The Kind Human Butler and Bratty Kitty Angel

Fallen Kitty Angel and The Human Butler (Discontinued)

A/N: Hello there! An update is ready! Enjoy! 


Jisoo was on her way home from work, passing by the many pillars along the corridor leading to the lobby. However, she heard something unusual. Although there were many stray cats around the neighbourhood, the sound emitted from the cat sounded miserable. It prompted her to follow the sound and made a turn around the pillar. She noticed an orange tabby cat lying on the floor with a pained expression.

"This must be the furball that was meowing in pain," she thought to herself. She kneeled down in front of the cat, touching it lightly to grab its attention. However, as if on instinct, she quickly pulled her hand away as the cat hissed at her and threatened to bite off her fingers. Instead of taking steps back, she crouched down and looked into the cat's eyes.

"Hey, I don't know what happened but I am here to help," said Jisoo in her gentle tone. She tried again, reaching out for the cat to lightly caress its right ear. Observing that the cat wasn't that wary of her anymore, she gently propped up the right front leg to examine it. Upon examination, she saw a visible swell on the leg and inspected the rest of the body, finding bruises and scratches on them. With her limited knowledge of basic first-aid, she took out her handkerchief to wrap it around the swollen leg before carrying the cat carefully to the vet clinic.

On the way there, Jennie was held securely and comfortably but the pain still remained evident by the groaning and pained expression. That got Jisoo worried. There was an obvious frown on Jisoo's face and she was determined to get to the clinic as soon as possible. She glanced down at the cat before telling it, "don't worry, Kitty, we are on our way. The pain will go away soon. Close your eyes and breathe the pain away,"

Jennie knew not to believe any human's word after being struck by one but she decided to believe this one human. She breathed in and out, hoping to breathe the pain away. Surprisingly, a few minutes into breathing, it helped eased some of the pain and that it was also a miracle that have reached the clinic. As soon as they entered the clinic, they were already next in line for consultation. Jisoo entered the consultation room with urgent knocks and shoved the cat into the vet's face.

"Doctor, how is the kitty?" asked Jisoo anxiously. Jennie could feel the sincere concern of the human towards her but closed her eyes in attempts to lie down comfortably on the cushion after being put on it by Jisoo.

"The right front leg is fractured, I would need to do an x-ray to determine the extent of the injury, other than that, there are some bruises and scratches on the body. We will move over to the x-ray machine."

The vet carried the cat gently before putting it on the x-ray machine. Before examining the cat, he put on the necessary protective equipment and called for the nurse to assist him. The nurse entered the room with an extra set of protective equipment for Jisoo. Afterwards, she made her way to the cat, reassuring the cat that it would be fine and not to move. X-rays were then taken and the vet looked at it intently.

The vet directed Jisoo's attention to the scan by pointing to a bone that looked like it was broken slightly off centre.

"Look at this region, you see there are two long bones but one of them is broken. Thank goodness it is a hairline fracture. This means that the bone is not totally broken into two. This kitty here needs a cast and a lot of rest," said the vet as he took off the protective gown before giving the cat a few light on the head.

Jisoo did the same before picking the cat up to return to the consultation room for further examination. After careful examination, the vet continued, "Miss Kim, I will prescribe some ointment and cream. The cream is to be used sparingly on the scratches as it contains antibiotics. while the ointment can be used for all injuries on the body. Feel free to use it copiously. For the fractured leg, I will prescribe an anti-inflammatory liquid medication to reduce swelling and any preference for the colour of the cast?"

He got up to reach for few casting materials of different colours from the top shelf and showed them to Jisoo and Jennie. While lifting each casting material of one colour at a time, Jennie only meowed when he raised the pink cast. Understanding that Jennie wanted pink, he applied the cast on her fractured leg. It took about 15 minutes for the cast to be placed and another 15 minutes of waiting outside of the consultation room for it to set. Before leaving, Jisoo thanked the experts before making the payments for treatment and some non-prescription cat food.

On the way back, Jennie seemed to be feeling better as she snuggled close to Jisoo while she was holding onto her. Jisoo was glad that the cat seemed to look better and can't wait to bring it home to take care of her new housemate.


Although Jisoo owns a dog, Dalgom, which is back in their family home to accompany her parents whose children are living on their own, caring for a cat is totally different. Once she reached home, she placed the cat on the cushion and decided to get help from her friend, Lisa, who owns her own cat.

Jisoo: Hi Lisa!

Lisa: Unnie! Why did you call?

Jisoo: I need help. I found an abused cat and brought the furball to the vet. So now, I t took the furball in but you know, caring for a cat is different from taking care of Dalgom. 

Lisa: Cats are just like dogs, prepare the food and water first. I will be there in a jifty!

Jisoo hangs up the call and immediately went to get two bowls, filling each bowl with water and food respectively. She took care of the furball diligently. She never left the cat's side even though it was eating and drinking well. After the cat was well fed, she fed the cat her medicine. It was difficult but managed to hold her securely in her left arm and apologised as the liquid flowed into the cat's mouth. After the most difficult part, she made sure to give the cat some love by giving it some treats and pats on the head. Lastly, she cleaned Jennie with a washcloth and dried it with a towel and hairdryer before applying the ointment and cream on the scratches and bruises. After she was done with the chores, she collapsed on the couch.

"I guess it went well," she thought to herself. Soon she hears the doorbell and tends to it. 

"Hey unnie!"

"Hey, I managed to take care of that furball."

Not hearing what Jisoo said as her eyes met the cat after entering the apartment, Lisa headed straight to the cat, kneeling next to it and picked it up with both hands. 

Lisa squealed with excitement, "oh my goodness, she is so cute!" 

Wanting to show some affection, she decided to give the cat a peck on the lips but Jennie was mortified at the sudden thought of kissing someone else even if it was on her cat lips. Jennie ducked with every effort as Lisa tried to peck her. At the third try, instead of ducking, she put her free paw on her lips. Lisa pecked on Jennie's paw, saying, "oh come on, just a kiss."

With Lisa's last try of giving a peck, Jennie managed to slap the unrelenting human with her paw. 

"Ok, I give up, maybe just a pat on the head shall do," said Lisa, defeatedly to the cat and remarked to Jisoo, "your cat is just like Dalgom, so mean to me."

Jisoo had been laughing at the scene and managed to catch her breath before saying, "don't lie to me, Manoban, your cat did the exact same thing to you. I watched your most recent youtube video!"

Feeling the tiredness starting to hit her, from meeting with her boss to caring for an injured cat, Jisoo collapsed onto the sofa and told her friend, "you know what, since you are here, watch Furball for me, I am going to take a nap."

As her head hits the soft cushion, she went to dreamland, making Lisa chuckle at the sight as she held the cat and waved its paw at Jisoo, saying with an aegyo voice, "sleep well Jisoo ya, thank you for taking care of me!"

Part of Jennie was touched by the kindness but her bratty side decided to suppress the positive emotion. She leaped out of Lisa's hold and went to her little corner to also take a nap like Jisoo.

Lisa chuckled at the sight and thought to herself, "like owner like cat!" She made sure that both are sleeping soundly before heading back to her home. 


"Chu ah! It is windy today, let's fly a kite!" 

"Princess Jeni, I have chores to do!"

"I am the princess and I order you to put your work down."

"You and your princess temper. Alright princess."

Jisoo woke up immediately after the end of the dream. All she could see with someone, most likely a young girl but oddly enough, the girl was wearing a traditional hanbok. Although her looks was blurry, her voice was sweet like honey and cute. She almost smiled to herself at being love sick at someone from her dream. She shook her head off to clear mind from the weird dream and looked over to her right to see that the cat is still asleep. Smiling that how peaceful that cat looked, she tiptoed to her room to get her laptop out and begin typing out her story loosely based on what she had dreamt of.


"Little kitty, you are healing really well. Let's bring you to the vet for a follow-up later," said Jisoo in her motherly voice. The hard work of taking care of the cat has paid off as all of the bruises and scratches have been healed. She was also optimistic that the fractured leg should also heal up by now. However, the cat's attitude towards her hadn't improved significantly despite tending to the furball with patience and love. The cat would occasionally cosy up to her but sometimes, she would be cold and distant. She told herself that she would persist and that one day the cat would eventually come to love her.

Hearing that she would be able to have the cast taken off soon, Jennie purr3e in delight. Finally, she would be able to move comfortably though she liked being treated like a princess by her human butler.

The trip to the vet was quick. After waiting for 5 minutes for their turn, the vet welcomed them happily and was glad to see the cat in good shape. She was well-groomed and the superficial wounds have healed well. He continued to check on the fracture with the x-ray. He smiled upon reading the x-ray scan. The bone had healed completely, looking intact and complimented Jisoo for her hard work before removing the cast.

Jennie was beyond ecstatic once the cast was off. She stretched out her right leg and paw and then her entire body. Feeling no pain or any discomfort, she leapt from the x-ray table to the chair nearby and subsequently on the ground. She turned to Jisoo and the vet, meowing at them to thank them before making her way to the consultation room. The vet laughed at the sight then turning to Jisoo to ask if she had any questions for him. Without any further questions, Jisoo and Jennie left the vet.

On the way back, Jennie refused to be carried and that surprised Jisoo. Before letting the cat down, she told the cat, "now that you are all recovered, what do you want to do now?" Jennie leapt off from Jisoo's arms, leaping towards grass field.

While watching the cat leap, it reminded Jisoo of the girl in her dream that was skipping away to fly a kite. Jisoo pushed that thought away and followed her cat closely behind, making sure that the cat will not disappear from her sight. 

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Jensoo4everlove #1
Yayyyyy Author you're back !!!!
1124 streak #2
Chapter 5: I love you authy🤭🤭🤭 thnx for coming back and deciding to complete it... Cyclist you will get your karma later how dare you do that even if it's only an accident but you should've stop and look back good thing the cat is a magical cat or Jisoo could've died there... Oh so that's what happen in the past and why the goddess Irene erased all of Jennie's memories but the mind may forget but the heart doesn't...
jenxchu #3
Chapter 5: Thanks for intending to complete it 🥰
Chapter 5: Omggg this is getting more exciting!! Thank you for updating btw, I'll wait patiently for the rest
deerhee #5
Chapter 4: More pls 😍
1124 streak #6
Chapter 4: Oh thank goodness you come back authour 🤣🤣🤣
bp_blunt #7
Chapter 4: You’re backkk! Thank you for the new chapter 💗
jenxchu #8
Chapter 4: It's soo cute 🥺, thanks for continuing
lonelyst #9
Chapter 3: Just found this, I'm looking forward to more ☺️
6to128 #10
Chapter 3: I like it, will wait for more :)