Trouble in heaven, banished to earth

Fallen Kitty Angel and The Human Butler (Discontinued)

Hi all, an update is ready, enjoy (although it is mostly the same as the short collection *hides in embarrassment*).


The alarm blared off, red lights flashed all over heavens.

The law enforcers, men in white, heavenly generals and the heavenly army were activated to keep the most peaceful place in the whole universe to its original peaceful and harmonious state. With immortals, spirits and most importantly prisoners of spirits running amock, Goddess Irene and Goddess Seulgi risen up from their thrones to step up so as to end this sudden crisis. They combined their powers to form a heavenly net around the entire heavenly sky and summoned their angels. Angels come pouring into the immortal state court put thier powers together to aid in forming the most secure net ever. 

With the net set over the heaven, the law enforcers managed to catch all the prisoners of spirits. This allayed the fears of innocent immortals and spirits. After what seemed like a small fraction of hell in their long eternity life to manage the crisis, the top management of law enforcers went on to investigate on the crisis that happened early.

After gathering suffient evidence, General Dong entered the immortal state court, greeting Goddess Irene before reporting his findings. 

"Goddess, it seem that the prison cell was unlocked by one of the immortals," reported the general, to Goddess Irene, was still at the court after the crisis, visibly stressed over the situation that occurred earlier. It does not require a high ranking personel to know who was involved in this.

With the hesitance in General Dong's voice, it confirmed Goddess Irene's educated guess. 

"Tell me who is it and we can carry out the necessary punishments."

"Your highness, it is one of your angels, Angel Jennie."

Goddess Irene tried very hard to not show any emotion at the news. She waved the general away before letting her emotions show.

"You are dismissed. Leave the report here before you go and do not leak this classified information."

From the Goddess' tone, it was clear as day to General Dong that he would have his title stripped if the news is leaked. He hurriedly left the court after bowing to the goddess.

Although Goddess Irene was beyond pissed at the news, Angel Jennie was still her favourite child. She had done everything in her power to protect her although many high ranking immortals have asked for Angel Jennie to be demoted to a mortal for her countless mischevous acts. She refused given the fact that Jennie had done many great deeds in her past life. However, with her attitude and appalling behavior as an angel, she would have to do something, else Angel Jennie might have to go through the sufferings of being a mortal again. 

Noticing that General Dong had left, Goddess Seulgi entered the state court. She had given her wife some needed space earlier and wished to be by her side again. No matter what other immortals had commented about Goddess Irene being the strong immortal ruler, this facade would always break down when it involves a certain angel. She was truly heartbroken as she saw her wife's pained expression.

"What do we do now? At this rate the immortals will assume that I am biased and incompetent as a mother."

"Do not worry my Goddess, all will be fine. We have to give Jennie her punishment before any other immortal steps in to intervene."

"I can't bear to punish her. She had a hard time in her past life and she is my favourite angel."

Goddess Irene leaned on Goddess Seulgi while the latter hugged her wife tightly. 

"It's now or never," Seulgi thought to herself. She lifted Irene's chin, so that she could face her and asked in a tender voice, "do you trust me?"

Irene nodded without any question and Seulgi then told Irene of a possible punishment for their angel Jennie.

Irene frowned yet again before asking, "do you think that it will be safe for Jennie?"

"Iam sure that it will be safe. I will send Angel Yeri to find a good home for Jennie."


Making sure that Irene is alright, Seulgi excused herself to find her angel daughter, Yeri. 

"Yeri, it is time to execute our plan. How has things been so far?"

"It's the same old in the mortal world. We will just have to make sure that their paths cross at the right time."

"I trust that you will make it happen this time."

"Yes, mother."


"Jennie, I have been hearing complains again."

Goddess Irene said in her authoritative voice as she walked towards the angel, looking at her with a disappointing gaze. Right after discussing the punishment with Goddess Seulgi, Irene summoned Angel Jennie to the state court. She sighed disappointingly before returning back to her throne, taking a seat before listening to what the young angel had to say for her actions.

"Mother goddess, this is one of the many lectures I have heard so far," said the angel in a nonchalant voice that got the Goddess' right eyelid twitching in fury.

"Jennie! Mind your manners," said the goddess as she slammed her right hand hard on the armrest of her throne. "Your attitude won't get you anywhere good," the goddess continued her lecture. At this moment, the angel knew that she had fallen out of favour as the goddess' favourite child and was in really deep trouble. With her head hung low, she gulped in fear, awaiting the punishment that had been long overdue.

With a quick spell directed at her, the angel felt herself transforming and became a cat almost at an instance. She looked at her current self, shocked at what was going on. The goddess said, " I have taken away your powers and I will send you to the mortal world to learn your lesson. Return with a better attitude."

Goddess Irene waved Jennie away, saying, "go on."

Jennie felt a magical breeze around her and had been teleported to the mortal world.

As Jennie was sent away, Goddess Seulgi had just returned from her meeting with Angel Yeri. She gave Goddess Irene a hug noticing how Goddess Irene was clearly saddened to send away her favourite child. She comforted her wife, saying, "you must be in pain, she is your favourite angel after all. Don't worry, she will be fine and will return soon."

" She is getting out of hand. It is my fault for spoiling her and I can't seem to teach her. This is the only way she would learn her lesson," replied Goddess Irene, who hugged her lover tightly for comfort.


Jennie, who had been sent to the mortal world for good, found herself landed on a playground. Looking around, she felt lost and alone but decided to take this chance to venture out. Finally, she had her freedom and wanted to make good use of it. She roamed around freely after a few nice stretches, coming to terms with the punishment and taking it easy. While roaming around the neighbourhood, she felt as though she was being followed.

"Must be the heightened cat senses," she thought to herself.

But the shuffling of the feet behind her and the faint human scent that she had sensed confirmed her suspicion. She turned around to find a boy following her. Looking like a harmless little human with disgusting snot dripping out from one of his nostrils, she wasn't afraid but hissed at the boy in hopes of scaring him away but it did not have any effect on him.

"My scowl usually works on the heavenly guards!" Jennie thought to herself. She panicked slightly after her offensive action didn't work. The boy was still walking towards her with an evil grin on his face.

She began to take a few steps, hoping to get away from the disgusting human boy. While taking steps back, she continued to play the aggressive card, hoping that it would still work. For some reason, it didn't work at all and the boy managed to get his hands on her by striking her front right leg with a bat that was hidden behind him. She was stricken with pain and next came a few kicks on her body. The boy finally stopped after a while and left skipping away as if satisfied and proud with what he did.

Jennie, the angel, who was stuck in the body of a cat that got mistreated, felt disgusted by the inhumane act and was also humiliated. Being highly regarded as Goddess Irene's favourite angel, she was now being trampled on by some human kid. Her right front leg was hurting so much that she was unable to move anymore. She managed to muster some energy to limp her way to the nearest pillar of an apartment lobby. Noticing that it was somewhat secluded, she her wound in hopes that it might magically heal on its own. The wounds didn't heal and her newfound freedom wasn't as nice as she had thought to be. She meowed towards the sky, hoping to seek mercy and help from her Mother goddess.

In the immortal world, Jennie's cries reach her Mother goddess. However, determined to not save her favourite daughter immediately after sending her to the mortal world, the goddess turned away, letting the clouds cover the scene before walking away with pain in her heart. While walking away, she hoped that a kind human soul would help her favourite daughter.

With no response after meowing away for ages, Jennie stopped meowing for help and instead groaned in pain as the pain in the front right leg became unbearable.


Behind a pillar not too far away from Jennie, Angel Yeri had witnessed everything and was beyond furious at the seemingly harmless looking Chihuahua in front of her. 

"Trevor! Don't you dare hurt anyone of my siblings!"

Trevor, Yeri's magical Chihuahua pet, who had just transformed back from being a human boy earlier, barked at his owner, Angel Yeri, before turning away. As Trevor spread his wings to make his way back to heaven, he speaks to his owner, "trust me, I know what I am doing. Besides, the mortal is close by, I can smell her."

Angel Yeri sighed and finally understood how her mothers feel, "I guess, this runs in our immortal family."

She turned back one last time, smiling, as a certain mortal walking towards her sister's direction.

"Maybe Trevor is right after all," Yeri commented to herself before making her way back to heaven. 

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Jensoo4everlove #1
Yayyyyy Author you're back !!!!
1123 streak #2
Chapter 5: I love you authy🤭🤭🤭 thnx for coming back and deciding to complete it... Cyclist you will get your karma later how dare you do that even if it's only an accident but you should've stop and look back good thing the cat is a magical cat or Jisoo could've died there... Oh so that's what happen in the past and why the goddess Irene erased all of Jennie's memories but the mind may forget but the heart doesn't...
jenxchu #3
Chapter 5: Thanks for intending to complete it 🥰
Chapter 5: Omggg this is getting more exciting!! Thank you for updating btw, I'll wait patiently for the rest
deerhee #5
Chapter 4: More pls 😍
1123 streak #6
Chapter 4: Oh thank goodness you come back authour 🤣🤣🤣
bp_blunt #7
Chapter 4: You’re backkk! Thank you for the new chapter 💗
jenxchu #8
Chapter 4: It's soo cute 🥺, thanks for continuing
lonelyst #9
Chapter 3: Just found this, I'm looking forward to more ☺️
6to128 #10
Chapter 3: I like it, will wait for more :)