feeling her

Late Night Talks And Cigarettes

"Hey." The soft greeting pulled her out of her reverie and Seungwan was again looking at the breathtaking image of a goddess in front of her which was Irene.

"Hey." Seungwan greeted back as she gave Irene a small smile, not really minding that her heart was hammering on her chest. She then passed by the brunette to an aisle and grabbed the Absolut vodka from the shelf, some chips and made her way back to where Irene was.

"You are insane!" Exclaimed the brunette as she took a hold of what Seungwan was purchasing. Again, Irene's curiosity got the best of her so the latter chuckled at how she was acting.

"I am insane. I thought that you knew that already." Seungwan shot back as she winked at the brunette. Irene blushed because she knew what Seungwan was doing. She was being a tease. And Irene never really knew that they would easily hit it off, feeling like they have known each other for a long time because of how they interacted with each other.

Eyeing the blonde in front of her, she noticed the the worn out look she was sporting and offered Seungwan an apologetic smile.

"Rough night?"

"Not really. Just wanted to get my mind off of things." Seungwan answered her truthfully. Irene was glad to see the blonde again. After their last encounter, she couldn't help but think of the other girl too and was hoping to see her again the next day. What she didn't know was that it would be granted by the gods above almost immediately.

"Hmmm. Well, it seems to be bothering you a lot."

"It is. You work night shift?" Seungwan then avoided anymore questions Irene was willing to throw at her since she knows that she might say things that she wasn't suppose to say.


"That really . It's not really safe to let a beautiful lady like you to stay up all night though. Especially since this is a 24/7 mini mart." Seungwan said and she can't help the smirk forming on her lips as she referred to Irene as beautiful. The cashier blushed again at the sudden comment of the blonde as she tucked away small stray strands of her hair behind her ear. She then continued to scan the items and stopped midway to look at Seungwan as if to ask her something.

"Just these items?" 

"A pack of Lucky Strike red would be nice." Seungwan answered her without the smile faltering on her lips. Irene nodded and grabbed a pack behind her, continued to scan the items. Before she could even grab a paper bag, Seungwan beat her to it.

"No need for the bag. I'm just gonna go ahead and sit outside to drink." 

"Okay. If you ever need anything, just tell me-uh...?" Sensing Irene was asking for her name, Seungwan's smile grew bigger if that was even possible. It was bound to happen sooner or later anyway and she already knew what her name was so they're even.

"Wendy." Seungwan said as she held out her hand for Irene to shake. The cashier was taken aback with Wendy's forwardness but she didn't think twice before she took it in her hand, sending yet again another electric shocks to each others body. There was firmness with how Seungwan shook her hand and as soon as Irene looked at the blonde's eyes, she can see the fire and also the hint of playfulness in them and it made her knees go weak. There was really no denying that she admires the girl in front of her and is already becoming her crush.

"Joohyun." Irene then said and Wendy just looked at her with furrowing eyebrows.

"What?" Seungwan asked utterly dumbfounded which earned a chuckle from the cashier, her eyes twinkling with each passing second. In Seungwan's ears, the laugh of the goddess was just music to her ears.

"My real name is Joohyun. Figured you should know."

"Oh." Seungwan said as the cashier's words sink in, her lips forming an 'O' shape in the process and smiled brightly at Irene. 

"Joohyun. A very pretty name for a very pretty girl. I like it."

And just like that, if Irene can be more redder than she was, this was it. She just mentally cursed herself for swooning in Wendy's words. She shouldn't be feeling like this but Irene couldn't help it. Before she can even register what was happening, Seungwan already headed outside leaving Irene with a smile on her face.


Seungwan found an empty table and a couple of chairs as soon as she stepped outside the mini mart, her hands carrying all the items she bought. As soon as she sat down, she immediately grabbed a stick from the new pack she bought and chuckled. If she ever does compute how much she had already spent for smoking, she can easily tell she already spent a million.

Now that she already saw the girl who has been invading her mind ever since they met, Seungwan can't help but feel happy and sad at the same time. She already knew it was wrong but here she was, just outside, her hands craddling a stick, letting the puff out of her lips. She knew what the consequences are if she keeps this up and it won't be pretty. 

"Seungwan-ah?" A very familiar voice called out and she already knew who it was without sparing a glance. She opened the vodka and immediately chugged down the contents, stopping just way past the bottle's neck and placed it down. The stranger then pulled back the opposite chair and sat down, grabbing a stick from the pack and Wendy chuckled as she offered her ligther, lighting it up.

"Fancy meeting you here, unnie." Seungwan can't help but tease the older girl, the latter showing her pearly whites and her eyes formed into crescent moon shape.

"Didn't know I would run into you here though."

"I just happen to pass by."

"Something's bothering you?" Seungwan then halted, her hands in midair, about to take another hit from her cigarette. She eyed the older girl in front of her and saw how genuine her eyes were. So she just shrugged and offered the drink and chips to her.

"Nothing big."

She saw the older girl took a long hit, the front end of the stick glowing red and white smoke softly escaped her lips as she didn't think twice and grabbed the bottle and took a long swig before setting it down, her smile still visible despite the strong taste.

"I don't buy that."

"Seul, it's nothing really. I just have a lot on my plate right now. You worry too much." Stucking her tongue at the older girl, they both laughed at Seungwan's childish act and Seulgi can't help but return the gesture back, clearly enjoying playing along with the blonde.

"Of course I worry. You're my sister after all. You know I will always have your back right?" 

Seungwan didn't really mind having Seulgi around. When her mother broke out the news of her re-marrying, she was happy for her. She just didn't expect to have a step sister and live with her until she was old enough to have her own appartment. But after meeting the Kang's, she instantly knew that it wouldn't be bad thing to have and she clearly enjoyed her company. It's one of the things Seungwan really treasure the most.

"I know. And I will always have your back too." Seungwan knows she can trust Seulgi with her problems. Heck, even the older girl knew everything about her and her doings. She knew every move the blonde does, like a hawk. So she shouldn't be hesitant in opening up to her. Wendy trusts her with all her life after all.

"It's just that, I..." Seulgi gave her an encouraging nod, cigarette stick hanging loose on her lips as she opened the bag of chips, her gaze going back to Seungwan's as she finished.

"I think I've been crushing on someone lately."

"What now?"

"I said that I'm crushing on someone right now and I have a girlfriend." 

"Are you stupid Seungwan-ah?" Were the first words Seulgi uttered as soon as her words sink in. And for the both of them, it's going to be a very, very, very long night.


Seungwan bid the older girl goodbye as they both have wrapped their arms around each other, content smiles evident on their faces. Not gonna lie, she missed Seulgi and was glad that they have both spent the evening just talking and Seungwan letting the older girl know what she actually felt regarding her crush and Sooyoung. Seulgi then gave her a very, very, very long speech that she knew was coming as soon as the words left .

"You know that you are just asking for trouble and heartache right?" 

"I know."

"Then why?"

"I don't know, Seul."

"Well, you either let go of Joy or just not see Irene anymore."

She knows she needs to choose. She have to. Otherwise it wouldn't end well.

As soon as Seulgi disappeared, her yellow Chevrolet Corvette getting smaller in the distance, Seungwan stood up and made her way back towards the mini mart to  buy another drink and some gummy bears for her to consume.

"Uh... Joohyun-ssi?" She started, her hand grabbing a pack of Haribo gummy bears and went back further the aisle, also grabbing a box of canned Asahi beer as she made a beeline towards the counter, the brunette giving her a raised brow which Seungwan really found cute.

"What time do you get off?" 

"I'll be out at three. Why?"

"Just wanted to hang out. Only if you're up for it though, I'm not pushing you or anything." And Seungwan swore she saw the glint in Joohyun's eyes, a faint red creeping up her cheeks as she nodded slowly, giving her a shy smile.

"Sure. You don't mind waiting?"

"For you I don't." She said before she could even stop from expressing her thoughts. Joohyun stared at her intently and again Seungwan was lost in those soft brown orbs and actually felt like she was drowning in them. She smiled sheepishly at the other girl and can't help but mentally cursed herself for being so forward with the woman she only met twice.

"If you keep hitting on me, might as well think you really are being serious right now." Irene joked as she handed the items to Wendy with a small smirk forming her lips and wiggled her eyebrows at her for additional effect and Wendy couldn't hep but gave her a hearty laugh, happy tears welling up her eyes. If she didn't know any better, she would totally be serious in pursuing the brunette but she knows its not the time. 

"Well, what if I am? What are you gonna do about it?" Seungwan challenged, leaning in the counter as she craddled her head in both of her hands, sly smirk evident on her lips with a matching wink thrown at Irene's way. If she could describe the latter's cheek color, it would be as red as a tomato and she wasn't even kidding. 

Irene then laughed, her eyes still have the glint in them, twinkling like the stars in a peaceful night and Seungwan didn't notice she was holding her breath, clearly astounded with the brunette in front of her. Her heart melted hearing Irene's laugh and she just wanted to hear it more if she could. She noticed the creases in her eyes as she squinted, her nose scrunching as she continued to bless Seungwan's ear with beautiful melody. Irene playfully shoved her and shook her head, shaking off the feeling of butterflies that accumulated on her stomach.

"You are such a flirt." The cashier commented as she shooed Seungwan away from the counter, her smile never faltering from her lips as she carefully tucked a stray hair behind her ear. Seungwan beamed at her and her heel, raising her right hand to give the cashier a peace sign as she went back outside, the cold wind already making her shiver. She smiled for the nth time that day and was already looking forward with spending time with the goddess.


"You want some?" Seungwan offered as she handed Joohyun a can of beer with the latter shaking her head in response. They were currently sitting down with Joohyun in the seat where Seulgi previously sat, a cup of warm noddles in her hand. It was getting cold and she was glad that she decided to eat the noddles because she was starving and shivering. On the other hand, Seungwan was on her fourth can of beer and she immediately chugged it down, a sigh being released on her lips as she placed the can down and closed her eyes, leaning back on her chair.

Joohyun then took this time to fully look at Seungwan. How she looked so tired yet still beautiful. Her shoulder length blonde hair flowing freely, a single cross shaped earring dangling on her right ear and a diamond earring on her inner conch. She noticed her light make up and Irene concluded that she has a really pale skin, almost as white as a white envelope but also looked so smooth without blemish. Her lips were pursed together forming a thin line and her brows furrowed.

"You done checking me out?" And Irene nearly knocked over her noddles, starled by Seungwan's voice. The latter offered an apologetic smile and sat up, her elbows leaning in the table, a can of beer still on her right hand. Irene just looked back at her and shook her head.

"I wasn't checking you out."

"I can feel your eyes on me though."

"I'm just looking at the wrinkles on your forehead."

"Hmmm..." Seungwan just hummed, noticing the faint red on Joohyun's cheeks and just playfully rolled her eyes.

"Well, I can't tell you that I'm getting any younger though. I'm turning twenty-five in the next few months."

"You're still young."

"But I bet you're younger than me." Seungwan said as she took another swig of her beer and popped two gummy bears on , chewing on it softly as she felt the sweet and sour flavor tickle her taste buds making her pucker up , scrunching her nose in the process. Irene giggled as soon as Seungwan was making the sourface and offered the blonde her bottled water which she kindly refused and instead chugged on her beer.

"Don't worry. I don't want you choking on those noodles and the only thing I can offer when that happens and I already drank your water would be the beer so..." She trailed off and explained to not offend the cashier to which Irene only waved off.

"You are way off with your guess." Joohyun stated as she brought the cup to her lips, sipping on the warm soup and placed it back down, her eyes looking directly at Seungwan who was also staring back at her, her lips curled up into a small smile.

"No way. You're probably like twenty-three or something."

"I'm already twenty-seven turning twenty-eight."

"What? Tell me you're kidding." Seungwan shook her head in disbelief as she stared at Joohyun, looking at her movements that indicated falsity. When she saw none and just the genuine eyes staring back at her, her lips then formed an 'O' shape and murmured a 'Daebak~' which Irene found cute.

"I'm not. I was born in '91. Should I provide you a proof or something?" Irene teased the still shocked Seungwan and the latter quickly shook her head and sighed, a white smoke vanished into thin air. And no she wasn't smoking because she didn't really know if Irene was cool with it or not. Probably not because of how the girl smelled so good even if they are a meter apart.

"Damn, here I thought you were twenty-three. I should address you as unnie then."

"You should."

"I really can't believe it. You really looked like it though not gonna lie. Not to mention, you are very pretty too." 

"Now that's just sweet talking right there. Is this how you charm your way into girl's hearts, Wendy-ssi?" The brunette asked as she continued to eat on her noodles, chewing on it slowly and really feeling the not so spicy taste of the ramen. Seungwan pondered, recalling her past and then remembered Sooyoung. For a second, or a minute, she totally forgot about her. She sadly smiled and Joohyun noticed the sudden change in her aura. As she stared at Seungwan's eyes, she can see an emotion she can't quite comprehend. 

"Not really, unnie. But it's a plus point though." Seungwan forced a smile, her lips curling upwards not really reaching her eyes. Joohyun knew that the girl in front of her went there with a problem. With the way she was drowning herself with alcohol and cigarettes, it already hinted the brunette that what the blonde was going through was really making her stressed. And it certainly involved love.

"I never knew your Korean name." Irene then diverted the topic, setting aside the ramen that had gone cold and rubbed her palms together, mentally cursing the cold weather at this hour. Wendy seeing the shivering Joohyun decided to remove her hoodie, an oversized white t-shirt was left on her petite body, stood up and draped it over the latter's shoulders.

"Unnie, you should wear that. It's only going to get colder in the next few hours and days." And there she saw Seungwan's eyes changed back to what she was sporting earlier. The kind and comforting dark brown orbs with a hint of playfulness in them.

"It's okay Wendy-ssi. My apartment is just three blocks away."

"I insist. You can just call me Seungwan, unnie." Irene smiled, already wanting to test how Wendy's korean name would roll off her tongue.

She then wore the hoodie handed by the younger girl and the citrusy musky smell of the blonde's perfume immediately invaded her senses and it was one the most amazing scent she had ever smelled besides her favorite fabric softener which was the Downy Infusions Sweet Dreams. And she doesn't even like perfumes that much and would mostly prefer fabric softeners over it but Wendy's scent seemed different and important for her.

"And let's go unnie. It's already really late and you haven't been able to take a proper rest yet. I'll just drop you off."

"Seungwan, you don't need to do that. I can just walk, it's not far." 

"I know. I just want to make sure you got home safely. Come on." Joohyun didn't even have the time to protest and was practically dragged by Seungwan, the blonde's left hand encircling her wrist as she guided them to her parked motorcycle. To say shocked was an understatement. She was in awe as she eyed the bike in front of her not knowing Seungwan already situated the matte black helmet on her head and already was revving the engine.

"Unnie?" Wendy's voice pulled her out of her reverie and she blinked thrice, completely dumbfounded of what to do. 

"You need to climb and sit behind me, unnie." The younger girl teased, a playful smile on her lips as she ran her hands through her short blonde hair and Irene almost choke on the sight, scrambling to get in and settling comfortably on the back.

"You should be the one wearing the helmet."

"I would be more at ease to know that you are safe back there Joohyun-unnie. And, that is not where you should be holding..."

Seungwan trailed off as she took a hold of Joohyun's arms and wrapped it around her waist, the small gesture making Irene's face heat up despite the weather being so cold and her heart pounding. She smiled at the blonde's gentleness and tightened her grip at her waist not knowing Seungwan's heart was hammering loudly on her chest because of the sudden intimate contact. Wendy was sporting a really wide smile, just glad to be with Irene in a cold night. She then kicked the stand back up and revved the engine one last time and turned sideways to look at Joohyun.

"Joohyun-unnie, hold tight and don't ever let go okay? If you do, you might fall." And Irene felt like it had a double meaning the way Seungwan said it to her. Or maybe she was just thinking things. Not trusting , she just nodded and smiled even if the blonde can't see it. Seungwan then nodded back and softly patted Irene's arms that was tightly wrapped around her and sped off, the cold air freely whizzing past her.

Irene would just ignore it. It's too soon anyway. She needs to know who Seungwan is first and that she will do.

Weird time for an update but here I am with another chapter. Sorry for the long wait luvies. I do hope you enjoy this chap since i had fun writing it with the Reve Festival Finale playing non-stop on the bg as I write. Been streaming the album since morning and now its midnight, i'm worried that maybe they got sore throats already (jk). Sorry for the mistakes since i haven't proofread it yet. Please do look forward to the future chaps of this story eventhough its ty. Thank you so much for reading and until the next update~ stay hydrated and keep safe luvies~ Wenrene OTP <3

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Since i don't really know how to write y times in a story, i'll let you guys be wild with your imagination. Again, this is a wenrene fic so don't worry. hope you guys enjoy reading and until the next update. :D


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Favebolous 0 points #1
Chapter 3: I want more :(
WenRene_77 #2
Chapter 3: how have u been authornim? i hope ur doing ok, i came here to re read this fic again.. still waiting patiently for the update😊
Chapter 3: I am rooting for WR but Son Seungwan, you better NOT two timing Joy just to be with Joohyun.
WenRene_77 #4
what will happen to wenjoy? i hope it's not that you know.. i really like wenrene tbh but i hope joy will have a happy ending with suel i suppose? hehe, thank you author-nim and be waiting for the next chapters😊💙💗
ReVeLuvyyy #5
Chapter 3: No wendyyy dont be a two timer
1694 streak #6
Chapter 3: I hope Seungwan didn't play around and hurt 2 people at once
WluvsBaetokki #7
Chapter 2: Ooohhhh author-nim... I love that your OTP is WenRene! Be looking forward to the next chapter
ReVeLuvyyy #8
Chapter 2: I hope its happy ending for everyone ehehe
1694 streak #9
Chapter 2: Well... When they broke up, make it not too angsty on Sooyoung part. Let's summon Seulgi for Joy ;)
Chapter 2: Omg, pano kaya magiging takbo ng story, looking forward sa mga next pang chapters author~