TUIM Yujin and CFG Wonyoung

Tangled Outside the Charm of the Panicked Babies

(When a sensitive baby overthinks and a good listener gives her a free therapy session) 




TUIM Yujin (18)

- shy and awkward, a good listener, doesn't complain much

- Love language: quality time


CFG Wonyoung (18) 

- Sensitive sweetheart, just wants to do well 

- Love language: gift receiving, quality time









‘So...’ Yujin sat there awkwardly, fingers tapping on her leg. Currently, she and this new Wonyoung were sitting in Yujin’s convenience store in complete silence. They were just listening to the kpop songs and ballads that were playing in the store speakers. ‘My shift finishes in 5 minutes, is there anything you want to do after?’ 


‘I’m fine with anything.’ Wonyoung smiled politely.


It was weird, this Wonyoung was the same age as Yujin but for some reason her vibe felt way younger. There was a sort of innocence to her. Like a childlike innocence. She wondered what the other Yujin acted like, and how the two fit together. 


“What do you usually like to do?” 


Wonyoung pursed her lips and thought for a moment. 


“I study a lot? Or practice for my dancing.” Wonyoung said. “Well, unless Yujin- my Yujin, not you- wants to do whatever random thing she wants to do. Then I just follow whatever she does.” 


“Same here, actually.” Yujin said. “I just follow whatever my Wonyoung wants me to do.” 


“Oh, really?” Wonyoung perked up a little bit. “Do you follow her because you have to protect her? I can’t leave my Yujin alone, she’ll end up hurting herself or accidentally going to jail. I’m broke, I can’t bail her out!” 


“Actually, I follow her because she’ll probably get mad at me if I say no without a legitimate reason.” Yujin chuckled. “I guess you can say I follow her to protect myself?” 


“Ah. Okay.” 




Then they were thrown back into silence again. 




“So, what do you do when you don’t hang out with your Wonyoung?” 


“Hmmm, apart from studying, I guess I hang out with my sister?” 


“You have a sister? That’s so cool!” 


Yujin paused, realising that this Wonyoung and her Wonyoung had the same exact smile. The crinkly eyes and the bunny laugh. 


“Yujin always complains about wanting a sister. But, instead she has her hyperactive older cousin. I guess Yena unnie is kind of like a sister, though.” 


“Pause.” Yujin said. “Yena unnie?” 


“Yeah.” Wonyoung said. “That’s Yujin’s cousin.” 


“Yena unnie is my sister in this world!” 


“Woah. That’s so cool!” 






And then once again, awkward silence. 


Well, this time this awkward silence didn’t last as long, because next thing they knew, Wonyoung’s head was slowly tilting backwards in preparation and then the next, she was letting out the loudest sneeze that Yujin had ever heard. 


“Yo. My Wonyoung would never be caught dead doing that.” Yujin chuckled. “That was quite the sneeze.” 


What she didn’t expect was the way that Wonyoung’s face fell completely. 


“I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to.” 


Yujin’s eyes widened when she saw the way that Wonyoung’s bottom lip starting to quiver. 


“W-wait, are you going to cry. Please don’t cry! I didn’t mean to make you cry, I was just joking around with you! I do that with my Wonyoung all the time.” 


“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be sensitive. I’ve been told that I worry too much.” Wonyoung’s face went downcast. 


“It’s okay. I’m sorry, too. I didn’t mean to make fun of you.” 


‘You must miss your Wonyoung.” Wonyoung smiled sadly. “She sounds way cooler.” 


‘Of course, I miss her.” Yujin said. “ And like, she is cool. Have I told you that she’s the vice cheerleader and she’s really smart and stuff? Oh, I haven’t? Well she is! She recently choreographed the cheerleading routine that won best routine at Nationals. But, I definitely think you’re really cool too! You said you’re on the dance team right? That’s just as cool as cheerleading!’ 


‘You think so?’ 




‘… wait your Wonyoung is a cheerleader?’ 


‘Yeah, she’s really good at it, too.’ 


‘Do you play sports?’ 


‘Nope. I can’t kick a ball or hit one to save my life.’ 


‘Oh, weird. My Yujin plays sports. But I’m not a cheerleader. But your Wonyoung is one. O-oh no, maybe I should have taken up cheerleading instead of dancing. Do you think Yujin would want me to? My Yujin, not you.’ 


‘Hey, hey calm down. Why do you look so sad? Didn’t you say that before you started dating, you two had been best friends for like forever?’




‘Then, you have nothing to worry about! I’m sure your Yujin loves you the same. Regardless of whether you’re a cheerleader. And if we’re anything alike then I know that she’d want you to do what makes you happy. You’re really cool.’ 


Wonyoung looked at the ground, smiling shyly. 


“Thank you. I appreciate that.” Wonyoung said. “You know, you give really good advice.” 


“Thanks.” Yujin grinned. Wonyoung was happy that this Yujin also had the cute dimple. “Is your Yujin good at giving advice?” 


‘Definitely not. She’s a little… slow.” Wonyoung said, an endeared smile on her face. “It gets a little frustrating at times because she doesn’t think about a lot of things except for like sports… and apparently me. But, that’s why we work. She doesn’t think enough and I think way too much, I guess.’


‘That’s a good dynamic to have.’ 


‘What about you and your Wonyoung?’ 


‘She’s a very bossy person. She knows what she wants and she knows the steps to take to get it. If she wants me to do something she tells me straight up.’


‘Does that get a little tiring, sometimes?’ 


‘No. Not for me. It’s what I love about her. I’d do anything she wants me to do.’ 


‘You’re a very patient person. I wonder if anyone else would be able to put up with her like that.’ 


“Yeah.” Yujin pursed her lips. “I wonder which Yujin got her. I hope she’s patient.” 




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Soumyapunz5 #1
Chapter 3: Update update update update update 😭
That's sooo cute 😭 can't wait for the next chapter:)))
Kimhyunjun #3
I kinda want TUIM Wonyoung (Vicky) meet 3JIN Yujin
Chapter 3: yujin from 3jin is so clueless and wholesome pls 😭
Chapter 2: petition to make these short stories into a series 😤
Chapter 2: the cheerleading take is very interesting 👀👀👀
Chapter 2: i find it fascinating that although different universes exist, yujin and wonyoung seem to always find a way to cross paths. kind of makes me contemplate irl 🤠
Chapter 1: this is honestly such a cool and creative concept wtf. i love all your works author! very excited to read all your stories 😁💚
hey author I really love the au but I wanna ask about the 3JIN AU Wonyoung and CFG Yujin chapter, did the chapter got deleted or u haven't uploaded it ?
Chapter 3: annyeongz