scary guy is scary

just jung yunho 8 years from now

Park Chonsu is an assistant director fo MVs. this is his firts time working with such big people such as Lee So Man and Jung Yunho. but as of the moment, nothings is going in his way. according to the last meeting, the MV's storyline would revolve at how the members of the band would change everyone's bad mood with thier smile and whatnot. for chonsu, it sounded ridiculous. then he saw this lady-or giirl that did the very same thing. now that's amazing. but she just wont take him seriously. so he decided to tell this to his boss.



~~There! there! yunho is coming! haha. dont mind me.~~





mr jung was about to go out of the building but he managed to get his attention.


"mr. park. what is it", he asked looking at his phone

"i think i found the perfect girl for the mv.", he said

"really", and glaced at him

he explained what happened in the elevator and everything. he just responded with a "hmm" then this:

"well ive thinking of cancelling that idea".

"what?" he asked. his tone got a little higher

"i said ive been thinking of cancelling that idea", he said finally looking at chonsu

"besides, arent you suppose to talk to the director first?", wow he is scary. his eyes. they are scary

"well, i saw you first", chonsu replied

"this girl that you said. did you got her contact number?", the producer asked

"no, sir. but she got mine", 

"when did this incident happen?", he is really scaring the poor AD now

"this moring sir"

"its been how long now?"

"about 6 hours"

"did she contact you?

"no, sir"

"do you know anything about her aside from that smile of hers?"

"no, sir"

"not even her name?"

"no, sir"

"and you dare tell me all about this? call the director. tell him ill meet him after an hour."

"but sir why? i mean-

"to fire you that's why." then he turned his back on him. what hell's with this day??!

"sir. please dont. ill research about her. ill go back to the condo. ill do anything. please dont take this opprtunity away from me" the moment that slippped out of his tongue, he knew it was wrong.

"one of the things that i hate the most in this world is when people blame others for their own failure. ill give you 4 hours. now that's long enough. report to me that girls profile. i want family bg, education, address, contacts, occupation, everything. if im not satisfied with your work. its not hard to find a new assistant director."


and he walked away.




~owwww. poor chonsu. well at least he got a name. i wasnt really planning on giving him a name. yunho turned out to be more scarier than i first taught he would be. waaaa! im so excited. how will you two meet. well im also planning to give the female protagonist a name. but that would mean some editing. and im too stubborn to do that. haha. im alson excited as to how im gonna insert donghae in the story. you can make suggestions. just message me. i just really hope some would read this. hahaha~~~

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Queenieki #1
ahh they finally met yay! this story keeps getting better and better update soon
Queenieki #2
aww don't change the chapter titles they're funny this is a good story for your first attempt update soon!