seeing her

Late Night Talks And Cigarettes

Seungwan woke up with a throbbing headache. She groaned and tried to rub the sleep from her eyes only to be met with a soft brown orbs staring at her. She smiled and pulled the younger girl closer to her, their bodies warming each other under the covers.

"Goodmorning~" She said and gave Sooyoung a kiss on her forehead which earned her a cute pout and immediately removing Seungwan's hangover. 

"No morning kiss?" Sooyoung whined and the older girl can't help but chuckle at how the former could be so adorable and beautiful at the same time. She pressed a soft kiss on the younger girl's lips and smiled. And that ache in her heart was back at it again and Seungwan concluded that it wasn't from the alcohol last night.

"You hungry babe?"

"Hmmm." The younger girl hummed as she nuzzled closer to the older girl, her breath tickling Seungwan. She then kissed her forehead again before slowly sitting up, ready to make some breakfast. 

"Why don't you stay here so I can whip something up in the kitchen. Sounds good?" Seungwan asked and smiled at Sooyoung, the latter was sporting yet another pout because of the missing warmth but immediately smiled as she saw the soft smile Seungwan sent her way.

"Yeah, thank you unnie~" 

"I'll be right back." She then stood up and picked up the clothes from the floor and put them inside the laundry basket, feeling Sooyoung's eyes following her and her body, she turned around and winked at the younger girl which then made the strawberry blonde haired girl blush as she hid under the covers. Seungwan chuckled and just continued to make her way towards the drawer and grabbed a baby blue oversized t-shirt and some boxers, slipped on them and exited the room.

And again, a certain brunette invaded her mind as she continued to walk towards the kitchen and thought that maybe another trip to the mini mart later would let her mind stop thinking about the cashier for a second. She was wrong to be looking forward to meeting her again because she knows that she has Joy. Her girlfriend. It was unfair for both of them, yet she can't help but admire the goddess behind the counter. 

"Might as well welcome hell for this then." She muttered under her breath as she opened the fridge and got some eggs, butter and milk. Seungwan just decided for pancakes today and knowing Sooyoung, she would have to make two times more the serving size intended to feed the insane appetite of the younger girl. She then opened the cupboard and went to grab the flour, baking soda, salt and bowl and settled everything down on the kitchen counter. She shook her head and went ahead to mix the ingredients, careful to not spill anything. Seungwan hummed to the music that was playing on her mind and she unknowingly sang the song out loud.

"Seems like we've been here before.
Your eyes are seeing straight right through my core." 

Seungwan started as she grabbed the whisk from the drawer and continued to mix the dry and wet ingredients. She didn't know she was smiling and she was just lost in her own bubble. Her mind then drifted back to Irene and remembered how she stared at her intently she felt like she was under gaze. 

"It's kinda strange, but I like it
Ain't no reason tryna' fight it, yeah."

As soon as she saw the smooth texture of the pancake mixture, she grabbed a pan and placed it on the stove and set the fire to low heat as to not burn the pancakes when she starts cooking. Her hands were just doing exactly what she was intending to do even though half of her mind wasn't really focusing on the task at hand. Years of studying culinary, she was thankful that her skills weren't rusted yet and she felt the familiar feeling whenever she cooks so she didn't mind that a certain brunette was distracting her.

"Might be déjà vu
First time we met, but I remembered you.
We were creepin' in the night time
Maybe in another lifetime

She continued to sing, feeling the song. Seungwan was so lost in her mini kitchen concert to even notice Sooyoung creeping up behind her as she wrapped her arms around the blonde, settling down her toned abs as she inhaled the sweet citrusy smell of the older girl. Seungwan can't help but smile at her girlfriend's sweetness and turned around, giving her a cheek kiss.

"Babe, I thought I said that you should just stay at our room and I will just bring the breakfast to you." The blonde cutely pouted that made the younger girl laugh out loud, not really used to seeing the former do some aegyo because of her hatred for it. Of course Seungwan was teasing her. She knew the older girl wasn't really that fond of doing it in the first place.

"I heard you singing so I wanted to hear it clearly, unnie. You know, it's one of the things that made me fall in love with you." Confessed the taller girl and pulled Seungwan closer to her. She felt Sooyoung smile against her and again, she felt the aching of her heart. Ever since she met Irene, she became confused to what she felt for the younger girl and Seungwan thought it screams heartache and danger for her. Again, she wasn't suppossed to feel this way. She just met the cashier only once and the fact that she has so much power over her made Seungwan worry.

'This wasn't supposed to happen for s sake!' She thought and sighed. She really needs to sort her out. And that she was going to do.


After their peaceful breakfast, Sooyoung bid goodbye to the older girl saying she has some classes today and would be back by dinner. Seungwan then nodded and smiled at her, ruffling her hair in the process. Sooyoung then placed a chaste kiss on her lips and gave the older girl a soft hug.

"I'll see you later, unnie. Don't miss me so much okay?" Sooyoung teased and winked at the blonde as she turned around and walked towards the elevator. As soon as she got inside, Sooyoung then waved one last goodbye before the elevator descended, leaving the blonde girl still leaning on the door frame.

She then closed the door and walked towards the couch and plopped down, grabbed the fallen pillow and brought it closer to her, hugging it tight. Seungwan really didn't know what to do. She was confused. Irene and Joy currently filling her thoughts resulting to an incoming headache. Before it did, she then grabbed the pack of her fave cigarette off the table, got a stick and brought it up her lips, the lighter ready to be flicked. She saw the small low flame ignite and lit the stick as she took a long hit, this time letting all the smoke come out of her lips. 

'Unnie, you know that it damages your lungs right?' She remembered her girlfriend scolding her the other night and she smiled at the thought. She knew that the younger girl was really opposed to her smoking but also knew that it was Seungwan's already bad habit. She really didn't mind being scolded because she knew that Sooyoung only meant her good. She knew the other girl cared for her and she was thankful. But then, as much as she wanted to stop, it was already like a drug to her. It was her outlet. From the things she would rather keep to herself, like she is doing now. Hiding the fact that she felt attracted to Irene.

Seungwan spent the whole day just watching tv and playing games on her phone. She was so into PUBG and she felt proud having to win consecutive matches only to be startled when her phone suddenly rang and she nearly threw it across the room. She then composed herself and smiled as soon as Sooyoung's name flashed brightly on the screen.

"Unnie, I'm sorry I can't come home tonight."

"Why? What happened? Are you okay?"

"Eomma called and wanted to spend time with me. She said she misses me so I told her I would visit her later and stay for the night. Don't worry because I'm okay, unnie." Sooyoung explained as she chuckled, hearing the worry tone in Seungwan's voice. She then nodded and mentally slapped herself because Joy couldn't see her nod so she cleared .

"That's alright Sooyoung-ah. Tell Auntie I said hi okay?" She said to the younger girl and gave her a sad smile. She knew the younger girl wouldn't see her but she did it anyway. She heard a light squeal on the other line and she could feel the smile the younger girl was sporting.

"I'll see you tomorrow unnie, okay? Again, don't miss me so much." 

"But I will miss you." Seungwan teased and she heard another light laugh from Sooyoung.

"I know. But I'll be back before you know it, unnie. Love you." 

"Text me when you get home. Love you too." Right after she said those words, it felt sharp and bitter against her tongue. And she wanted to cry. She then immediately shook it off as Sooyoung made kissy sounds on the other line and they both bid farewell. Seungwan couldn't help herself as she grabbed yet another stick from the pack and lit it, her lips pursed together, a white cylindrical thing in between, took a long drag and let the white smoke escape her lips. At this rate, she might as well be diagnosed with lung cancer or lung disease. She shook her head again and just let the nicotine in and out her body, completely finishing the stick in just a couple of minutes.


Seungwan didn't really felt like eating but she pushed herself to eat as to not be scolded by Sooyoung. She just finished her first slice and was about to grab a second one when her phone vibrated in her pocket signalling a text message. She then fished it out and seeing it was from Sooyoung she immediately opened it and read its content.

'Unnie I hope you had dinner already. We're about to eat right now and just wanted to remind you. :)
                                                                                                                                -y Dynamite'

She then typed a reply, saying that she had pizza for dinner and that she was already full. She then added to enjoy the family bonding and kissy emojis at the end. Feeling satisfied with her reply, she sent it and placed the phone beside her while she continued to watch the cheesy romcom on the tv.

When the clock striked 11, she then decided to take out her bike for some late night ride and so she could breathe some fresh air, clear her mind out of things that's been bothering her. She then stood up and made her way towards the closet and grabbed a black hoddie and grey sweatpants and went back to the couch to grab her phone and keys on the table. She then placed it inside her pocket and exited their appartment, locking it behind her. As soon as she descended the elevator she couldn't help but feel the gloominess of her atmosphere. She stared at her reflection in the elevator mirror and she could see the dark bag under her eyes, her disheveled hair, the weariness on her face.

As she walked towards the garage, she gave her bike a little tap and ran her hand through the tank and grabbed her matte black helmet and wore it. Seungwan then straddled her bike and revved the engine, the mellow yellow lights lighting up the way ahead, and decided to speed off into the night. She just decided to open the visor and let the cold breeze brush her face, hoping it would help calm her thoughts. It felt good, hearing the whizzing of the air past her, but she can't really shrug off the thought of a certain brunette no matter how much fresh air was slapped on her.

Seungwan then found herself, for the second time, on the parking lot of the mini mart. She turned the ignition off and just stayed sitting at her bike, wondering if this was really a good idea. 

'Of course it isn't a good idea.' Said the back part of her brain and she agreed. This was in no way the bestest idea out there and whatever it is that is pushing her to see Irene just wants to see her be sent to hell and be burned alive there. And she already knew that with the way she has been thinking non stop of the brunette. She sighed and removed her helmet, setting it on the handlebar and she carefully exited her bike. With careful steps, she entered the store, the chilly atmosphere greeted her first before she was greeted with warm yet another intense gaze and soft smile by the person who she can't help but think about.

"Hey." The soft greeting pulled her out of her reverie and Seungwan was again looking at the breathtaking image of a goddess in front of her which was Irene.

As I read the comments from the 1st chapter, i can honestly say that i regretted the decision of putting Sooyoung, Ligaya, Joy as Seungwan's girlfriend. I know it ain't fair with Joy but i needed to do it for it to reach the ending that i thought about. Sorry dudes. :'( When i was conceptualizing the whole story, I already had the idea to put Wenjoy as a pair in the story but then again, my OTP is wenrene so please do look forward to the next chapters soon. It would have a weird and slow updating time since i really am not consistent with time so read it at your own risk. There was minimal wenrene interactions here as to prepare you guys since the next chapter would just all be wenrene (spoiler alert). The song i used was Wendy x John Legend's written in the stars for those of you who wanted to know. Thank you for reading and until the next update~ stay hydrated and keep safe luvies~ 

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Since i don't really know how to write y times in a story, i'll let you guys be wild with your imagination. Again, this is a wenrene fic so don't worry. hope you guys enjoy reading and until the next update. :D


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Favebolous 0 points #1
Chapter 3: I want more :(
WenRene_77 #2
Chapter 3: how have u been authornim? i hope ur doing ok, i came here to re read this fic again.. still waiting patiently for the update😊
Chapter 3: I am rooting for WR but Son Seungwan, you better NOT two timing Joy just to be with Joohyun.
WenRene_77 #4
what will happen to wenjoy? i hope it's not that you know.. i really like wenrene tbh but i hope joy will have a happy ending with suel i suppose? hehe, thank you author-nim and be waiting for the next chapters😊💙💗
ReVeLuvyyy #5
Chapter 3: No wendyyy dont be a two timer
1694 streak #6
Chapter 3: I hope Seungwan didn't play around and hurt 2 people at once
WluvsBaetokki #7
Chapter 2: Ooohhhh author-nim... I love that your OTP is WenRene! Be looking forward to the next chapter
ReVeLuvyyy #8
Chapter 2: I hope its happy ending for everyone ehehe
1694 streak #9
Chapter 2: Well... When they broke up, make it not too angsty on Sooyoung part. Let's summon Seulgi for Joy ;)
Chapter 2: Omg, pano kaya magiging takbo ng story, looking forward sa mga next pang chapters author~