D I S N E Y [ a graphics contest ]

Hello guys!

So, the moment you have all been waiting for (I hope!) is here!


As second-runner up,

simplewrite, with The Little Mermaid!



I really fell in love with this piece when I saw it, it's simplicity was just so gorgeous, and you used the perfect font for the words, not too classy, not too flirty, but just so Ariel-like. I loved the quote you picked from the movie, that line is my favourite line from the song! I thought the blending was done well, a simple and lovely piece, m'dear!


As first runner-up, reachthestars with Tangled!



This was a really gorgeous work of art, the pictures you chose all managed to combine together to bring out the central theme, and the quotes you chose worked to your advantage as well! I was really wowed when I first saw this, absolutely wonderful! I felt like it would have worked better as a jpg or png instead of a gif though, but that's just personal preference ^^


And the champion, a round of applause please!

alcohols, with The Sleeping Beauty!


This was just absolutely marvellous, it honestly took my breath away, I was struck when I first saw it. The message behind this work of art is so strong and so potent, how underneath the surface of perfection there are cracks and loopholes, I felt like this piece brought out the strongest message, that it wasn't only just a graphic, and that is why alcohols is the champion of this competition!



1) alcohols (The Sleeping Beauty)

2) reachthestars (Tangled)

3) simplewrite (The Little Mermaid)

4) SongSeung (The Little Mermaid)

I actually really liked your graphic, how the one word Fragile wraped everything up so nicely it almost seemed heart-wrenching. I thought it was a clever choice of pictures, with a really vintage effect clouded over it, and I liked it!

5) dream_keeper88 (Beauty and the Beast)

Hi Keeper! Believe it or not, your graphic was my phone wallpaper for quite a while, I loved how you incoporated the pair's moments into a book, very Disney like, if you ask me! I felt like it was a bit bland, however, but it still had a very dreamy like effect, and it resonated well with me ^^

6) keep-the-faith (UP)

I felt like yours was a graphic you would grow to love the more you looked at it, I loved the dreaming blending, and the appearance of the balloon powered house at the side, which is really the symbol of UP. Of course, your quote choice was perfect, too, so as I looked at it more I grew to love it even more ^^

7) StephanieBoo (Tangled)

I actually fell in love with your graphic when I saw it for the first time, but your font choice was the real downfall for you, I felt like the part with 'you were my new dream' was a little too flirty, although I did approve of your 'Tangled' font. I know it's such a small detail, but it was the font that really took marks off for this one :/

8) fanydragon (Enchanted)

Yours was also a piece I grew to love in time, the dreamy, vintage effects worked really well for you, and while I felt the blending was a bit off, the feel of the entire graphic did work well for me, and I liked it!

9) Seonriyong (Pocahontas)

I felt like this graphic went down very well with the quote 'painting with the wind', it did almost seem like everything was being painted with the wind! What I didn't like so nuch, however, was the blending, and the blue seemed a little too vivid for me. On the overall though, it's a pretty strong piece! ^^

10) citylights (Snow White & the Seven Dwarves)

This was a really simple, piece, and while it was the simplicity that attracted me, I felt like this could be more well-rounded if it wasn't so clouded over and thrown over a single colour. I liked the use of the word Vanity, however, but I still felt like it could use a lot more touching up!

. . .

So, that, guys, wraps up the end of this contest! Congratulations to all those who won, but honestly, every single graphic I received here was beautiful in its own way, and I was really touched by the effort all of you put in! Remember, just because you didn't win doesn't mean that you aren't good, because I chose my winners in a way based on my preference; there wasn't a strict rubrics or anything, so the results of this contest doesn't prove your skills or anything like that XD

For the winners, you guys can comment below which Option you'd like, and I'll get in touch with you guys very soon! <3

Jess, ouuuuut!















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Results for D I S N E Y posted!


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Chapter 3: I like the 2nd runner up. Also, pm-ed you bout stuff ^^
Chapter 1: Isn't UP Pixar?
WookieIsMyCookiex3 #3
Congratulations to the runner ups and the champion! <3 I love the meaning behind the champion graphic and just congratulations to everyone! I wish I were as good at them in making graphics ;~~~~;
The champion is just wow! It's amazing.
Well deserved!
simplewrite #5
OH, RIGHT! i gotta pick a prize option :3
umm, i'll go with option B.

I knew alcohols would win LOOOL.
Congrats to everyone!
/throws confetti everywhere/
THE TANGLED ONES ARE SO GORGEOUS. And I love that "Up" one. ;__; The Enchanted one was so pretty too<3
simplewrite #8
whoa, second runner-up?
did not expect that. but thanks anyways! :D

Congratulations to all winners! Everyone's graphics were beautiful. <3