I Don't Care

Taelyn Oneshots

Soulyn was lying on the couch; How I Met Your Mother was playing on the television screen. It was a marathon. She was switching channels between that and The Big Bang Theory marathon that was conveniently playing on TBS. Anything to keep her brain from exploding. She had been sick for a week now with God-knows-what. She really hated hospitals and doctor offices and refused to take herself there. Also, that would mean her getting up from her almost (not really) comfortable spot. She was only wearing a plain periwinkle-colored night gown and if she tried to change she would probably faint.

Taemin was away at a photo shoot with the SHINee guys. Except Onew. He was still recovering from his ankle injury and a slight cold. They thought it would be best for him to stay home too. But knowing him, he was over Rebecca’s trying to get her to leave her in-progress novel behind. She had been writing it for about a year now. Apparently it was close to a finish, and she hadn’t left her apartment in about 3 days. Nothing could get her to stop. Not even her boyfriend, Onew.

Soulyn was just about to doze off when she heard a small knock on the door. She decided to ignore it. But they knocker persisted. She flipped the sheet off her lightly-clothed body and wobbled to the front door. She leaned her head on the wood to keep herself stable, but quickly jerked away when vibrations from another knock slammed her brain. She unlocked the door then twisted the knob.


“Annyeong.” He stood there; a cheesy smile plastered on his face.

“Go away…”

“Aww, is someone sick?” He lightly grabbed her shoulders and moved her to the side to make room for his entrance. He spun before his back was shown to her. “Mm, you look horrible…”

“Thanks…that makes me feel so wonderful inside Taemin…can you please go now? I really don’t feel well and I don’t want to get you sick…” She looked up at him, but quickly looked away because they movement made her feel dizzy.

“Well, actually, I’m here to wish you better! ‘I hope you get well soon.’” He quoted the card he handed to her. A small smile weaned its way across her face.

“Aw, Tae, you didn’t have to-” she was cut off as a bouquet of hydrangeas and roses were shoved into her face.

“Yes I did. Get well, Yebo.” He leaned forward and kissed her cheek.

“Yah! You’re going to get sick!” She didn’t have the energy to step backwards or remove him, so they just stood there. He smiled into her cheek.

“…I don’t care.” He placed the flowers on the small coffee table nearby, then grabbed her by the waist and kissed her full-on. She tried her best to kiss back, but it wasn’t working out to well. Soulyn just stood there. Taemin chuckled and led her to the couch. He sat down then pulled her on top of him. “By the way, I love the attire.”

“Shut up…”

“No seriously. How is it that you can look good in grandmother clothing too? Hmm, I can’t wait until you are an old grandmother and I am the old grandfather; we will have little grandchildren running all over the place. It will be so wonderful.”

“Ne, but don’t wish life away too fast...” She cuddled into his chest trying to get her head to stop spinning. She opened her eyes to see the abandoned flowers on the coffee table by the door. She blinked then said, “Taemin…how did you remember that hydrangeas are my favorite? I don’t even remember saying anything…”

He laughed and said, “I don’t think you did, but when I saw them, it reminded me of you so I bought them.”

 She smiled. “Good guess.”


A week later, Taemin heard a knock on the door. He groaned then slowly made his way over. When he opened it, he was greeted with:

“Annyeong, I told you that you would get sick.” 

Soulyn smiled. Taemin groaned again.

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banapple195 #1
Cute! :D