O1 as if i would love you.. again

high school steps

The bell rang and Yuli let out a huge sigh of relief. As always, her maths periods were always so intense with the most serious maths teacher ever. She finished packing and before she knew it, it seemed like everyone had gone already. She sighed again, but soon noticed the book, that she had accidentally picked up, in front of her. Again, checking if there was any names but there was nothing. She opened to book, just to laugh a bit as it was a homework book but had nothing written in it.

As Yuli looked around the classroom, she spotted someone at the far back table that was still asleep. Yuli looked at her and she seemed to look familiar, so she walked closer and spotted her name on the book. 'Choi Minae'

Yuli lit up as she remembered, that she was the student that kept on getting high marks, but no one knows how she does it, with her 'care free' attitude. I decided to shrug it off, since everyone in our maths class gets the last period free today.

She walked out the door looking at the clean homework book that she had no idea what to do with. As she looked at the homework book, she suddenly thought of a memory of when Himchan and her was still dating.


Himchan and Yuli were laughing and giggling together, since the teacher was facing away, and they drew random drawings on their notes of their teacher.
The teacher faced the students again and we immediately stopped laughing, trying to hold it in. As the teacher kept lecturing and turned again to write something on the board, I turned back and felt a light peck on my check from Himchan. I widened my eyes, and blushed immediately. The teacher looked back at us, while I was getting as red as a tomato.

"That student, your name was..?" Yuli stood up and was still blushing but managed to blurt out her name.
"It's Y-Yuli.. Kwon Yuli." The other classmates laughed a bit at her blushed face, and Yuli stood there embarrassed at the giggling. The teacher frowned.

"You don't look good, is everything alright?" Yuli shot a glare at Himchan who was smiling sweetly at her.

"U-um, everything's alright, Mrs." The teacher still had a worried face but finally said.

"Okay, then sit down please." Yuli sat down with a huge sigh and whispered at Himchan.

"Hey! That was so embarrassing, don't do that next time." Himchan grabbed Yuli's hand and squeezed it as an apology, which soon made Yuli's worries wash away.

~*flashback end

Yuli felt like tears were going to drop again, but they didn't, she felt relieved that they didn't. Why do I still love this jerk! She thought in frustration.
As she walked outside to sit down, she looked up at the bright sky and was lost, deep in thought.

Suddenly, the view of the homework book came into view. She quickly snapped out of it, and looked at whoever picked up the book and put it in front of her face. She looked at the person annoyingly, but then was surprised as she noticed who it was.

It was Himchan.

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