
Somewhere in Between


The last practice finished at 1:30 in the morning. I don't know how artist can take these long hours of practice and yelling and pushing, it's crazy. One minute your instructor will be so in love with you and the next they will be yelling at you like there's no tomorrow. I wasn't feeling sorry for the boys, I was sorrier for the girls. They looked weak and they look like they needed a break every hour but of course that never happened because this is the last practice before they all gather together on stage and join forces. Jaellie and Hye Won went home around 8:30 because Hye Won shouldn't be staying up so late at night and to my surprise Donghae was allowed to go home today. The only artist left in the hall was Big Bang and 2PM; they were having some sort of boys’ night.

"Miss Chu, please come over here" Siyon called.

Did I ever mention Siyon? If I haven't well she was like the exterminator, she hates me to the core and I don't even know why. Jiyong and I were sort of separated the whole day because she was always around him telling him that he should be focusing and stuff like that, I don't mean to be a real to her but to me it's like she wants to kill Jiyong out of exhaustion.

"Yes?" I answered pretty late.

"Here are the pictures we want you to keep and here the pictures we want you to put in the album you are putting together. Make sure you get the right pictures because there is no room for screw up in this industry" she said.

Seriously can I cut her? She was and still is being such a to me all the time, it's like I've taken something away from her.

"On a different note Miss Chu, I'm sure you're aware of Jiyong's solo album work, I'm just asking you to please give him time to finish this album. Stop clinging onto him, he's not going anywhere" she continued sounding like my mum. I just smiled and nodded my head.

"Good, now get going" she said and walked away.

"Did she give you another one of those talks?" Taeyang said as he helps me unplug my laptop.

"Yeah, she basically told me to leave my boyfriend alone. It's like she was telling me to break up with my boyfriend because I'm not good enough" I replied and he just started laughing.

"Don't take it to the heart, she's just lonely" he said.

"Hey Jen want to come with us?" Wooyoung asked.


"Boys night out, well should I say, boys morning out!" he answered.

"In case you have forgotten I'm a girl"

"Nah it'll be awesome. We'll be going karaoke and then we'll go for a drink" Chansung said.

"Don't tell me you guys are going to leave me at that karaoke to go out and go clubbing"

"It's not Wild Bunny sweetie" Nichkhun said and smiled.

Oh, boy I'm in trouble. His smile is just too appealing; it's like calling me towards him. How is it possible that I'm surrounded by cute and popular guys?

"It's okay; I think I'll head home. I still have to finish the album for this whole practice and the slide show for the day. I don't have time to waste, there is no room for screw up in this industry" I said and they all chuckled.

"Alright" the 2PM boys chorused.

"Jiyong, come on you have an early schedule later on. No boys’ time for you" Siyon said while pulling Jiyong away. Jiyong didn't even get to say bye to me, not even a goodnight... He just smiled and walked away.

"Looks like I'll be taking you home today" Taeyang said as he takes the laptop and the camera.

I should be tired but I'm not even close, I feel so energized and I feel like I still have another 100% in me.

. . . . . .

"Are you staying?" I asked Taeyang as we take a sit on the couch.

The house was quiet, the living room was clean – it's the first.

"Yeah might as well help you with the album. How many copies are you going to be printing?"

"I'll be printing just 3 and the rest will printed by YG"

"Good. I was going to say are they crazy if they want you to print out 100 of those" he said and yawned.

"You should go home, I'll be fine and plus you're fiancé wasn't so impress with me being around you today. The way she looked at me, it's like she wanted to devour me" I said and he started laughing out loud. I smack him on the stomach and told him to shush.

"What? I can't help it; you made her sound like a hungry lion"

"She is" I said and laughed.

"What are you two laughing about?" Jaellie said as she enters the living room. She was wearing her blue pajamas, blue slippers, and blue headband with a cup of milo on her hand. She looked like she was lacking a lot of sleep; she yawned then sat opposite to me and Taeyang looking all dead.

"We were talking about how his fiancé wanted to eat"

"HAHA that girl I swear she is like an insecure little girl who's trying so hard to hold onto you Oppa. She shouldn't be it's not like you're not marrying her" Jaellie said suddenly looking all alive again.

"You hate my fiancé that much, huh?"

"If you picked a better fiancé maybe I'll be happy but you didn't so bleh" Jaellie replied and took a sip of her milo.

"What are you doing up?" I asked.

"Hye Won's been crying her eyes out. Donghae and her broke up, they got into some heated argument and then next thing I know Donghae just walked out the door without even saying goodbye. Hye Won just fell asleep 10 minutes ago, I felt so sorry for her Jen. She was broken into pieces; she wanted the baby out of stomach... I'm scared for her that's why I didn't sleep until she did and now I can't sleep" she explained.

Taeyang was as shocked as I was, Hye Won is 3 months pregnant and the father of her baby just left her.

"Did she tell you why?"

"Apparently Donghae was cheating!"

"WHAT?!" Taeyang yelled while getting up on his feet.

Taeyang hated the word 'cheating' he reacts the way he just did. He hated how one person can't commit into one relationship.

"Yeah apparently, I don't know how she found out but she did. I'm going to go back up and watch over her for a while, I don't want anything happening to her because I want to see my god-child healthy" Jaellie said and walked away from us.

Taeyang was still on his feet, shocked. I held his hand and pulled him back down next to me.

"Best, we'll sort it out later on the day, you need some sleep."

"No I'll be fine, come on we'll start that album" he said and stood up.

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We entered the dark room and started developing the pictures. Jen was so focused on her works, watching her right now made me remember just how much she loved taking photos of things that actually matters. I was not as focus as I should be; I can't believe that Donghae was cheating on Hye Won. Hye Won hates me, Jaellie told me, but that doesn't mean I should hate her as well, she seem to be a sweet girl who loved the wrong person.

"I told you there was something fishy about him!" I started breaking the silence in the dark room.

"Don't start Taeyang. We'll figure it out later on okay?" Jen replied.

"Come, those should be ready soon. We'll have some coffee first" she said and walked out.

"I just don't get it Jen, Hye Won seems to be such a sweet girl" I continued.

"I know you hate people when they cheat but Taeyang this is not our business to meddle with okay? Promise me, you will keep out of it" she said.

"I can't promise you nothing" I replied and then we entered her house. She her MAC and headed for the coffee machine. I walked over to her MAC and opened her account. The desktop background was her and Jiyong; they looked like a real couple. I started fiddling with her MAC when I came across a folder named after me. I double clicked it and saw more than 100 photos of me, some I remember some I don't.

"Stalker much?" I said and then she quickly ran towards my way and switched the monitor off.

"My technologies are off limits" she said and pulled me away.


"Even my boyfriend doesn't touch my technologies" she said.

"How many laptops do you need?" I asked.

"Long story, here" she answered and handed a cup of coffee. She walked to her bed and leaned against the wall. She yawned then sighed; I walked over to her and sat in front of her. She looked tired now, it's the life in her is slowly getting out.

"Jiyong talked to your girlfriend today" she said out of nowhere.

"Where did that come from?"

"Nowhere just thought I'd let you know"

"Why did he?"

"To ask her to stop giving me such a hard time, Jiyong is just looking after me, I'm sorry on his behalf if you're girlfriend got offended in some way." she said.

"It's okay" I said.

. . . . .

When Jen finished her coffee, she laid down on her bed for a while. In less than 2 minutes she's already asleep. I forgot just how beautiful she is when she's asleep. Her perfect lips a little open waiting for fresh air to come in, her perfect structured face will simply take a guy's breath away and her eyes; even when they are close they touch your soul. I held onto her hand and caressed her hair slowly.

"I forgot just how beautiful my best friend is" I whispered.

I moved slowly into her ear and continued.

"There's always a magic in your everyday life, you just got to believe" I whispered and kissed her on her forehead. I covered her with the blanket and got out. I walked back into her dark room and picked up the pictures that have been dried. As soon as I was done I head back to her room and started the album that she needed to finish.


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XaceX13 #1
Omg I read the beginning story a long time ago and searched like crazy to find this again. Today I somehow found this and read it all to the end. It was my first aff story ever. Haha omg its been a while
queenkiz #2
Chapter 60: sigh.. the end is finally here.. now i wish Jen is together with GD.. GAH!! you make me love both guys now.. not that it is a bad thing.. *wink*
queenkiz #3
Chapter 56: babe.. if i could give you a hug right now, i would.. but since i can't.. i give you a virtual hug *hug hug hug*!!!
queenkiz #4
Chapter 52: YEY!! You updated.. I'm done with this one.. can I have more please? *making puppy dog eyes* please please please.. i be nice *wide toothy grin*
queenkiz #5
Chapter 49: what have you done to me? I'm like on crack from reading your story.. this is bad woman.. i'm so going to have an issue with you right now.. hahaha.. :P
queenkiz #6
Chapter 46: babe!!! your writing is ADDICTIVE!!! i want more!! hahaha.. but seriously i feel like i want to know the ending already.. you are keeping me in suspense.. and i love it.. but i hate it.. GAH!!!
Tae. Are you sure Ji is treating her as a sister?......
uhm what is that secret?i wanna know the real reason why taeyang didn't contact her...
i love it please update soon