The Other Side

The Other Side


You want to kill me? True or false?


He holds out his gun, pointing them at her. She sits on the leather sofa, her legs crossed, and dabs of blood stains her pale face. Today’s the day for her execution. Only one bullet is allowed, knowing that the bullet will end her life if he directs it at her heart.




She’s chained to the sofa. He needs to finish his job quick and fast. Just one bullet and everything would end.


You’re afraid. True or false?


Jaejoong wonders why he can’t just fire. She’s not needed in this world. Her life needs to end, now. But he loves her. He loved her. He cared and took care of her.




“Jaejoong, just do it.” She whispers. “Direct the gun at my heart, set me free from the sins I’ve attained.” She pleads, her eyes glued to the gun, wanting everything to end. He believed her once again. He doesn’t mind believing her one more time, even though the countless tricks she played with him, he still believed her. Always.


Jaejoong gives her one last smile, pulling back the trigger, believing and trusting her for the last time, seriously wanting her to be free and about. His muscles tensing under the heavy tension, all the eyes of Seoul looking at them, and watching their love and fire quench.


Everything is live. The execution for a criminal is being broadcasted all throughout South Korea. Everyone’s TV tuned on this scene as the bullet rips through the air and into her heart.


You’re tricked again. True or false?


She manages an unpropitious fake laugh. “Try again. It’s on the other side, sweetheart.” She adds venom to the romantic yet sweet nickname of his.


True. You tricked me again.


Jaejoong can practically hear the loud gasps and murmurs throughout the crowd watching the whole process, the shrieks and cries coming from the citizens watching through live broadcast, the groans and curses coming from the officers. Yes, she tricked him once again.


Her heart is grown on the right side, unusual from everyone’s heart. No wonder why she’s so different from all the girls out there. She’s incredibly sinister, heinous and malevolent. She doesn’t belong; she’s a monster with everlasting tricks, just waiting for you to get caught in them.


Against all odds, the execution is over. She’s not dead. She tricked him, using his sympathy and trust just to live.


You hate me now. True or false?


Jaejoong doesn’t need to think twice. True.

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SaranghaeyoMinhoOppa #1
dont get the wrong idea. I loveeeee this one-shot!!!!
SaranghaeyoMinhoOppa #2
omg..... so...... spy like