Important Announcement

Put Your Head On My Shoulder

Hi guys! I hope you are doing great. Unfortunately, I will have to delay the next update for two weeks due to an exam scheduled on the first week of July. As a result, I intended to make the most of these two weeks in preparation for my upcoming language exam.

Actually, I recently completed a Diploma in Malaysia and intend to continue my degree in other countries with the help of a government loan. To be eligible for the loan, I had to take an IELTS language exam and achieve an overall band of 6.5.

I'm currently experiencing difficulties learning the format because it's unfamiliar to me, but I'm doing my best to score. I'm hoping you'll be able to wait another two weeks for a new chapter. Please pray for me because I truly need this loan because getting a degree nowadays is very expensive :(

Thank you for your patience! See you in 2 weeks, love you guys!

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Chapter 5: Take your time!
Chapter 4: Awww they are so cute 😩 love them i shippp
Chapter 3: Aww nini was cute i hope hana can have a good rest!
Chapter 2: I enjoyed it 💞 i hope she will get a good rest !
Chapter 1: I relate with hana with smart student sibling 😔