Chapter 3 - Flashback: The angel who helped me

Secret Love

Himchan was walking his way to school peacefully, trying to think of what's going to happen on his first day on this new school.
He was somehow lost


you were walking inside the school while texting when you bumped into someone and almost fell.
Himchan saw the girl in front of him almost fell because of  guy she bumped into and he instinctivelyu caught her.


you apologized to the guy and turned around to see a guy with brown hair and cute eyes.


"Uhhh, thank you for catching me" you  said and bowed then started to walk away


"Wait!! I need help" He said.

you froze when you heard his voice and turned around. "Help?" 


"Yeah, I'm new to this school, and the office said this thing written in my paper is my class" He said.

you looked at the paper and clapped.


"ah~ this is my class too! you can come with to class if you want to" you said and smiled at him.


Himchan looked up from the paper to your face and he saw the sweet and calm smile you were flashing at him
*Why is she smiling like that...* himchan thought.


"Uhmmm, it's almost time.. we should go the classroom. uhhhh...." you didn't know what to call him and looked at the paper again "Oh~ Kim HImchan-sshi" you said and looked up at him and smiled again.


Himchan blinked at you *She seriously needs top stop smiling at me like that* he thought.


when you two reached the classroom you turned around to talk to him "You can sit wherever you want himchan-sshi" 

he nodded and went in, you did too.


you saw jieun and yongguk talking to each other

"Annyeong Jieun, yo yonggukie!" you said. "we have a new student there, I helped him to get here" you whispered at the two of them but yongguk didn't pay attention.


"Excuse me, you never call Bang Yongguk as yonggukie" a deep voice said and it caught himchan's attention.

Himchan heard the whole thing and looked up.


"Bang yongguk?" He said out loud and yongguk heard it, he looked up and his eyes widened.

"YAH KIM HIMCHAN YOU NEVER TOLD ME YOU'RE GONNA TRANSFER HERE!!" Yongguk shouted and appraoched himchan.


"Stop shouting, I'm new here and I dont want attention" HImchan said.

"Psh, really?" Yongguk said and the two of them started to talk to each other.


you and jieun were talking as well when you accidentally looked up to whre himchan is.


you tilted your head *He's friends with Yonggukie, he must be cool like him, he looks more handsome than yongguk too* you thought.


Himchan felt someone satring at him and he looked up to see the girl with the sweet smile looking at him.

when you two caught each other's eyes, your eyes widened and you looked away first.


himchan didn't look away and was wondering instead *I wonder what's her name, she's somehow.. i dunno.. interesting* himchan thought.


as if yongguk heard his thoughts, he looked at where himchan was looking.

"That girl who helped you, That's Choi ~~~~~, Zelo's cousin, zelo our Hoobae in our past school" Yongguk said.


Himchan turned his head back to yongguk "They're cousins?" 

yongguk nodded and was about to talk when the teacher came in.



after a few hours, the bell rang for lunch and everyone started to go there own ways to go somewhere they want to eat at.. you and jieun went to the cafeteria to eat, when done getting the food, you two sat down.

"Where;s Yonggukie, he's usually eating with us" you looked around.

"Maybe with the new boy" Jieun said.

"Oh, Himchan-sshi" You said.

"Wow, you already call the boy by his name, you two close?" She asked


you shook your head rapidly and blushed "we're not close, I just helped him"

Jieun gave you a weird smile "You're blushing dont tell me you like the guy already~~" Jieun sang.

"Aniyo, I dont" you said.

"AIGOO!!! ~~~~~, you like him" she teased again.


you were about to speak when you two heard a voice.

"Who likes who?" yongguk said and sat down beside you.


"~~~~~ here likes someone" Jieun said.

"No I dont.. she's turning the tables up side down yonggukie" you said.

" i told you to stop callingme yonggukie!" Yongguk said. you were about to argue with him when someone called yongguk's name.


you all looked up and it was himchan.

"Oh, come here, let's seat here for now" Yongguk said and pointed to the seat beside Jieun, which is in front of you.


he sat down and ate quietly.

"Hmmm, the himchan I know is not this quiet" Yongguk said.


himchan gave him a look.he was about to speak something about getting a new table when you spoke. himchan's attention was all over you in just  a second.

"Aigoo! I forgot to buy a strawwberry milk~ I'll just buy one" you said and stood up.


Himchan looked at his tray and he himself has a strawberry milk. he remembered he didn't thanked you yet so he grabbed your wrist before you could even stand up.


"~~~~~~-sshi, I have this, I haven't thanked you properly a while ago, just take this as my thanks" himchan said and slide his strawberry milk near your tray.


you looked at him and blinked "Uhm.. are you sure?"

he nodded. you suddenly smiled "Thanks Himchan-sshi" you said and bit your lip as you took the milk.


Himchan slowly let go of you and looked at you.

Yongguk laughed.


"You know what Himchan, you shouldn't give her starwberry milks because it's her favorite, she might ask you to buy it for her everyday" Yongguk said.

"Hey I wont do that" you pouted.

"Yes you would" yongguk said.

"No, I wouldn't yonggukie" you said 

"Yonggukie?" yongguk raised his eyebrow


himchan looked at you two *I wouldn't mind if I buy her milk everyday* 

but another thoguht crossed his mind. *Are they like.. super close* he thought as he looked at yo uand yongguk.


As if reading his mind, Jieun spoke.

"They're like sibling if you asked me, ever since they knew each other last year, which is freshman year, they'e been really close, I'm kinda jealous, haha. kidding" Jieun said.

himchan looked at her and whispered "You like yongguk?" he asked, Jieun blsuhed

"Ha.. I said I was kidding" she said.

"hmmm, if you said yes i would've shared something to you, I'm more like a sibling to yongguk than her, we've been classmates since kindergarten until senior high school" HImchan said but was distracted when he heard your giggles.


"Hahaha, Zelo must be really stupid" Yongguk laughed

you giggled and smiled cheerfully "Of course I know, he's my cousin" you giggled yet again.


HImchan blinked at you and his heart skipped a beat as he saw your smile again. your lips was curved, your eyes was shining while it was also curved like your lips.


you faced your food and accidentally looked at himchan, yo usaw him looking and you unknowingly smiled at him.

*Okay.. it's final.... her smile is the best one I've ever seen* himchan thought.


since that day, his attention was always on you.

but after that day, yongguk and him sat on  a different table, ate with some hoobaes they know, and they we're now called B.A.P

*************END OF FLASHBACK*****************

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KylieLe_123 #1
Chapter 24: author-nim~~~~, please update this fanfic D:
i really love it so far <3 <3
i just read this fic and i'm realy curios about what will happen with 'you'/Himchan/Yonguk
aww~~ please apdute soon~
yoon-ri #3
I read this fanfic because of Himchan but now I'm slowly falling in love with Yongguk.
I hope the main ends up with Himchan :) please~~
K-poprocker #5
I just started reading this, it's so daebak!
Does Yongguk like 'me'? Omo I need to know!
Update soon when you are inspired~ Hwaiting!
I don't want to read this if 'i' don't end up with Himchannie. ><
So hard to find any stories with him being the main guy. )':
wae? you stuck at chapter 23. i know you need inspiration! i'll wait for your next chapter :))) I MISS YOU BTW
uBae #8
Yongguk likes 'me'?
taeminnie4evah #9
can it be me with zelo please?? haha!! kidding! =DDD
sachiko0106 #10
I wanna be with Yongguk.. Buuutttt... feel so sad to Himchan.. :'(
well Jieun too.. she must feel so hurt..