The members .✫*゚・゚

Herätys .✫*゚・゚ A co-ed group of second chances. APPLY NOW BUT STORY CURRENTLY ON HOLD o(^◇^)o

Herätys V

Herätys V are the 6 women of this group. A unit with colorful, funky, catchy and retro inspired songs. They aren't just your cutesy youthful girl group, but they are keeping up with the youngsters very well with their fun and catchy sound with the occasional mature touch.

Discography examples: Ring Ring, We ride, Drinking habits, I'm so sick, %%


Ran will be my character! She used to be in a group from 2015 to 2017 named Unicorn. Sadly, Unicorn never took off and has now been forgotten. It hit Ran quite hard, but she was determined to try again, but not even The Unit let her in. Now she finally got another chance to prove her worth.

Herätys M

While sometimes retro just like their female counterpart, the boys of this team are mostly focusing on mature tunes, the kind that reels in fangirls. y in leather, but of course there can also be some fun and funk.
Discography examples: Thrilla killa, One, Black mirror, The dive, Libido


*these are not plotlines, just ideas to possibly give you inspiration! Feel free to ignore them and create your own or combine a few of these together. These are just ideas of what I could see in this group!*

The veteran, possibly the oldest member as well. This member is far more experienced than the rest of the group. They have performed for years and years. Their fighting spirit is incredible because they have put up with the struggle of being unknown for this long. A lot of people would have given up at this point.


What is a band member doing in Herätys, you might think. Well, that's what the rest of the group thought too when this idol made their way into the lineup. Having previously been part of a band, being in a dance group could be a big adjustment for them, but it could also be their true calling. Either way, it's a big transition, and an even bigger surprise.


Sadly, the kpop industry lost a lot of their blooming rookies to the pandemic. So many new groups disbanding out of the blue simply because the pandemic prevented them from bringing in any profit. This rookie idol could've been one of those victims, or their brand new group disbanded for another reason. Either way, their group was fresh out of the kpop oven, but the dream didn't last long. High chance of being Herätys' baby.


If you put Taedong in Herätys, it would be this person. Someone who has tried so hard, but has never even seen a debut happen. Either they participated in survival shows and didnt make it, or their group was ready to debut but disbanded before even releasing a song... Or their ty company pulled them out of a succesful project group... Looking at you, Major 9.


Another big surprise for this group. This person was more succesful than anyone else in Herätys. Their former group actually took off, maybe even got some wins or multiple chartings? Either way, something unfortunate caused their group to disband, and now they're here. Will the popularity gap help the group or will it just cause a rift between this person and their groupmates?


The person that makes you go 'nugu?'. An idol so unlucky that not even the others know them. Their group largely went under the radar, so unknown that they didn't even have the chance to perform on most music shows. Another possibility is that their previous group actually never officially disbanded and they are still officially a member of that group. Did they break their contract by joining a new group? What do their former groupmates think? Did this person leave before a possible comeback?


This person has actually never been part of a group. No, they've just been a solo artist that never took off. They could've been solo kpop, indie or rap... As long as they were not in a group How do they survive having to live with 11 chaotic groupmates after being alone for so long?


Technically, this person is just the same as everyone else in this team, but there is one thing different about them. They were also an idol, but actually not in Korea. This person used to be part of a group from China, Japan, ... and failed over there. They then sailed to Korea to try again. They might be from a different country, they're still a second chance idol like all the others.


Putting this one into the group might have been risky, but Maya was willing to take that risk. Their previous group engulfed in scandals, a negative light is shed on this member. Did they get into a lawsuit with their company? Maybe other members of their group got into big scandals, causing them to disband. Maybe this person was scandalous themselves, but it wasn't an unforgivable scandal? (eg: dating, smoking, ...) Either way, this person is good and innocent and wants to prove that to the world.
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I kinda forgot about Ran's app... it is now posted but still extremely bare ;;;; sorry!


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Chapter 4: Gonna read through the cheatsheet like 30 times to make sure my character meets the standards while I cook her up lol ^^
14 streak #3
Chapter 4: Yejun is babey must protect
Chapter 1: I LOVE THIS SIEN OMG!!!
14 streak #5
Chapter 1: I have ideas for rookie and unlucky!
Chapter 1: yes hit me with libido
i know ur doing this idea but where tf was i
hella hyped and already have ideas flowing thru my head :D
14 streak #8
I’m going to apply for this too because I’m a er for second chance idols
what the HECK Sien, going after my heart with cool and/or obscure words for foreign languages? rude
I LOVE it ;3;