?” 


“I’m class president. Plus, I’m close with the school president.” Yujin smirked to herself, standing up straighter. She was obviously very proud of herself. “I can pull some strings for you, Jang Wonyoung.” 


She didn’t expect that Jang Wonyoung would not be impressed with her actions. 


“Why would you do that? I’m fine going to classes. Yujin, I’m one year older than you, I probably learnt this stuff already!” Vicky said. “And what is this, pulling some strings, business? I don't need you to baby me. I can take care of myself."


Yujin’s face contorted into a grimace and then into annoyance. 


“Why are you getting mad at me? I was just trying to do something nice for you.” Yujin said. If she were being honest, she was feeling very hurt by Vicky’s reaction. She just wanted to look out for her, seeing as it was her first day at a new school and new environment. And seeing as she would be swapping back to her original world the next day, Yujin didn’t see the big deal in missing an entire day of classes. “God, you really are impatient.” 


“Stop calling me that!” Vicky said. 


“You know, yelling like that is just proving my point.” 


“You are insufferable.” 


“And you’re not being very appreciative of me.” Yujin scoffed. “You know what? Fine, just go to your classes. See if I care.” 






“Hey, Yujin.”

Yujin looked up from where she was eating lunch on the school steps that were overlooking the soccer field. The bunch of freshmen that were gathered around her scrammed the moment that they saw Vicky coming their way.


“Oh, it’s you.” Yujin said. “How were your classes?” 


“Fun. I already learnt all the content. And English class was so easy.” 


“You? Actually listening in class and trying? Man, the teachers probably felt they got hit in the head or something because that is something you never get to see from you.” 


“For the last time,” Vicky sat down one step above Yujin, “I am a different person to this ‘you’ that you’re referring to.”

“But, you’re still Wonyoung.” 




“Whatever.” Yujin sighed. “Are you here to apologise?” 


Vicky hummed. “Yes, actually.” 


Yujin turned to face the soccer field so that Vicky wouldn’t see the victorious smirk on her face. 


“Go on.” 


“I was doing some reflecting, wondering why you got so upset by my words this morning.” 




“And I realised that…” 


“Yeah?” Yujin turned to face Vicky who was staring ahead of her, expressionless. 


“I’m sorry…” Vicky said. She turned to Yujin to meet her eyes and Yujin smirked. “.... that you have a huge freakin’ ego.” 


Yujin’s smirk fell. She blinked up at Vicky. 


“Excuse me?” 


Vicky smiled, her nose scrunching slightly in a mocking-manner. 


“You heard me.” Vicky said. “I realised that the reason you were so upset, either than the fact that I didn’t sound appreciative of your nice gesture, was because you were upset that you were wrong about me.” 


When Vicky saw the way Yujin looked taken aback, she chuckled, figuring out that she had hit the mark. 


“I knew it.” Vicky smiled satisfactorily to herself, similar to the way that Yujin had done in the morning. “I had an inkling.” 


“Congratulations.” Yujin huffed. “Do you want a prize?” 


“The feeling of being right is satisfying enough.” Vicky sat back happily. “Do you wanna know how I figured it out?” 




Vicky leaned closer, forcing the cutest smile onto her face, the one that she knows drives her own Yujin crazy. 


“Because, I’m exactly the same way.” Vicky said, her voice raising a little bit in pitch. 


Yujin didn’t falter from Vicky’s gaze, but inside she was trying to get over the shock of seeing Vicky doing aegyo. Because, this was someone who looked and sounded like her girlfriend, doing something that her own girlfriend gagged at. 


In fact, a lot of things about this girl were the stuff that her own girlfriend couldn’t stand. 


LIke the fact that she was a cheerleader. Yujin’s girlfriend hated cheerleading not because of the girls’ themselves but because of how cheerleading portrayed femininity or whatever. Something about the cheerleading and the way they had to be peppy and were basically a copy paste of each other. (“Why do we have to dress up like Barbie dolls in order to hype up the people playing sports? Cheerleading was made just to satisfy men’s egos and make them feel good about themselves.” Wonyoung had said once. And Yujin realised that she had a point, because Wonyoung never failed to come to Yujin’s games to support her, and she got more strength from knowing that Wonyoung believed in her than every single cheerleader combined). 


 “You know, you and I are very similar.” Vicky broke Yujin out of her thoughts. 




“It’s just a feeling. That’s how I know not to apologise to you, even if what I did wasn’t all ideal. Because, I know that if I did it would just boost your already huge ego. ” Vicky said. “Again, I know this because that’s how I am. And you are exactly the same.” 


Yujin smirked. 


“You’re wrong.” Yujin said. “Maybe you’re not so good at assuming things about me, aren’t you?” 


Yujin expected Vicky’s smile to falter, but instead it got bigger. 


“What are you smiling at, now?” 


“See how it feels?” was all Vicky said. 


“Um. How does what feel?” 


“People assuming that they know things about other people." 


Yujin went quiet. 


Vicky giggled victoriously, patting Yujin’s head. 


“Don’t worry, it’s just a pet peeve of mine. People thinking they know me.” Vicky said when she could see Yujin thinking hard about what happens. “I just wanted to play around with your ego. Why? ‘Cause it’s fun.” 


“Your Yujin must be very patient.” Yujin grumbled. 


“Yeah.” Vicky said, a soft smile adoring her face. “She’s amazing like that. I don’t deserve her.” 


Yujin eyed Vicky’s smile, suddenly feeling a sense of joy. It was cute seeing someone love someone else so much that they have a special smile reserved only for them. Or perhaps Yujin has just never seen Vicky smile for real. Either way, she could tell that her Yujin was someone very special to her. 


“You must really be in love with her, huh?” Yujin chuckled. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this soft before. You must be the type who only cares about the people she loves, am I correct?” 


“Didn’t we just have a conversation about assuming things about people?” 


“It’s not an assumption when it’s a fact.” Yujin shrugged. 


“You don’t know it’s a fact.” 


“Honey, the proof is right in front of me.” Yujin said. 


Vicky pursed her lips into a thin line. 


“I didn’t like you at first but, you’re cool.” Vicky said after studying Yujin for a little bit. “Mostly because you remind me of me.” 


“Back at you.” Yujin said. 


“But, I would never be able to date you.” Vicky scrunched up her nose. “Dating you would drive me up the freakin’ wall. I would literally go bat crazy.” 


“You sure? I think that we would have some sort of rivals to lovers thing going on?” 


“Just focus on your own Wonyoung.” Vicky rolled her eyes. 


Yujin’s face softened. 


“She’s all I can think about, actually. I hope she’s okay.” Yujin said. “We’re not really the clingy type of couple but we always seem to know where the other is and what they’re doing. So, this is kind of worrying me. I’m not used to not being able to protect her.” 


“Gross. Another thing for your ego, huh? You like the fact that you can protect her?”

“And? What about it?” Yujin whined. “And it’s not just that. Like, yeah, alright, that’s one of the reasons, okay? Protecting people makes me feel like I’m being useful. But, I also like protecting her because I love her.” 


“I’m sure she can handle herself, just fine.” Vicky rolled her eyes. “Didn’t you say she’s sort of rebellious?” 


“Yeah. That’s my girl.” Yujin said, a proud grin on her face. She chuckled and pulled out a chuppa chup from her pocket. “Want one?” 


Vicky scrunched her nose. “No thank you. But, that yakult does look very nice.” 






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Soumyapunz5 #1
Chapter 3: Update update update update update 😭
That's sooo cute 😭 can't wait for the next chapter:)))
Kimhyunjun #3
I kinda want TUIM Wonyoung (Vicky) meet 3JIN Yujin
Chapter 3: yujin from 3jin is so clueless and wholesome pls 😭
Chapter 2: petition to make these short stories into a series 😤
Chapter 2: the cheerleading take is very interesting 👀👀👀
Chapter 2: i find it fascinating that although different universes exist, yujin and wonyoung seem to always find a way to cross paths. kind of makes me contemplate irl 🤠
Chapter 1: this is honestly such a cool and creative concept wtf. i love all your works author! very excited to read all your stories 😁💚
hey author I really love the au but I wanna ask about the 3JIN AU Wonyoung and CFG Yujin chapter, did the chapter got deleted or u haven't uploaded it ?
Chapter 3: annyeongz