Valentine's Day

Taelyn Oneshots

February 14th, the worst day of the year; or so thought Taemin. He hated this day, because every year, he’d be left out while his hyungs all went with their girlfriends. This was the first year he’s ever had someone to celebrate it with other than his mom. But just because he had a girlfriend didn’t make the day any better. He still had to fret over what to get her and where to take her. The week before he had went to his faithful hyungs for advice. Onew suggested buying her chicken, no surprise there and Jonghyun said that taking her on a ferry trip and showering her with jewelry would be romantic. But then again, she got seasick on boats and Taemin’s budget wasn’t all that high. Taemin went to Minho, and no, he refused to buy her sportswear. He may be forgetful but he wouldn’t forget that she wasn’t into sports, at all. Key was the last person Taemin went to, and the most helpful. He told him to buy her a glass snow globe that Key had seen in a window at the nearby mall. Taemin thought about it, thanked Key and went straight there. He found the store Key talked about and saw the globe. It was perfect. In the globe were a young girl and guy sitting on a bench, with an umbrella over their heads. Taemin giggled and ran into the store to ask the price. It cost as much as the jewelry Jonghyun suggested!  But Taemin bought it, non-the-less. He smiled as he walked out of the shop, and thought about how Valentine’s Day, just might not be that bad this year.



Soulyn, on the other hand, had way more trouble getting Taemin something. She knew that he loved ice cream and dancing, but she wasn’t sure how to put the two of them together. She was broke, and asking her boyfriend for money to buy HIM a gift is low. Lower then she would ever go. It was, like his, her first real Valentine’s Day. But she had seen enough movies to get the idea of what to get him: something personal, yet sweet. Like chocolate. Chocolate. He loves chocolate! She called Key, whom she always went to for advice.

“Key-oppa?” She giggled into her cell.

“Yes?” He lazily replied.

“I was thinking about what to get Taemin, and chocolate came to mind…is that too cheesy?”

He laughed, “It’s extremely cheesy, but adorable. Have you ever made chocolate? They have chocolate maker; I have one. If you want to come over we can make chocolate and shape it into hearts and butterflies!” She could hear a smile work its way across his face.

“Okay! What time? I have some ideas…”

“Now! I’m doing absolutely nothing. Get over here you cheese ball!” He laughed, again.

“Mkay! Be right there! Talk to you then!” She quickly made her way to Key’s apartment. When she got there she explained to him that she thought making little ice cream cone shaped chocolates is an option. He agreed and they went right to work. After hours of playing in melted chocolate and cookie cutters, they made 30 ice cream cone shaped chocolates.

“Key, I have one more request!” She giggled has she smeared more liquid chocolate onto his face.

He responded with printing a chocolate handprint on her cheek, “Ne?”

“Help me make some that spell out ‘Saranghae’.” He looked up at her and smiled.

“Okay Chocolate face!” He threw some at her and when she ducked it splattered on the oven behind her. They burst out laughing.




On the way to Soulyn’s apartment, Taemin was skipping and splashing in the puddles, completely psyched about his present.  But all hell broke loose when his heel slipped in one of the puddles, sending him and his present flying. He hit the pavement and screamed, but only in reaction to the smashing sound he heard next to him. He looked over and saw the cute little bag on its side. He scrambled to his feet, than picked up the back. He saw the glass pieces layering the bottom of the bag, which was soaked. He reached in carefully, making sure he wouldn’t get cut, and picked out the only safe thing: his card, his crappy homemade card. He was shattered, just like his snow globe. He put the bag in a nearby garbage bin, holding his stupid card with one hand tightly. He cursed his gleefulness that made doom strike him. He sulkily continued his journey to her house. He thought of all the ways he could apologize, but none seemed to do him justice. He felt stupid.

When Taemin go to her apartment he knocked lightly on the door. He heard movement from behind the thick walls, and felt a pang of nervousness hit him as the door opened. Soulyn looked beautiful. She was smiling, and her hair was pulled back in a red ribbon. She wore a cute pink skirt that went to her knees. Looked like something old Sandy would wear from Grease. A white buttoned blouse covered the top of her. She was bear-footed, like usual.

“Come in!” She stepped aside for Taemin to walk through, locking the door behind him.  She took him by the hand and led him to the couch. She lightly kissed him on the cheek before she sat down. “Happy Valentine’s Day, Taemin.” She blushed.

“Happy Valentine’s Day to you too, Soul.” He smiled and leaned in to kiss her on the lips. He wanted to avoid gift sharing as much as possible, so he led the conversation, “What movie do you want to watch?” He scooted over, so close to her that he was almost on top of her. She giggled and then looked up in thought.

“Well, it’s a choice between Dirty Dancing, The Notebook, and When Harry Met Sally.”

“Hmmm….Dirty Dancing!”

“How did I know you were going to pick that one?” she smiled. He just laughed and nuzzled into her neck.

Throughout the movie, many kisses and touches were shared. Nothing uncommon.  At the end, she got up and asked him if he was hungry. He nodded and followed her into the kitchen.

“Sooo, what do you want?” She lifted herself onto the counter, crossing her legs.

He leaned up to kiss her cheek. “Mm, something sweet,” He smiled against her cheek.

“Perfect!” She reached behind her to grab a silver tin, which had a cute card attached to it. When she handed it to him, he looked up at her, “but...”

She interrupted him, “Open it.” He gulped and opened it. The first thing he saw was “Saranghae” spelled out in chocolate letters. He looked up at her. His smile couldn’t be wider.

“Soul…this is adorable.” She smiled at his remark.

“Wait… Look what’s under it~” When he saw the mini chocolate ice cream cones he laughed.

“Oh god, you know me so well!” He leaned up and hugged her tightly. She just giggled. “Let’s read this card,” he thought aloud as he unattached it from the tin. The front was a picture of two kittens she had drawn in ink, playing with a ball of yarn, obviously supposed to be Taemin and her. The inside read,


Dear Taemin,

       This is the first Valentine’s Day, I have EVER celebrated. And I am so glad that it is with you. I love you, and I hope we will have many more Valentine’s Days together! <3



He smiled reading it. “I love you too Soulyn!” he kissed her gently. “And I know we will.” He turned around and headed toward his jacket pocket: where he had left his card. Once he got it, he held it behind his back. When he reached her he said, “Soul, I want to apologize. I bought you a present, but on my way here, I accidentally dropped it, and it smashed. They only thing I recovered was my crappy card…I’m really sorry…but here’s the card, if you still want it.” He didn’t look at her.

“Taemin of course I want it! You didn’t have to get me anything anyway. The best gift is having you here with me…” She trailed off. He looked at her, and handed her the card.

“Well, here it is.” He sighed in shame.

The card was made from pink construction paper. The front had hearts drawn all over it, surrounding Soulyn’s name, which was also decorated with hearts. When she opened it, the left side had a picture of a stickman with poofy brown hair, holding hands with a stickwoman, who wore a dress and had red lines coming from her head. There was a heart between the two heads. They both had large grins and stood on a ball that was colored green and blue. The right side had writing, which read,



HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY!!! I love you!!! See the picture? That’s me and you! We are standing on the world, because our love can defeat anything! Especially the world! :D We will rule it with our love! Haha, seriously though, I really do love you. A lot…I hope we will never be apart! This is our first Valentine’s Day together! I can’t wait for next years, and the years after that! We will have 100 Valentine’s Days together! I want to grow old with you~ I love you, yebo,

From Your Loving boyfriend,

Taeminnie <3


Once she finished, she couldn’t help but let the tears fall. That was the sweetest thing she had ever received. No one had ever told her that they wanted to spend their life with her before. She couldn’t take it. She jumped off the counter and into his arms. Her legs wrapped around his waist.

“Aw, Soul…Why are you crying?”  He held her.

“Th-that…was the nicest…th-thing. Oh god Taemin! I really love you!” She crushed her face into his, somehow, their lips met.  They stayed like that for some time. That is until somehow they found her room without ever looking up, and somehow they just ended up waking in each other’s arms. And somehow, they would remain that way for hours more.

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banapple195 #1
Cute! :D