Chapter Two

Fighting your Battles [A Tale of Two Brothers]


Doctors rushed through the glowing hallways of the hospital to cater to the medical attention of a man named Kwon Jiyong. The result of this operation still unknown to anyone other than the doctors themselves, leaving a worried Seunghyun pacing the hallways in anxiety.

A few doctors came rushing in and out of the room, Seunghyun trying to stop them as they passed by but failed when they continued walking after they gave him odd stares. He eventually got comfortable on a couch, trying to tell himself that it would be ok. It was just a wound on his leg and hearing loss right? Nothing that his life could depend on.

“Are you Mr. Kwon’s brother?” An important looking doctor holding a clipboard in his arms approached Seunghyun, his face expressionless behind his ridiculously over prescribed glasses.

Seunghyun unfolded his hands and quickly stood up to meet the doctor, “Is he ok?” The doctor, now recognized as Dr. Lee, put his arms to the side and began talking with Seunghyun.

“Well, right now we cannot be too sure.” Dr. Lee looked into the eyes of the older brother; the pain shining through so much it was almost contagious.

“But… but it wasn’t that bad of an injury!” Seunghyun said loudly in anxiety because he was too worried to control his voice.

“It’s not the injury itself, Mr. Kwon as MRSA.” The doctor took Seunghyun’s silence as a chance to explain, “It Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus areus. It’s basically a type of infection that cannot be cured with medicine hence the Methicillin resistant part of the implied name.” Seunghyun frowned.

“So basically it’s not curable?” Seunghyun winced at that fact. Dr. Lee spoke, “No, it’s not curable via using our medicine and antibiotics, but his body might be able to cure it. And there’s no telling how bad this infection will get if it so happens to be a deadly case of MRSA which is pretty rare.”

No words could be spoken from this point other than, “Can I see him?” The doctor complied and led him to a room where they were currently looking over his body, viewing from a window on the door because MRSA is infectious.

A nurse emerged from the room, pulling down her mask after she had taken off her gloves and threw them in the trash. She looked at Seunghyun and at Dr. Lee staring at Jiyong in the room, “Excuse me, but you cannot be here.” She said coldly as she rudely pointed at the older brother who in return sent her death glares.


Jiyong lay comatose on the hospital bed with Seunghyun’s upper body bent over his chest as if in a praying position, even though neither of them were religious.

The doctors told Seunghyun that Jiyong was still somewhat contagious but here he was, laying all over him, not even caring. He didn’t care if he caught what his brother had as long as they both could live, Jiyong was the only person he talked to, he cried to, he loved.

“Are you Jiyong?” A man walked into the room, an important looking man in a suit actually carrying a briefcase in one hand.

Seunghyun didn’t look at him but he muttered out, “Yes, I’m Jiyong.” He said claimed himself as his brother in the spur of the moment, “What do you want?” He still did not engage eye contact with the businessman but stood and sat back down in a chair.

The man took another step toward Seunghyun and spoke, “Mr. Kwon, I’m here to collect a certain debt that you of course know about. But I didn’t know this is what was meant by in the hospital, but you’re just visiting.” The man popped his collar and set the briefcase gently on the floor, “It makes my job easier.”

Seunghyun’s eyes widened as he heard something about debt. What had Jiyong been doing to keep their lives pulled together? He thought to himself that the man must have been a loan shark or something. The man progressed toward Seunghyun, “Come with me, Jiyong.” He held his hand out, prince-style, to Seunghyun who refused this offer in mute.

“Don’t make this hard for me Kwon.” Business man pulled out a gun from his inner coat pocket and aimed it directly between Seunghyun’s eyes, who now complied to his every wish.

“Very good, now if you want to live I suggest you follow me.” The man shoved his gun back in his pocket and pulled Seunghyun up by his forearm that quickly tried to pull it away but then remembered what he had at stake. And if this guy knew he wasn’t actually the Kwon Jiyong then what would this man do to him? Would he be killed? It doesn’t matter as long as he is protecting the real Jiyong from whatever fate he’s about to suffer.

“Wait,” Seunghyun almost spilled out the truth then caught himself, “Can I at least say good bye to Seunghyun here…” The man nodded and Seunghyun quickly rushed over to Jiyong and shoved his cellphone under his back, so that it would be easier to contact him. Seunghyun froze for a moment.

Jiyong was deaf, he wouldn’t be able to hear him over the phone.

Seunghyun mentally cursed his own existence before he kissed his brothers forehead and left with the business man who slyly picked up his briefcase and casually walked out of the hospital with Seunghyun.

They both stood outside the front door of the hospital, wind blowing on them sending shivers down Seunghyun’s spine, the other man must have been made of stone. He pulled out his phone and pressed it against his ear, “I have him.” Was all he said before recoiling it back into his pocket.

Seunghyun still did not make eye contact with the man, for one, the man didn’t even try to talk to him.

He thought to himself about the situation. For starters he didn’t even know what kind of debt it was, or how much money it was. He didn’t know who the debt was supposed to be paid to and even when Jiyong had the time to do anything like this. Why hadn’t he asked for help? Had this problem lingered with him for a while? What did he need to pay for?

Despite the circumstances of everything Seunghyun gritted his teeth and cursed Jiyong. He felt betrayed. His only brother went behind his back to do something, and now he had to suffer the consequences. Tears threatened to pour out of his eyes but he held them back. The lifetime of trust with him was broken.

The businessman started walking down the stairs and in front of a black car, signaling Seunghyun to follow him.

They breached the car and Seunghyun was fascinated with the interior, never had he seen something so fancy. Now he really knew that he had screwed up, and there’s no way out of it.

“Now Mr. Kwon, oh it’s been a while hasn’t it?” A husky unnoticed man huffed out from in front of Seunghyun. Seunghyun coughed for a few moments as cigar smoke wafted his way, he immediately fanned his face to rid of the disgusting toxins but the man must of took this as a rude gesture because in a matter of seconds he spoke again, “If you don’t have our money now, I’m afraid we might have to…” Instead of saying anything he straightened his hand and horizontally moved it across his neck.

Seunghyun flinched. “I only have a million won.” He said, it wasn’t lie, but technically he didn’t have it yet. And he said this as a clue as to the actual amount that he supposedly owed this man.

The man throated a deep laugh and put his cigar out on the business man’s suit. He leant over, elbows resting on his knees, and looked into the latter’s eyes, and “We told you to have it ALL by today didn’t we?” Seunghyun wanted to slap this man but felt his power to intimidating to test.

The man leant over and Seunghyun gulped, moving back in his seat slightly, “I don’t have it.” He mustered up enough courage to say, “Just give me a few days. I’ll have it then.” He pleaded now, still scared out of his wits by this man, and how was Jiyong able to do it?

 The man leaned back in his chair, “You have exactly one week.”




this story changed plot :v sorry, but i like this better. But trust me, itll be better c: More action and drama.

Thank you my first subscribers and commenters (Although im depressed by the turn outs). I just hope you continue reading c:!

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Maketoast #1
Aww jiyong is in a coma ) : that boy better come back to life
Woah woah woah O: omg this is amazing xD Update~!
oh Jiyong deaf? ):
OMG GDRAGON T.T but im glad that this story ws mde ;D i luv the brothers relationship, theres been alot of stories recently so... yea :3